999 resultados para Cultural patrimony
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Identificar e interpretar, a partir de abordagem etnográfica, o patrimônio cultural dos trabalhadores do Ver-o-Peso, a feira mais famosa de Belém do Pará, é o objetivo deste trabalho. Não o patrimônio cultural brasileiro, reconhecido por meio do tombamento em 1977, como conjunto arquitetônico e paisagístico, mas o patrimônio que constitui elemento agregador para esse grupo social, fator de pertencimento e identidade coletiva, que é detentor de valores e significados, ainda que, raramente, seja percebido e identificado por esses trabalhadores dessa forma. A pesquisa, realizada por meio de observação participante, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e informais aconteceu no período de 2005 a 2007, em quatro etapas. O patrimônio cultural identificado é, sobretudo de natureza imaterial, mas também está presente em tomo de coisas materiais como o espaço, no sentido de um território com temporal idade própria que é também um lugar, demarcado por práticas sociais e operações cotidianas, as quais envolvem múltiplas dimensões da vida social. Nesse espaço objetos, expressões corporais, sentimentos e sociabilidade associadas e desenvolvidas no fazer diário, prenhes de significados e possibilidades estimulam o imaginário e ativam memórias. De geração a geração esse legado é o responsável, juntamente com aqueles que o preservam, reinterpretam e transmitem, pela manutenção da "essência" do Ver-o-Peso, assim como pelo sentido de pertencimento e identificação de seus trabalhadores com esse lugar ao longo dos anos. A despeito da negligência por parte de muitas instituições, esses trabalhadores e trabalhadoras preservam sua cultura.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta pesquisa apresenta o edifício-sede do Hospital D. Luiz I da Benemérita Sociedade Portuguesa Beneficente do Pará, construído em 1877 ao Norte do Brasil, na cidade de Belém, como bem cultural, material e imaterial e como suporte de memória e de identidade dos imigrantes portugueses que aportaram em Belém do Pará. As relações existentes entre a arquitetura do Hospital e as linguagens do Classicismo Imperial Brasileiro e do Classicismo à Brasileira em Portugal, são evidenciadas, através de diálogos transcontinentais e recíprocos existentes entre as duas Nações. A etnografia, sob um olhar antropológico na malha das relações urbanas, foi utilizada como ferramenta de abordagem e de obtenção de dados que proporcionaram o reconhecimento do edifício-sede como patrimônio histórico, arquitetônico e cultural da história da saúde no Norte do Brasil. A memória como espaço arrebatador de lembranças e esquecimentos foi usada como suporte ao estudo e como viés de entendimento da História. O valor patrimonial atrelado ao objeto do estudo é evidenciado através de suas perspectivas históricas, arquitetônicas e culturais. Assim sendo, essa dissertação, em ótica conclusiva, demonstra os fatores, as evidências e os traços arquitetônicos e culturais que ratificam a caracterização do Hospital D. Luiz I como “Documento Monumento”.
Este artigo discute o desenvolvimento dos modelos institucionais atuais de proteção do patrimônio cultural, apresentando alguns problemas que trazem novos sentidos aos trabalhos dedicados à memória social, especialmente em países como o Brasil. Criados com a construção do Estado Nacional esses modelos fundavam-se na idéia de cidadania e nos laços da comunidade nacional. A globalização das relações econômicas, sociais e culturais enfraqueceram o papel das nações como espaços privilegiados de coesão social provocando repercussões imediatas nas políticas de proteção ao patrimônio que, agora, precisam ter foco sobre as sociedades locais.
This work discusses the analysis of microartifacts as a means to study the process of sculpturing of slopes actants of slopes actants of sculpturing in the archaeological site Lagoa do Camargo. Microartifacts have specific characteristics of transportation and deposition, that helps identifying shaping and sculpturing processes of slopes. The methogology used for analysis of microartifacts is based in Dunnel and Stein's theory (1989) that defines microartifacts as artifacts with reduced size - between 2mm and 0,25mm. According to the authors, an artifact is any object that presents attributes consequent of human activity, in other words, artificial. Also is used the protocol of Vance (1989), that proposed the analysis only the fraction between 0,5mm and 0,250 mm. For disclosure and preservation of archaeological patrimony in the city of Rio Claro, is intended development activities with schools of municipal education system, abour the subject Patrimonial Education, with the methodology adopted by the Institute for National Artistic and Historical Patrimony (IPHAN). Demonstrate and emphasize the importance of cultural patrimony within the local community provides the (re) cognition of these areas as conservation areas, which can be incorporated by this population as areas of collective interest
This assignment intents to analyze the recover and the research of the cultural legacy identity of Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium to the inhabitants of the city of São José dos Campos-SP. That initiative becomes present through the importancy of the sanatorium to the public health of Vale do Paraíba in the decades between 30 and 70, of the 20th century. Nowadays this place refuges a park, presenting a reexamination of its space, with the possibility of the leisure practice, entertaining and tourism. The Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium Park presents itself conserving a landscape that is able of being inserted in a continuum past-present resignifying ways of appropriation and use. The word patrimony has many meanings and it‟s commonly associated to the set of goods that someone, the society or an entity owns. Transporting in a determinate territory, the patrimony starts to be a set of goods that are in its limits of administrative competency. (BARRETO, 2000). More than this, the cultural-historical patrimony guard a relation of belonging between it and the entity that has it. The Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium was inaugurated in 1924, with the project of the architect, Ramos de Azevedo, constituting an architectural ensemble placed under governmental trust as a historical and cultural patrimony of the state in 2001. It has a grove with centenary vegetal species like: MOGNO, PEROBA ROSA, JEQUITIBÁ and JACARANDA, constituting also a natural patrimony important for the city. There are projects like “Leitura no Bosque” and it‟s visited by the local population. Today the city seeks a new identity for that place transforming it in the center of industrial and technologic study
Recent studies concerning the landscape have investigated the most important activities that contribute for its modification and have tried to better understand the society through the marks left by its quotidian. It is understood that singular landscapes constitute the cultural patrimonies of the cities, once they are part of the daily life of the citizens and are present in their social representations. Some contemporary authors defend the preservation of the natural and urban landscape trying, specially, to keep its importance for the local population. Natal is a city where the ambient qualities are well defined and known by the beauty of the area where it is located. Situated just between a river and the sea, the city grew following its geographic characteristics. The Potengi River, the Atlantic Ocean and the vast dunes ecosystem represented natural limits to the urban expansion; at the same time they have favored the development of a landscape pattern marked by the dialectic between the natural elements and the human interventions. However, this relationship changed after the intensification of the high rising development process that took place since the 1960s. The urban legislation tried to preserve the features of the local landscape delimiting Areas for Controlling Building High , destined to protect the scenic value of some parts of the city. On the other hand, the civil construction sector has made constant pressure in sense to abolish or to modify this legal instrument, aiming profits that have increased, in the 1990s, because of the consumption and the qualification of the urban space for tourist activities. It is necessary the raising of new elements to stimulate the quarrel about the landscape preservation, the process of the urban space production and the best way for the legislation implementation. This work tries to raise elements about the subject at local level, in sense to use Natal City experience to contribute for the formulation of indicators to raise the question about the lack of measure for subjective values, for example the cultural and affective value of the landscape. The natural elements inserted in the urban profile, represent strong visual references and supply identity to the town; they are part of the collective imaginary and are detached in the social context of the city. Then, why the preservation of the landscape, that estimates the improvement in the quality of life, is not enough to justify the controlling building high already previewed as part of Natal City Legislation? These questions send us to the approach of the landscape, as a community patrimony, alerting that some of its significant esthetics attributes must be preserved as a legacy for the future generations
A presente dissertação de mestrado em Gestão e Valorização do Património Histórico e Cultural assenta num estudo de caso: o acervo dos registos religiosos da Pousada dos Lóios, em Évora. Ao longo dos quatro capítulos que a constituem, procuramos explicar o que são os registos religiosos, qual a sua dimensão e riqueza patrimonial e cultural, analisamos os vários aspectos que os definem, e propomos dois planos de acção para a sua salvaguarda, conservação e valorização. Neste contexto cruzamos o mundo da religiosidade popular em busca da fé que dá azo à criação dos registos religiosos, e o da história da gravura artística, uma vez que a gravura é o elemento fulcral, a imagem da religiosidade e do registo religioso; investigamos a presença da denominada arte popular no contexto da religiosidade, da história da arte e da sociedade; procedemos à elaboração do inventário do acervo, à respectiva catalogação e análise. Por último, apresentamos uma proposta de exposição como forma de valorização complementar para os registos religiosos da Pousada dos Lóios. ABSTRACT; The following dissertation of master's degree in Management and Valorization of the Historic and Cultural Patrimony is based on a case study of the assets of the religious registers of the Pousada dos Lóios in Évora. Through the four chapters that constitute it, we try to explain what are the religious registers, its dimension and patrimonial and cultural value, we analyze the many aspects that define them, and we propose two plans of action to its protection, conservation and valorization. ln this context we cross the world of popular religiosity in search of the faith that gives birth to the creation of religious registers, and the history of the artistic illustration, since the illustration is the central element, the image of religiosity and of the religious register; we investigate the presence of the so called popular art in the context of religiosity, in the history of art and in society; we elaborate an inventory of the assets, the respective cataloguing and analysis. At last, we present proposal of exposition as a way of complementary valorization of the religious registers of the Pousada dos Lóios.
Recent studies concerning the landscape have investigated the most important activities that contribute for its modification and have tried to better understand the society through the marks left by its quotidian. It is understood that singular landscapes constitute the cultural patrimonies of the cities, once they are part of the daily life of the citizens and are present in their social representations. Some contemporary authors defend the preservation of the natural and urban landscape trying, specially, to keep its importance for the local population. Natal is a city where the ambient qualities are well defined and known by the beauty of the area where it is located. Situated just between a river and the sea, the city grew following its geographic characteristics. The Potengi River, the Atlantic Ocean and the vast dunes ecosystem represented natural limits to the urban expansion; at the same time they have favored the development of a landscape pattern marked by the dialectic between the natural elements and the human interventions. However, this relationship changed after the intensification of the high rising development process that took place since the 1960s. The urban legislation tried to preserve the features of the local landscape delimiting Areas for Controlling Building High , destined to protect the scenic value of some parts of the city. On the other hand, the civil construction sector has made constant pressure in sense to abolish or to modify this legal instrument, aiming profits that have increased, in the 1990s, because of the consumption and the qualification of the urban space for tourist activities. It is necessary the raising of new elements to stimulate the quarrel about the landscape preservation, the process of the urban space production and the best way for the legislation implementation. This work tries to raise elements about the subject at local level, in sense to use Natal City experience to contribute for the formulation of indicators to raise the question about the lack of measure for subjective values, for example the cultural and affective value of the landscape. The natural elements inserted in the urban profile, represent strong visual references and supply identity to the town; they are part of the collective imaginary and are detached in the social context of the city. Then, why the preservation of the landscape, that estimates the improvement in the quality of life, is not enough to justify the controlling building high already previewed as part of Natal City Legislation? These questions send us to the approach of the landscape, as a community patrimony, alerting that some of its significant esthetics attributes must be preserved as a legacy for the future generations
This thesis investigates the socio-linguistic factors that led to the emergence of a new language in Cuba known as Anagó. This language emerged from contact between multiple dialects of the West African Yoruba language and Spanish. Language contact between the Yoruba language and Spanish took place in Cuba beginning in the nineteenth century after the introduction of large numbers of Yoruba speakers into Cuba during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. This thesis argues against the opinion that Anagó is simply a corrupted and imperfect form of Yoruba. Instead, it maintains that Anagó is a new language that emerged in Cuba and became a functional vehicle for the transmission of ideas and culture. Additionally, this study will present evidence that the Anagó speaking community was a constituent part of Cuban society since the nineteenth century, and is therefore an inextricable part of Cuban cultural patrimony. Twentieth century examples of Anagó language are examined as evidence of a vital Anagó speaking transnational community.
Dissertação de mestrado em Património e Turismo Cultural
Chingaza como destino de turismo contemplativo, nace de un deseo personal por generar reflexión en las gentes, hacia un respeto por la vida y un cuidado de nuestra biodiversidad y se traduce en la práctica, en un modelo de gestión que permita construir un punto turístico destinado a la contemplación de la naturaleza y a su conocimiento, así como al aprendizaje de las tradiciones culturales que allí se encierran, convirtiéndole en un destino de turismo sostenible que encuentre en su espacio, el motor para su sostenimiento y bajo la premisa clave de no intervenir ni alterar su patrimonio cultural y natural.