987 resultados para Cucurbita maxima


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Twelve rootstocks were evaluated: 1) pumpkin 'Big Power' (Cucurbita ntoschata); 2) pumpkin 'Seca' (Cucurbita moschata); 3) bottle gourd 'Longa' (Lagenaria siceraria); 4) 'Cachi' (Lagenaria siceraria); 5) bottle gourd 'Marimba' (Lagenaria siceraria); 6) 'Mogango' (Cucurbita maxima); 7) pumpkin 'Kirameki' (Cucurbita moschata); 8) pumpkin 'Caravela' (Cucurbita moschata); 9) pumpkin 'Shelper' (Cucurbita moschata); 10) 'Gherkin' (Cucumis anguria); 11) 'Loofah' (Luffa cylindrica); and 12) pumpkin 'Goianinha' (Cucurbita moschata) with respect to compatibility with melon yield, and the production and quality of fruits from cv. Bônus No. 2, non-grafted and grafted with 9 of these rootstocks (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11). The bottle gourd 'Marimba' provided the highest percentage of grafting success between the vine and rootstock. The rootstocks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 did not differ from bottle gourd 'Marimba', therefore also indicating good compatibility with the melon cv. Bônus No. 2. For height of the plants, it was shown in the first evaluation that rootstock 5 produced a greater height of the plant, differing only from rootstocks 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and non-grafted cv. Bônus No. 2. In the second evaluation, 'Big Power' showed the greatest value for height of the plant, differing only from combinations with 'Cachi', 'Mogango', 'Shelper' and 'Loofah'. With regard to number of leaves, in the first evaluation rootstocks 3, 4 and 6 had the greatest number of leaves, but in the second 4, 9 and 11 had the greatest. For dry weight of the stem, the greatest value was obtained with 'Mogango' in the first evaluation and with 'Big Power' in the second. For leaf area of the plants, a difference was found among the treatments only in the first evaluation, where the combination with bottle gourd 'Longa' showed a greater leaf area, but did not differ from the combinations with rootstocks 1, 4, 5 and 6. Differences were demonstrated among the treatments only for the transverse diameter of the fruit, where the combination with rootstock bottle gourd 'Marimba' showed the greatest value, differing only from the combination with 'Gherkin'. There were no significant differences for the mean longitudinal diameter, pulp thickness and total soluble solids among the treatments studied.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Small non coding RNAs emerged as important characters in several biology aspects. Among then, the most studied are microRNAs (miRNAs) and short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), that regulate their target gene post-transcriptionally in plants, animals and RNAi pathway intermediates, respectively. Both of classes have similar biogenesis being processed by Dicer enzymes and subsequent association with Argonaute enzymes. In plants, miRNAs and siRNAs have important functions in development, genome integrity and biotic and abiotic stress responses. The advances in high-throughtput sequencing and in silico analisys provide the uncover of new small non coding RNAs classes, many of them with unknown functions and biogenesis. tRNA derived small RNAs (tRFs) are a small non coding RNA class, that have as precursor a tRNA molecule. These were uncovers in the last decade in many organisms and, recently, in plants. Recent works detected tRFs from different sizes, with different source portions of the mature tRNA molecule (5’ end; 3’ end, anti-codon loop) and some from the tRNA precursor (pre-tRNA), suggesting that may be a novel class of small RNA and not random degradation products. Works in humans showed that some tRFs are processed by the Dicer enzymes, have association with the Argonaute enzymes and cell differentiation, tumor appearance and gene silencing related functions. Works in Arabidopsis and pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) showed, respectively, that the tRFs have nutritional stress response possible functions and long distance signaling function between source and drain tissues, and may affect the translation. The tRFs biogenesis in plants are, until now an unknown, absence information about it in the literature and its possible biological functions are few studied yet, making then interesting target for studies among the small non coding RNAs in plants


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This work was carried out to evaluate the functional response of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant, 1850 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) fed with Planococcus citri Risso, 1813 (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) reared on a pumpkin hybrid (Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moscata) (Cucurbitaceae), seedlings of Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia) Rutaceae) and potato (Solanum tuberosum) (Solanaceae) at two temperatures. The predation rate of C. montrouzieri was measured using Petri dishes of 15 cm diameter with 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 adults of P. Citri. One third instar larva, one fourfh instar and one newly emerged adult (without differentiation of sex) of C. montrouzieri were added to each plate. The study was conducted in climatic chambers at temperatures of 25 and 30 degrees C and photophase of 12 hours. The predation rate was evaluated after 24 hours of prey exposition to the predator, by counting the number of preys trapped in the different treatments and control. The statistical design was completely randomized with four treatments x 6 subplots with 7 repetitions, the two temperatures. The values obtained were subjected to analysis of variance, to relate the number of scales preyed by larvae and adults of C. montrouzieri set up in different substrates. The amount of prey consumed by larvae and adults of the predator increased with increasing the prey density until it reaches a plateau, characterizing functional response type II. In general, the number of scales preyed by larvae and adults of C. montrouzieri was higher on potato and under temperature of 30 degrees C.


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Nematodes severely attack net melon plants under protected cultivation conditions. The objective of this research was to select rootstocks with resistance to Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions from October 2010 to April 2011 in Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Thirty-three cucurbitaceous genotypes were investigated as rootstocks; melons: CNPH 01-930 (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus), CNPH 01-962, 01-963 CNPH (Cucumis melo var. conomon), cvs. Gaucho Redondo, Gaucho Comprido, Redondo Amarelo, Gulfcoast, Chilton, Bonus no. 2, Fantasy; watermelons: cv. Charleston Gray, Progenie da Coreia (Citrullus lanatus); pumpkins: cvs. Mra. Ma, Ornamental, Howden, Mammoth, Kururu, Goianinha (Cucurbita moschata); gourd: Abobora de Porco, cvs. Maranhao, Brasileirinha (Lagenaria siceraria); squash: cv. Pataca Gigante (Cucurbita maxima); cucumber: cvs. Caipira, Branco Meio Comprido, Curumim (Cucumis sativus); loofah: Metro, Semente Branca, Semente Preta (Luffa cylindrica); wax gourd (Benincasa hispida); pumpkin rootstock: Hybrid cv. Keij; snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerins) and musk cucumber (Sicana odorifera). To evaluate the resistance, seedlings were transplanted to pots and the root inoculated with 3,000 eggs and second stage juveniles of M. incognita and M. javanica. Fifty days after the inoculation, the plants were evaluated for nematode resistance by means of the reproduction factor. The grafting compatibility between net melon cvs. Bonus no. 2 and Fantasy and the rootstocks previously characterized as resistant were evaluated by means of 60 graftings. CNPH 01-962, CNPH 01-963 and melon 'Gaucho Redondo', were considered resistant to M. incognita. Melon 'Redondo Amarelo', watermelon 'Charleston Gray', watermelon Progenie da Coreia, Trichosanthes cucumerins were considered resistant to M. javanica. Benincasa hispida was resistant to M. javanica and M. incognita. The compatibility between net melons and resistant rootstocks was higher than 98%.


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El injerto en hortalizas es uno de los temas de más actualidad en el panorama hortícola, no solo español, sino occidental, y recalcamos occidental, pues en muchos países que no corresponden a ese ámbito, sobre todo asiáticos: Japón, Corea, China, Filipinas, etc., esta es una técnica que cuenta con una gran difusión desde hace décadas, siendo, por ejemplo en Japón, la mayoría de sus cultivos de cucurbitáceas y solanáceas realizados con planta injertada. A finales de los noventa quedó claro que el empleo de bromuro de metilo tenía una fecha de caducidad y que las zonas que tenían una fuerte dependencia de este desinfectante de suelo debían de buscar alternativas a un plazo lo más corto posible, con un punto añadido sobre etapas anteriores, debían ser alternativas lo más respetuosas posible con el medio ambiente y que no incrementaran, de forma importante, los costes de producción. En la zona centro y concretamente en los invernaderos de la Comunidad de Madrid y zonas cercanas de Toledo y Guadalajara el pepino era y es el cultivo predominante, los horticultores empleaban el bromuro de metilo de forma sistemática para desinfectar sus suelos y la desaparición de este producto les planteaba una gran incertidumbre, lo que llevó a que desde diferentes instancias se buscaran diferentes alternativas. Tras analizar las posibilidades que se podían implementar y conocido el buen resultado que había dado el injerto en sandía en Almería, se decidió acometer los trabajos que conforman esta Tesis Doctoral, planteando en la zona, diferentes ensayos con la idea de conocer, si el injerto en pepino, con los cultivares empleados habitualmente, podía ser una alternativa real para los horticultores, tanto de Madrid, como los de las zonas cercanas de Toledo y Guadalajara. Se pretendía conocer sobre todo las repercusiones agronómicas y si esta técnica podría emplearse en solitario o era necesario complementarla con otras alternativas: desinfectantes químicos, solarización, biofumigación e incluso desinfección con vapor de agua. Los ensayos fueron realizados de forma secuencial entre el año 1999 y el 2011, comprobándose en primer lugar que el empleo de portainjertos híbridos de calabaza era posible con los cultivares de pepino corto tipo español, mayoritariamente empleados en los últimos años del siglo XX y primeros del XXI, fundamentalmente: Serena. Tras los primeros ensayos, Shintoza parecía el portainjerto híbrido de calabaza (Cucurbita maxima x C. moschata) con mejores perspectivas de empleo, pues presentaba la ventaja adicional de ser bien conocido por los semilleros que producen planta injertada al ser, en esos momentos, el portainjerto más empleado en sandía, lo que garantizaba por su lado, su empleo en pepino, y que los horticultores pudiesen disponer de planta injertada. Más adelante los trabajos se encaminaron hacia la determinación de la densidad y tipo de poda más adecuado para la planta injertada, realizándose múltiples ensayos en esta dirección, que culminaron con la conclusión de que el extravigor que los portainjertos conferían a las plantas permitía conducir estas a dos o más brazos (se suelen emplear dos, por mejor adaptación a los trabajos de manejo de la planta por parte de los agricultores), con lo que se podría disminuir la densidad de planta y por tanto ahorrar en este capítulo, cosa que preocupaba y preocupa a los agricultores. Se llegó a determinar que es posible reducir la densidad de plantación en alrededor de un 25%, estando la densidad de brazos más adecuada entre 3 y 3.5 br•m-2. Tras las primeras decisiones tomadas sobre el portainjerto y la densidad más adecuada, se continuó con el estudio de adaptación de estas propuestas a los nuevos cultivares que las empresas de semillas iban proponiendo y los agricultores adoptando. Estas acciones se complementaron con la introducción de nuevos portainjertos susceptibles de sustituir a Shintoza o rotar con él para cambiar de sistema radicular, lo que es conveniente cuando se emplean, como es el caso, portainjertos que no son resistentes a nematodos, principalmente de la especie Meloidogyne incognita, el mayor problema en la zona, debido al suelo. Cultivares como Trópico, en un primer momento, y Urano y Motril más recientemente, se adaptaron muy bien a esta técnica. Entre los portainjertos que mostraron buena adaptación a la técnica de injerto y suficientemente buena compatibilidad con la mayoría de los cultivares ensayados destacan: RS-841, Strongtosa y Camel. Azman también mostró un comportamiento relevante, pero este portainjerto no podrá ser empleado, al ser recientemente retirado del mercado por la empresa que lo obtuvo y comercializó Aunque no era el objetivo principal de esta Tesis Doctoral, se ha comprobado que puede ser interesante combinar el empleo del injerto con otras técnicas alternativas al bromuro de metilo para superar los problemas debidos a enfermedades del suelo o nematodos, pero debe seguirse trabajando pues este es un tema en continua evolución, tanto si se trata de desinfectantes, a la mayoría de los cuales les está siendo retirado el permiso para su comercialización, como de otros métodos como la biofumigación o el empleo de vapor de agua. Queda muy claro que el injerto puede considerarse entre los métodos respetuosos con el medio ambiente, si no el que más, en lo que alternativas al bromuro de metilo se refiere. También en otro momento, se comprobó que con plantas injertadas es posible reducir el aporte de nutrientes, sobre todo nitrógeno, lo que además de un ahorro supone una mejora más desde el punto de vista medioambiental. En definitiva, queda demostrado que es factible el empleo del injerto en pepino corto tipo español, que las selecciones de los híbridos entre Cucurbita maxima y C. moschata que habitualmente se están empleando en sandía son también de aplicación en estos pepinos y que su empleo puede llevarnos a producciones suficientemente remuneradoras, alargándose en muchos casos el ciclo y no modificando, de forma apreciable, la calidad. Queda también demostrado que aunque los portainjertos no sean resistentes a nematodos, su extravigor les hace desarrollarse, desde el punto de vista productivo, suficientemente, llegando por tanto, a “convivir” con ese problema. Al no ser resistentes los portainjertos, y permanecer e incluso agravarse el problema de nematodos es conveniente poder contar con diferentes portainjertos que nos permitan rotar entre ellos y utilizar diferentes sistemas radiculares que harán menos fácil el parasitismo de los nematodos, como recomiendan los nematólogos que se haga. ABSTRACT Vegetable grafting is one of the most current practices in horticulture, not only in Spain, but also in other Western and Asian countries, such as Japan, South Korea, China, the Philippines, etc. This is a decades-old, widespread technique: In fact, most cucurbit and solanaceous crops in Japan and Korea are grafted. At the end of the 1990s, it was clear that methyl bromide had an expiry date. Consequently, the areas strongly dependant on this soil disinfectant had to look for alternatives as quickly as possible. Besides, these had to be as environmentally friendly as possible and should not increase production costs significantly. The cucumber has been and still is the most important crop in greenhouses of the Comunidad de Madrid and in areas near Toledo and Guadalajara. Cucumber growers used methyl bromide systematically to disinfect the soil. The banning of this chemical product brought about uncertainty, which encouraged the search for different alternatives. After analyzing the different possibilities and taking into account the good results of watermelon grafting in Almería, it was decided to carry out the works that make up this doctoral thesis. Different trials were made in order to know if the cultivars used in cucumber grafting might be a real alternative for farmers, not only in Madrid, but also in the areas near Toledo and Guadalajara. The main aim was to assess the agronomic repercussions and whether that technique could be used alone, or if other complementary alternatives, such as chemical disinfectants, solarisation, biofumigation, or even steam disinfection, were necessary. Trials were carried out sequentially from 1999 to 2011. It was observed that the use of pumpkin hybrid rootstocks could be applied to cultivars of Spanish short cucumbers, mainly grown in the late 20th and early 21st centuries eg Serena. After the early trials, Shintoza (Cucurbita maxima x C. moschata), a pumpkin hybrid rootstock, seemed to be the best option, as it had the additional advantage of being well known by nurseries growing grafting plants. Bearing this in mind, Shintoza was then the hybrid rootstock to be used in cucumbers and consequently growers could have grafted plants at their disposal. Later on, research was focused on density and the most adequate type of pruning, by carrying out several trials. These experiments showed that, the extra vigour the rootstocks gave to the plants, allowed them to have two or three stems, (normally nurserymen use two, as it is easier for them to manage the plants). These findings would lead to the lessening the density of the plant and thus reduce costs, something which worried and still worries farmers. It was stated that it would be possible to reduce the density of the plants by about 25%, the optimum density of the stems ranging from 3 to 3.5 stem-m-2. Once decisions were taken both on the rootstock and the appropriate density, we went on to study how to apply these proposals to the new cultivars which the seed companies were proposing and the farmers were applying. These measures were complemented with the introduction of new rootstocks capable of replacing Shintoza, or rotating with it in order to change the root system. This is particularly necessary when rootstocks, non-resistant to nematodes, mainly of the species Meloidogyne incognita, are used. This is the main problem due to the soil of that area. Cultivars such as Trópico, at first, and Urano and Motril, more recently, adapted quite well to this technique. Among the rootstocks which adapted well to grafting and which were compatible with most tested cultivars, were, in particular, RS-841 Strongtosa and Camel. The behaviour of Azman was worth studying, but this rootstock was removed from the market by the company which had bought and commercialized it. Although not the main purpose of the research, it was observed that combining grafting with other alternatives to methyl bromide in order to overcome problems due to soil diseases or nematodes may be worthwhile. However, further research is needed, as this topic is in constant evolution, not only when we come to disinfectants, most of which are being affected by the removal of the permit for commercialization, but also when we refer to other techniques such as biofumigation or the use of steam. Results also showed that grafted plants may reduce the amount of fertilizers, particularly nitrogen, used: This means both saving money and the protection of the environment. We may conclude by saying that grafting Spanish short cucumbers is feasible, that the selections of the hybrids between Cucurbita maxima and C. moschata, habitually used in watermelon grafting, can also be applied to these cucumbers. It can also be concluded that the use of these grafting techniques may lead to profitable yields, by lengthening the growing cycle in many cases and by maintaining the quality to a large extent. Although these rootstocks are not resistant to nematodes, the results showed that their extra vigour enables them to develop in terms of production, and thus they cope with this problem. Since these rootstocks are not resistant to nematodes and the problem with these nematodes may even worsen, it is recommended that different types of rootstocks should be available to enable both the rotation and the use of different root systems, which will encourage the parasitism of nematodes.


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The first step in gibberellin biosynthesis is catalyzed by copalyl diphosphate synthase (CPS) and ent-kaurene synthase. We have cloned from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) two cDNAs, CmCPS1 and CmCPS2, that each encode a CPS. Both recombinant fusion CmCPS proteins were active in vitro. CPS are translocated into plastids and processed by cleavage of transit peptides. For CmCPS1 and CmCPS2, the putative transit peptides cannot exceed the first 99 and 107 amino acids, respectively, because longer N-terminal deletions abolished activity. Levels of both CmCPS transcripts were strictly regulated in an organ-specific and developmental manner. Both transcripts were almost undetectable in leaves and were abundant in petioles. CmCPS1 transcript levels were high in young cotyledons and low in roots. In contrast, CmCPS2 transcripts were undetectable in cotyledons but present at significant levels in roots. In hypocotyls, apices, and petioles, CmCPS1 transcript levels decreased with age much more rapidly than those of CmCPS2. We speculate that CmCPS1 expression is correlated with the early stages of organ development, whereas CmCPS2 expression is correlated with subsequent growth. In contrast, C. maxima ent-kaurene synthase transcripts were detected in every organ at almost constant levels. Thus, ent-kaurene biosynthesis may be regulated through control of CPS expression.


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The ga2 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana is a gibberellin-deficient dwarf. Previous biochemical studies have suggested that the ga2 mutant is impaired in the conversion of copalyl diphosphate to ent-kaurene, which is catalyzed by ent-kaurene synthase (KS). Overexpression of the previously isolated KS cDNA from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) (CmKS) in the ga2 mutant was able to complement the mutant phenotype. A genomic clone coding for KS, AtKS, was isolated from A. thaliana using CmKS cDNA as a heterologous probe. The corresponding A. thaliana cDNA was isolated and expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein. The fusion protein showed enzymatic activity that converted [3H]copalyl diphosphate to [3H]ent-kaurene. The recombinant AtKS protein derived from the ga2–1 mutant is truncated by 14 kD at the C-terminal end and does not contain significant KS activity in vitro. Sequence analysis revealed that a C-2099 to T base substitution, which converts Gln-678 codon to a stop codon, is present in the AtKS cDNA from the ga2–1 mutant. Taken together, our results show that the GA2 locus encodes KS.


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The ultrastructural features of the sieve element/companion cell complexes were screened in the stem phloem of two symplasmically loading (squash, [Cucurbita maxima L.] and Lythrum salicaria L.) and two apoplasmically loading (broad bean [Vicia faba L.] and Zinnia elegans L.) species. The distinct ultrastructural differences between the companion cells in the collection phloem of symplasmically and apoplasmically phloem-loading species continue to exist in the transport phloem. Plasmodesmograms of the stem phloem showed a universal symplasmic constriction at the interface between the sieve element/companion cell complex and the phloem parenchyma cells. This contrasts with the huge variation in symplasmic continuity between companion cells and adjoining cells in the collection phloem of symplasmically and apoplasmically loading species. Further, the ultrastructure of the companion cells in the transport phloem faintly reflected the features of the companion cells in the loading zone of the transport phloem. The companion cells of squash contained numerous small vacuoles (or vesicles), and those of L. salicaria contained a limited number of vacuoles. The companion cells of broad bean and Z. elegans possessed small wall protrusions. Implications of the present findings for carbohydrate processing in intact plants are discussed.


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The biosynthesis of gibberellins (GAs) after GA12-aldehyde involves a series of oxidative steps that lead to the formation of bioactive GAs. Previously, a cDNA clone encoding a GA 20-oxidase [gibberellin, 2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (20-hydroxylating, oxidizing), EC 1.14.11.-] was isolated by immunoscreening a cDNA library from liquid endosperm of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) with antibodies against partially purified GA 20-oxidase. Here, we report isolation of a genomic clone for GA 20-oxidase from a genomic library of the long-day species Arabidopsis thaliana Heynh., strain Columbia, by using the pumpkin cDNA clone as a heterologous probe. This genomic clone contains a GA 20-oxidase gene that consists of three exons and two introns. The three exons are 1131-bp long and encode 377 amino acid residues. A cDNA clone corresponding to the putative GA 20-oxidase genomic sequence was constructed with the reverse transcription-PCR method, and the identity of the cDNA clone was confirmed by analyzing the capability of the fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli to convert GA53 to GA44 and GA19 to GA20. The Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase shares 55% identity and > 80% similarity with the pumpkin GA 20-oxidase at the derived amino acid level. Both GA 20-oxidases share high homology with other 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases (2-ODDs), but the highest homology was found between the two GA 20-oxidases. Mapping results indicated tight linkage between the cloned GA 20-oxidase and the GA5 locus of Arabidopsis. The ga5 semidwarf mutant contains a G-->A point mutation that inserts a translational stop codon in the protein-coding sequence, thus confirming that the GA5 locus encodes GA 20-oxidase. Expression of the GA5 gene in Ara-bidopsis leaves was enhanced after plants were transferred from short to long days; it was reduced by GA4 treatment, suggesting end-product repression in the GA biosynthetic pathway.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a reação de 24 genótipos de abóbora (acessos, linhagens e cultivares comerciais) à P. capsici.


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Este trabalho apresenta parte dos resultados da avaliação experimental de 55 acessos de abóboras e morangas com caracteristicas fenotípics desejáveis como o bojetivo de selecionar genótipos para serem utilizados no programa de melhoramento da Embrapa.


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In this study, the genetic variability among 130 accessions of the Portuguese germplasm collection of Cucurbita pepo L. maintained at the Banco Portugues de Germoplasma Vegetal was assessed using AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) and RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) techniques for the identification of a genetically diverse core group of accessions for field phenotypic analysis. The surprisingly completely different molecular patterns exhibited by multiple accessions was later confirmed in the distribution of the putative C. pepo plants into two clusters drastically separated at a very low level of genetic similarity (DICE coefficient = 0.37). Additional analyses with RAPD and ISSR (inter single sequence repeat) markers and the introduction of standard genotypes of C. maxima L. and C. moschata L. into the analyses allowed the identification of multiple accessions of the last species wrongly included in the C. pepo collection. This study is a good example of the usefulness of DNA markers in the establishment and management of plant germplasm collections.


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In this study, the genetic variability among 130 accessions of the Portuguese germplasm collection of Cucurbita pepo L. maintained at the Banco Portugues de Germoplasma Vegetal was assessed using AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) and RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) techniques for the identification of a genetically diverse core group of accessions for field phenotypic analysis. The surprisingly completely different molecular patterns exhibited by multiple accessions was later confirmed in the distribution of the putative C. pepo plants into two clusters drastically separated at a very low level of genetic similarity (DICE coefficient = 0.37). Additional analyses with RAPD and ISSR (inter single sequence repeat) markers and the introduction of standard genotypes of C. maxima L. and C. moschata L. into the analyses allowed the identification of multiple accessions of the last species wrongly included in the C. pepo collection. This study is a good example of the usefulness of DNA markers in the establishment and management of plant germplasm collections.


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Biomineralization is a process encompassing all mineral containing tissues produced within an organism. The most dynamic example of this process is the formation of the mollusk shell, comprising a variety of crystal phases and microstructures. The organic component incorporated within the shell is said to dictate this remarkable architecture. Subsequently, for the past decade considerable research have been undertaken to identify and characterize the protein components involved in biomineralization. Despite these efforts the general understanding of the process remains ambiguous. This study employs a novel molecular approach to further the elucidation of the shell biomineralization. A microarray platform has been custom generated (PmaxArray 1.0) from the pearl oyster Pinctada maxima. PmaxArray 1.0 consists of 4992 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) originating from the mantle, an organ involved in shell formation. This microarray has been used as the primary tool for three separate investigations in an effort to associate transcriptional gene expression from P. maxima to the process of shell biomineralization. The first investigation analyzes the spatial expression of ESTs throughout the mantle organ. The mantle was dissected into five discrete regions and each analyzed for gene expression with PmaxArray 1.0. Over 2000 ESTs were differentially expressed among the tissue sections, identifying five major expression regions. Three of these regions have been proposed to have shell formation functions belonging to nacre, prismatic calcite and periostracum. The spatial gene expression map was confirmed by in situ hybridization, localizing a subset of ESTs from each expression region to the same mantle area. Comparative sequence analysis of ESTs expressed in the proposed shell formation regions with the BLAST tool, revealed a number of the transcripts were novel while others showed significant sequence similarities to previously characterized shell formation genes. The second investigation correlates temporal EST expression during P. maxima larval ontogeny with transitions in shell mineralization during the same period. A timeline documenting the morphologicat microstructural and mineralogical shell characteristics of P. maxima throughout larval ontogeny has been established. Three different shell types were noted based on the physical characters and termed, prodissoconch I, prodissoconch 11 and dissoconch. PmaxArray 1.0 analyzed ESTs expression of animals throughout the larval development of P. maxima, noting up-regulation of 359 ESTs in association with the shell transitions from prodissoconch 1 to prodissoconch 11 to dissoconch. Comparative sequence analysis of these ESTs indicates a number of the transcripts are novel as well as showing significant sequence similarities between ESTs and known shell matrix associated genes and proteins. These ESTs are discussed in relation to the shell characters associated with their temporal expression. The third investigation uses PmaxArray 1.0 to analyze gene expression in the mantle tissue of P. maxima specimens exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of a shell-deforming toxin, tributyltin (TBT). The shell specific effects of TBT are used in this investigation to interpret differential expression of ESTs with respect to shell formation functions. A lethal and sublethal TBT concentration range was established for P. maxima, noting a concentration of 50 ng L- 1 TBT as sub-lethal over a 21 day period. Mantle tissue from P. maxima animals treated with 50 ng L- 1 TBT was assessed for differential EST expression with untreated control animals. A total of 102 ESTs were identified as differentially expressed in association with TBT exposure, comparative sequence identities included an up-regulation of immunity and detoxification related genes and down-regulation of several shell matrix genes. A number of transcripts encoding novel peptides were additionally identified. The potential actions of these genes are discussed with reference to TBT toxicity and shell biomineralization. This thesis has used a microarray platform to analyze gene expression in spatial, temporal and toxicity investigations, revealing the involvement of numerous gene transcripts in specific shell formation functions. Investigation of thousands of transcripts simultaneously has provided a holistic interpretation of the organic components regulating shell biomineralization.