52 resultados para CuSO4
Superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC is an enzyme that protects against oxidative stress from superoxide radicals in living cells. This enzyme had been isolated, purified and partially characterized from muscle tissue of the shrimp Macrobrachium nipponense. The purification was achieved by heat treatment, ammonium sulfate fractionated precipitation and column chromatograph on DEAE-cellulose 32. Some physiological and biochemical characterization of it was tested. The molecular weight of it was about 21.7 kDa, as judged by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified enzyme had an absorption peak of 278 nm in ultraviolet region, and the enzyme remained stable at 25-45 degreesC within 90 min. However, it was rapidly inactivated at higher temperature. Treatment of the enzyme with 1 mM ZnCl2, SDS and 1 mM or 10 mM mercaptoethanol showed some increasing activity. However, the enzyme activity was obviously inhibited by 10 mM CaCl2, CuSO4, ZnCl2 and 1 mM CaCl2 and 10 mM K2Cr2O7. SOD activity did not show significantly variation after incubated with 1 mM CaCl2, EDTA and 10 MM SDS. The enzyme was insensitive to cyanide and contained 1.03 +/- 0.14 atoms of manganese per subunit shown in atomic absorption spectroscopy, which revealed that purified SOD was Mn superoxide dismutase. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Three experiments were conducted to test the effectiveness of different footbath solutions and regimens in the treatment of digital dermatitis (DD) in dairy cows. During the study, groups of cows walked through allocated footbath solutions after milking on 4 consecutive occasions. All cows were scored weekly for DD lesion stage on the hind feet during milking. A “transition grade” was assigned on the basis of whether the DD lesions improved (1) or deteriorated or did not improve (0) from week to week. This grade per cow was averaged for all cows in the group. In experiment 1, 118 cows were allocated to 1 of 3 footbath treatments for 5 wk: (1) 5% CuSO4 each week, (2) 2% ClO- each week, or (3) no footbath (control). The mean transition grade, and proportion of cows without DD lesions at the end of the trial were significantly higher for treatment 1 above (0.36, 0.13, and 0.11, respectively; standard error of the difference, SED=0.057). In experiment 2, 117 cows were allocated to 1 of 4 footbath treatment regimens for 8 wk: (1) 5% CuSO4 each week, (2) 2% CuSO4 each week, (3) 5% CuSO4 each fortnight, or (4) 2% CuSO4 each fortnight. For welfare reasons, cows allocated to the weekly and fortnightly footbath regimens had an average prevalence of >60% and =25% active DD at the start of the trial, respectively. Significantly more cows had no DD lesions (0.53 vs. 0.36, respectively; SED=0.049), and the mean transition grade of DD lesions was higher in the 5% compared with the 2% weekly CuSO4 treatment (0.52 vs. 0.38, respectively; SED=0.066). Similarly, significantly more cows had no DD lesions in the 5% compared with the 2% fortnightly CuSO4 treatments (0.64 vs. 0.47, respectively; SED=0.049). In experiment 3, 95 cows were allocated to 1 of 3 footbath treatments: (1) each week alternating 5% CuSO4 with 10% salt water, (2) each week alternating 5% CuSO4 with water, or (3) 5% CuSO4 each fortnight (control). After 10 wk, more cows had no DD in the salt water treatment than in the control treatment (0.35 vs. 0.26, respectively; SED=0.038), but levels of active lesions were higher for this treatment than in the other 2 treatments (0.17, 0.00, and 0.13, respectively; SED=0.029). Treatment did not affect mean transition grade of DD lesions. In conclusion, CuSO4 was the only footbath solution that was consistently effective for treatment of DD. In cases when DD prevalence was high, a footbath each week using 5% CuSO4 was the most effective treatment.
Electrodeposition of metals onto conductive supports such as graphite potentially provides a lower-waste method to form heterogeneous catalysts than the standard methods such as wet impregnation. Copper electrodeposition onto pressed graphite disc electrodes was investigated from aqueous CuSO4-ethylenediamine solutions by chronoamperometry with scanning electron microscopy used to ascertain the particle sizes obtained by this method. The particle size was studied as a function of pH, CuSO4-ethylenediamine concentration, and electrodeposition time. It was observed that decreasing the pH, copper-ethylenediamine concentration and time each decreased the size of the copper particles observed, with the smallest obtained being around 5-20 nm. Furthermore, electroless aerobic oxidation of copper metal in the presence of ethylenediamine was successfully coupled with the electrodeposition in the same vessel. In this way, deposition was achieved sequentially on up to twenty different graphite discs using the same ethylenediamine solution, demonstrating the recyclability of the ligand. The materials thus prepared were shown to be catalytically active for the mineralisation of phenol by hydrogen peroxide. Overall, the results provide a proof-of-principle that by making use of aerobic oxidation coupled with electrochemical deposition, elemental base metals can be used directly as starting materials to form heterogeneous catalysts without the need to use metal salts as catalyst precursors.
Um die Nährstoffeffizienz im Boden zu erhöhen und klimarelevante Gasemissionen zu minimieren, sind quantitative Informationen zu den C- und N-Fraktionen im Kot sowie deren Mineralisierungspotential nötig. Da über die Hälfte des fäkalen N mikrobiell gebunden ist, sind Methoden zur Bestimmung der mikrobiellen Kotqualität hilfreich. Ziele der ersten Publikation waren die Anwendung der CFE-Methode zur Bestimmung der mikrobiellen Biomasse in Rinderkot, Ergosterolbestimmung als Marker für die pilzliche Biomasse und Aminozuckernachweis zur Analyse der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaftsstruktur (pilzliches Glucosamin und bakterielle Muramin-säure). Mit Hilfe der CFE-Methode sollten lebende Mikroorganismen im Kot, inklusive Bakterien, Pilze und Archaeen, erfasst werden. Verschiedene Extraktionsmittel wurden für diese Methode getestet, um stabile Extrakte und reproduzierbare mikrobielle Biomasse-C- und -N-Gehalte zu erhalten. Der Einsatz von 0.05 M CuSO4 als Extraktionsmittel löste vorherige Probleme mit der Extraktion CHCl3-labiler N-Komponenten und sorgte für stabile Kotextrakte. Die Methoden wurden in einem Kotinkubationsexperiment bei 25 °C verglichen. Mikrobielle Parameter zeigten dynamische Charakteristika und mögliche Verschiebungen innerhalb der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft. Im Kot von Färsen betrug das mittlere C/N-Verhältnis 5,6 und der mittlere Cmik/Corg-Quotient 2,2%, das Verhältnis von Ergosterol zum mikrobiellen Biomasse-C war 1,1‰. Ergosterol und Aminozuckeranalyse ergaben einen signifikanten Pilzanteil von über 40% des mikrobiellen Gesamt-C. Für die Analyse mikrobieller Parameter in Rinderkot erwiesen sich alle getesteten Methoden als geeignet. Diese wurden für die folgenden Fütterungsversuche weiter unabhängig voneinander angewendet und verglichen. Die zweite Publikation verglich eine N-defizitäre (ND) und eine ausgeglichene N-Bilanz (NB) bei der Fütterung von Milchkühen unter Berücksichtigung der Kot-inhaltsstoffe, der mikrobiellen Parameter und der Verdaulichkeit. Unterschiede zwischen Individuen und Probennahmetagen wurden ebenfalls miteinbezogen. Mittlerer mikrobieller Biomasse-C- und -N-Gehalt war 37 bzw. 4,9 mg g-1 TM. Der Pilzanteil lag diesmal bei 25% des mikrobiellen Gesamt-C. Die Fütterung zeigte signifikante Effekte auf die Kotzusammensetzung. Das fäkale C/N-Verhältnis der NB-Fütterung war signifikant niedriger als bei ND. Gleiches gilt für das C/N-Verhältnis der mikrobiellen Biomasse mit jeweils 9.1 und 7.0 für ND und NB. Auch die Verdaulichkeit wurde durch die Fütterung beeinflusst. Unverdauter Futterstickstoff, Faserstoffe (NDF) und Hemi-cellulose waren in der ND-Behandlung signifikant erhöht. Einige Parameter zeigten nur einen Einfluss der Probennahmetage, mit den angewendeten Methoden gelang jedoch der eindeutige Nachweis der Fütterungseffekte auf mikrobielle Parameter im Rinderkot, wobei sich die Fütterung in nur einer Variable unterschied. Weitere Fütterungseinflüsse auf die Kotqualität wurden schließlich auch für Rinder unterschiedlicher Leistungsstufen erforscht. Hier waren die Unterschiede in der Fütterung wesentlich größer als in den vorhergehenden Experimenten. Der Kot von Färsen, Niederleistungs- und Hochleistungskühen sowie dessen Einfluss auf N2O-Emissionen, N-Mineralisierung und pflanzliche N-Aufnahme wurden untersucht. Die Färsenfütterung mit geringem N- und hohem ADF-Anteil führte zu pilzdominiertem Kot. Besonders im Vergleich zum Kot der Hochleistungskühe war der Gehalt an mikrobiellem Biomasse-C niedrig, in Verbindung mit einem breiten mikrobiellen C/N-Verhältnis und hohem Ergosterolgehalt. Eingemischt in Boden zeigte Färsenkot die niedrigste CO2-Produktion und höchste N-Immobilisierung sowie niedrigste N2O-Emissionen während einer 14-tägigen Inkubation bei 22 °C. In einem 62-Tage-Gefäßversuch mit Welschem Weidelgras waren der Trocken-masseertrag und die pflanzliche Stickstoffaufnahme in den Färsenbehandlungen am niedrigsten. Die Stickstoffaufnahme durch die Pflanzen korrelierte positiv mit der Stickstoffkonzentration im Kot und negativ mit dem Rohfasergehalt, aber auch negativ mit dem C/N-Verhältnis der mikrobiellen Biomasse und dem Verhältnis von pilzlichem zu bakteriellem C. Mikrobielle Parameter im Kot zeigten einen größeren Zusammen-hang mit der pflanzlichen Stickstoffaufnahme als die mikrobiellen Bodenparameter.
Three separate theories of inhibiting cisplatin-induced apoptosis were investigated utilizing different cellular mechanisms. Specifically, the copper transport cycle, TRPV1, and the JNK pathway were inhibited and immunohistochemistry was performed to determine levels of apoptosis. All three resulted in statistically significant effects; increasing CuSO4 levels resulted in increased apoptosis, and inhibiting TRPV1
The OECD 14 d earthworm acute toxicity test was used to determine the toxicity of copper added as copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)(2)), copper sulphate (CuSO4) and malachite (Cu-2(OH)(2)(CO3)) to Eisenia fetida Savigny. Cu(NO3)(2), and CuSO4 were applied in both an aqueous (aq) and solid (s) form, Cu-2(OH)(2)(CO3) was added as a solid. Soil solution was extracted by centrifugation, and analysed for copper. Two extractants [0.01 M CaCl2 and 0.005 M diethylenetriminpentaacetic acid (DTPA)] were used as a proxy of the bioavailable copper fraction in the soil. For bulk soil copper content the calculated copper toxicity decreased in the order nitrate > sulphide > carbonate, the same order as decreasing solubility of the metal compounds. For Cu(NO3)(2) and CuSO4, the LC50s obtained were not significantly different when the compound was added in solution or solid form. There was a significant correlation between the soil solution copper concentration and the percentage earthworm mortality for all 3 copper compounds (P less than or equal to 0.05) indicating that the soil pore water copper concentration is important for determining copper availability and toxicity to E. fetida. In soil avoidance tests the earthworms avoided the soils treated with Cu(NO3)(2) (aq and s) and CuSO4 (aq and s), at all concentrations used (110-8750 mug Cu g(-1), and 600-8750 mug Cu g(-1) respectively). In soils treated with Cu-2(OH2)CO3, avoidance behaviour was exhibited at all concentrations greater than or equal to3500 mug Cu g(-1). There was no significant correlation between the copper extracted by either CaCl2 or DTPA and percentage mortality. These two extractants are therefore not useful indicators of copper availability and toxicity to E. fetida.
Apolipoprotein A-IV (apoA-IV) inhibits lipid peroxidation, thus demonstrating potential anti-atherogenic properties. The aim of this study was to investigate how the inhibition of low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation was influenced by common apoA-IV isoforms. Recombinant wild type apoA-IV (100 mu g/ml) significantly inhibited the oxidation of LDL (50 mu g protein/ml) by 5 mu M CuSO4 (P < 0.005), but not by 100 mu M CuSO4, suggesting that it may act by binding copper ions. ApoA-IV also inhibited the oxidation of LDL by the water-soluble free-radical generator 2,2'-azobis(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH; I mM), as shown by the two-fold increase in the time for half maximal conjugated diene formation (T-1/2; P < 0.05) suggesting it can also scavenge free radicals in the aqueous phase. Compared to wild type apoA-IV, apoA-IV-S347 decreased T-1/2 by 15% (P = 0.036) and apoA-IV-H360 increased T-1/2 by 18% (P = 0.046). All apoA-IV isoforms increased the relative electrophoretic mobility of native LDL, suggesting apoA-IV can bind to LDL and acts as a site-specific antioxidant. The reduced inhibition of LDL oxidation by apoA-IV-S347 compared to wild type apoA-IV may account for the previous association of the APOA4 S347 variant with increased CHD risk and oxidative stress. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Os comprimidos utilizados no tratamento da tuberculose possuem quatro fármacos associados, isoniazida, pirazinamida, etambutol e rifampicina, e são distribuídos gratuitamente pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Os métodos analíticos oficiais para analisar este medicamento estão especificados na Farmacopeia Americana 36a edição e na Farmacopeia Internacional 4a edição. Porém, estes compêndios oficiais não possuem monografias para análise simultânea dos quatro fármacos. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver uma metodologia para determinar simultaneamente os princípios ativos em comprimidos dose fixa combinada, utilizando-se cromatografia a líquido de alta eficiência com detector de ultravioleta-visível, pois é de grande importância para o controle da qualidade do medicamento. O método desenvolvido utilizou coluna cromatográfica C18 (250 x 4,6) mm e 5 μm, fase móvel constituída de fase aquosa (85 % tampão formiato de amônio 0,3 mol/L pH 5, 15 % metanol e 0,005 mol/L de Cu2+ ou 250 mg/L de CuSO4.5H2O) e fase orgânica (metanol, 0,1 % de trietilamina e 0,2 % de ácido fórmico). O fluxo foi de 1,0 mL/min e comprimento de ondade 265 nm para isoniazida, pirazinamida e o etambutol e de 335 nm para rifampicina. Este método apresentou desvio padrão relativo inferior a 2,0 % na precisão e linearidade para os quatro fármacos estudados.
Objective: The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between low density lipoprotein (LDL) and dendritic cell (DC) activation, based upon the hypothesis that reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated modification of proteins that may be present in local DC microenvironments could be important as mediators of this activation. Although LDL are known to be oxidised in vivo, and taken up by macrophages during atherogenesis; their effect on DC has not been explored previously. Methods: Human DCs were prepared from peripheral blood monocytes using GM-CSF and IL-4. Plasma LDLs were isolated by sequential gradient centrifugation, oxidised in CuSO4, and oxidation arrested to yield mild, moderate and highly oxidised LDL forms. DCs exposed to these LDLs were investigated using combined phenotypic, functional (autologous T cell activation), morphological and viability assays. Results: Highly-oxidised LDL increased DC HLA-DR, CD40 and CD86 expression, corroborated by increased DC-induced T cell proliferation. Both native and oxidised LDL induced prominent DC clustering. However, high concentrations of highly-oxidised LDL inhibited DC function, due to increased DC apoptosis. Conclusions: This study supports the hypothesis that oxidised LDL are capable of triggering the transition from sentinel to messenger DC. Furthermore, the DC clustering–activation–apoptosis sequence in the presence of different LDL forms is consistent with a regulatory DC role in immunopathogenesis of atheroma. A sequence of initial accumulation of DC, increasing LDL oxidation, and DC-induced T cell activation, may explain why local breach of tolerance can occur. Above a threshold level, however, supervening DC apoptosis limits this, contributing instead to the central plaque core.
Testes de toxicidade crônica, analisando a inibição de crescimento algáceo após 96 horas, foram realizados a fim de conhecer a sensibilidade de Raphidocelis subcapitata (conhecida como Selenastrum capricornutum), ao sulfato de cobre (CuSO4.5H2O) e do sulfato de zinco (ZnSO4.7H2O). A inibição do crescimento algal seguiu uma tendência exponencial negativa em função do aumento de concentração das duas substâncias, sendo descrita através das seguintes equações: y = 6257208,7. e-5,581.Cu; y = 7003223,1. e- 5,452.Zn; onde y é o número de células de R. subcapitata após 96 horas de exposição a diferentes concentrações de sulfato de cobre e sulfato de zinco, respectivamente. Valores de CE(I)50 demonstraram maior sensibilidade de R. subcapitata ao sulfato de cobre (CE(I)50;96h=0,154 mg.L-1) quando comparada com sulfato de zinco (CE(I)50;96h=0,215 mg.L-1). A densidade algácea foi determinada através de contagem celular e por técnica espectrofotométrica. Foi obtida uma curva de calibração para estimativa de densidade algácea correlacionando valores de absorbância e número de células por contagem, em 684 nm. A curva foi determinada através de um modelo empírico: y = 7,2578.10-8 . x1,0219 (n=130; r2=0,9998); onde y é a medida de absorbância e x é o número de células. A análise de resíduos demonstrou que a equação pode ser utilizada até a densidades de 5.000.000 de células e valores de absorbância até 0,5.
Existem evidências crescentes indicando a associação entre dietas ricas em frutas e vegetais e a diminuição da incidência de câncer. O suco de laranja (OJ) pode ser incluído entre os alimentos com potencial quimioprotetor e seu estudo é muito relevante pelo amplo consumo desta bebida. O OJ possui vários nutrientes e compostos bioativos com atividades antioxidante, antimutagênica, anticarcinogênica e antiaterogênica, entre outras. A vitamina C (Vit C) é um dos nutrientes mais abundantes no OJ, e o único nutriente que pode ser provido em quantidade superior à recomendação diária por uma única porção de 200 mL de OJ. A Vit C, a exemplo de outros componentes do OJ, pode ser tanto benéfica quanto maléfica para os sistemas biológicos, dependendo do contexto metabólico. Neste sentido, vários nutrientes presentes no OJ têm sido identificados como mutagênicos ou carcinogênicos, especialmente quando administrados de forma isolada. Este estudo utilizou o ensaio Cometa alcalino em sangue de camundongos (in vivo) para avaliar: 1) a genotoxicidade do OJ e da Vit C; 2) a genotoxicidade do FeSO4 e do CuSO4: 3) o efeito modulador do OJ e da Vit C sobre a genotoxicidade do FeSO4 e CuSO4, bem como do metilmetanosulfonato (MMS) e da ciclofosfamida (CP). A versão alcalina do ensaio Cometa foi utilizada para avaliar o dano no DNA em células brancas do sangue periférico de camundongos. Adicionalmente, os níveis de cobre e ferro no sangue e no fígado dos camundongos tratados com metais e OJ foram avaliados pela metodologia de PIXE (Particle-Induced X-ray Emission). Grupos com pelo menos 6 camundongos (metade de cada sexo) foram tratados por gavage com uma ou duas doses de água (controle), CP, MMS, FeSO4 ou CuSO4. OJ (0.1 mL/Kg) foi administrado tanto antes (pré-tratamento) quanto após a administração das substâncias-teste (pós-tratamento). A Vit C (1 e 30 mg/Kg) foi administrada apenas no pós-tratamento. O dano no DNA foi avaliado 24 e 48 h após o início do tratamento. Após 24 h, o OJ induziu um suave aumento no dano no DNA, enquanto a Vit C foi genotóxica (30 mg/Kg > 1 mg/Kg). O tratamento duplo com Vit C (a 0 e a 24 h) induziu uma resposta genotóxica cumulativa a 48 h, que foi mais intensa para a dose maior. O FeSO4 e o CuSO4 foram genotóxicos após 24 h, mas tiveram seu dano efetivamente reparado após 48 h do tratamento. O pré-tratamento com OJ reduziu a genotoxicidade do FeSO4 e do CuSO4 (efeito preventivo). O pós-tratamento com OJ também reduziu a genotoxicidade do CuSO4 (efeito reparador). O OJ mostrou tanto efeito preventivo quanto reparador sobre a genotoxicidade do MMS. O OJ teve apenas efeito reparador sobre a CP. Ambas doses de Vit C aumentaram os danos no DNA causados pelo FeSO4 e pelo CuSO4. Adicionalmente, os níveis de cobre e ferro no sangue e no fígado dos camundongos tratados com metais e OJ foram avaliados pela metodologia de PIXE (Particle-Induced X-ray Emission). Grupos com pelo menos 6 camundongos (metade de cada sexo) foram tratados por gavage com uma ou duas doses de água (controle), CP, MMS, FeSO4 ou CuSO4. OJ (0.1 mL/Kg) foi administrado tanto antes (pré-tratamento) quanto após a administração das substâncias-teste (pós-tratamento). A Vit C (1 e 30 mg/Kg) foi administrada apenas no pós-tratamento. O dano no DNA foi avaliado 24 e 48 h após o início do tratamento. Após 24 h, o OJ induziu um suave aumento no dano no DNA, enquanto a Vit C foi genotóxica (30 mg/Kg > 1 mg/Kg). O tratamento duplo com Vit C (a 0 e a 24 h) induziu uma resposta genotóxica cumulativa a 48 h, que foi mais intensa para a dose maior. O FeSO4 e o CuSO4 foram genotóxicos após 24 h, mas tiveram seu dano efetivamente reparado após 48 h do tratamento. O pré-tratamento com OJ reduziu a genotoxicidade do FeSO4 e do CuSO4 (efeito preventivo). O pós-tratamento com OJ também reduziu a genotoxicidade do CuSO4 (efeito reparador). O OJ mostrou tanto efeito preventivo quanto reparador sobre a genotoxicidade do MMS. O OJ teve apenas efeito reparador sobre a CP. Ambas doses de Vit C aumentaram os danos no DNA causados pelo FeSO4 e pelo CuSO4. processado e armazenado de forma a preservar o seu potencial biológico é um alimento sugerido como uma das porções de uma dieta equilibrada (contendo pelo menos 5 porções de frutas e vegetais), recomendada para uma vida saudável e longeva.
Natural gas, although basically composed by light hydrocarbons, also presents contaminant gases in its composition, such as CO2 (carbon dioxide) and H2S (hydrogen sulfide). The H2S, which commonly occurs in oil and gas exploration and production activities, causes damages in oil and natural gas pipelines. Consequently, the removal of hydrogen sulfide gas will result in an important reduction in operating costs. Also, it is essential to consider the better quality of the oil to be processed in the refinery, thus resulting in benefits in economic, environmental and social areas. All this facts demonstrate the need for the development and improvement in hydrogen sulfide scavengers. Currently, the oil industry uses several processes for hydrogen sulfide removal from natural gas. However, these processes produce amine derivatives which can cause damage in distillation towers, can cause clogging of pipelines by formation of insoluble precipitates, and also produce residues with great environmental impact. Therefore, it is of great importance the obtaining of a stable system, in inorganic or organic reaction media, able to remove hydrogen sulfide without formation of by-products that can affect the quality and cost of natural gas processing, transport, and distribution steps. Seeking the study, evaluation and modeling of mass transfer and kinetics of hydrogen removal, in this study it was used an absorption column packed with Raschig rings, where the natural gas, with H2S as contaminant, passed through an aqueous solution of inorganic compounds as stagnant liquid, being this contaminant gas absorbed by the liquid phase. This absorption column was coupled with a H2S detection system, with interface with a computer. The data and the model equations were solved by the least squares method, modified by Levemberg-Marquardt. In this study, in addition to the water, it were used the following solutions: sodium hydroxide, potassium permanganate, ferric chloride, copper sulfate, zinc chloride, potassium chromate, and manganese sulfate, all at low concentrations (»10 ppm). These solutions were used looking for the evaluation of the interference between absorption physical and chemical parameters, or even to get a better mass transfer coefficient, as in mixing reactors and absorption columns operating in counterflow. In this context, the evaluation of H2S removal arises as a valuable procedure for the treatment of natural gas and destination of process by-products. The study of the obtained absorption curves makes possible to determine the mass transfer predominant stage in the involved processes, the mass transfer volumetric coefficients, and the equilibrium concentrations. It was also performed a kinetic study. The obtained results showed that the H2S removal kinetics is greater for NaOH. Considering that the study was performed at low concentrations of chemical reagents, it was possible to check the effect of secondary reactions in the other chemicals, especially in the case of KMnO4, which shows that your by-product, MnO2, acts in H2S absorption process. In addition, CuSO4 and FeCl3 also demonstrated to have good efficiency in H2S removal
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work deals with the application of X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy on the study of the behavior of Cu2+ ions in inverse micelles. The formation of copper nanoparticles in water-in-oil microemulsions in pseudo-ternary systems of cetyl trimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) surfactant, butanol co-surfactant, heptane as oil phase and aqueous solutions of CuSO4.5H2O, and NaBH4. The microemulsions were prepared with a fixed percentage (60 %) of oil phase and a variable water to tensoative proportion. It was observed an increase on Cu2+ reduction by the sodium borohydride in microemulsions with 13 % of aqueous phase, independent of the reaction time. For the microemulsions in which the aqueous phase is composed only by the CuSO4 solution, it was observed that the color of the solution depends on the water to surfactant ratio. These changes in color were attributed to a competition for the hidratation water between the polar head of the tensoative and Cu2+ ions with the eventual substitution of oxygen by bromine atoms in the first coordination shell of Cu2+ ions
The environmental impact due to the improper disposal of metal-bearing industrial effluents imposes the need of wastewater treatment, since heavy metals are nonbiodegradable and hazardous substances that may cause undesirable effects to humans and the environment. The use of microemulsion systems for the extraction of metal ions from wastewaters is effective when it occurs in a Winsor II (WII) domain, where a microemulsion phase is in equilibrium with an aqueous phase in excess. However, the microemulsion phase formed in this system has a higher amount of active matter when compared to a WIII system (microemulsion in equilibrium with aqueous and oil phases both in excess). This was the reason to develop a comparative study to evaluate the efficiency of two-phases and three-phases microemulsion systems (WII and WIII) in the extraction of Cu+2 and Ni+2 from aqueous solutions. The systems were composed by: saponified coconut oil (SCO) as surfactant, n-Butanol as cosurfactant, kerosene as oil phase, and synthetic solutions of CuSO4.5H2O and NiSO4.6H2O, with 2 wt.% NaCl, as aqueous phase. Pseudoternary phase diagrams were obtained and the systems were characterized by using surface tension measurements, particle size determination and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The concentrations of metal ions before and after extraction were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The extraction study of Cu+2 and Ni+2 in the WIII domain contributed to a better understanding of microemulsion extraction, elucidating the various behaviors presented in the literature for these systems. Furthermore, since WIII systems presented high extraction efficiencies, similar to the ones presented by Winsor II systems, they represented an economic and technological advantage in heavy metal extraction due to a small amount of surfactant and cosurfactant used in the process and also due to the formation of a reduced volume of aqueous phase, with high concentration of metal. Considering the reextraction process, it was observed that WIII system is more effective because it is performed in the oil phase, unlike reextraction in WII, which is performed in the aqueous phase. The presence of the metalsurfactant complex in the oil phase makes possible to regenerate only the surfactant present in the organic phase, and not all the surfactant in the process, as in WII system. This fact allows the reuse of the microemulsion phase in a new extraction process, reducing the costs with surfactant regeneration