1000 resultados para CsI(Tl) crystal


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An instrument, the Caltech High Energy Isotope Spectrometer Telescope (HEIST), has been developed to measure isotopic abundances of cosmic ray nuclei in the charge range 3 ≤ Z ≤ 28 and the energy range between 30 and 800 MeV/nuc by employing an energy loss -- residual energy technique. Measurements of particle trajectories and energy losses are made using a multiwire proportional counter hodoscope and a stack of CsI(TI) crystal scintillators, respectively. A detailed analysis has been made of the mass resolution capabilities of this instrument.

Landau fluctuations set a fundamental limit on the attainable mass resolution, which for this instrument ranges between ~.07 AMU for z~3 and ~.2 AMU for z~2b. Contributions to the mass resolution due to uncertainties in measuring the path-length and energy losses of the detected particles are shown to degrade the overall mass resolution to between ~.1 AMU (z~3) and ~.3 AMU (z~2b).

A formalism, based on the leaky box model of cosmic ray propagation, is developed for obtaining isotopic abundance ratios at the cosmic ray sources from abundances measured in local interstellar space for elements having three or more stable isotopes, one of which is believed to be absent at the cosmic ray sources. This purely secondary isotope is used as a tracer of secondary production during propagation. This technique is illustrated for the isotopes of the elements O, Ne, S, Ar and Ca.

The uncertainties in the derived source ratios due to errors in fragmentation and total inelastic cross sections, in observed spectral shapes, and in measured abundances are evaluated. It is shown that the dominant sources of uncertainty are uncorrelated errors in the fragmentation cross sections and statistical uncertainties in measuring local interstellar abundances.

These results are applied to estimate the extent to which uncertainties must be reduced in order to distinguish between cosmic ray production in a solar-like environment and in various environments with greater neutron enrichments.


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介绍了 4 π带电粒子多探测器系统 ,该系统由 2 76个探测器单元组成 ,每个单元分别由快、慢塑料闪烁体、碘化铯晶体、硅半导体探测器所组成的望远镜构成。总立体角覆盖约 86 %的 4 π以及有一个很低的能量探测阈。整个探测器系统轴向对称排列 ,工作在真空中。该探测器系统可以鉴别氢、氦的同位素 ,具有大的能量测量动态范围。


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利用HIRFL(兰州重离子研究装置 )产生的 5 5MeV/u的4 0 Ar17+ 离子束 ,在辐照生物学实验终端 ,测量了其经过 1.5mm厚有机玻璃后三个不同角度的碎片分布情况。探索了应用由CsI(Tl) +快塑料闪烁探测器组成的Phoswich探测器研究重离子在生物材料中产生的核碎片角分布测量的可行性 ,结果表明这种实验方法是可行的 ,实验结果令人鼓舞。本工作为进一步的实验积累了可靠的经验。


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在HIRFL-CSRm的强子物理谱仪(HPLUS)中,电磁量能器(EMC)是其非常重要的组成部分之一,其性能将直接影响CSR上强子物理实验的水平。计划中的电磁量能器将使用CsI(Tl)晶体搭建,主要用于探测来自于强子碰撞中的高能光子和电子。中科院近代物理研究所已经完全掌握了高品质、大尺寸(~F100mm×350mm) CsI(Tl)晶体的生长和加工工艺。测试结果表明,近代物理所自行生长的CsI(Tl)晶体的多项指标都明显优于其他厂家的同类产品。目前,使用自行生长的CsI(Tl)晶体制作的探测器在实验中已得到很好的应用,表现出优良的性能。为优化HPLUS的设计,需要进行大量的Monte Carlo模拟计算,包括物理事例产生器的建立、子探测器的设计及其响应、数据的输出等。目前基于GEANT4的HPLUS模拟软件包正在建立中。EMC是HPLUS的子探测器之一,相应的模拟模拟程序也在建立中。本论文的工作的主要内容包含两个方面: (1)自行生长的CsI(Tl)晶体性能系统测试。包括:能量分辨水平、光输出对温度的依赖关系、辐照硬度以及大尺寸晶体的光输出均匀性等。 (2)为HPLUS的EMC探测器搭建了初步的模拟框架。基于GEANT4软件包,建立了EMC的模拟程序,并对EMC prototype探测器的设计进行了初步模拟,如:侧面泄露、尾部泄露、包装材料的类型、提前簇射等,确定了prototype探测器的尺寸和阵列数,为prototype探测器的设计提供参考依据;对CsI(Tl)晶体单元探测器的光学效应也做了相应的模拟,包括晶体的表面处理和几何形状对闪烁光收集的影响等,并在实际工作中指导了晶体的表面处理


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本文在碎裂反应实验的基础上研究了原子核的团簇结构以及晕核的特性。由兰州放射性束流线(RIBLL)提供的6He和6Li次级束与Be靶的反应,用24单元的CsI(Tl)阵列探测器测量了6He和6Li的碎裂产物的能量以及小范围内的角分布。用脉冲形状的方法鉴别出了6He与6Li的轻带电粒子碎片。通过重构不变质量谱的方法得到了RGM预言的6He和6Li的3核子共振态。拟合实验数据发现6Li在Ex=22.9MeV和Ex=30.3MeV出现t+3He团簇共振态,6He在Ex=19.2MeV和Ex=29.8MeV出现t+t团簇共振态。并且与理论以及其它的实验的结果进行了比较。这是在实验上首次通过重构不变质量谱的方法直接观测到6He和6Li的三核子共振态。比较了6He和6Li的碎片产生几率,结果表明丰中子的6He产生丰中子碎片的几率要比6Li大,而产生缺中子碎片的几率要比6Li低,结论与BLE的计算是一致的。通过比较6He和6Li反应产生3He和3H的截面角分布,发现丰中子核反应容易产生丰中子的碎片这种现象在前角区更为敏感,随着角度的增大差别逐渐变小。因此前角区的3H与3He的发射产额比是一个鉴别晕核的灵敏探针。用双碎片关联和电粒子产额估算了6He碎裂各出射道的分支比,还估算了6Li碎裂成双带电粒子出射道的相对比例。由出射道的分支比估算了自由发射的中子质子比,并且与QMD的结果进行了比较,发现晕核的自由发射中子质子比要比稳定核大,这也可作为鉴别晕核的一种探针。另外用同位旋相关的BLE(Boltzmann-Langevin Equation)模型计算了轻丰中子核反应中子团簇集团产生的截面,发现3,4n团簇的截面最大,其中4n的产生截面与实验值相近。还计算了丰质子核反应的轻带电粒子发射的同位旋效应,发现质子晕核反应中轻带电粒子的产额相对于稳定核会突然的增大。这也为寻找和判断晕核结构提供了新的手段


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原子核的滴线是指原子核沿同位旋自由度从束缚态核变为非束缚态核的边界,也是原子核存在的极限。质子滴线是在缺中子方向的边界,中子滴线是在丰中子方向的边界。到目前为止,S 同位素的质子滴线核被认为是27S,P 同位素的质子滴线核是26P,虽然有实验发现了25P,但是还没有被重复,需要进一步的确认。而理论模型计算表明束缚态的26S 和25P 是存在的,因此寻找25P、26S 一直是一个很有意义的课题,如果能够确认25P 和26S 的存在与否,不仅可以检验相关理论模型的正确性,确认原子核在同位旋自由度上的存在极限,帮助人们对核力的进一步深入认识,而且对于天体物理,宇宙演化及元素的形成等都有着重要的科学意义。本论文介绍了2008 年6 月在兰州放射性束流线(RIBLL)上进行的专对25P、26S存在与否寻找的实验,并分析了实验数据。实验使用80.387MeV/u32S 初级束轰击9Be 初级靶,经过RIBLL 对次级束产物进行了分离以后,利用Bρ+ΔE+ER+TOF 联合鉴别的方法对次级束产物了鉴别。重离子在CsI 探测器中沉积能量与光输出响应之间满足一定的经验公式,本文利用RIBLL 上的次级束产物刻度了粒子在CsI(Tl)探测器中的能量沉积与光输出响应的光输出曲线,通过一组刻度数据可以确定核素在CsI 探测器中光输出响应道数,发现粒子在CsI(Tl) 探测器中信号的ADC 读出与CsI(Tl)探测器的光输出(QDC 读出)具有很好的线性关系。论文最后比较了实验统计数据与EPAX 经验公式计算结果,并利用计算结果与实验数据分析结果估算了25P、26S 的半衰期上限


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利用近物所1.7米回旋加速器加速出的97MeV的~(16)O束流轰击~(51)V靶,九组不同的望远镜系统用于对~(16)O + ~(51)V反应中击射α粒子进行单举测量及α粒子与类弹产物符合测量。所有的探测器组号通过电子学线路和近物原的MODAS 1数据获取系统以事件方式记录在磁带上,实现了42参数同时获取。与此同时,利用所提供的束流,完成了CsI(Tl)晶体phoswich探测器的调试工作,得到了好的结果。在VAX/11-780计算机上用PAX数据分析程序对实验数据进行离线分析,得到了α粒子单举能谱、角分布,E-O平面内d~2σ/dEαΩ等高图和速度平面内d_2σ/PCdEdΩ截面等高图;得到了复合核蒸发和直接α粒子发射的截面值。同时也得到了α粒子——类弹产物符合的α粒子能谱和前方向击射α粒子与类弹产物符合的两维能量联图。为了对直接机制中予平衡发射α粒子的贡献有一估计,用激子模型对~(16)O + ~(51)V反应系统进行了理论计算,得到了复合核蒸发及予平衡发射α粒子产额占总产额中所占的比份。实验结果和理论分析表明:除复合核蒸发和予平衡发射的贡献外,还有其它反应机制的存在。通过二体和三体运动学对所得到的符合实际数据进行分析,证明了类弹、类靶跟随发射和弹核破裂(break-up)机制的存在。综合所有的实际结果,我们认为:~(16)O + ~(51)V反应系统中α粒子主要采源于复合核的蒸发和予平衡发射机制,除此而外还应包括类弹、类靶发射和弹核破裂等反应机制的贡献


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根据轻带电粒子小相对动量关联测量中得到的关联函数来研究轻带电粒子发射的时间与空间的演化是天体物理中Hanbury-Browm及Twiss效应在核物理中的一个应用,在1977年及1986年Kooning及Davi.Boal分别将这种概念应用于pp关联及复杂粒子关联。在这些理论模型的基础之上,小相对动量关联粒子的测量已成为当今中能重离子核反应中研究反应时空发展动力学的重要研究方法。由于这种方法在实验上还可能测至某些非稳态粒子的衰变,因此在统计平衡的假定下,可以通过测量非稳态粒子的相对布居来得到某些有关核温度的信息,为此我们在兰州HIRFL加速器上开展了~(12)C (46.7MeV/u)诱发核反应的轻带电粒子小相对动量的关联测量。通过对pp关联函数的研究得出对于~(58)Ni靶质子发射的空间大约为4.8fm,通过对~5Li、~6Li~*、~8Be等非稳态粒子的测量,得到的核温度约为3MeV。通过比较不同靶核对关联函数的影响,发现随着靶核质量的增加,pp关联的关联函数的Rmax值越来越小,说明了质子来源的空间越来越大。通过研究pp关联对两个关联粒子能量之和的依赖关系我们发现对于高能的条件下pp关联的关联函数的最大值要高一些,对于~(58)Ni靶相应的空间大小为r_0 = 3.5fm,并且发现在高能条件下关联函数的峰值对靶核依赖关系不是十分强,相反,当两个关联质子的总能量比较低时,关联函数更强烈地依赖于靶核。对于α-α关联,研究其关联函数对二粒子能量之和的依赖关系发现对于高能条件下得出的温度为T = 1.6MeV,而低能时的结果为T = 2.3MeV,一种解释可以认为在探测器所在的角度(θ = 20°)高能轻带电粒子很可能来自于类产弹物的发射。因此也可以解释为什么对应的质子的发射空间比较小、相应的温度比较低。较低能量的轻带电粒子主要来自中心碰撞,相应的温度要高一些,对应的质子发射的空间要大一些。在该实验中我们还研究了H元素各种同位素的产额比,实验发现对于p/d比值及d/t比值随角度的变化不是非常大,同时我们还在测量角为20°处,比较了H元素各种同位素产额比对靶核的依赖关系,并对这些结果进行了讨论。为了进行上述实验研究,我们研制了一个九单元的CsI(Tl)阵列探测器,并采用了光二级管读出这种新技术,实验中采用过零时间法及新型的电子学线路非常好地鉴别了p,d,t,~3He,~4He五种轻带电粒子,并且得到了比Si半导体ΔE-E望远镜低的能量下阈,(在离线分析中E_(th) = 8MeV),通过该项实验研究我们认为CsI(Tl)十光二级管读出探测器具有各方面的优越性,是中能重离子核反应中测量轻带电粒子的一种非常有前途的探测器


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The development of a compact gamma camera with high spatial resolution is of great interest in Nuclear Medicine as a means to increase the sensitivity of scintigraphy exams and thus allow the early detection of small tumours. Following the introduction of the wavelength-shifting fibre (WSF) gamma camera by Soares et al. and evolution of photodiodes into highly sensitive silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), this thesis explores the development of a WSF gamma camera using SiPMs to obtain the position information of scintillation events in a continuous CsI(Na) crystal. The design is highly flexible, allowing the coverage of different areas and the development of compact cameras, with very small dead areas at the edges. After initial studies which confirmed the feasibility of applying SiPMs, a prototype with 5 5 cm2 was assembled and tested at room temperature, in an active field-of-view of 10 10 mm2. Calibration and characterisation of intrinsic properties of this prototype were done using 57Co, while extrinsic measurements were performed using a high-resolution parallel-hole collimator and 99mTc. In addition, a small mouse injected with a radiopharmaceutical was imaged with the developed prototype. Results confirm the great potential of SiPMs when applied in a WSF gamma camera, achieving spatial resolution performance superior to the traditional Anger camera. Furthermore, performance can be improved by an optimisation of experimental conditions, in order to minimise and control the undesirable effects of thermal noise and non-uniformity of response of multiple SiPMs. The development and partial characterisation of a larger SiPM WSF gamma camera with 10 10 cm2 for clinical application are also presented.


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In questo elaborato sono descritti la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un sistema tomografico con sorgente di raggi X da 300 kV per analisi nel campo dei Beni Culturali; in particolare sono stati effettuati test preliminari sia per verificare le prestazioni del tubo a raggi X e dello schermo scintillatore sia per avere indicazioni utili alla progettazione (e conseguente costruzione) del box di rivelazione. Il collaudo della sorgente di raggi X è stato eseguito con lo studio dell'andamento della dose integrale e/o del rateo di dose in funzione della tensione, della corrente e del tempo d'irraggiamento. La caratterizzazione dello schermo scintillatore di CsI(Tl) è basata sul confronto delle sue caratteristiche con uno schermo analogo di spessore differente nelle stesse condizioni sperimentali, attraverso lo studio dei parametri standard dei dispositivi per imaging, quali la curva di risposta, il rapporto segnale-rumore e la risoluzione spaziale. Inoltre, come ulteriore test, lo schermo scintillatore è stato utilizzato per l’indagine tomografica di alcuni pani di terra contenenti olle di epoca villanoviana. Per la progettazione del box rivelatore sono state invece svolte misure di tipo ottico. I vari test svolti in laboratorio hanno dato risultati positivi e hanno dimostrato la validità dei componenti scelti per il nuovo sistema tomografico, il cui assemblaggio verrà completato a breve, essendo stata ultimata proprio in queste settimane la costruzione del box di rivelazione.


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The Solar Intensity X-ray and particle Spectrometer (SIXS) on board BepiColombo's Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) will study solar energetic particles moving towards Mercury and solar X-rays on the dayside of Mercury. The SIXS instrument consists of two detector sub-systems; X-ray detector SIXS-X and particle detector SIXS-P. The SIXS-P subdetector will detect solar energetic electrons and protons in a broad energy range using a particle telescope approach with five outer Si detectors around a central CsI(Tl) scintillator. The measurements made by the SIXS instrument are necessary for other instruments on board the spacecraft. SIXS data will be used to study the Solar X-ray corona, solar flares, solar energetic particles, the Hermean magnetosphere, and solar eruptions. The SIXS-P detector was calibrated by comparing experimental measurement data from the instrument with Geant4 simulation data. Calibration curves were produced for the different side detectors and the core scintillator for electrons and protons, respectively. The side detector energy response was found to be linear for both electrons and protons. The core scintillator energy response to protons was found to be non-linear. The core scintillator calibration for electrons was omitted due to insufficient experimental data. The electron and proton acceptance of the SIXS-P detector was determined with Geant4 simulations. Electron and proton energy channels are clean in the main energy range of the instrument. At higher energies, protons and electrons produce non-ideal response in the energy channels. Due to the limited bandwidth of the spacecraft's telemetry, the particle measurements made by SIXS-P have to be pre-processed in the data processing unit of the SIXS instrument. A lookup table was created for the pre-processing of data with Geant4 simulations, and the ability of the lookup table to provide spectral information from a simulated electron event was analysed. The lookup table produces clean electron and proton channels and is able to separate protons and electrons. Based on a simulated solar energetic electron event, the incident electron spectrum cannot be determined from channel particle counts with a standard analysis method.


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Grossular is one of six members of silicate Garnet group. Two samples GI and GII have been investigated concerning their luminescence thermally stimulated (TL). EPR and optical absorption and the measurements were carried out to find out whether or not same point defects are responsible for all three properties. Although X-rays diffraction analysis has shown that both GI and GII have practically the same crystal structure of a standard grossular crystal, they presented different behavior in many aspects. The TL glow curve shape, TL response to radiation dose, the effect of annealing at high temperatures before irradiation, the dependence of UV bleaching parameters on peak temperature, all of them differ going from GI to GII. The EPR signals around g = 2.0 as well as at g = 4.3 and 6.0 have much larger intensity in GI than in GII. Very high temperature (> 800 degrees C annealing causes large increase in the bulk background absorption in GI, however, only very little in GII. In the cases of EPR and optical absorption, the difference in their behavior can be attributed to Fe3+ ions; however, in the TL case one cannot and the cause was not found as yet. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.