28 resultados para Crows.
Aiming to investigate in vitro the behavior of esthetic veneers placed in crows and made of the laboratory resins Artglass and Targis when submitted to insertion and removal of circunferential cobalt-chromium clasps, 24 veneer crowns were made (twelve with Artglass (Heraeus Kulzer) and twelve with Targis (Ivoclar Vivadent)), as well as the respective cobalt-chromium clasps. The crowns were then submitted to five thousand cycles of clasps insertion and removal, using a proper device. Using the verification of the force necessary to remove the clasps over the crowns during the experiment, the clasps and crowns mass variation, and the macroscopic inspection of the veneers, one may conclude that the veneers did not show a significant variation of the force required to remove the clasps over the crowns; they show a little amount of abrasion, possible to detect using a visual inspection and they show a little and variable amount of mass loss, less for that made with Artglass (average of 0,002g) and greater for that made with Targis (average of 0,006g)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
During autumn 2003, several thousand European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) began roosting on exposed I-beams in a newly constructed, decorative glass canopy that covered the passenger pick-up area at the terminal building for Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Ohio. The use of lethal control or conventional dispersal techniques, such as pyrotechnics and fire hoses, were not feasible in the airport terminal area. The design and aesthetics of the structure precluded the use of netting and other exclusion materials. In January 2004, an attempt was made to disperse the birds using recorded predator and distress calls broadcast from speakers installed in the structure. This technique failed to disperse the birds. In February 2004, we developed a technique using compressed air to physically and audibly harass the birds. We used a trailer-mounted commercial air compressor producing 185 cubic feet per minute of air at 100 pounds per square inch pressure and a 20-foot long, 1-inch diameter PVC pipe attached to the outlet hose. One person slowly (< 5 mph) drove a pick-up truck through the airport terminal at dusk while the second person sat on a bench in the truck bed and directed the compressed air from the pipe into the canopy to harass starlings attempting to enter the roost site. After 5 consecutive nights of compressed-air harassment, virtually no starlings attempted to roost in the canopy. Once familiar with the physical effects of the compressed air, the birds dispersed at the sound of the air. Only occasional harassment at dusk was needed through the remainder of the winter to keep the canopy free of starlings. Similar harassment with the compressor was conducted successfully in autumn 2004 with the addition of a modified leaf blower, wooden clappers, and laser. In conclusion, we found compressed air to be a safe, unobtrusive, and effective method for dispersing starlings from an urban roost site. This technique would likely be applicable for other urban-roosting species such as crows, house sparrows, and blackbirds.
The use of stones to crack open encapsulated fruit is widespread among wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) inhabiting savanna-like environments. Some populations in Serra da Capivara National Park (Piaui, Brazil), though, exhibit a seemingly broader toolkit, using wooden sticks as probes, and employing stone tools for a variety of purposes. Over the course of 701.5 hr of visual contact of two wild capuchin groups we recorded 677 tool use episodes. Five hundred and seventeen of these involved the use of stones, and 160 involved the use of sticks (or other plant parts) as probes to access water, arthropods, or the contents of insects` nests. Stones were mostly used as ""hammers""-not only to open fruit or seeds, or smash other food items, but also to break dead wood, conglomerate rock, or cement in search of arthropods, to dislodge bigger stones, and to pulverize embedded quartz pebbles (licking, sniffing, or rubbing the body with the powder produced). Stones also were used in a ""hammer-like"" fashion to loosen the soil for digging out roots and arthropods, and sometimes as ""hoes"" to pull the loosened soil. In a few cases, we observed the re-utilization of stone tools for different purposes (N = 3), or the combined use of two tools-stones and sticks (N = 4) or two stones (N = 5), as sequential or associative tools. On three occasions, the monkeys used smaller stones to loosen bigger quartz pebbles embedded in conglomerate rock, which were subsequently used as tools. These could be considered the first reports of secondary tool use by wild capuchin monkeys. Am. J. Primatol. 71:242-251, 2009. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A collection of animal stories, including adventures of crows, dogs, cats, and other animals.
Sacred. Beyond the smiling and the weeping -- Come, ye disconsolate -- Consolation -- I am with thee -- I can trust -- It is not death -- Jesus, my Lord -- Keep praying at the gate -- Nearer -- Nearer my home -- Pray for the wanderer -- Remember me, o mighty one -- Rock of ages -- Steal away -- Sweet hour of prayer -- They crucified my Lord -- We are going down the valley -- When the mists have cleared away -- Secular. A little farm well tilled -- Brightly now the moon is beaming -- Call John -- Gideon's band -- Love -- Night wind -- Oft in the stilly night -- O, I am a merry sailor lad -- Poor old Joe -- Say so -- Sleep on thy pillow -- Stars of the summer night -- The cobbler and the crow -- The school master -- The tack -- Three crows -- Three little kittens -- Who built the ark? -- Wouldn't you like to know.
West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that is emerging as a global pathogen. In the last decade, virulent strains of the virus have been associated with significant outbreaks of human and animal disease in Europe, the Middle East and North America. Efforts to develop human and veterinary vaccines have taken both traditional and novel approaches. A formalin-inactivated whole virus vaccine has been approved for use in horses. DNA vaccines coding for the structural WNV proteins have also been assessed for veterinary use and have been found to be protective in mice, horses and birds. Live attenuated yellow fever WNV chimeric vaccines have also been successful in animals and are currently undergoing human trials. Additional studies have shown that immunisation with a relatively benign Australian variant of WNV, the Kunjin virus, also provides protective immunity against the virulent North American strain. Levels of efficacy and safety, as well as logistical, economic and environmental issues, must all be carefully considered before vaccine candidates are approved and selected for large-scale manufacture and distribution.
Patch formation is common in grazed grasslands but the mechanisms involved in the formation and maintenance of patches are not clear. To increase our knowledge on this subject we examined possible reasons for patch formation and the influence of management on changes between patch states in three experiments in native pasture communities in the Crows Nest district, south-east Queensland. In these communities, small-scale patches (tall grassland (dominated by large and medium tussock grasses), short swards (dominated by short tussock grasses and sedges), and lawns (dominated by stoloniferous and/or rhizomatous grasses)) are readily apparent. We hypothesized that the formation of short sward and lawn patches in areas of tall grassland was due to combinations of grazing and soil fertility effects. This was tested in Experiment 1 by applying a factorial combination of defoliation, nutrient application and transplants of short tussock and stoloniferous species to a uniform area of tall grassland. Total species density declined during the experiment, was lower with high nutrient applications, but was not affected by defoliation. There were significant changes in abundance of species that provided support for our hypotheses. With light defoliation and low nutrients, the tall grassland remained dominated by large tussock grasses and contained considerable amounts of forbs. With heavy defoliation, the pastures were dominated by medium tussock grasses and there were significant decreases in forbs and increases in sedges (mainly with low nutrients) and stoloniferous grasses (mainly with high nutrients). Total germinable seed densities and those of most species groups were significantly lower in the heavy defoliation than the light defoliation plots. Total soil seed numbers were not affected by nutrient application but there were fewer seeds of the erect forbs and more sedge seeds in plots with high nutrients. The use of resting from grazing and fire to manage transitions between patches was tested. In Experiment 2, changes in species density and abundance were measured for 5 years in the three patch types with and without grazing. Experiment 3 examined the effects of fire, grazing and resting on short sward patches over 4 years. In Experiment 2, total species density was lower in lawn than short sward or tall grassland patches, and there were more species of erect forbs than other plant groups in all patch types. The lawn patches were originally dominated by Cynodon spp. This dominance continued with grazing but in ungrazed patches the abundance of Cynodon spp. declined and that of forbs increased. In the short sward patches, dominance of short tussock grasses continued with grazing but in ungrazed plots their abundance declined while that of large tussock grasses increased. The tall grassland patches remained dominated by large and medium tussock species. In Experiment 3, fire had no effect on species abundance. On the grazed plots the short tussock grasses remained dominant but where the plots were rested from grazing the small tussock grasses declined and the large tussock grasses increased in abundance. The slow and relatively small changes in these experiments over 4 or 5 years showed how stable the composition of these pastures is, and that rapid changes between patch types are unlikely.
In Late summer 1999, an outbreak of human encephalitis occurred in the northeastern United States that was concurrent with extensive mortality in crows (Corvus species) as well as the deaths of several exotic birds at a zoological park in the same area. Complete genome sequencing of a flavivirus isolated from the brain of a dead Chilean flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis), together with partial sequence analysis of envelope glycoprotein (E-glycoprotein) genes amplified from several other species including mosquitoes and two fatal human cases, revealed that West Nile (WN) virus circulated in natural transmission cycles and was responsible for the human disease. Antigenic mapping with E-glycoprotein-specific monoclonal antibodies and E-glycoprotein phylogenetic analysis confirmed these viruses as WN. This North American WN virus was most closely related to a WN virus isolated from a dead goose in Israel in 1998.
A coupled resonator optical waveguide (CROW) bottle is a bottle-shaped nonuniform distribution of resonator and coupling parameters. This Letter solves the inverse problem for a CROW bottle, i.e., develops a simple analytical method that determines a CROW with the required group delay and dispersion characteristics. In particular, the parameters of CROWs exhibiting the group delay with zero dispersion (constant group delay) and constant dispersion (linear group delay) are found. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
A close analysis of the specifically cinematographic procedure in Akira Kurosawa’s ‘Dream’ Crows reveals it as an articulated and insightful philosophical statement, endowed with general relevance concerning ‘natural’ perception, phenomenological Erlebnis, mechanical image and aesthetic rapture. The antagonism between the Benjaminian lineage of a mechanical irreducibility of the cinematic image to anthropocentric categories, and the Cartesian tradition of a film-philosophy still relying on the equally irreducible structure of the intentional act, be it the one of a deeply embodied and enworlded counsciousness, in accounting for the essential structure of film and spectator (and their relation), i.e., the antagonism between the decentering primacy of the image and the self-centered primacy of perception, cannot be settled through a simple Phenomenological shift from occularcentric, intentional counsciousness to its embodyment ‘in-the-world’ as yet another carrier of intentionality. Still it remains to be explained what is it in the mechanical image that is able to so deeply affect the human flesh, and conversely, to what features in the human bodily experience is its mechanical other, the fascinating image, so successfuly adressing? It should be expected from the anti-Cartesianism of both the early and the late Merleau-Ponty the textual support for an approach to the essential condition of passivity in movie watching, that would be convergent with Benjamin. The Chapter ‘Le sentir’, in Phénoménologie de la perception, will offer us the proper guide to elucidate what we are already perceiving and conceiving in Kurosawa’s film, where the ex-static phenomenological body of the aesthetical contemplator ‘enters the frame’ like the Benjaminian surgeon enters the body and like the painter - and always already like our deepest level of ‘sensing’, previously to any act of cousciousness - ‘just looses himself in the scene before him’. The Polichinello secret of cinema watching is nonetheless too evident to be seen, and that is where Phenomenological description and reduction are still required.