990 resultados para Critical Sets
In this paper we focus on the identification of latin interchanges in latin squares which are the direct product of latin squares of smaller orders. The results we obtain on latin interchanges will be used to identify critical sets in direct products. This work is an extension of research carried out by Stinson and van Rees in 1982.
Esta dissertação de mestrado se propõe a identificar e analisar as transformações socioambientais ocorridas na comunidade remanescente de indígenas Dom Manuel, situada no município de Barcarena – PA, a partir da intensificação das atividades industriais ao redor da área da comunidade, buscando compreender como se dá os impactos ambientais das empresas nas comunidades tradicionais no município de Barcarena, além de analisar e refletir sobre o processo de descaracterização das comunidades tradicionais frente ao processo industrial e discutir o conhecimento da área da Educação Ambiental, bem como de suas políticas como um elemento chave para a implementação da sustentabilidade na região. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa se fundamenta na perspectiva da interdisciplinaridade, para coleta dos dados foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os moradores da comunidade, bem como registros fotográficos e técnicas de observação. A partir das análises realizadas constatou-se que a realidade da Comunidade Dom Manuel e as relações estabelecidas entre os moradores sofreram profundas modificações a partir da implantação das indústrias na área do pólo industrial. O acirramento da lógica capitalista ao redor da comunidade Dom Manuel vem proporcionando ao longo de seu processo a descaracterização de sua cultura e consequentemente a perda de sua identidade, bem como modificado o seu ambiente natural. Neste contexto a Educação Ambiental crítica se configura num importante viés para a sustentabilidade das comunidades tradicionais e de seus saberes, uma vez que se propõe à articular as discussões entre os seres humanos e o meio ambiente partindo do campo das relações sociais e político-ideológicas, buscando a formação de sujeitos críticos, capazes de compreenderem e intervirem na realidade que encontram-se inseridos, na defesa de seus direitos e deveres.
This paper describes a new technique referred to as watched subgraphs which improves the performance of BBMC, a leading state of the art exact maximum clique solver (MCP). It is based on watched literals employed by modern SAT solvers for boolean constraint propagation. In efficient SAT algorithms, a list of clauses is kept for each literal (it is said that the clauses watch the literal) so that only those in the list are checked for constraint propagation when a (watched) literal is assigned during search. BBMC encodes vertex sets as bit strings, a bit block representing a subset of vertices (and the corresponding induced subgraph) the size of the CPU register word. The paper proposes to watch two subgraphs of critical sets during MCP search to efficiently compute a number of basic operations. Reported results validate the approach as the size and density of problem instances rise, while achieving comparable performance in the general case.
Let G be a graph that admits a perfect matching. A forcing set for a perfect matching M of G is a subset S of M, such that S is contained in no other perfect matching of G. This notion has arisen in the study of finding resonance structures of a given molecule in chemistry. Similar concepts have been studied for block designs and graph colorings under the name defining set, and for Latin squares under the name critical set. There is some study of forcing sets of hexagonal systems in the context of chemistry, but only a few other classes of graphs have been considered. For the hypercubes Q(n), it turns out to be a very interesting notion which includes many challenging problems. In this paper we study the computational complexity of finding the forcing number of graphs, and we give some results on the possible values of forcing number for different matchings of the hypercube Q(n). Also we show an application to critical sets in back circulant Latin rectangles. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A latin trade is a subset of a latin square which may be replaced with a disjoint mate to obtain a new latin square. A d-homogeneous latin trade is one which intersects each row, each column and each entry of the latin square either 0 or d times. In this paper we give a construction for minimal d-homogeneous latin trades of size dm, for every integer d >= 3, and m >= 1.75d(2) + 3. We also improve this bound for small values of d. Our proof relies on the construction of cyclic sequences whose adjacent sums are distinct. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The linear relationship between work accomplished (W-lim) and time to exhaustion (t(lim)) can be described by the equation: W-lim = a + CP.t(lim). Critical power (CP) is the slope of this line and is thought to represent a maximum rate of ATP synthesis without exhaustion, presumably an inherent characteristic of the aerobic energy system. The present investigation determined whether the choice of predictive tests would elicit significant differences in the estimated CP. Ten female physical education students completed, in random order and on consecutive days, five art-out predictive tests at preselected constant-power outputs. Predictive tests were performed on an electrically-braked cycle ergometer and power loadings were individually chosen so as to induce fatigue within approximately 1-10 mins. CP was derived by fitting the linear W-lim-t(lim) regression and calculated three ways: 1) using the first, third and fifth W-lim-t(lim) coordinates (I-135), 2) using coordinates from the three highest power outputs (I-123; mean t(lim) = 68-193 s) and 3) using coordinates from the lowest power outputs (I-345; mean t(lim) = 193-485 s). Repeated measures ANOVA revealed that CPI123 (201.0 +/- 37.9W) > CPI135 (176.1 +/- 27.6W) > CPI345 (164.0 +/- 22.8W) (P < 0.05). When the three sets of data were used to fit the hyperbolic Power-t(lim) regression, statistically significant differences between each CP were also found (P < 0.05). The shorter the predictive trials, the greater the slope of the W-lim-t(lim) regression; possibly because of the greater influence of 'aerobic inertia' on these trials. This may explain why CP has failed to represent a maximal, sustainable work rate. The present findings suggest that if CP is to represent the highest power output that an individual can maintain for a very long time without fatigue then CP should be calculated over a range of predictive tests in which the influence of aerobic inertia is minimised.
When dealing with sustainability we are concerned with the biophysical as well as the monetary aspects of economic and ecological interactions. This multidimensional approach requires that special attention is given to dimensional issues in relation to curve fitting practice in economics. Unfortunately, many empirical and theoretical studies in economics, as well as in ecological economics, apply dimensional numbers in exponential or logarithmic functions. We show that it is an analytical error to put a dimensional unit x into exponential functions ( a x ) and logarithmic functions ( x a log ). Secondly, we investigate the conditions of data sets under which a particular logarithmic specification is superior to the usual regression specification. This analysis shows that logarithmic specification superiority in terms of least square norm is heavily dependent on the available data set. The last section deals with economists’ “curve fitting fetishism”. We propose that a distinction be made between curve fitting over past observations and the development of a theoretical or empirical law capable of maintaining its fitting power for any future observations. Finally we conclude this paper with several epistemological issues in relation to dimensions and curve fitting practice in economics
Astrocytes play active roles in brain physiology by dynamic interactions with neurons. Connexin 30, one of the two main astroglial gap-junction subunits, is thought to be involved in behavioral and basic cognitive processes. However, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms are unknown. We show here in mice that connexin 30 controls hippocampal excitatory synaptic transmission through modulation of astroglial glutamate transport, which directly alters synaptic glutamate levels. Unexpectedly, we found that connexin 30 regulated cell adhesion and migration and that connexin 30 modulation of glutamate transport, occurring independently of its channel function, was mediated by morphological changes controlling insertion of astroglial processes into synaptic clefts. By setting excitatory synaptic strength, connexin 30 plays an important role in long-term synaptic plasticity and in hippocampus-based contextual memory. Taken together, these results establish connexin 30 as a critical regulator of synaptic strength by controlling the synaptic location of astroglial processes.
Naturally acquired immune responses against human cancers often include CD8(+) T cells specific for the cancer testis antigen NY-ESO-1. Here, we studied T cell receptor (TCR) primary structure and function of 605 HLA-A*0201/NY-ESO-1(157-165)-specific CD8 T cell clones derived from five melanoma patients. We show that an important proportion of tumor-reactive T cells preferentially use TCR AV3S1/BV8S2 chains, with remarkably conserved CDR3 amino acid motifs and lengths in both chains. All remaining T cell clones belong to two additional sets expressing BV1 or BV13 TCRs, associated with alpha-chains with highly diverse VJ usage, CDR3 amino acid sequence, and length. Yet, all T cell clonotypes recognize tumor antigen with similar functional avidity. Two residues, Met-160 and Trp-161, located in the middle region of the NY-ESO-1(157-165) peptide, are critical for recognition by most of the T cell clonotypes. Collectively, our data show that a large number of alphabeta TCRs, belonging to three distinct sets (AVx/BV1, AV3/BV8, AVx/BV13) bind pMHC with equal antigen sensitivity and recognize the same peptide motif. Finally, this in-depth study of recognition of a self-antigen suggests that in part similar biophysical mechanisms shape TCR repertoires toward foreign and self-antigens.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a worldwide leading cause of death. The standard method for evaluating critical partial occlusions is coronary arteriography, a catheterization technique which is invasive, time consuming, and costly. There are noninvasive approaches for the early detection of CAD. The basis for the noninvasive diagnosis of CAD has been laid in a sequential analysis of the risk factors, and the results of the treadmill test and myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS). Many investigators have demonstrated that the diagnostic applications of MPS are appropriate for patients who have an intermediate likelihood of disease. Although this information is useful, it is only partially utilized in clinical practice due to the difficulty to properly classify the patients. Since the seminal work of Lotfi Zadeh, fuzzy logic has been applied in numerous areas. In the present study, we proposed and tested a model to select patients for MPS based on fuzzy sets theory. A group of 1053 patients was used to develop the model and another group of 1045 patients was used to test it. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to compare the performance of the fuzzy model against expert physician opinions, and showed that the performance of the fuzzy model was equal or superior to that of the physicians. Therefore, we conclude that the fuzzy model could be a useful tool to assist the general practitioner in the selection of patients for MPS.
El presente documento es el producto de un análisis en cuanto al área de Logística Inversa del grupo empresarial AMAREY, el cual cuenta en la actualidad con más de dieciséis sistemas de sets quirúrgicos de ortopedia, es decir: sistema para mano, pie, radio, cadera, tibia, hombro, entre otros; de los cuales se tienen una cantidad específica de cada sistema, es decir: 4 sets del sistema Axsos. Se encuentra que la compañía no cuenta con ningún tipo de ayuda que le pueda brindar información exacta y a tiempo sobre las entradas y las salidas de los equipos de cirugía. Por lo anterior el resultado de la investigación está orientada a proponer la implementación de sistemas de información en los proceso de logística inversa de los sets quirúrgicos de ortopedia, con el fin de obtener una mejor gestión de la calidad al realizar la trazabilidad del material crítico y del set en general.