907 resultados para Cpg Sites


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Methylation of cytosine residues at CpG sites is involved in various biological processes to control gene regulation and gene expression. Global DNA methylation is changed in different tumors and in cloned animals. Global DNA methylation can be accurately quantified by dot blot analysis with infrared (IR) fluorophores. Methylated lambda DNA was used as model DNA to develop and validate an immunochemical assay with IR fluorescence detection. Two different IR fluorophores were used, one to detect 5-methylcytosine and another to account for DNA loading. A sensitive infrared detection method was established which is suitable for accurate and reproducible quantification of global DNA methylation across a wide dynamic range. This method was subsequently employed to quantify global DNA methylation in liver and in muscle tissues of boars which have received either a control diet or a methyl supplemented diet in an ongoing study. A significant difference in global DNA methylation is indicated in muscle but not in liver tissue between the two groups of boars.


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DNA methylation patterns at the IGF2-H19 locus were investigated in sperm DNA from Swiss Landrace (SL) and Swiss Large White (LW) boars. The putative IGF2 differentially methylated regions (DMR) 0, 1 and 2, a quantitative trait nucleotide (QTN) region in the intron 3 and a CpG island in the intron 4 of the IGF2 gene as well as three regions around porcine CTCF binding sites within the H19 differentially methylated domain (DMD) were selected for the DNA methylation analysis. In both breeds putative IGF2 DMR0, 1, 2 and H19 DMD were hypermethylated. Significant differences in DNA methylation content were found between the two breeds in the two DMD regions proximal to the H19 gene. The IGF2 QTN region and the CpG island in the IGF2 intron 4 were hypomethylated in sperm DNA of both breeds. The methylation analysis revealed significantly more methylated CpG sites in the intron 4 of sperm from the LW breed than in that from SL. No difference was found in global DNA methylation between the two breeds. These results indicate differences in DNA methylation patterns between breeds and it remains to be established whether variation in DNA methylation patterns impacts on phenotypic traits.


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Cichlid fishes have evolved tremendous morphological and behavioral diversity in the waters of East Africa. Within each of the Great Lakes Tanganyika, Malawi, and Victoria, the phenomena of hybridization and retention of ancestral polymorphism explain allele sharing across species. Here, we explore the sharing of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between the major East African cichlid assemblages. A set of approximately 200 genic and nongenic SNPs was ascertained in five Lake Malawi species and genotyped in a diverse collection of 160 species from across Africa. We observed segregating polymorphism outside of the Malawi lineage for more than 50% of these loci; this holds similarly for genic versus nongenic SNPs, as well as for SNPs at putative CpG versus non-CpG sites. Bayesian and principal component analyses of genetic structure in the data demonstrate that the Lake Malawi endemic flock is not monophyletic and that river species have likely contributed significantly to Malawi genomes. Coalescent simulations support the hypothesis that river cichlids have transported polymorphism between lake assemblages. We observed strong genetic differentiation between Malawi lineages for approximately 8% of loci, with contributions from both genic and nongenic SNPs. Notably, more than half of these outlier loci between Malawi groups are polymorphic outside of the lake. Cichlid fishes have evolved diversity in Lake Malawi as new mutations combined with standing genetic variation shared across East Africa.


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Survivin (BIRC5) is a member of the Inhibitor of Apoptosis (IAP) gene family and functions as a chromosomal passenger protein as well as a mediator of cell survival. Survivin is widely expressed during embryonic development then becomes transcriptionally silent in most highly differentiated adult tissues. It is also overexpressed in virtually every type of tumor. The survivin promoter contains a canonical CpG island that has been described as epigenetically regulated by DNA methylation. We observed that survivin is overexpressed in high grade, poorly differentiated endometrial tumors, and we hypothesized that DNA hypomethylation could explain this expression pattern. Surprisingly, methylation specific PCR and bisulfite pyrosequencing analysis showed that survivin was hypermethylated in endometrial tumors and that this hypermethylation correlated with increased survivin expression. We proposed that methylation could activate survivin expression by inhibit the binding of a transcriptional repressor. ^ The tumor suppressor protein p53 is a well documented transcriptional repressor of survivin and examination of the survivin promoter showed that the p53 binding site contains 3 CpG sites which often become methylated in endometrial tumors. To determine if methylation regulates survivin expression, we treated HCT116 cells with decitabine, a demethylation agent, and observed that survivin transcript and protein levels were significantly repressed following demethylation in a p53 dependent manner. Subsequent binding studies confirmed that DNA methylation inhibited the binding of p53 protein to its binding site in the survivin promoter. ^ We are the first to report this novel mechanism of epigenetic regulation of survivin. We also conducted microarray analysis which showed that many other cancer relevant genes may also be regulated in this manner. While demethylation agents are traditionally thought to inhibit cancer cell growth by reactivating tumor suppressors, our results indicate that an additional important mechanism is to decrease the expression of oncogenes. ^


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The effect of DNA cytosine methylation on H-ras promoter activity was assessed using a transient expression system employing the plasmid H-rasCAT (NaeI H-ras promoter linked to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene). This 551 bp promoter is 80% GC rich, enriched with 168 CpG dinucleotides, and contains six functional GC box elements which represent major DNA methylation target sites. Prokaryotic methyltransferases HhaI (CGm$\sp5$CG) and HpaII (Cm$\sp5$CGG) alone or in combination with a human placental methyltransferase (HP MTase) were used to introduce methyl groups at different CpG sites within the promoter. To test for functional promoter activity, the methylated plasmids were introduced into CV-1 cells and CAT activity assessed 48 h post-transfection. Methylation at specific HhaI and HpaII sites reduced CAT expression by 70%, whereas more extensive methylation at generalized CpG sites with HP MTase inactivated the promoter $>$95%. The inhibition of H-ras promoter activity was not attributable to methylation-induced differences in DNA uptake or stability in the cell, topological form of the plasmid, or methylation effects in nonpromoter regions. We also observed that DNA cytosine methylation of a 360 bp promoter fragment by HP MTase induced a local change in DNA conformation. Using three independent methodologies (nitrocellulose filter binding assays, gel mobility shifts, and Southwestern blots), we determined that this change in promoter conformation affected the interaction of nuclear proteins with cis-regulatory sequences residing in the promoter region. The results provide evidence to suggest that DNA methylation may regulate gene expression by inducing changes in local promoter conformation which in turn alters the interactions between DNA and protein factors required for transcription. The results provide supportive evidence for the hypothesis of Cedar and Riggs, who postulated that DNA methylation may regulate gene expression by altering the binding affinities of proteins for DNA. ^


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DNA methylation is an important regulator of genetic information in species ranging from bacteria to humans. DNA methylation appears to be critical for mammalian development because mice nullizygous for a targeted disruption of the DNMT1 DNA methyltransferase die at an early embryonic stage. No DNA methyltransferase mutations have been reported in humans until now. We describe here the first example of naturally occurring mutations in a mammalian DNA methyltransferase gene. These mutations occur in patients with a rare autosomal recessive disorder, which is termed the ICF syndrome, for immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, and facial anomalies. Centromeric instability of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16 is associated with abnormal hypomethylation of CpG sites in their pericentromeric satellite regions. We are able to complement this hypomethylation defect by somatic cell fusion to Chinese hamster ovary cells, suggesting that the ICF gene is conserved in the hamster and promotes de novo methylation. ICF has been localized to a 9-centimorgan region of chromosome 20 by homozygosity mapping. By searching for homologies to known DNA methyltransferases, we identified a genomic sequence in the ICF region that contains the homologue of the mouse Dnmt3b methyltransferase gene. Using the human sequence to screen ICF kindreds, we discovered mutations in four patients from three families. Mutations include two missense substitutions and a 3-aa insertion resulting from the creation of a novel 3′ splice acceptor. None of the mutations were found in over 200 normal chromosomes. We conclude that mutations in the DNMT3B are responsible for the ICF syndrome.


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Deamination of 5-methylcytosine residues in DNA gives rise to the G/T mismatched base pair. In humans this lesion is repaired by a mismatch-specific thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG or G/T glycosylase), which catalyzes specific excision of the thymine base through N-glycosidic bond hydrolysis. Unlike other DNA glycosylases, TDG recognizes an aberrant pairing of two normal bases rather than a damaged base per se. An important structural issue is thus to understand how the enzyme specifically targets the T (or U) residue of the mismatched base pair. Our approach toward the study of substrate recognition and processing by catalytic DNA binding proteins has been to modify the substrate so as to preserve recognition of the base but to prevent its excision. Here we report that replacement of 2′-hydrogen atoms with fluorine in the substrate 2′-deoxyguridine (dU) residue abrogates glycosidic bond cleavage, thereby leading to the formation of a tight, specific glycosylase–DNA complex. Biochemical characterization of these complexes reveals that the enzyme protects an ≈20-bp stretch of the substrate from DNase I cleavage, and directly contacts a G residue on the 3′ side of the mismatched U derivative. These studies provide a mechanistic rationale for the preferential repair of deaminated CpG sites and pave the way for future high-resolution studies of TDG bound to DNA.


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Somatic mutation accumulation has been implicated as a major cause of cancer and aging. By using a transgenic mouse model with a chromosomally integrated lacZ reporter gene, mutational spectra were characterized at young and old age in two organs greatly differing in proliferative activity, i.e., the heart and small intestine. At young age the spectra were nearly identical, mainly consisting of G·C to A·T transitions and 1-bp deletions. At old age, however, distinct patterns of mutations had developed. In small intestine, only point mutations were found to accumulate, including G·C to T·A, G·C to C·G, and A·T to C·G transversions and G·C to A·T transitions. In contrast, in heart about half of the accumulated mutations appeared to be large genome rearrangements, involving up to 34 centimorgans of chromosomal DNA. Virtually all other mutations accumulating in the heart appeared to be G·C to A·T transitions at CpG sites. These results suggest that distinct mechanisms lead to organ-specific genome deterioration and dysfunction at old age.


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Despite our detailed characterization of the human genome at the level of the primary DNA sequence, we are still far from understanding the molecular events underlying phenotypic variation. Epigenetic modifications to the DNA sequence and associated chromatin are known to regulate gene expression and, as such, are a significant contributor to phenotype. Studies of inbred mice and monozygotic twins show that variation in the epigenotype can be seen even between genetically identical individuals and that this, in some cases at least, is associated with phenotypic differences. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that the epigenome can be influenced by the environment and these changes can last a lifetime. However, we also know that epigenetic states in real-time are in continual flux and, as a result, the epigenome exhibits instability both within and across generations. We still do not understand the rules governing the establishment and maintenance of the epigenotype at any particular locus. The underlying DNA sequence itself and the sequence at unlinked loci (modifier loci) are certainly involved. Recent support for the existence of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in mammals suggests that the epigenetic state of the locus in the previous generation may also play a role. Over the next decade, many of these processes will be better understood, heralding a greater capacity for us to correlate measurable molecular marks with phenotype and providing the opportunity for improved diagnosis and presymptomatic healthcare.


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Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis with a high socioeconomic burden, with an incompletely understood etiology. Evidence suggests a role for the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) signalling pathway and epigenomics in OA. The aim of this thesis was to understand the involvement of the TGF-ß pathway in OA and to determine the DNA methylation patterns of OA-affected cartilage as compared to the OA-free cartilage. First, I found that a common SNP in the BMP2 gene, a ligand in the Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) subunit of TGF-ß pathway, was associated with OA in the Newfoundland population. I also showed a genetic association between SMAD3 - a signal transducer in the TGF-ß subunit of the TGF-ß signalling pathway - and the total radiographic burden of OA. I further demonstrated that SMAD3 is over-expressed in OA cartilage, suggesting an over activation of the TGF-ß signalling in OA. Next, I examined the connection of these genes in the regulation of matrix metallopeptidase 13 (MMP13) - an enzyme known to destroy extracellular matrix in OA cartilage - in the context of the TGF-ß signalling. The analyses showed that TGF-ß, MMP13, and SMAD3 were overexpressed in OA cartilage, whereas the expression of BMP2 was significantly reduced. The expression of TGF-ß was positively correlated with that of SMAD3 and MMP13, suggesting that TGF-ß signalling is involved in up-regulation of MMP13. This regulation, however, appears not to be controlled by SMAD3 signals, possibly due to the involvement of collateral signalling, and to be suppressed by BMP regulation in healthy cartilage, whose levels were reduced in end-stage OA. In a genome-wide DNA methylation analysis, I reported CpG sites differentially methylated in OA and showed that the cartilage methylome has a potential to distinguish between OA-affected and non-OA cartilage. Functional clustering analysis of the genes harbouring differentially methylated loci revealed that they are enriched in the skeletal system morphogenesis pathway, which could be a potential candidate for further OA studies. Overall, the findings from the present thesis provide evidence that the TGF-ß signalling pathway is associated with the development of OA, and epigenomics might be involved as a potential mechanism in OA.


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Methyl-CpG Binding Domain (MBD) proteins are thought to be key molecules in the interpretation of DNA methylation signals leading to gene silencing through recruitment of chromatin remodeling complexes. In cancer, the MBD-family member, MBD2, may be primarily involved in the repression of genes exhibiting methylated CpG at their 5' end. Here we ask whether MBD2 randomly associates methylated sequences, producing chance effects on transcription, or exhibits a more specific recognition of some methylated regions. Using chromatin and DNA immunoprecipitation, we analyzed MBD2 and RNA polymerase II deposition and DNA methylation in HeLa cells on arrays representing 25,500 promoter regions. This first whole-genome mapping revealed the preferential localization of MBD2 near transcription start sites (TSSs), within the region analyzed, 7.5 kb upstream through 2.45 kb downstream of 5' transcription start sites. Probe by probe analysis correlated MBD2 deposition and DNA methylation. Motif analysis did not reveal specific sequence motifs; however, CCG and CGC sequences seem to be overrepresented. Nonrandom association (multiple correspondence analysis, p < 0.0001) between silent genes, DNA methylation and MBD2 binding was observed. The association between MBD2 binding and transcriptional repression weakened as the distance between binding site and TSS increased, suggesting that MBD2 represses transcriptional initiation. This hypothesis may represent a functional explanation for the preferential binding of MBD2 at methyl-CpG in TSS regions.


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Our current knowledge of the general factor requirement in transcription by the three mammalian RNA polymerases is based on a small number of model promoters. Here, we present a comprehensive chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-on-chip analysis for 28 transcription factors on a large set of known and novel TATA-binding protein (TBP)-binding sites experimentally identified via ChIP cloning. A large fraction of identified TBP-binding sites is located in introns or lacks a gene/mRNA annotation and is found to direct transcription. Integrated analysis of the ChIP-on-chip data and functional studies revealed that TAF12 hitherto regarded as RNA polymerase II (RNAP II)-specific was found to be also involved in RNAP I transcription. Distinct profiles for general transcription factors and TAF-containing complexes were uncovered for RNAP II promoters located in CpG and non-CpG islands suggesting distinct transcription initiation pathways. Our study broadens the spectrum of general transcription factor function and uncovers a plethora of novel, functional TBP-binding sites in the human genome.


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In human transcriptional regulation, DNA-sequence-specific factors can associate with intermediaries that orchestrate interactions with a diverse set of chromatin-modifying enzymes. One such intermediary is HCFC1 (also known as HCF-1). HCFC1, first identified in herpes simplex virus transcription, has a poorly defined role in cellular transcriptional regulation. We show here that, in HeLa cells, HCFC1 is observed bound to 5400 generally active CpG-island promoters. Examination of the DNA sequences underlying the HCFC1-binding sites revealed three sequence motifs associated with the binding of (1) ZNF143 and THAP11 (also known as Ronin), (2) GABP, and (3) YY1 sequence-specific transcription factors. Subsequent analysis revealed colocalization of HCFC1 with these four transcription factors at ∼90% of the 5400 HCFC1-bound promoters. These studies suggest that a relatively small number of transcription factors play a major role in HeLa-cell transcriptional regulation in association with HCFC1.


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Repression of many tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) in cancer is mediated by aberrantly increased DNA methylation levels at promoter CpG islands (CGI). About one-fourth of empirically defined human promoters are surrounded by or contain clustered repetitive elements. It was previously observed that a sharp transition of methylation occurs between highly methylated repetitive elements (SINE or LINE) and unmethylated CGI-promoters (e.g. P16, VHL, CDH and RIL) in normal tissues. The functions that lead to increased CGI methylation in cancer remain poorly understood. We propose that CGI-promoters contain cis-elements for triggering de novo DNA methylation. In the first part of our project, we established a site-specific integration system with enforced local transcriptional repression in colorectal cancer cells and monitored the occurrence of de novo DNA methylation in exogenous fragments containing a CGI-promoter and repetitive elements. Initial de novo methylation was seeded at specific CG sites in a repetitive element, and accelerated by persistent binding of a KRAB-containing transcriptional repressor. Furthermore, additional repetitive elements (LINE and SINE) located adjacent to the promoter could confer DNA methylation spreading into the CGI particularly in the setting of KRAB-factor binding. However, a repressive chromatin alone was not sufficient to initiate DNA methylation, which required specific DNA sequences and was integration-site (and/or cell-line) specific. In addition, all the methylation observed showed slow and gradual accumulation over several months of culture. Overall, these results demonstrate a requirement for specific DNA sequences to trigger de novo DNA methylation, and repetitive elements as cis-regulatory factors to cooperate with strengthened transcriptional repression in promoting methylation spreading. In the second part, we re-introduced disrupted DNMT3B or DNMT1 into HCT116 DKO cells and mapped the remethylation pattern through a profiling method (DREAM). Moderate remethylation occurred when DNMT3B was re-expressed with a preference toward non-CGI and non-promoter regions. Hence, there exists a set of genomic regions with priority to be targets for DNMT3B in somatic cells.


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Alignments of homologous genomic sequences are widely used to identify functional genetic elements and study their evolution. Most studies tacitly equate homology of functional elements with sequence homology. This assumption is violated by the phenomenon of turnover, in which functionally equivalent elements reside at locations that are nonorthologous at the sequence level. Turnover has been demonstrated previously for transcription-factor-binding sites. Here, we show that transcription start sites of equivalent genes do not always reside at equivalent locations in the human and mouse genomes. We also identify two types of partial turnover, illustrating evolutionary pathways that could lead to complete turnover. These findings suggest that the signals encoding transcription start sites are highly flexible and evolvable, and have cautionary implications for the use of sequence-level conservation to detect gene regulatory elements.