1000 resultados para Coscinodiscus payeri


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A situação socioeconômica de Bragança depende principalmente dos recursos biológicos estuarinos e marinhos, que são influenciados pelos ciclos de marés e climatologia. Coletas oceanográficas (com medidas de variáveis hidrológicas, hidro-dinâmicas e microbiológicas) foram realizadas na área mais urbanizada do estuário do Caeté, para caracterizar a qualidade das águas no setor estudado. Durante o período seco, o estuário foi mais eutrófico e apresentou os maiores valores de temperatura (30,5°C em Out./06), salinidade (17 psu em Fev./07), pH (8,24 em Fev./07) e coliformes fecais (>1000 MNP/ 100 ml em Dez./06 e Fev./07). As espécies fitoplanctô-nicas Cyclotella meneghiniana, Coscinodiscus centralis e outras espécies r-estrategistas também foram observadas. A falta de saneamento básico foi responsável pela contaminação local, especialmente durante o período seco, quando o esgoto foi lançado mais concentrado no estuário, mostrando a influência humana na redução da qualidade da água estuarina estudada. A pesca é considerada uma das principais atividades econômicas do município de Bragança e, portanto, esta contaminação poderá afetar negativamente a qualidade ambiental deste ecossistema amazônico.


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A estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica da praia da Princesa (Ilha de Maiandeua) foi estudada durante um ciclo nictemeral nos meses de novembro/08, março/09, junho/09 e setembro/09, de modo a verificar os efeitos de algumas variáveis ambientais sobre esta comunidade. O microfitoplâncton da praia da Princesa esteve representado por 98 táxons, com predomínio das diatomáceas, seguidas dos dinoflagelados e cianofíceas. Nas amostras qualitativas, Coscinodiscus perforatus Ehrenberg se destacou como abundante nos meses de março (45,6%) e junho (45,1%), enquanto que a análise quantitativa revelou Dimeregramma minor (Gregory) Ralfs como dominante, principalmente, em novembro (82,0%) e setembro (83,0%). A biomassa fitoplanctônica (clorofila-a) foi significativamente mais elevada em março (U= 0,0; p<0,05). Os valores médios de densidade fitoplanctônica total foram significativamente mais elevados no período chuvoso (F= 6,2; p<0,05), principalmente em junho (1223 ± 110 x 103 céls L-1). As curvas de K-dominância revelaram um declínio gradual na diversidade ao longo do período seco. A análise de ordenação (MDS) evidenciou a formação de três grupos, enquanto que a análise de componentes principais (PCA) mostrou a salinidade e a turbidez como as principais variáveis que definiram os componentes. A praia da Princesa é um ambiente dinâmico, onde os processos de ressuspensão promovem o intercâmbio entre populações fitoplanctônicas e fitobênticas. A elevada precipitação e o maior aporte fluvial, carreando elevadas concentrações de nutrientes, favoreceram o maior desenvolvimento do fitoplâncton, principalmente, durante o período chuvoso.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a composição, abundância relativa e frequência de ocorrência do microfitoplâncton do rio Arienga, determinadas a partir da análise qualitativa de 10 amostras coletadas no período chuvoso e seco (respectivamente maio e setembro de 2009), em cinco estações georreferenciadas, utilizando-se uma rede cônico-cilíndrica de plâncton com abertura de malha de 20μm. No período estudado a precipitação pluviométrica apresentou um comportamento atípico, comparado à média dos últimos 10 anos para a região de Barcarena, e o pH e a temperatura não sofreram grande variações. Foram identificadas 128 espécies pertencentes às divisões: Dinophyta (0,78%), Chrysophyta (0,78%), Cyanobactéria (12,50%), Chlorophyta (26,56%) e Bacillariophyta (59,38%). Os gêneros Microcystis Kützing ex Lemmermann, Staurastrum Meyen ex Ralfs, Ulothrix Kützing, Eudorina Ehrenberg ex Ralfs, Volvox Linnaeus, Hydrodictyon Roth, Pediastrum Meyen, Aulacoseira Thwaites, Coscinodiscus Kützing, Pinnularia Ehrenberg, Polymyxus Bailey, Rhizosolenia Brightwell, Actinoptychus Ehrenberg, Thalassiosira Ehrenberg, Tabellaria Ehrenberg ex Kützing, Fragilaria Lyngbye e Navicula Bory de St. Vincent apresentaram 100% de representatividade, nos dois períodos de coleta. Foi possível constatar dois grandes grupos, sugerindo que o regime pluviométrico foi o principal fator controlador da composição fitoplanctônica e da variação espacial de espécies do rio Arienga. A diversidade fitoplanctônica foi considerada característica para a região amazônica.


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In der marinen Grenzschicht beeinflussen reaktive Iodspezies wie z.B. I2 sowie aliphatische Amine eine Vielzahl atmosphärischer Prozesse, vor allem bei der Partikelneubildung spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle. Allerdings stellt die Quantifizierung dieser Verbindungen im Spurenbereich immer noch eine große analytische Herausforderung dar. rnAus diesem Grund wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit das GTRAP-AMS (Gaseous compound trapping in artificially generated particles – aerosol mass spectrometry) entwickelt, um gasförmiges I2 und aliphatische Amine zu bestimmen. Hierbei wird ein Flugzeit-Aerosolmassenspektrometer (ToF-AMS), das ursprünglich für die on-line Charakterisierung von Aerosolen entwickelt wurde, mit einer GTRAP-Einheit gekoppelt. Im Fall von I2 werden mit Hilfe eines pneumatischen Zerstäubers a-Cyclodextrin/NH4Br-Partikel erzeugt, die mit dem gasförmigen I2 innerhalb der GTRAP-Einheit eine Einschlussverbindung bilden und dieses dadurch selektiv in die Partikelphase aufnehmen. Für die on-line Bestimmung gasförmiger aliphatischer Amine dagegen wurde Phosphorsäure als partikulärer Reaktionspartner eingesetzt. Nach Optimierung des GTRAP-AMS Systems wurde sowohl für I2 als auch für die aliphatischen Amine eine Nachweisgrenze im sub-ppb-Bereich für eine Zeitauflösung zwischen 1 und 30 min erhalten. Als erstes wurde das GTRAP-AMS System zur Charakterisierung von Permanentdenudern eingesetzt, um deren I2-Aufnahmefähigkeit und Wiederverwendbarkeit im Vergleich zu den herkömmlichen einmal verwendbaren a-Cyclodextrin Denudern zu testen.rnIm Anschluss daran wurde das GTRAP-AMS für die Bestimmung zeitlich aufgelöster I2- Emissionsraten ausgewählter Makroalgen unter dem Einfluss von Ozon eingesetzt. Die Kenntnis der Emissionsraten iodhaltiger Verbindungen der wichtigsten weltweit vorkommenden Makroalgen ist für die Modellierung der Iodchemie in der marinen Grenzschicht von besonderer Bedeutung. Die Resultate zeigen, dass verschiedene Makroalgen sowohl unterschiedliche zeitlich aufgelöste I2-Emissionsprofile als auch Gesamtemissionsraten liefern. Im Vergleich zu den iodorganischen Verbindungen ist die Gesamtemissionsrate an I2 allerdings eine bis zwei Größenordnungen größer. Dies und die deutlich kürzere atmosphärische Lebensdauer von I2 im Vergleich zu den iodorganischen Verbindungen führen dazu, dass I2 die dominierende iodhaltige Verbindung für die Bildung reaktiver Iodatome in der marinen Grenzschicht ist. rnDa über dem tropischen Atlantischen Ozean bislang jedoch nur ein geringer Anteil der IO-Konzentration durch die Oxidation von iodorganischen Verbindungen erklärt werden kann, wurden weitere Quellen für I2 erforscht. Deshalb wurden Kammerexperimente mit Mikrolagen durchgeführt, um deren Einfluss auf die I2-Freisetzung in die Atmosphäre zu untersuchen. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Anwesenheit von Mikroalgen (z.B. Coscinodiscus Wailesii) im Meerwasser zu einer erhöhten Freisetzung von I2 aus dem Meerwasser in die Atmosphäre führen kann. rnDes Weiteren wurden auch Versuche zu abiotischen Bildungswegen von I2 durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Atmosphärensimulationsexperimente haben gezeigt, dass partikuläre Iodoxide durch organische Verbindungen zu I2 reduziert werden können, welches im Anschluss von der Partikelphase in die Gasphase übergehen kann und dort wieder für Gasphasenprozesse zur Verfügung steht.rn


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In the first season of drilling, the Cape Roberts Project (CRP) recovered one drillcore (CRP-l) from Roberts Ridge in western McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica Diatom biostratigraphy places the upper six lithostratigraphic units (Units 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, and 4.1) of CRP-l (0.0 to 43.15 mbsf) within the Quaternary. Both non-marine and marine Quaternary diatoms occur in variable abundance in the Quaternary interval of CRP- 1 Biostratigraphic data resolve two Quaternary time slices or events within CRP-1. Marine diatom assemblages in Units 4.1 and 3.1 represent sedimentation within the diatom Actinocyclus ingens Zone (1.35 to 0.66 Ma). Further refinement of the age of Unit 3.l places deposition in the interval 1.15 to 0.75 Ma based on the common occurrence of Thalassiosira elliptipora and correlation to the Southern Ocean acme of this taxon The absence of ActiActinocyclus ingens and the presence ot Thalassiosira antarctica in Unit 2.2 require a younger zonal assignment for this interval, within the diatom Thalassiosira lentiginosa Zone (0.66 to 0.0 Ma). A new diatom species. Rouxia leventerae, is described from marine assemblages of Units 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, and 4.l. Lithostratigraphic Unit 3.1 (33.82 to 31.89 mbsf) is a bryozoan-dominated skeletal-carbonate facies. Low abundance of Fragilariopsis curta and Fragilariopsis cylindrus within this unit combined with the relatively high abundance of species associated with open water indicates deposition in waters that remained ice free for much or all of the year Diatom assemblages suggest carbonate deposition in Unit 3.1 is linked to a significant early Pleistocene event in McMurdo Sound, when elevated surface-water temperatures inhibited the formation of sea ice.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 177, seven sites were drilled aligned on a transect across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. The primary scientific objective of Leg 177 was the study of the Cenozoic paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic history of the southern high latitudes and its relationship with the Antarctic cryosphere development. Of special emphasis was the recovery of Pliocene-Pleistocene sections, allowing paleoceanographic studies at millennial or higher time resolution, and the establishment of refined biostratigraphic zonations tied to the geomagnetic polarity record and stable isotope records. At most sites, multiple holes were drilled to ensure complete recovery of the section. A description of the recovered sections and the construction of a multihole splice for the establishment of a continuous composite is presented in the Leg 177 Initial Reports volume for each of the sites (Gersonde, Hodell, Blum, et al., 1999). Here we present the relative abundance pattern and the stratigraphic ranges of diatom taxa encountered from shore-based light microscope studies completed on the Pliocene-Pleistocene sequences from six of the drilled sites (Sites 1089-1094). No shore-based diatom studies have been conducted on the Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments obtained at Site 1088, located on the northern crest of the Agulhas Ridge, because of the scattered occurrence and poor preservation of diatoms in these sections (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999b). The data included in our report present the baseline of a diatom biostratigraphic study of Zielinski and Gersonde (2002), which (1) includes a refinement of the southern high-latitude Pliocene-Pleistocene diatom zonation, in particular for the middle and late Pleistocene, and (2) presents a biostratigraphic framework for the establishment of age models of the recovered sediment sections. Zielinski and Gersonde (2002) correlated the diatom ranges with the geomagnetic polarity record established shipboard (Sites 1090 and 1092) (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999c, 1999d) and on shore (Sites 1089, 1091, 1093, and 1094) by Channell and Stoner (2002). The Pliocene-Pleistocene diatom zonation proposed by Zielinski and Gersonde (2002) relies on a diatom zonation from Gersonde and Bárcena (1998) for the northern belt of the Southern Ocean. Because of latitudinal differentiation of sea-surface temperature, nutrients, and salinity between Antarctic and Subantarctic/subtropical water masses, the Pliocene-Pleistocene stratigraphic marker diatoms are not uniformly distributed in the Southern Ocean (Fenner, 1991; Gersonde and Bárcena, 1998). As a consequence, Zielinski and Gersonde (2002) propose two diatom zonations for application in the Antarctic Zone south of the Polar Front (Southern Zonation, Sites 1094 and 1093) and the area encompassing the Polar Front Zone (PFZ) and the Subantarctic Zone (Northern Zonation, Sites 1089-1092). This accounts especially for the Pleistocene zonation where Hemidiscus karstenii, whose first abundant occurrence datum and last occurrence datum defines the subzonation of the northern Thalassiosira lentiginosa Zone, occurs only sporadically in the cold-water realm south of the PFZ and thus is not applicable in sections from this area. However, newly established marker species assigned to the genus Rouxia (Rouxia leventerae and Rouxia constricta) are more related to cold-water environments and allow a refinement of the Pleistocene stratigraphic zonation for the southern cold areas. A study relying on quantitative counts of both Rouxia species confirms the utility of these stratigraphic markers for the identification of sequences attributed to marine isotope Stages 6 and 8 in the southern Southern Ocean (Zielinski et al., 2002).


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 167 represents the first time since 1978 that the North American Pacific margin was drilled to study ocean history. More than 7500 m of Quaternary to middle Miocene (14 Ma) sediments were recovered from 13 sites, representing the most complete stratigraphic sequence on the California margin. Diatoms are found in most samples in variable abundance and in a moderately well-preserved state throughout the sequence, and they are often dominated by robust, dissolution-resistant species. The Neogene North Pacific diatom zonation of Yanagisawa and Akiba (1998, doi:10.5575/geosoc.104.395) best divides the Miocene to Quaternary sequences, and updated ages of diatom biohorizons estimated based on the geomagnetic polarity time scale of Cande and Kent (1995, doi:10.1029/94JB03098) are slightly revised to adjust the differences between the other zonations. Most of the early middle Miocene through Pleistocene diatom datum levels that have been proven to be of stratigraphic utility in the North Pacific appear to be nearly isochronous within the level of resolution constrained by sample spacing. The assemblages are characterized by species typical of middle-to-high latitudes and regions of high surface-water productivity, predominantly by Coscinodiscus marginatus, Stephanopyxis species, Proboscia barboi, and Thalassiothrix longissima. Latest Miocene through Pliocene assemblages in the region of the California Current, however, are intermediate between those of subarctic and subtropical areas. As a result, neither the existing tropical nor the subarctic (high latitude) zonal schemes were applicable for this region. An interval of pronounced diatom dissolution detected throughout the Pliocene sequence apparently correspond to a relatively warmer paleoceanographic condition resulting in a slackening of the southward flow of the California Current.


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The monograph presents results of deep-sea drilling in the Black Sea carried out in 1975. Detailed lithological, biostratigraphic and geochemical studies of Miocene-Holocene sediments have been carried out by specialists from institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University and other organizations. Drilling results are compared with geophysical data. Geological history of the Black Sea basin is considered as well.


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The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) is a major transient warming event that occurred at ~ 40 Ma and reversed a long-term cooling trend through the early and middle Eocene. We report the results of a high-resolution, quantitative study of siliceous microfossils at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 748 and 749 (Southern Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Ocean, ~ 58°S) across a ~ 1.4 myr interval spanning the MECO event. At both sites, a significant increase in biosiliceous sedimentation is associated with the MECO event. Rich siliceous planktonic microfossil assemblages in this interval are unusual in that they are dominated by ebridians, with radiolarians as a secondary major component. Silicoflagellates and diatoms comprise only a minor fraction of the assemblage, in contrast to siliceous microfossil assemblages that characterize modern Southern Ocean sediments. Based on our new siliceous microfossil records, we interpret two ~ 300 kyr periods of elevated nutrient availability in Southern Ocean surface waters which span the peak warming interval of the MECO and the post-MECO cooling interval. A diverse assemblage of large silicoflagellates belonging to the Dictyocha grandis plexus is linked to the rapid rise in sea-surface temperatures immediately prior to peak warmth, and a pronounced turnover is observed in both ebridian and silicoflagellate assemblages at the onset of peak warming. The interval of peak warmth is also characterized by high abundance of cosmopolitan ebridians (e.g., Ammodochium spp.) and silicoflagellates (e.g., Naviculopsis spp.), and increased abundance of tropical and subtropical diatom genera (e.g., Asterolampra and Azpeitia). These observations confirm the relative pattern of temperature change interpreted from geochemical proxy data at multiple Southern Ocean sites. Furthermore, rapid assemblage changes in both autotrophic and heterotrophic siliceous microfossil groups indicate a reorganization of Southern Ocean plankton communities in response to greenhouse warming during the MECO event.


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Laminated sediments are unique archives of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoceanographic conditions, recording changes on seasonal and interannual timescales. Diatom-rich laminated marine sediments are examined from Dumont d'Urville Trough, East Antarctic Margin, to determine changes in environmental conditions on the continental shelf from 1136 to 3122 cal. yr BP. Scanning electron microscope backscattered electron imagery (BSEI) and secondary electron imagery are used to analyse diatom assemblages from laminations and to determine interlamina relationships. Diatom observations are quantified with conventional assemblage counts. Laminae are primarily classified according to visually dominant species identified in BSEI and, secondarily, by terrigenous content. Nine lamina types are identified and are characterized by: Hyalochaete Chaetoceros spp. resting spores (CRS); CRS and Fragilariopsis spp.; Fragilariopsis spp.; Corethron pennatum and Rhizosolenia spp.; C. pennatum; Rhizosolenia spp.; mixed diatom assemblage; Stellarima microtrias resting spores (RS), Porosira glacialis RS and Coscinodiscus bouvet; and P. glacialis RS. Formation of each lamina type is controlled by seasonal changes in sea ice cover, nutrient levels and water column stability. Quantitative diatom assemblage analysis revealed that each lamina type is dominated by CRS and Fragilariopsis sea ice taxa, indicating that sea ice cover was extensive and persistent in the late Holocene. However the lamina types indicate that the sea ice regime was not consistent throughout this period, notably that a relatively warmer period, ~3100 to 2500 cal. yr BP, was followed by cooling which resulted in an increase in year round sea ice by ~1100 cal. yr BP.


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Siliceous skeletons were investigated in two core profiles (9 cores), one off Cap de Sines, Portugal and the other off Cap de Mazagan, Morocco. Total number of skeletons was determined per gram of dried sediment at different core depths of the fraction >21 µ. Results are compared with a core profile from the Arabian Sea. Diatoms are of four groups: (A) marine-planktonic, B) marine-benthic, (C) freshwater and (D) Tertiary species (Trinacria e.g.). Species from groups (B), (C) and (D) are redeposited in all cores taken at a water depth of greater than 100 m. Small numbers of Silicoflagellates and Radiolarians were found throughout the cores from the Ibero-Moroccan shelf. In the Arabian Sea core, Radiolarians were concentrated in distinct horizons in which Tertiary material was redeposited (40-50, 140-150, 250-260 cm). The number of siliceous skeletons per gram of dried sediment decreases more or less rapidly with increasing depth in all cores. Whereas about 2500 skeletons were found in sediments close to the surface, approximately 100 skeletons only were found in deeper (>40 cm) layers. Deeper horizons with more than 100 specimens were interpreted as redeposited material. This sediment contained robust skeletons, resistant against dissolution, as well as benthic and Tertiary material. The decrease of siliceous skeletons relative to core depth depends upon the sedimentation rate. Where the sedimentation rate is high, the opal dissolution zone extends down to 30-60 cm, where the sedimentation rate is low, it is located at 10-30 cm. Below these depths opals disappears. These zones also have approximately the same age (4000 years) everywhere. Siliceous skeletons dissolve differentially, first the Silicoflagellates disappear, second the Diatoms, third the Radiolarians, and fourth the Sponge Spicules. Surface structure of skeletons from near the opal dissolution zones are similar to those of skeletons treated with NaOH. Tertiary diatoms (Trinacria e. g.) and benthic diatoms (Campylodiscus e.g.) dissolve less rapidly than skeletons of modern planktonic diatoms (Coscinodiscus e.g.). The time control of the opal dissolution zones appeared rather independent of various oceanic influences. No evidence was found for effects from upwelling either off Portugal or off Morocco. No difference in dissolution rates was recorded between the abyssal plains lying off these two areas. Likewise, there was no change in solution rates from Pleistocene to Holocene within either one of the abyssal plains. The Mediterranean outflow, which is enriched in dissolved silica, apparently had no effect on dissolution rates of siliceous skeletons in the sediment.


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Early Oligocene siliceous microfossils were recovered in the upper c. 193 m of the CRP-3 drillcore. Although abundance and preservation are highly variable through this section, approximately 130 siliceous microfossil taxa were identified, including diatoms, silicoflagellates, ebridians, chrysophycean cysts, and endoskeletal dinoflagellates. Well-preserved and abundant assemblages characterize samples in the upper c. 70 m and indicate deposition in a coastal setting with water depths between 50 and 200 m. Abundance fluctuations over narrow intervals in the upper c. 70 mbsf are interpreted to reflect environmental changes that were either conducive or deleterious to growth and preservation of siliceous microfossils. Only poorly-preserved (dissolved, replaced, and/or fragmented) siliceous microfossils are present from c. 70 to 193 mbsf. Diatom biostratigraphy indicates that the CRP-3 section down to c. 193 mbsf is early Oligocene in age. The lack of significant changes in composition of the siliceous microfossil assemblage suggests that no major hiatuses are present in this interval. The first occurrence (FO) of Cavitatus jouseanus at 48.44 mbsf marks the base of the Cavitatus jouseanus Zone. This datum is inferred to be near the base of Subchron C12n at c. 30.9 Ma. The FO of Rhizosolenia antarctica at 68.60 mbsf marks the base of the Rhizosolenia antarctica Zone. The FO of this taxon is correlated in deep-sea sections to Chron C13 (33.1 to 33.6 Ma). However, the lower range of R. antarctica is interpreted as incomplete in the CRP-3 drillcore, as it is truncated at an underlying interval of poor preservation: therefore, an age of c. 33.1 to 30.9 Ma is inferred for interval between c. 70 and 50 mbsf. The absence of Hemiaulus caracteristicus from diatom-bearing interval of CRP-3 further indicates an age younger than c. 33 Ma (Subchron C13n) for strata above c. 193 mbsf. Siliceous microfossil assemblages in CRP-3 are significantly different from the late Eocene assemblages reported CIROS-1 drillcore. The absence of H. caracteristicus, Stephanopyxis splendidus, and Pterotheca danica, and the ebridians Ebriopsis crenulata, Parebriopsis fallax, and Pseudoammodochium dictyoides in CRP-3 indicates that the upper 200 m of the CRP-3 drillcore is equivalent to part of the stratigraphic interval missing within the unconformity at c. 366 mbsf in CIROS-1.


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A close examination of the siliceous microfossil assemblages from the sediments of ODP Leg 127, Japan Sea Sites 794, 795, and 797, reveals that upper Pliocene and Pleistocene assemblages have been subjected to more dissolution than have lower Pliocene assemblages. This conclusion is based on semiquantitative observations of samples processed for diatoms and radiolarians. Although preservation of opaline microfossils in some upper Pliocene and Pleistocene samples is better than others, in general, the poorly preserved state of these assemblages supports the notion that opal dissolution, in response to lowered productivity, is responsible for the paucity of siliceous microfossils in upper Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments. The lithological transition from diatomaceous oozes to silts and clays corresponds to a change between dominantly well preserved to more poorly preserved siliceous assemblages, and is termed the late Pliocene Japan Sea opal dissolution transition zone (ODTZ). The base of the ODTZ is defined as the uppermost occurrence of high abundances of moderately to well preserved valves of the diatom Coscinodiscus marginatus. The dissolution transition zone is characterized by partially dissolved refractory assemblages of radiolarians, the presence of C. marginatus girdles, C. marginatus fragments, siliceous sponge spicules, and a general decrease in weakly silicified, less solution resistant diatoms upward in the section. The top of the dissolution transition zone marks the level where whole C. marginatus valves and C. marginatus fragments are no longer present in significant numbers. Dissolution of the late Pliocene and Pleistocene opaline assemblages is attributed mainly to changes in paleoceanographic circulation patterns and decreased nutrient (dissolved silicon) contents of the water column, and possibly dissolution at the sediment/water interface, rather than to post-depositional dissolution or diagenesis. We suggest that the transition from silica-rich to silica-poor conditions in the Japan Sea was due to fluctuations of deep-water exchange with the Pacific through the Tsugaru Strait between 2.9 and 2.3 Ma.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 we cored nine sites on the continental rise (Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101), continental shelf (Sites 1097, 1100, 1102, and 1103), and in an inner shelf basin, Palmer Deep (Sites 1098 and 1099), along the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Fossil diatoms are a key group that provides age constraint for these shelf site sediments to allow reconstruction of Antarctic Peninsula glacial history. This paper provides the systematic paleontology of diatoms applied in biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic studies and includes a total of 33 plates. Taxonomic confusion in previous reports, including biostratigraphically useful species such as Thalassiosira inura and Thalassiosira complicata, is discussed. These systematics and taxonomic discussions help to provide a reference for Neogene diatoms in the Southern Ocean.