999 resultados para Corrosion kinetics


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Corrosion of SAE 310 stainless steel in H2-H2O-H2S gas mixtures was studied at a constant temperature of 1150 K. Reactive gas mixtures were chosen to yield a constant oxygen potential of approximately 6 × 10-13 Nm-2 and sulfur potentials ranging from 0.19 × 10-2 Nm-2 to 33 × 10-2 Nm-2. The kinetics of corrosion were determined using a thermobalance, and the scales were analyzed using metallography, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Two corrosion regimes, which were dependent on sulfur potential, were identified. At high sulfur potentials (P S 2 ± 2.7 × 10-2 Nm-2) the corrosion rates were high, the kinetics obeyed a linear rate equation, and the scales consisted mainly of sulfide phases similar to those observed from pure sulfidation. At low sulfur potentials (P S 2 ± 0.19 × 10-2 Nm-2) the corrosion rates were low, the kinetics obeyed a parabolic rate equation, and scales consisted mainly of oxide phases. Thermochemical diagrams for the Fe-Cr-S-O, Fe-Ni-S-O, Cr-Ni-S-O, and Si-Cr-S-O systems were constructed, and the experimental results are discussed in relation to these diagrams. Based on this comparison, reasonable corrosion mechanisms were developed. At high sulfur potentials, oxide and sulfide phases initially nucleate as separate islands. Overgrowth of the oxide by the sulfide occurs and an exchange reaction governs the corrosion process. Preoxidation at low oxygen potentials and 1150 K is beneficial in suppressing sulfidation at high sulfur potentials.


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The relationship between microbial colonization of two kinds of passive metals and ennobling of their corrosion potentials (E-corr) were studied. Two types of passive metal coupons were exposed to natural seawater for about ten days. Under laboratory conditions, all corrosion potentials of the samples ennobled for about 200 mV. Epifluorescence microscopy showed that bacteria adsorption was the main process during about the first day immersion and bacteria reproduced in the following days. The bacteria number increased on the metal surface according to an exponential law and the kinetics of bacteria adsorption at the metal surface during this period was proposed. The ennoblement of E-corr was similar to the increasing bacteria number: E-corr increased quickly during the bacteria adsorption process and increased slowly after biofilms had formed.


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Previous studies have established that some of the wear damage seen on cast CoCrMo joint surface is caused by entrained third-body hard particles. In this study, wet-cell micro-indentation and nano-scratch tests have been carried out with the direct aim of simulating wear damage induced by single abrasive particles entrained between the surfaces of cast CoCrMo hip implants. In situ electrochemical current noise measurements were uniquely performed to detect and study the wear-induced corrosion as well as the repassivation kinetics under the micro-/nano-scale tribological process. A mathematical model has been explored for the CoCrMo repassivation kinetics after surface oxide film rupture. Greater insights into the nature of the CoCrMo micro-/nano-scale wear-corrosion mechanisms and deformation processes are determined, including the identification of slip band formation, matrix/carbide deformation, nanocrystalline structure formation and strain-induced phase transformation. The electrochemical current noise provides evidence of instantaneous transient corrosion activity at the wearing surface resulting from partial oxide rupturing and stripping, concurrent with the indent/scratch.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivos a produção, caracterização e aplicação de microelétrodos (MEs) de diamante como sensores amperométricos e potenciométricos em sistemas de corrosão nos quais a agressividade do meio e a presença de produtos de corrosão, constituem obstáculos que podem diminuir o desempenho, ou inviabilizar a utilização, de outros tipos de sensores. Os microeléctrodos são baseados em filmes finos de diamante dopado com boro (BDD – Boron Doped Diamond) depositados sobre fios de tungsténio afiados, através do método de deposição química a partir da fase vapor, assistida por filamento quente (HFCVD – Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition). A otimização das diversas etapas de fabricação dos MEs deu origem ao desenvolvimento de um novo sistema de afiamento eletroquímico para obtenção destes fios e a várias opções para a obtenção dos filmes de diamante condutor e seu isolamento com resinas para exposição apenas da ponta cilíndrica. A qualidade cristalina dos filmes de diamante foi avaliada por espectroscopia de Raman. Esta informação foi complementada com uma caracterização microestrutural dos filmes de diamante por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento (SEM), em que se fez a identificação da tipologia dos cristais como pertencendo às gamas de diamante nanocristalino ou microcristalino. Os filmes de BDD foram utilizados na sua forma não modificada, com terminações em hidrogénio e também com modificação da superfície através de tratamentos de plasma RF de CF4 e O2 indutores de terminações C-F no primeiro caso e de grupos C=O, C-O-C e C-OH no segundo, tal como determinado por XPS. A caracterização eletroquímica dos MEs não modificados revelou uma resposta voltamétrica com elevada razão sinal/ruído e baixa corrente capacitiva, numa gama de polarização quasi-ideal com extensão de 3 V a 4 V, dependente dos parâmetros de crescimento e pós-tratamentos de superfície. Estudou-se a reversibilidade de algumas reações heterogéneas com os pares redox Fe(CN)6 3-/4- e FcOH0/+ e verificou-se que a constante cinética, k0, é mais elevada em elétrodos com terminações em hidrogénio, nos quais não se procedeu a qualquer modificação da superfície. Estes MEs não modificados foram também testados na deteção de Zn2+ onde se observou, por voltametria cíclica, que a detecção da redução deste ião é linear numa escala log-log na gama de 10-5-10-2 M em 5 mM NaCl. Realizaram-se também estudos em sistemas de corrosão modelares, em que os microeléctrodos foram usados como sensores amperométricos para mapear a distribuição de oxigénio e Zn2+ sobre um par galvânico Zn-Fe, com recurso a um sistema SVET (Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique). Foi possível detetar, com resolução lateral de 100 μm, um decréscimo da concentração de O2 junto a ambos os metais e produção de catiões de zinco no ânodo. Contudo verificou-se uma significativa deposição de zinco metálico na superfície dos ME utilizados. Os MEs com superfície modificada por plasma de CF4 foram testados como sensores de oxigénio dissolvido. A calibração dos microeléctrodos foi efetuada simultaneamente por voltametria cíclica e medição óptica através de um sensor de oxigénio comercial. Determinou-se uma sensibilidade de ~0.1422 nA/μM, com um limite de deteção de 0.63 μM. Os MEs modificados com CF4 foram também testados como sensores amperométricos com os quais se observou sensibilidade ao oxigénio dissolvido em solução, tendo sido igualmente utilizados durante a corrosão galvânica de pares Zn-Fe. Em alguns casos foi conseguida sensibilidade ao ião Zn2+ sem que o efeito da contaminação superficial com zinco metálico se fizesse sentir. Os microeléctrodos tratados em plasma de CF4 permitem uma boa deteção da distribuição de oxigénio, exibindo uma resposta mais rápida que os não tratados além de maior estabilidade de medição e durabilidade. Nos MEs em que a superfície foi modificada com plasma de O2 foi possível detetar, por cronopotenciometria a corrente nula, uma sensibilidade ao pH de ~51 mV/pH numa gama de pH 2 a pH 12. Este comportamento foi associado à contribuição determinante de grupos C-O e C=O, observados por XPS com uma razão O/C de 0,16. Estes MEs foram igualmente testados durante a corrosão galvânica do par Zn-Fe onde foi possível mapear a distribuição de pH associada ao desenvolvimento de regiões alcalinas causadas pela redução do oxigénio, acima da região catódica, e de regiões ácidas decorrentes da dissolução anódica do ânodo de zinco. Com o par galvânico imerso em 50 mM NaCl registou-se uma variação de pH aproximadamente entre 4,8 acima do ânodo de zinco a 9,3 sobre o cátodo de ferro. A utilização pioneira destes MEs como sensores de pH é uma alternativa promissora aos elétrodos baseados em membranas seletivas.


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Surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) is a mechanical peening process used to generate ultrafine grain surfaces on a metal. SMAT was carried out on pure magnesium using different attrition media (zirconia [ZiO2], alumina [Al2O3], and steel balls) to observe the effect on microstructure, surface residual stress, surface composition, and corrosion. Surface contamination from SMAT was characterized using glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES). The SMAT process produced a refined grain structure on the surface of Mg but resulted in a region of elemental contamination extending ~10 μm into the substrate, regardless of the media used. Consequently, SMAT-treated surfaces showed an increased corrosion rate compared to untreated Mg, primarily through increased cathodic kinetics. This study highlights the issue of contamination resulting from the SMAT process, which is a penalty that accompanies the significant grain refinement of the surface produced by SMAT. This must be considered if attempting to exploit grain refinement for improving corrosion resistance.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The cathodic and anodic characteristics of freshly polished and pre-reduced UNS S32550 (ASTM A479) super duplex stainless steel in a filtered and conductivity-adjusted seawater have been investigated under controlled flow conditions. A rotating cylinder electrode was used together with both steady and non-steady-state voltammetry and a potential step current transient technique to investigate the electrode reactions in the fully characterized electrolyte. Both oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution were highly irreversible and the material exhibited excellent passivation and repassivation kinetics. Relative corrosion rates were derived and the corrosion mechanism of the alloy was found to be completely independent of the mass-transfer effects, which can contribute to flow-induced corrosion.


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A study of several chemical and electrochemical factors which affect the behaviour of embedded steel in cement pastes and concrete has been made. The effects of internal and external sources of chloride ions on the pore solution chemistry of Portland cement pastes, with and without additions of anodic corrosion inhibitors, have been studied using a pore solution expression device which has enabled samples of pore solution to be expressed from hardened cement pastes and analysed for various ionic species. Samples of pure alite and tricalcium aluminate have been prepared and characterised with respect to morphology, free lime content and fineness. Kinetics of diffusion of chloride ions in hardened pastes of alite and alite blended with tricalcium aluminate have been investigated and an activation energy obtained for the diffusion process in alite. The pore structures of the hardened pastes and the chloride ion binding capacity of alite have also been determined. Concrete cylinders containing embedded steel with four different surface conditions were exposed to various environments. The electrochemical behaviour of the steel was monitored during the period of exposure by means of rest potential measurements and the steel corrosion products analysed before and after being embedded. An examination was made of the nature of the interfacial zones produced between the embedded steel and cement. Rest potential measurements were monitored for steel embedded in alite paste in the presence of chloride ions and cement paste containing various levels of inhibitors in combination with chloride ions. In the latter case the results were supported by polarisation resistance determinations.


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The application of Raman spectroscopy to the study of the copper chloride minerals nantokite, eriochalcite and claringbullite has enabled the vibrational modes for the CuCl, CuOH and CuOH2 to be determined. Nantokite is characterised by bands at 205 and 155 cm-1 attributed to the transverse and longitudinal optic vibrations. Nantokite also has an intense band at 463 cm-1, eriochalcite at 405 and 390 cm-1 and claringbullite at 511 cm-1. These bands are attributed to CuO stretching modes. Water librational bands at around 672 cm-1 for eriochalcite have been identified and hydroxyl deformation modes of claringbullite at 970, 906 and 815 cm-1 are observed. Spectra of the three minerals are so characteristically different that the minerals are readily identified by Raman spectroscopy. The minerals are often determined in copper corrosion products by X-ray diffraction. Raman spectroscopy offers a rapid, in-situ technique for the identification of these corrosion products.