991 resultados para Corridors (Ecology) - Australia


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Aquest projecte pretén estudiar la falta de connectivitat biològica entre la serra de l' Albera i el massís de les Salines (Pirineu empordanès)


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L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és establir les propostes de gestió necessàries per tal de poder preservar els espais oberts a la zona de Sant Sadurní d’Osormort (Guilleries), i poder ho fer extensible a altres zones de Catalunya i d’Europa. Per dur a terme l’ estudi utilitzen com indicador els lepidòpters ropalòcers de zones obertes . Aquest projecte proposa millores en la gestió del territori d’estudi, per tal d’aconseguir una millora en l’ecosistema i una millor connectivitat biològica


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Estudi de la connectivitat fluvial del riu Fluvià en relació a l’anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla). S’identifiquen les barreres físiques transversals del curs principal d’aquest riu, es valora la connectivitat longitudinal mitjançant l’índex de connectivitat fluvial (ICF) i es proposen mesures correctores per tal de millorar la migració de l’anguila i el moviment natural d’altres espècies


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Discusses some of the challenges faced in attempting to retain and conserve grasslands on Victoria's Northern Plains over the past decade. The development of a strategic vision and directions and opportunities for the future are highlighted.


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There has been increased focus on establishing landscape and sub-continental scale linkages and corridors in Australia in recent years. These include the WildCountry, Alps to Atherton, Naturelinks and Gondwana Link initiatives. However, there has been little discussion as to what the underlying tenure, land use and protection mechanisms might look like on the ground. The development of Biosphere Reserves and Conservation Management Networks (collectively ‘multi-tenure reserve networks’) which incorporate public and private conservation lands under a variety of tenures and protection mechanisms provides example of how this might be achieved.

Whilst the rhetoric has been strong the amount of actual research on what multi-tenure reserve networks mean in practice has been limited. This paper reflects on the lessons acquired from research into these networks and discusses with this practical insight the difference between rhetoric and performance in this vital area. In particular we discuss some of the ecological, social, governance and legal aspects of these networks. We will also proceed to hypothesise on what the future challenges are for multi-tenure reserve networks and what will be needed to overcome these challenges.


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Riparian zones are a characteristic component of many landscapes throughout the world and increasingly are valued as key areas for biodiversity conservation. Their importance for bird communities has been well recognised in semi-arid environments and in modified landscapes where there is a marked contrast between riparian and adjacent non-riparian vegetation. The value of riparian zones in largely intact landscapes with continuous vegetation cover is less well understood. This research examined the importance of riparian habitats for avifauna conservation by investigating the ecological interactions contributing to the pattern of bird assemblages in riparian and adjacent non-riparian habitats. Specifically, the focus is on the bird assemblages of riparian zones and those of adjacent non-riparian vegetation types and the influence that associated differences in resource availabilities, habitat structure and conditions have on observed patterns. This study was conducted in the foothill forests of the Victorian Highlands, south-east Australia. Mixed-species eucalypt (genus Eucalyptus) forests dominate the vegetation of this region. Site selection was based on the occurrence of suitable riparian habitat interspersed within extensive, relatively undisturbed (i.e. no recent timber harvesting or fire events) forest mosaics. A series of 30 paired riparian and non-riparian sites were established among six stream systems in three forest areas (Bunyip State Park, Kinglake National Park and Marysville State Forest). Riparian sites were positioned alongside the stream and the non-riparian partner site was positioned on a facing slope at a distance of approximately 750 m. Bird surveys were carried out during 29 visits to each site between July 2001 and December 2002. Riparian sites were floristically distinct from non-riparian sites and had a more complex vegetation structure, including a mid-storey tree layer mostly absent from non-riparian sites, extensive fine litter and coarse woody debris, and dense ground-layer vegetation (e.g. sedges and ground ferns). The characteristic features of non-riparian habitats included a relatively dense canopy cover, a ground layer dominated by grasses and fine litter, and a high density of canopy-forming trees in the smaller size-classes. Riparian zones supported a significantly greater species richness, abundance and diversity of birds when compared to non-riparian habitats. The composition of bird assemblages differed significantly between riparian and non-riparian habitats, with riparian assemblages displaying a higher level of similarity among sites. The strongest contributors to observed dissimilarities between habitat types included species that occurred exclusively in either habitat type or species with large contrasts in abundance between habitat types. Much of the avifauna (36%) of the study area is composed of species that are common and widespread in south-east Australia (i.e. forest generalists). Riparian habitats were characterised by a suite of species more typical of wetter forest types in south-east Australia and many of these species had a restricted distribution in the forest mosaic. Some species (7%) occurred exclusively in riparian habitats (i.e. riparian selective species) while others (43%) were strongly linked to these habitats (i.e. riparian associated species). A smaller proportion of species occurred exclusively (2%) in non-riparian habitats (i.e. non-riparian selective species) or were strongly linked to these habitats (10%; i.e. non-riparian associated species). To examine the seasonal dynamics of assemblages, the variation through time in species richness, abundance and composition was compared between riparian and non-riparian sites. Riparian assemblages supported greater richness and abundance, and displayed less variation in these parameters, than non-riparian assemblages at all times. The species composition of riparian assemblages was distinct from non-riparian assemblages throughout the annual cycle. An influx of seasonal migrants elevated species richness and abundance in the forest landscape during spring and summer. The large-scale movement pattern (e.g. coastal migrant, inland migrant) adopted by migrating species was associated with their preference for riparian or non-riparian habitats in the landscape. Species which migrate north-south along the east coast of mainland Australia (i.e. coastal migrants) used riparian zones disproportionately; eight of eleven species were riparian associated species. Species which migrate north-south through inland Australia (i.e. inland migrants) were mostly associated with non-riparian habitats. The significant differences in the dynamics of community structure between riparian and non-riparian assemblages shows that there is a disproportionate use of riparian zones across the landscape and that they provide higher quality habitat for birds throughout the annual cycle. To examine the ecological mechanisms by which riparian assemblages are richer and support more individual birds, the number of ecological groups (foraging, nest-type and body mass groups) represented, and the species richness of these groups, was compared between riparian and non-riparian assemblages. The structurally complex vegetation and distinctive habitat features (e.g. aquatic environments, damp sheltered litter) provided in the riparian zone, resulted in the consistent addition of ecological groups to riparian assemblages (e.g. sheltered ground – invertebrates foraging group) compared with non-riparian assemblages. Greater species richness was accommodated in most foraging, nest-type and body mass groups in riparian than non-riparian assemblages. Riparian zones facilitated greater richness within ecological groups by providing conditions (i.e. more types of resources and greater abundance of resources) that promoted ecological segregation between ecologically similar species. For a set of commonly observed species, significant differences in their use of structural features, substrates and heights were registered between riparian and non-riparian habitats. The availability and dynamics of resources in riparian and non-riparian habitats were examined to determine if there is differential availability of particular resources, or in their temporal availability, throughout the annual cycle. Riparian zones supported more abundant and temporally reliable eucalypt flowering (i.e. nectar) than non-riparian habitats throughout the annual cycle. Riparian zones also supported an extensive loose bark resource (an important microhabitat for invertebrates) including more peeling bark and hanging bark throughout the year than at non-riparian sites. The productivity of eucalypts differed between habitat types, being higher in riparian zones at most times for all eucalypts combined, and for some species (e.g. Narrow-leaved Peppermint Eucalyptus radiata). Non-riparian habitats provided an abundant nectar resource (i.e. shrub flowering) at particular periods in the annual cycle. Birds showed clear relationships with the availability of specific food (i.e. nectar) and foraging resources (i.e. loose bark). The demonstration of a greater abundance of resources and higher primary productivity in riparian zones is consistent with the hypothesis that these linear strips that occupy only a small proportion of the landscape have a disproportionately high value for birds. Riparian zones in continuous eucalypt forest provide high quality habitats that contribute to the diversity of habitats and resources available to birds in the forest mosaic, with positive benefits for the landscape-level species pool. Despite riparian and non-riparian habitat supporting distinct assemblages of birds, strong linkages are maintained along the riparian-upslope gradient. Clearly, the maintenance of diverse and sustainable assemblages of birds in forest landscapes depends on complementary management of both riparian and non-riparian vegetation.


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The post-larvae and fry of Australian native species, including those of species belonging to the family Percichthyidae, are routinely reared to a fingerling size (35-55 mm in length) in fertilised earthen fry rearing ponds. The juveniles of Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii\ trout cod (Maccullochella macquariensis) and Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasicd) (Percichthyidae) are grown in fry rearing ponds at the Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute, Snobs Creek (Vie. Australia) for production of fingerlings for stock enhancement and aquaculture purposes. However, no detailed studies have been undertaken of the productivity of these ponds and factors that influence fish production. An ecologically based study was undertaken to increase the knowledge of pond ecology and dynamics, particularly in relation to the rearing of juvenile Murray cod, trout cod and Macquarie perch in ponds. Over nine consecutive seasons commencing in 1991, water chemistry, plankton, macrobenthos (2 seasons only) and fish were monitored and studied in five ponds located at Snobs Creek. A total of 80 pond fillings were undertaken during the study period. Additional data collected from another 24 pond fillings undertaken at Snobs Creek collected prior to this study were included in some analyses. Water chemistry parameters monitored in the ponds included, temperature, dissolved oxygen pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, orthophosphate and alkalinity. Water chemistry varied spatially (within and between ponds) and temporally (diurnally, daily and seasonally). Liming of ponds increased the total alkalinity to levels that were considered to be suitable for enhancing plankton communities and fish production. Water quality within the ponds for the most part was suitable for the rearing of juvenile Murray cod, trout cod and Macquarie perch, as reflected in overall production (growth, survival and yield) from the ponds. However, at times some parameters reached levels which may have stressed fish and reduced growth and survival, in particular, low dissolved oxygen concentrations (minimum 1.18 mg/L), high temperatures (maximum 34°C), high pH (maximum 10.38) and high unionised ammonia (maximum 0.58 mg/L). Species belonging to 37 phytoplankton, 45 zooplankton and 17 chironomid taxa were identified from the ponds during the study. In addition, an extensive checklist of aquatic flora and fauna, recorded from aquaculture ponds in south-eastern Australia, was compiled. However, plankton and benthos samples were usually numerically dominated by a few species only. Rotifers (especially Filinia, Brachionus, Polyarthra, and Asplanchnd), cladocerans (Moina and Daphnid) and copepods (Mesocyclops and Boeckelld) were most abundant and common in the plankton, while chironomids (Chironomus, Polypedilum, and Prodadius) and oligochaetes were most common and abundant in the benthos. Both abundance and species composition of the plankton and macrobenthos varied spatially (within and between ponds) and temporally (diurnally, daily and seasonally). Chlorophyll a concentrations, which ranged from 1.8 to 184 \ig/L (mean 29.37 ng/L), initially peaked within two weeks of filling and fertilising the ponds. Zooplankton peaked in abundance 2-4 weeks after filling the ponds. The maximum zooplankton density recorded in the ponds was 6,621 ind./L (mean 721 ind./L). Typically, amongst the zooplankton, rotifers were first to develop high densities (2nd-3rd week after filling), followed by cladocerans (2nd-4th week after filling) then copepods (2nd-5th week after filling). Chironomid abundance on average peaked later (during the 5th week after filling). The maximum chironomid density recorded in the ponds was 27,470 ind./m2 (mean 4,379 ind./m2). Length-weight, age-weight and age-length relationships were determined for juvenile Murray cod, trout cod and Macquarie perch reared in ponds. These relationships were most similar for Murray cod and trout cod, which are more closely related phylogenetically and similar morphologically than Macquarie perch. Growth of fish was negatively correlated with both size at stocking and stocking biomass. Stocking density experiments showed that, at higher densities, growth offish was significantly reduced, but survival was not affected. The diets of juvenile Murray cod trout cod and Macquarie perch reared in fry ponds were similar. The cladocerans Moina and Daphnia, adult calanoid and cyclopoid copepods and the chironomids, Chironomus, Polypedilum and Procladius were the most commonly occurring and abundant prey. Selection for rotifers and copepod nauplii was strongly negative for all three species of fish. Size range of prey consumed was positively correlated with fish size for trout cod and Macquarie perch, but not for Murray cod. Diet composition changed as the fish grew. Early after stocking the fish into the ponds, Moina was generally the more common prey consumed, while in latter weeks, copepods and chironomids became more abundant and common in the diet. On a dry weight basis, chironomid larvae were the most important component in the diets of these fish species. Selective feeding by fish on larger planktonic species such as adult copepods and cladocerans, may have influenced the plankton community structure as proposed by the trophic cascade or top -down hypothesis. The proximate composition and energy content of Murray cod, trout cod and Macquarie perch, reared in the ponds did not vary significantly between the species, and few significant changes were observed as the fish grew. These results suggested that the nutrient requirements of these species might not vary over the size range of fish examined. Significant differences in the proximate composition of prey were observed between species, size of species and time of season. The energy content of prey (cladocerans, copepods and chironomids) on a pond basis, was closely related to the abundance of these taxa in the ponds. Data collected from all pond fillings during the present study, along with historical data from pond fillings undertaken prior to this study, were combined in a data matrix and analysed for interactions between pairs of parameters. In particular, interactions between selected water chemistry parameters, zooplankton and chironomid abundance indicators were analysed to identify key factors that influence fish production (growth, survival, condition and yield). Significant correlations were detected between fish production indicators and several water chemistry and biota (zooplankton and chironomids) parameters. However, these were not consistent across all three species of fish. These results indicated that the interactions between water chemistry, biota and fish were complex, and that combinations of these parameters, along with other factors not included in the present study, may influence fish production in these ponds. The present study, showed that more stringent monitoring of fry rearing ponds, especially water quality, zooplankton and benthos communities and fish, combined with an associated increase in understanding of the pond ecosystem, can lead to substantial improvements in pond productivity and associated fish production. In the present study this has resulted in a general increase in fish survival rates, which became less variable or more predictable in nature. The value of such knowledge can provide managers with a more predicative capacity to estimate production of ponds in support of stock enhancement programs and provision of juvenile for aquaculture grow-out.


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This research has described linkages between the cold-water Bonney Upwelling of south-east Australia, associated primary and secondary biological production, and the presence of feeding blue whales Balaenoptera musculus. This is a previously undescribed, seasonally predictable blue whale feeding area, where whales prey on abundant swarms of krill Nyctiphanes australis.


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Genetic markers to DNA fingerprint the Powerful Owl were developed. These markers enable individual owls to be identified through the collection of shed feathers. Individual identification allowed for crucial aspects of the Powerful Owl's ecology and biology to be investigated.


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Small mammals displayed contrasting patterns of occurence in forest fragments. Population studies revealed that key processes responsible for survival in habitat patches include demographic flexibility and the movement of individuals between patches. Combining pattern- and process-based approaches provides a more complete understanding of fauna in modified landscapes.


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An investigation of the genetic diversity of New Holland mouse populations using DNA. Ten distinct restriction enzyme fragment patterns or haplotypes were detected. From the fragment patterns, estimates of genetic divergence between the haplotypes revealed a degree of genetic structuring within New Holland mouse with four population assemblages apparent.


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Fires are integral to the healthy functioning of most ecosystems and are often poorly understood in policy and management, however, the relationship between floristic composition and habitat structure is intrinsically linked, particularly after fire. The aim of this study was to test whether the variability of habitat structure or floristic composition and abundance in forests at a regional scale can be explained in terms of fire frequency using historical data and experimental prescribed burns. We tested this hypothesis in open eucalypt forests of Fraser Island off the east coast of Australia. Fraser Island dunes show progressive stages in plant succession as access to nutrients decreases across the Island. We found that fire frequency was not a good predictor of floristic composition or abundance across dune systems; rather, its affects were dune specific. In contrast, habitat structure was strongly influenced by fire frequency, independent of dune system. A dense understorey occurred in frequently burnt areas, whereas infrequently burnt areas had a more even distribution of plant heights. Plant communities returned to pre-burn levels of composition and abundances within 6 months of a fire and frequently burnt areas were dominated by early successional species of plant. These ecosystems were characterized by low diversity and frequently burnt areas on the east coast were dominated by Pteridium. Greater midstorey canopy cover in low frequency areas reduces light penetration and allows other species to compete more effectively with Pteridium. Our results strongly indicate that frequent fires on the Island have resulted in a decrease in relative diversity through dominance of several species. Prescribed fire represents a powerful management tool to shape habitat structure and complexity of Fraser Island forests.


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Acacia harpophylla F. Muell. (brigalow) used to naturally occur over a range of about 50 000 km(2) in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. Large scale clearing for agriculture has reduced the area to less than 20 000 km(2) and it is estimated that 20-25% of vertebrate fauna living in brigalow communities will become locally extinct as a result of the current clearing induced loss of habitat. Some coal mining companies in central Queensland have become interested in providing habitat for the endangered bridle nail-tailed wallaby that lives in brigalow vegetation. However, there is little known about establishment techniques for brigalow on mine sites and other disturbed ground; an understanding of brigalow biology and ecology is required to assist in the conservation of this threatened vegetation community and for re-creation of bridled nail-tail wallaby habitat in the post mining landscape. Brigalow is an unusual species of Acacia because it is not hard-seeded and germinates readily without the need to break seed-coat imposed dormancy. Germination trials were undertaken to test the ability of brigalow seed to germinate with a range of temperatures and salinity levels similar to those experienced in coal mine spoil. Optimum germination was found to occur at temperatures from 15 to 38 degrees C and no germination was recorded at 45 degrees C. Brigalow was very tolerant of high salt levels and germinated at percentages greater than 50% up to the highest salinity tested, 30 dS/m. Germination of greater than 90% occurred up to an electrical conductivity of 20 dS/m. The results indicate brigalow seed can be sown in summer when rains are most likely to occur, however, shading of the seed with extra soil or mulch may ensure the ground surface does not become too hot for germination. Because of its ability to germinate at high salinity levels, brigalow may be suitable for use in saline mine wastes which are common on sites to be rehabilitated after mining.