989 resultados para Coronary diseases
Tradicionalmente el manejo postoperatorio de los pacientes sometidos a circulación extracorpórea ha sido muy debatido. Tras la controversia coloides versus cristaloides ha surgido la discusión sobre el volumen de perfusión en las primeras fases del postoperatorio. La recomendación más extendida es la de restringir los ritmos de infusión basta un 50% de las necesidades basales. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio retrospectivo para ver los requerimientos basales en las primeras horas del postoperatorio evaluando las complicaciones. Del análisis de nuestra experiencia se deduce que la mayoría de pacientes finalizaron este período del postoperatorio con un aporte líquido ligeramente superior a las necesidades basales, sin que tenga repercusiones patológicas graves. Los ritmos de infusión deben ser muy variables adecuándose puntualmente a las necesidades hemodinámicas del paciente que se muestra muy dinámico en esta fase del postoperatotio.
Background:The direct-acting platelet P2Y receptor antagonist ticagrelor can reduce the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events when administered at hospital admission to patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Whether prehospital administration of ticagrelor can improve coronary reperfusion and the clinical outcome is unknown. Methods: We conducted an international, multicenter, randomized, double-blind study involving 1862 patients with ongoing STEMI of less than 6 hours' duration, comparing prehospital (in the ambulance) versus in-hospital (in the catheterization laboratory) treatment with ticagrelor. The coprimary end points were the proportion of patients who did not have a 70% or greater resolution of ST-segment elevation before percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and the proportion of patients who did not have Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction flow grade 3 in the infarct-related artery at initial angiography. Secondary end points included the rates of major adverse cardiovascular events and definite stent thrombosis at 30 days. Results: The median time from randomization to angiography was 48 minutes, and the median time difference between the two treatment strategies was 31 minutes. The two coprimary end points did not differ significantly between the prehospital and in-hospital groups. The absence of ST-segment elevation resolution of 70% or greater after PCI (a secondary end point) was reported for 42.5% and 47.5% of the patients, respectively. The rates of major adverse cardiovascular events did not differ significantly between the two study groups. The rates of definite stent thrombosis were lower in the prehospital group than in the in-hospital group (0% vs. 0.8% in the first 24 hours; 0.2% vs. 1.2% at 30 days). Rates of major bleeding events were low and virtually identical in the two groups, regardless of the bleeding definition used
Objectives: To examine the safety and effectiveness of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents compared with bare metal stents. Design: Individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Cox proportional regression models stratified by trial, containing random effects, were used to assess the impact of stent type on outcomes. Hazard ratios with 95% confidence interval for outcomes were reported. Data sources and study selection: Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Randomised controlled trials that compared cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents with bare metal stents were selected. The principal investigators whose trials met the inclusion criteria provided data for individual patients. Primary outcomes: The primary outcome was cardiac mortality. Secondary endpoints were myocardial infarction, definite stent thrombosis, definite or probable stent thrombosis, target vessel revascularisation, and all cause death. Results: The search yielded five randomised controlled trials, comprising 4896 participants. Compared with patients receiving bare metal stents, participants receiving cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents had a significant reduction of cardiac mortality (hazard ratio 0.67, 95% confidence interval 0.49 to 0.91; P=0.01), myocardial infarction (0.71, 0.55 to 0.92; P=0.01), definite stent thrombosis (0.41, 0.22 to 0.76; P=0.005), definite or probable stent thrombosis (0.48, 0.31 to 0.73; P<0.001), and target vessel revascularisation (0.29, 0.20 to 0.41; P<0.001) at a median follow-up of 720 days. There was no significant difference in all cause death between groups (0.83, 0.65 to 1.06; P=0.14). Findings remained unchanged at multivariable regression after adjustment for the acuity of clinical syndrome (for instance, acute coronary syndrome v stable coronary artery disease), diabetes mellitus, female sex, use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, and up to one year v longer duration treatment with dual antiplatelets. Conclusions: This meta-analysis offers evidence that compared with bare metal stents the use of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents improves global cardiovascular outcomes including cardiac survival, myocardial infarction, and overall stent thrombosis.
Objectives: To examine the safety and effectiveness of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents compared with bare metal stents. Design: Individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Cox proportional regression models stratified by trial, containing random effects, were used to assess the impact of stent type on outcomes. Hazard ratios with 95% confidence interval for outcomes were reported. Data sources and study selection: Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Randomised controlled trials that compared cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents with bare metal stents were selected. The principal investigators whose trials met the inclusion criteria provided data for individual patients. Primary outcomes: The primary outcome was cardiac mortality. Secondary endpoints were myocardial infarction, definite stent thrombosis, definite or probable stent thrombosis, target vessel revascularisation, and all cause death. Results: The search yielded five randomised controlled trials, comprising 4896 participants. Compared with patients receiving bare metal stents, participants receiving cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents had a significant reduction of cardiac mortality (hazard ratio 0.67, 95% confidence interval 0.49 to 0.91; P=0.01), myocardial infarction (0.71, 0.55 to 0.92; P=0.01), definite stent thrombosis (0.41, 0.22 to 0.76; P=0.005), definite or probable stent thrombosis (0.48, 0.31 to 0.73; P<0.001), and target vessel revascularisation (0.29, 0.20 to 0.41; P<0.001) at a median follow-up of 720 days. There was no significant difference in all cause death between groups (0.83, 0.65 to 1.06; P=0.14). Findings remained unchanged at multivariable regression after adjustment for the acuity of clinical syndrome (for instance, acute coronary syndrome v stable coronary artery disease), diabetes mellitus, female sex, use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, and up to one year v longer duration treatment with dual antiplatelets. Conclusions: This meta-analysis offers evidence that compared with bare metal stents the use of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents improves global cardiovascular outcomes including cardiac survival, myocardial infarction, and overall stent thrombosis.
The objective of this study was to prepare roasted and lyophilized tempeh flour with soybean cultivar BRS 267 to apply them in the formulation of coconut biscuits. The cookies produced with whole soy flour and mixed flour of soybean and tempeh were evaluated for proximate composition, fatty acid profile, and isoflavone aglycones in order to verify the effects of inoculation with the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus and those of the drying processes of roasting and lyophilization on the chemical characteristics of the final product. Sensory acceptance and purchase intention of the formulated products were also evaluated. The results indicate the maintenance of linolenic acid, which is important in the prevention of coronary diseases, and an increase in the aglycones levels when the tempeh flour was used. Lipids and proteins showed differences, and the sensory analyses demonstrated similarity between the cookies with satisfactory scores for aroma, flavor, texture, and overall acceptability for both samples. when compared to the control. Purchase intent was also positive for the lyophilized and toasted tempeh flours, thus enabling the use of the roasting process as a simple drying method, for processing tempeh and obtaining a flour rich in proteins and aglycones that can be used as a partial substitute for soy flour in cookies and other bakery products.
L’incidence constante des maladies liées à l’âge reflète un réel enjeu dans nos sociétés actuelles, principalement lorsqu’il est question des cas de cancers, d’accidents cérébraux et de maladies neurodégénératives. Ces désordres sont liés à l’augmentation de l’espérance de vie et à un vieillissement de la population. Les coûts, estimés en milliards de dollars, représentent des sommes de plus en plus importantes. Bien que les efforts déployés soient importants, aucun traitement n’a encore été trouvé. Les maladies neurodégénératives, telles que la maladie d’Alzheimer, de Parkinson, d’Huntington ou la sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA), caractérisées par la dégénérescence d’un type neuronal spécifique à chaque pathologie, représentent un défi important. Les mécanismes de déclenchement de la pathologie sont encore nébuleux, de plus il est maintenant clair que certains de ces désordres impliquent de nombreux gènes impliqués dans diverses voies de signalisation induisant le dysfonctionnement de processus biologiques importants, tel que le métabolisme. Dans nos sociétés occidentales, une problématique, directement lié à notre style de vie s’ajoute. L’augmentation des quantités de sucre et de gras dans nos diètes a amené à un accroissement des cas de diabètes de type II, d’obésité et de maladies coronariennes. Néanmoins, le métabolisme du glucose, principale source énergétique du cerveau, est primordial à la survie de n’importe quel organisme. Lors de ces travaux, deux études effectuées à l’aide de l’organisme Caenorhabditis elegans ont porté sur un rôle protecteur du glucose dans un contexte de vieillissement pathologique et dans des conditions de stress cellulaire. Le vieillissement semble accéléré dans un environnement enrichi en glucose. Cependant, les sujets traités ont démontré une résistance importante à différents stress et aussi à la présence de protéines toxiques impliquées dans la SLA et la maladie de Huntington. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons démontré que ces effets peuvent aussi être transmis à la génération suivante. Un environnement enrichi en glucose a pour bénéfice de permettre une meilleure résistance de la progéniture, sans pour autant transmettre les effets néfastes dû au vieillissement accéléré.
Considerando que a prática de exercício físico com uma intensidade pelo menos moderada melhora a capacidade funcional (Maines et al., 1997; Clara et al., 2002; Olney et al., 2006), a qualidade de vida (Leal et al., 2005; Azevedo & Leal, 2009; Flynn et al., 2009) e diminui os fatores de risco coronários (Maines et al., 1997; Squires & Hamm, 2007; Perk, 2009; Pimenta, 2010), propõe-se com o presente estudo analisar o efeito do exercício físico supervisionado, em fase ambulatório precoce, realizada na comunidade, ao nível da recuperação de doentes cardíacos. Método: Aplicar-se-á um estudo experimental, em doentes cardíacos de ambos os sexos, entre os 28 e os 80 anos. Atribuir-se-á particular ênfase às alterações induzidas pela aplicação do programa de exercício físico nos parâmetros bioquímicos (colesterol total, C-LDL, C-HDL, triglicéridos e glicose), na composição corporal (peso, índice de massa corporal, perímetro da cintura), na capacidade funcional (consumo de oxigénio pico –V02 pico, equivalente metabólico, duplo produto), no nível de atividade física, na ingestão alimentar e na qualidade de vida. O estudo terá uma duração superior a três meses, comparando dois grupos, um grupo submetido ao exercício físico supervisionado (ES) e outro aos cuidados usuais (CU), os quais serão alvo de duas avaliações (inicial e final), avaliando-se a média e o desvio-padrão para todas as variáveis em estudo e recorrendo-se aos testes não paramétricos e paramétricos, para um nível de significância de p< .05. Resultados: Foram elegidos 52 doentes, sendo que 22 participaram no grupo cuidados usuais (CU) e 30 no grupo exercício físico supervisionado (ES), observando-se que o grupo ES apresentou melhorias mais acentuadas quando comparadas com o grupo CU, ao nível dos seguintes indicadores: dispêndio de kcal/semana (+697.22% vs +320.20%); PC (-3.19% vs +5.85%); CT (-23.92% vs -9.29%), C-LDL (-32.52% vs -8.92%); total de kcal/dia ingeridas (-33,31% vs -2.58%); VO2 pico (+30.88% vs -3.57%); qualidade de vida geral (+53.86% vs +2.96%). Conclusão: Concluindo que o exercício físico multicomponente, inserido na fase de ambulatório precoce na comunidade, potencia a recuperação de doentes cardíacos influenciando positivamente os fatores de risco de progressão da doença coronária, a capacidade funcional e a qualidade de vida fundamentais para que o doente possa, pelos seus próprios meios, retomar a sua vida na comunidade.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Overweight and obesity are pandemics and have been widely discussed in Public Health and Health at Work. Comorbidities such as metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, orthopedic disorders and coronary diseases can induce to absenteeism, reduced work performance, disability and death. The aim of this review is to discuss the role of the nurse in control and prevention of these illnesses in the workplace. We concluded that occupational health nurses work should act proactively with a multidisciplinary team aimed at individual and collective monitoring of actions designed to control and prevent overweight and obesity. Furthermore, this professional should follow up the health of individual workers with a high body mass index in order to warn and prevent comorbidities related to these conditions.
Synthetische Glycopeptide mit Sulfatyl-Lewis X-Struktur als potenzielle Inhibitoren der Zelladhäsion
Zelladhäsionsprozesse sind von großer Bedeutung für zahlreiche biologische Prozesse, wie etwa die Immunantwort, die Wundheilung und die Embryogenese. Außerdem spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle im Verlauf inflammatorischer Prozesse. An der Zelladhäsion sind verschiedene Klassen von Adhäsionsmolekülen beteiligt. Die erste leichte „rollende“ Adhäsion von Leukozyten am Ort einer Entzündung wird durch die Selektine vermittelt. Diese binden über die Kohlenhydrat-Strukturen Sialyl-Lewisx und Sialyl-Lewisa über eine calciumabhängige Kohlenhydrat-Protein-Bindung an ihre spezifischen Liganden und vermitteln so den ersten Zellkontakt, bevor andere Adhäsionsmoleküle (Cadherine, Integrine) die feste Adhäsion und den Durchtritt durch das Endothel bewirken. Bei einer pathogenen Überexpression der Selektine kommt es jedoch zu zahlreichen chronischen Erkrankungen wie z. B. rheumatoider Arthritis, Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefäße oder dem Reperfusions-syndrom. Außerdem wird eine Beteiligung der durch die Selektine vermittelten Zellkontakte bei der Metastasierung von Karzinomzellen angenommen. Ein Ansatzpunkt für die Behandlung der oben genannten Erkrankungen ist die Gabe löslicher kompetitiver Inhibitoren für die Selektine. Ziel der Arbeit war die Modifikation des Sialyl-Lewisx-Leitmotivs zur Steigerung der metabolischen Stabilität und dessen Einbau in die Peptidsequenz aus der für die Bindung verantwortlichen Domäne des endogenen Selektin-Liganden PSGL-1. Dazu wurden mit einer modifizierten Lewisx-Struktur glycosylierte Aminosäurebausteine dargestellt (Abb.1). Die Verwendung von Arabinose und des Sulfatrestes anstelle von Fusose und Sialinsäure sollte außerdem zu einer gesteigerten metabolischen Stabilität des synthetischen Liganden beitragen. Die so erhaltenen Glycosylaminosäuren sollten nun in die Festphasenpeptidsynthese eingesetzt werden. Aufgrund der großen säurelabilität konnte hier nicht auf das Standartverfahren (Wang-Harz, Abspaltung mit TFA) zurückgegriffen werden. Deshalb kam ein neuartiges UV-labiles Ankersystem zum Einsatz. Dazu wurde ein Protokoll für die Synthese und Abspaltung von Peptiden an diesem neuen System entwickelt. Daran gelang die Synthese des nichtglycosylierten Peptidrückgrats sowie eines mit der dem sulfatierten Lewisx-Motiv versehenen Glycopeptids. Ein vierfach sulfatiertes Glycopeptid, welches durch den Einsatz von im Vorfeld chemisch sulfatierer Tyrosin-Bausteinen dargestellt werden sollte, konnte massenspektrometrisch nachgewiesen werden.
Zelladhäsionsphänomene spielen eine wichtige Rolle in vielen biologischen Vorgängen, wie z. B. in der Embryogenese, der Wundheilung, der Immunantwort und Entzündungsprozessen. So wird die inflammatorische Kaskade durch P- und E-Selektin vermittelte Adhäsion der im Blutstrom zirkulierenden Leukozyten an Endothelzellen eingeleitet. Übermäßige Zelladhäsion kann hingegen eine Vielzahl von Krankheiten bewirken. Nachgewiesen ist eine solche Beteiligung der Selektine u. a. bei rheumatoider Arthritis, Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefäße und dem Reperfusionssyndrom. Ein Ansatz zur Therapie besteht in der Verabreichung löslicher Selektinliganden, die kompetitiv an die Selektine binden und deren Aktivität dadurch mindern. Die wichtigste Leitstruktur für pharmakologisch aktive Selektinliganden stellt hierbei das Tetrasaccharid-Epitop Sialyl-Lewisx (sLex) dar.rnrnIn dieser Arbeit wurde nach einer nicht enzymatischen Strategie ein auf der sLex Struktur basierender Baustein für die Festphasen-Peptidsynthese synthetisiert. Aus diesem sollen nach Schutzgruppen-Manipulationen durch Einsatz in automatisierten Festphasen-Peptidsynthesen, verschiedene Glycopeptide als Zelladhäsionsinhibitoren für Selektine gewonnen werden. Der rasche Abbau der sLex-Struktur im Organismus schränkt die pharmakologische Nutzung von sLex-Derivaten jedoch stark ein. Das synthetisierte Kohlenhydrat Epitop weist daher gegenüber der natürlichen sLex-Struktur mehrere Modifikationen auf, die zu einer erhöhten metabolischen Stabilität führen sollen, ohne die für eine effektive Bindung zum Rezeptor nötigen Wechselwirkungen zu beeinträchtigen. rnrnAus diesem Grund wurde der synthetisch anspruchsvolle Sialinsäure-Baustein durch die L-Cyclohexylmilchsäure substituiert. Die Anbindung des Kohlenhydrat-Epitops an das Peptid wird im Gegensatz zur natürlichen N-glycosidischen Verknüpfung hier über eine zusätzliche Glucosamin-Einheit O-glycosidisch an die Aminosäure L-Threonin bewirkt. Außerdem wird der labile Fucose-Rest durch die D-Arabinose ersetzt, die nicht im menschlichen Organismus vorkommt, jedoch die drei essentiellen pharmakophoren Hydroxylfunktionen in der gleichen dreidimensionalen Orientierung präsentiert wie die L-Fucose.
Introduzione: dal 2018 è attiva in Emilia-Romagna una rete multidisciplinare per i casi di morte cardiaca improvvisa (MCI). In questo studio sono riportate le caratteristiche della rete e i risultati dei primi quattro anni di attività. Materiali e metodi: sono inclusi i casi di MCI avvenuti in Emilia-Romagna dal 2018 in soggetti con età > 1 anno e ≤55 anni. L’autopsia è stata eseguita secondo le raccomandazioni internazionali ed il cuore inviato all’Unità di Patologia Cardiovascolare del Policlinico di Sant’Orsola. A seconda degli scenari sono state eseguite analisi genetiche, tossicologiche e microbiologiche. In caso di patologie geneticamente determinate o nelle morti sine materia è stato avviato lo screening familiare. Risultati: nei primi quattro anni di attività sono pervenuti 83 casi (età media 37 anni). In tutti i casi è stato eseguito un esame cardio-patologico completo e in 55 soggetti (66%) l’analisi genetica. Tra i 75 casi completati, è stata identificata una causa certa/altamente probabile di decesso in 66 (88%). Le patologie coronariche sono la patologia più frequentemente diagnostica (20 casi, 27%) seguita dalle cardiomiopatie (21%), mentre in 9 soggetti è stata riscontrata una malattia infiammatoria. L’indagine genetica è stata completata in 42 casi, identificando in 8 una mutazione causativa o una variante verosimilmente patogena (materiale inidoneo in 9). Successivamente, è stato eseguito lo screening in 14 famiglie di probandi deceduti per patologie non acquisite identificando sei soggetti di altrettante famiglie con un fenotipo positivo o dubbio. L’analisi genetica ha permesso di individuare quattro parenti con la stessa mutazione/variante verosimilmente patogena del probando. Complessivamente, in quattro soggetti è stato impiantato un defibrillatore per la prevenzione primaria della MCI. Conclusioni: la rete multidisciplinare della MCI in Emilia-Romagna ha permesso di identificare una causa di decesso in quasi nove casi su dieci, diagnosticare diversi parenti affetti e approntare strategie preventive per la MCI.
In order to better take advantage of the abundant results from large-scale genomic association studies, investigators are turning to a genetic risk score (GRS) method in order to combine the information from common modest-effect risk alleles into an efficient risk assessment statistic. The statistical properties of these GRSs are poorly understood. As a first step toward a better understanding of GRSs, a systematic analysis of recent investigations using a GRS was undertaken. GRS studies were searched in the areas of coronary heart disease (CHD), cancer, and other common diseases using bibliographic databases and by hand-searching reference lists and journals. Twenty-one independent case-control studies, cohort studies, and simulation studies (12 in CHD, 9 in other diseases) were identified. The underlying statistical assumptions of the GRS using the experience of the Framingham risk score were investigated. Improvements in the construction of a GRS guided by the concept of composite indicators are discussed. The GRS will be a promising risk assessment tool to improve prediction and diagnosis of common diseases.^