1000 resultados para Coring


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"September 1982."


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"July 1981."


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Physical and sedimentological investigations were carried out on a 14 m long gravity core and a 0.5 m long box core from 4440 m water depth off Queen Maud Land, East-Antarctica. Strongly bioturbated hemipelagic muds of predominantly terrigenous origin and a very small biogenic part build up the 'Normal-Facies'. Several sandy to silty layers are inserted in the 'Normal-Facies'. These layers are seperated by lithology, structure and the investigated parameters of this study and are interpreted as turbidites. The source area for the turbidity currents is supposed to be at the uppermost continental margin, close to the shelf break and there is evidenee for this gravity transport within the erosive Ritscher-Canyon, which extends close to the core position. The distribution of biogenic components indicates an age of 1.3 million years or more, with an average sedimentation rate of about 1 cm/1000 years. Early diagenetic proeesses caused water loss by compaction, errosion and dissolution of biogenic components and precipitation and recrystallization of manganese micronodules. Cyclic fluctuations of the sediment-parameters within the 'Normal-Facies' enable the distinction of a 'Glazial'- and an 'Interglazial'-Facies. The 'Glazial'-Facies reflects glacial sedimentary conditions and shows a dark olive gray colour, high susceptibility, low silt/clay-ratios, only a few biogenic components and the regular occurence of interrelated turbidite layers. In contrast, the 'Interglazial'-Facies is dominated by a light olive or olive-brown colour, low susceptibility, high silt/clay-ratios and an increased number of biogenic components. This facies corresponds to interglacial conditions. Three main processes are supposed to have been responsible for the observed facies changes: (1) the bottom water mass circulation, (2) the gravity transport by turbidity currents and (3) the biogenic surface production. These processes are related to the quaternary climatic changes. The extension of the ice shelves directed the gravity transport to the deep sea and the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water, which in turn influenced the silt/clay-ratios in the sediment record. Fluctuations in sea ice coverage controlled the biogenic surface production.


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Marine sediments around volcanic islands contain an archive of volcaniclastic deposits, which can be used to reconstruct the volcanic history of an area. Such records hold many advantages over often incomplete terrestrial datasets. This includes the potential for precise and continuous dating of intervening sediment packages, which allow a correlatable and temporally-constrained stratigraphic framework to be constructed across multiple marine sediment cores. Here, we discuss a marine record of eruptive and mass-wasting events spanning ~250 ka offshore of Montserrat, using new data from IODP Expedition 340, as well as previously collected cores. By using a combination of high-resolution oxygen isotope stratigraphy, AMS radiocarbon dating, biostratigraphy of foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils and clast componentry, we identify five major events at Soufriere Hills volcano since 250 ka. Lateral correlation of these events across sediment cores collected offshore of the south and south west of Montserrat, have improved our understanding of the timing, extent and associations between events in this area. Correlations reveal that powerful and potentially erosive density-currents travelled at least 33 km offshore, and demonstrate that marine deposits, produced by eruption-fed and mass-wasting events on volcanic islands, are heterogeneous in their spatial distribution. Thus, multiple drilling/coring sites are needed to reconstruct the full chronostratigraphy of volcanic islands. This multidisciplinary study will be vital to interpreting the chaotic records of submarine landslides at other sites drilled during Expedition 340 and provides a framework that can be applied to the stratigraphic analysis of sediments surrounding other volcanic islands.


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In February 2004, Redland Shire Council with help from a Horticulture Australia research project was able to establish a stable grass cover of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) on a Birkdale park where the soil had previously proved too salty to grow anything else. Following on from their success with this small 0.2 ha demonstration area, Redland Shire has since invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in successfully turfing other similarly “impossible” park areas with seashore paspalum. Urban salinity can arise for different reasons in different places. In inland areas such as southern NSW and the WA wheatbelt, the usual cause is rising groundwater bringing salt to the surface. In coastal sites, salt spray or periodic tidal inundation can result in problems. In Redland Shire’s case, the issue was compacted marine sediments (mainly mud) dug up and dumped to create foreshore parkland in the course of artificial canal developments. At Birkdale, this had created a site that was both strongly acid and too salty for most plants. Bare saline scalds were interspersed by areas of unthrifty grass. Finding a salt tolerant grass is no “silver bullet” or easy solution to salinity problems. Rather, it buys time to implement sustainable long-term establishment and maintenance practices, which are even more critical than with conventional turfgrasses. These practices include annual slicing or coring in conjunction with gypsum/dolomite amendment and light topdressing with sandy loam soil (to about 1 cm depth), adequate maintenance fertiliser, weed control measures, regular leaching irrigation was applied to flush salts below the root zone, and irrigation scheduling to maximise infiltration and minimise run off. Three other halophytic turfgrass species were also identified, each of them adapted to different environments, management regimes and uses. These have been shortlisted for larger-scale plantings in future work.


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Knowledge of root dry matter (DM) allocation, in relation to differing vigour conferred by rootstock cultivars, is required to understand the structural relationships between rootstock and scion. We investigated the mass of roots (four size classes up to 23 mm diameter) by coring proximal to five polyembryonic mango rootstock cultivars known to differ in their effects on the vigour and productivity of scion cultivar ‘Kensington Pride’, in a field trial of 13-year-old trees. Significant differences in fine (<0.64 and 0.64–1.88 mm diameter) and small (1.88–7.50 mm) root DM contents were observed between rootstock cultivars. There was a complex relationship between the amount of feeder (fine and small size classes) roots and scion size (trunk cross sectional area, TCSA), with intermediate size trees on rootstock MYP having the most feeder roots, while the smallest trees, on the rootstock Vellaikulamban had the least of these roots. Across rootstock cultivars, tree vigour (TCSA growth rate) was negatively and significantly related to the ratio of fine root DM/scion TCSA, suggesting this may be a useful indicator of the vigour that different rootstocks confer on the scion. In contrast non-ratio root DM and scion TCSA results had no significant relationships. The significant rootstock effects on orchard root growth and tree size could not be predicted from earlier differences in nursery seedling vigour, nor did seedling vigour predict root DM allocation.


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Condensation from the vapor state is an important technique for the preparation of nanopowders. Levitational gas condensation is one such technique that has a unique ability of attaining steady state. Here, we present the results of applying this technique to an iron-copper alloy (96Fe-4Cu). A qualitative model of the process is proposed to understand the process and the characteristics of resultant powder. A phase diagram of the alloy system in the liquid-vapor region was calculated to help understand the course of condensation, especially partitioning and coring during processing. The phase diagram could not explain coring in view of the simultaneous occurrence of solidification and the fast homogenization through diffusion in the nanoparticles; however, it could predict the very low levels of copper observed in the levitated drop. The enrichment of copper observed near the surface of the powder was considered to be a manifestation of the lower surface energy of copper compared with that of iron. Heat transfer calculations indicated that most condensed particles can undergo solidification even when they are still in the proximity of the levitated drop. It helped us to predict the temperature and the cooling rate of the powder particles as they move away from the levitated drop. The particles formed by the process seem to be single domain, single crystals that are magnetic in nature. They, thus, can agglomerate by forming a chain-like structure, which manifests as a three-dimensional network enclosing a large unoccupied space, as noticed in scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy studies. This also explains the observed low packing density of the nanopowders.


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The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake was unprecedented in terms of its magnitude (M-w 9.2), rupture length along the plate boundary (1300 km) and size of the resultant tsunami. Since 2004, efforts are being made to improve the understanding of the seismic hazard in the Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone in terms of recurrence patterns of major earthquakes and tsunamis. It is reasonable to assume that previous earthquake events in the Myanmar Andaman segment must be preserved in the geological record in the form of seismo-turbidite sequences. Here we present the prospects of conducting deep ocean palaeoseismicity investigations in order to refine the quantification of the recurrence pattern of large subduction-zone earthquakes along the Andaman-Myanmar arc. Our participation in the Sagar Kanya cruise SK-273 (in June 2010) was to test the efficacy of such a survey. The primary mission of the cruise, along a short length (300 km) of the Sumatra Andaman subduction front was to collect bathymetric data of the ocean floor trenchward of the Andaman Islands. The agenda of our piggyback survey was to fix potential coring sites that might preserve seismo-turbidite deposits. In this article we present the possibilities and challenges of such an exercise and our first-hand experience of such a preliminary survey. This account will help future researchers with similar scientific objectives who would want to survey the deep ocean archives of this region for evidence of extreme events like major earthquakes.


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Nos depósitos cenozóicos da Bacia de Taubaté são encontrados depósitos de folhelhos betuminosos (oleígenos) pertencentes à Formação Tremembé, de idade oligocênica, que durante alguns anos na década de 50 foram investigados com relação ao seu aproveitamento econômico através da extração industrial do óleo nele contido. Entretanto, em face de aspectos tecnológicos e conjunturais da época, esse aproveitamento industrial foi considerado inviável do ponto de vista econômico. Nesta dissertação é proposta uma aplicação da perfilagem geofísica para a caracterização da faciologia dos folhelhos betuminosos da Formação Tremembé, tendo como objetivo principal a identificação das eletrofácies nos perfis elétricos, através de uma metodologia robusta e consistente. A identificação de eletrofácies é importante para ajudar na determinação da caracterização de uma reserva não convencional e na análise da viabilidade econômica. Neste estudo foram utilizados os perfis convencionais de poço: Raio gama, resitividade, potencial espontâneo e sônico. Os dados de perfis de poços foram integrados com os testemunhos e dados geoquímicos, mais precisamente os dados de COT, S, IH, S2 para uma caracterização realística das eletrofácies. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de três sondagens rotativas realizadas na Bacia de Taubaté, resultantes de testemunhagem contínua e perfilagem a cabo ao longo do intervalo de folhelhos da Formação Tremembé. A partir disto, obtém-se como resposta um modelo específico para cada litologia, onde cada pico corresponde a uma eletrofácies, permitindo o estabelecimento de alguns padrões ou assinaturas geofísicas para as principais fácies ocorrentes. Como resultado deste trabalho, foi possível correlacionar as eletrofácies entre os poços numa seção modelo, a partir de similaridade lateral das eletrofácies entre os marcos estratigráficos representado, foi possível observar a continuidade de duas sequências de folhelhos betuminoso com alto teores de COT, S, IH, S2, considerados os mais importantes do ponto de vista econômico e gerado um modelo faciológico 2D e 3D dessas camadas. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho são bastante promissores, apontando para a possibilidade de aplicação desta técnica a outros poços da Bacia de Taubaté, fornecendo subsídios relevantes à determinação da evolução sedimentar.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Pollen analysis and 5 radiocarbon dates for a 687-cm core provide a detailed chronology of environmental change for San Joaquin Marsh at the head of Newport Bay, Orange County, California. Sediment deposition kept pace with sea level rise during the mid-Holocene, but after 4500 years BP, sea water regularly reached the coring site, and salt marsh was the local vegetation. Brief periods of dominance by fresh-water vegetation 3800, 2800, 2300 and after 560 years BP correlate global cooling events and (except the 3800-year BP event) with carbon-14 production anomalies. The coincidence of climate change and carbon-14 anomalies support a causal connection with solar variability, but regardless of the causal mechanism(s) the delta-carbon-14 curves provide a chronology for global, high-frequency climatic change comparable to that of Milankovitch cyclicity for longer time scales.


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Numerous cores and dating show the Yangtze River has accumulated about 1.16 x 10(12) t sediment in its delta plain and proximal subaqueous delta during Holocene. High-resolution seismic profiling and coring in the southern East China Sea during 2003 and 2004 cruises has revealed an elongated (similar to 800 km) distal subaqueous mud wedge extending from the Yangtze River mouth southward off the Zhejiang and Fujian coasts into the Taiwan Strait. Overlying what appears to be a transgressive sand layer, this distal clinoform thins offshore, from similar to 40 in thickness between the 20 and 30 m water depth to < 1-2 in between 60 and 90 m water depth, corresponding to an across shelf distance of less than 100 km. Total volume of this distal mud wedge is about 4.5 x 10(11) m(3), equivalent to similar to 5.4 x 10(11) t of sediment. Most of the sediment in this mud wedge comes from the Yangtze River, with some input presumably coming from local smaller rivers. Thus, the total Yangtze-derived sediments accumulated in its deltaic system and East China Sea inner shelf have amounted to about 1.7 x 10(12) t. Preliminary analyses suggest this longshore and across-shelf transported clinoform mainly formed in the past 7000 yrs after postglacial sea level reached its mid-Holocene highstand, and after re-intensification of the Chinese longshore current system. Sedimentation accumulation apparently increased around 2000 yrs BP, reflecting the evolution of the Yangtze estuary and increased land erosion due to human activities, such as fanning and deforestation. The southward-flowing China Coastal Current, the northward-flowing Taiwan Warm Current, and the Kuroshio Current appear to have played critical roles in transporting and trapping most of Yangtze-derived materials in the inner shelf, and hence preventing the sediment escape into the deep ocean. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Changling fault depression is the biggest fault subsidence in south of Songliao Basin. In its Lower Cretaceous Yingcheng and Shahezi formations developed thick source rocks of deep lake facies and developed poly-phase volcanic rock reservoirs as well. In recent years, significant breakthroughs have been obtained in hydrocarbon exploration of volcanic rock reservoir in the different fault depressions in Songliao basin. Lately, I have been involved in hydrocarbon exploration in the Changling rift depression, especially volcanic rock reservoirs and exploration targets research, participating in the deployment of well Yaoshen 1 which gained over 40 × 104m3 natural gas flow. As quick changes of lithology and facies in Changling area in the south of Songliao basin, and the volcanic rock interludes distribution in continental clastic rock and shale in 3D space, so the identification of volcanic rock types and distribution become a difficult problem. Thus, based on the integrated research of the wild outcrop observation, gravity, magnetic and seismic data, geophysical logging, drilling and coring, laboratory test, this paper carried out the reservoir identification, description and prediction of volcanic rocks in Changling fault depression. In this area, this paper analyzed the volcanic rocks litho-facies, the eruption period, and characteristics of cycles. At the same time, tried to know how to use logging, seismic data to separate volcanic rocks from sandstone and shale, distinguish between volcanic reservoir and non-reservoir, distinguish between intermediate-basic and acidic volcanic rocks, and how to identify traps of volcanic rocks and its gas-bearing properties, etc. Also it is summarized forming conditions and distribution of traps, and possible gas-bearing traps were optimized queuing management. Conclusions as follows: There are two faulted basements in Changling fault depression, granite basement in the southeast and upper paleozoic epimetamorphic basement in the northwest. The main volcanic reservoirs developed in Yingcheng period, which was the intermediate-basic and acidic volcanic eruptions, from the south to north by the intermediate-basic to acid conversion. The volcanic vents are gradually young from south to north. According to information of the re-processing 3D seismic data and gravity-magnetic data, the large volcanic vent or conduit was mainly beaded-distributed along the main fault. The volcanic rocks thickness in Yingcheng formation was changed by the deep faults and basement boundary line. Compared with the clastic rocks, volcanic rocks in Changling area are with high resistance and velocity (4900-5800), abnormal Gamma. All kinds of volcanic rocks are with abnormal strong amplitude reflection on the seismic stacked section except tuff. By analyzing the seismic facies characteristics of volcanic rocks, optimizing seismic attributes constrained by logging, using seismic amplitude and waveforms and other attributes divided volcanic rocks of Yingcheng formation into four seismic zones in map. Currently, most volcanic gas reservoirs are fault-anticline and fault-nose structure. But the volcanic dome lithologic gas reservoirs with large quantity and size are the main gas reservoir types to be found.


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Abstract:Little fundamental work on petroleum exploration and production of Zuunbayan Subbasin, Mongolia has been done before because of the backward economy and petroleum industry techniques in this country, which also results in our little knowledge of reservoir characteristics of this area. This paper focused on the sedimentary system, sedimentary facies, reservoir characteristics and their genesis distribution of Zuunbayan subbasin with various drilling, well logging, seismic, coring and outcrop data, aiming at providing significant guidances for the petroleum exploration and production of Zuunbayan area. Therefore, several conclusions have been achieved as follows: ①In Zuunbayan Subbasin, there are two chief source areas with Tarkhyata and Totoshan Uplifts in the southeast and Saykhandulaan Uplift in the west, respectively, while two subsidiary ones in the northeast and southwest of this subbasin. The sedimentary system of alluvial fan-fan delta is formed in the southeast highland, meanwhile braided river-braided river delta develops in the western ramp region and fan delta in the southern palaeohigh. ②There are middle to high permeability reservoirs in the upper Zuunbayan Formation and the upper member of lower Zuunbayan Formation meanwhile low-porosity and permeability to ultra-low permeability ones in Tsagaan Tsav Formation and the middle and lower members of lower Zuunbayan Formation. Combing with sedimentary facies belt, oil sources conditions and tectonic settings, favorable reservoir belts have been proved to be existing in the fan delta front reservoirs of lower Zuunbayan – Tsagaan Tsav Formation in the central uplift faulted zone as well as the braided river front ones of lower Zuunbayan-Tsagaan Tsav Formation in Zuunbayan nose anticlinal structural belts. ③The reservoir lithologic composition is complex and also related to volcanic activities. Generally, the types of lithologic composition in Zuunbayan Subbasin are chiefly feldspathic litharenites with low compositional maturity and high-middle textural maturity. The rock constituents from upper Cretaceous to lower Zuunbayan Formation are mainly metamorphic rocks including cleaving stone, phyllite, quartzite and schist while volcanic tuffs and acidic extrusive rocks are the secondary; and in the Tsagaan Tsav Formation are mainly volcanic tuffs with subsidiary cleaving stone, phyllite, quartzite and schist. ④In this paper, high-quality reservoirs in the upper member of lower Zuunbayan Formation have been discovered in the drilled high production wells of favorable reservoir facies through sedimentary system and sedimentary facies research, which benefits the prospect and also will bring a new life for petroleum exploration and production of Zuunbayan Subbasin. Key words: sedimentary system, sedimentary facies, superior quality reservoir, Zuunbayan Subbasin, lower Zuunbayan Formation