21 resultados para Coquinas plataforms


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The Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System (Sistema Brasileiro de Coleta de Dados Ambientais - SBCDA) has been providing reliable information regarding the monitoring of the Brazil environment to INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais) and many Non-governmental organizations (NGO). This system is composed of a large number of Data Collection Plataforms (DCP), in charge of sending local data signals to satellites. Then the satellites automatically redirect each signal to reception centers located at INPE. Nowadays the SBCDA has been operating under the control of three satellites. It is important to mention that two of these satellites have already expired their life span around ten years ago. A strategy to keep the SBCDA operational is to develop a low cost satellite that involves Brazilian Universities and Public Institutions. This graduation work aims to design and simulate a signal conditioning module that enables the collection of a satellite status data, and then sending it to an onboard computer


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Located in northeastern Brazil, the evolution of Araripe Basin has been associated with the fragmentation of Gondwana and opening of the South Atlantic. The Santana Formation belongs to the post-rift sequence of the basin and is characterized by the presence of laminated limestones in the lower portion (Mb. Crato), evaporite (Ipubi) and siliciclastics (Mb. Romualdo). For better understanding of the Romualdo's stratigraphy, depositional environments and tract of systems, a stratigraphic analysis was made with representative columnar sections of the unit. Sedimentary facies have been described in detail, as well as paleocurrents measured at different stratigraphic levels. It was found that the contact of Mb. Romualdo with the carbonate-evaporite section (Mbs. Crato and Ipubi) is a unconformity, evidenced by residual lags and thin layers of conglomerates above the contact. Above the conglomeratic levels predominate fine sandstones / medium interlayered with calciferous green shales. The percentage of shales increases towards the top, featuring retrogradational stacking culminating in layers of coquinas, excellent stratigraphic mark in the basin. Thin layers of coquins of gastropods comprising equinoids, located on the shale section, present in three sections marine deposits are associated with surfaces ravine. The upper section is characterized by recurrent facies of green shales, sandstones intercalated with sandstones progressively become more frequent towards the top of the unit, featuring the regressive part of the cycle. The sandstones present cross-stratification, often with mud clasts and clay layers in the foresets, and beddings of flaser type and wavy in heterolitic facies, suggesting the action of tidal currents. Paleocurrents measured in the sandstones show gaps with opposite flow directions outlining bipolar standards, which reinforce the interpretation of shallow marine environment influenced by tides during the sedimentation...


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En el marco del proyecto europeo FI-WARE, en el CoNWet Lab (laboratorio de la ETSI Informáticos de la UPM) se ha implementado la plataforma Web Wstore que es una implementación de referencia del Store Generic Enabler perteneciente a dicho proyecto. El objetivo de FI-WARE es crear la plataforma núcleo del Internet del Futuro (IoF) con la intención de incrementar la competitividad global europea en el mundo de las TI. El proyecto introduce una infraestructura innovadora para la creación y distribución de servicios digitales en internet. WStore ofrece a los proveedores de servicios la plataforma donde publicar sus ofertas y desde la cual los clientes podrán acceder ellas. Estos proveedores ofrecen servicios Web, aplicaciones, widgets y data sets del mismo modo que Google ofrece aplicaciones en la tienda online Google Play o Apple en el App Store. WStore está implementada actualmente como una plataforma Web, por lo que una organización que desee ofrecer el servicio de la store necesita instalar el software en un servidor propio y disponer de un dominio para ofrecer sus productos. El objetivo de este trabajo es migrar WStore a un entorno de computación en la nube de manera que con una única instancia se ofrezca el servicio a las organizaciones que deseen disponer de su propia plataforma, de la cual tendrán total control como si se encontrase en su propia infraestructura. Para esto se implementa una versión de WStore que será desplegada en una infraestructura cloud y ofrecida como Software as a Service. La implementación incluye una serie de módulos de código que se podrán añadir opcionalmente en el proceso de instalación si se desea que la instancia instalada sea Multitenant. Además, en este trabajo se estudian y prueban las herramientas que ofrece MongoDB para desplegar la plataforma Wstore Multitenant en una infraestructura cloud. Estas herramientas son replica sets y sharding que permiten desplegar una base de datos escalable y de alta disponibilidad. ---ABSTRACT---In the context of the European project FI-WARE, the CoNWeT Lab (IT Lab from ETSIINF UPM university) has been implemented the web platform WStore. WStore is a reference implementation of the Generic Enabler Store from FI-WARE project. The FI-WARE goal is to create the core platform of the Future Internet (IoF) with the intention of enhancing Europe's global competitiveness in IT technologies. FI-WARE introduces an innovative infrastructure for the creation and distribution of digital services over the Internet. WStore offers to service providers a platform to publicate offerings and where customers can access them. The providers offer web services, applications, widgets and data sets in the same way that Google offers online applications on Google Play or Apple on App Store plataforms. WStore is currently implemented as a web platform, so if an organization wants to offer the store service, it need to install the software on it’s own serves and have a domain to offer their products. The objective of this paper is to migrate WStore to a cloud computing environment where a single instance of the WStore is offered as a web service to organizations who want their own store. Customers (tenants) of the WStore web service will have total control over the software and WStore administration. The implementation includes several code modules that can be optionally added in the installation process to build a Multitenant instance. In addition, this paper review the tools that MongoDB provide for scalability and high availability (replica sets and sharding) with the purpose of deploying multi-tenant WStore on a cloud infrastructure.


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A sociedade é digital e vivencia as benesses, desafios e paradigmas dessa era. As mudanças estão aceleradas e o tempo de adaptação a elas mais curto a cada dia. As relações comunicativas do homem com as máquinas estão se alterando de maneira profunda, com destaque para a multiplicação de telas audiovisuais que permeiam a vida das pessoas, as quais hoje são assessoradas por meio de inúmeros Assistentes Digitais Pessoais (PDAs) e outros displays ubíquos que convergem de forma radical entre si. A profusão tecnológica e apropriação sensorial dos instrumentos contemporâneos são exemplos tangíveis disso. Com tal cenário em primeiro plano, nossa pesquisa propõe contextualizar, descrever e analisar as novas faces e interfaces da comunicação que se materializam nas atuais plataformas audiovisuais digitais, cada vez mais móveis, conectadas e velozes. Dessa forma, empreende-se uma pesquisa exploratória que se valerá prioritariamente de levantamento bibliográfico específico e análise de dados estatísticos. A pesquisa indicou que as múltiplas telas, de fato, estão modificando a dinâmica dos processos comunicativos, os quais precisam ser recompreendidos.


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O avanço das tecnologias trouxe aos meios de comunicação a oportunidade destes explorarem novas possibilidades e, também, a necessidade de se adaptarem ao ciberespaço. As revistas compõem este panorama e, com a popularização da internet, começaram a se fazer presentes na rede, ambiente ao qual chegaram com sites que reproduziam seu conteúdo e, com o tempo, aprimoraram seu modus operandi. Com o advento de dispositivos móveis, elas continuam se adequando ao ambiente digital. Sob essa perspectiva, delineia-se a presente pesquisa, que visa compreender as novas práticas jornalísticas e os modelos de negócios possíveis de serem empreendidos em tal cenário de incessantes transformações. Para tanto, realiza-se um levantamento bibliográfico e de dados estatísticos, além de um estudo de caso. A pesquisa revela condições do novo fazer jornalístico, bem como caminhos possíveis de modelos mercadológicos para as revistas nas plataformas digitais.