985 resultados para Cooperative Systems (CS)
Actualmente, os sistemas embebidos estão presentes em toda a parte. Embora grande parte da população que os utiliza não tenha a noção da sua presença, na realidade, se repentinamente estes sistemas deixassem de existir, a sociedade iria sentir a sua falta. A sua utilização massiva deve-se ao facto de estarem practicamente incorporados em quase os todos dispositivos electrónicos de consumo, telecomunicações, automação industrial e automóvel. Influenciada por este crescimento, a comunidade científica foi confrontada com novos problemas distribuídos por vários domínios científicos, dos quais são destacados a gestão da qualidade de serviço e gestão de recursos - domínio encarregue de resolver problemas relacionados com a alocação óptima de recursos físicos, tais como rede, memória e CPU. Existe na literatura um vasto conjunto de modelos que propõem soluções para vários problemas apresentados no contexto destes domínios científicos. No entanto, não é possível encontrar modelos que lidem com a gestão de recursos em ambientes de execução cooperativos e abertos com restrições temporais utilizando coligações entre diferentes nós, de forma a satisfazer os requisitos não funcionais das aplicações. Devido ao facto de estes sistemas serem dinâmicos por natureza, apresentam a característica de não ser possível conhecer, a priori, a quantidade de recursos necessários que uma aplicação irá requerer do sistema no qual irá ser executada. Este conhecimento só é adquirido aquando da execução da aplicação. De modo a garantir uma gestão eficiente dos recursos disponíveis, em sistemas que apresentam um grande dinamismo na execução de tarefas com e sem restrições temporais, é necessário garantir dois aspectos fundamentais. O primeiro está relacionado com a obtenção de garantias na execução de tarefas de tempo-real. Estas devem sempre ser executadas dentro da janela temporal requirida. O segundo aspecto refere a necessidade de garantir que todos os recursos necessários à execução das tarefas são fornecidos, com o objectivo de manter os níveis de performance quer das aplicações, quer do próprio sistema. Tendo em conta os dois aspectos acima mencionados, o projecto CooperatES foi especificado com o objectivo de permitir a dispositivos com poucos recursos uma execução colectiva de serviços com os seus vizinhos, de modo a cumprir com as complexas restrições de qualidade de serviço impostas pelos utilizadores ou pelas aplicações. Decorrendo no contexto do projecto CooperatES, o trabalho resultante desta tese tem como principal objectivo avaliar a practicabilidade dos conceitos principais propostos no âmbito do projecto. O trabalho em causa implicou a escolha e análise de uma plataforma, a análise de requisitos, a implementação e avaliação de uma framework que permite a execução cooperativa de aplicações e serviços que apresentem requisitos de qualidade de serviço. Do trabalho desenvolvido resultaram as seguintes contribuições: Análise das plataformas de código aberto que possam ser utilizadas na implementação dos conceitos relacionados com o projecto CooperatES; Critérios que influenciaram a escolha da plataforma Android e um estudo focado na análise da plataforma sob uma perspectiva de sistemas de tempo-real; Experiências na implementação dos conceitos do projecto na plataforma Android; Avaliação da practicabilidade dos conceitos propostos no projecto CooperatES; Proposta de extensões que permitam incorporar características de sistemas de tempo real abertos na plataforma Android.
This paper proposes an one-step decentralised coordination model based on an effective feedback mechanism to reduce the complexity of the needed interactions among interdependent nodes of a cooperative distributed system until a collective adaptation behaviour is determined. Positive feedback is used to reinforce the selection of the new desired global service solution, while negative feedback discourages nodes to act in a greedy fashion as this adversely impacts on the provided service levels at neighbouring nodes. The reduced complexity and overhead of the proposed decentralised coordination model are validated through extensive evaluations.
Due to the growing complexity and dynamism of many embedded application domains (including consumer electronics, robotics, automotive and telecommunications), it is increasingly difficult to react to load variations and adapt the system's performance in a controlled fashion within an useful and bounded time. This is particularly noticeable when intending to benefit from the full potential of an open distributed cooperating environment, where service characteristics are not known beforehand and tasks may exhibit unrestricted QoS inter-dependencies. This paper proposes a novel anytime adaptive QoS control policy in which the online search for the best set of QoS levels is combined with each user's personal preferences on their services' adaptation behaviour. Extensive simulations demonstrate that the proposed anytime algorithms are able to quickly find a good initial solution and effectively optimise the rate at which the quality of the current solution improves as the algorithms are given more time to run, with a minimum overhead when compared against their traditional versions.
Due to the growing complexity and adaptability requirements of real-time embedded systems, which often exhibit unrestricted inter-dependencies among supported services and user-imposed quality constraints, it is increasingly difficult to optimise the level of service of a dynamic task set within an useful and bounded time. This is even more difficult when intending to benefit from the full potential of an open distributed cooperating environment, where service characteristics are not known beforehand. This paper proposes an iterative refinement approach for a service’s QoS configuration taking into account services’ inter-dependencies and quality constraints, and trading off the achieved solution’s quality for the cost of computation. Extensive simulations demonstrate that the proposed anytime algorithm is able to quickly find a good initial solution and effectively optimises the rate at which the quality of the current solution improves as the algorithm is given more time to run. The added benefits of the proposed approach clearly surpass its reducedoverhead.
Summary Artificial radionuclides were released in the environment during the atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and after accidental events involving nuclear industries. As a primary receptor of the deposition, the soil is a very sensitive compartment and understanding the interaction and migration of radionuclides within soils allows the development of scenario for the contamination risk of the population and of the environment. Most available field studies on radionuclides in soils only concern one or two isotopes, mostly 137Cs, and few physico-chemical soil parameters. The purpose of this study was a broader understanding of the radioecology of an Alpine valley. In a first part, we aimed to describe the depth distribution of 137Cs, 90Sr, 239+240Pu, and 241Am within different alpine soils and to identify some stable elements as indicators for accumulating layers. In the central part of the study, the goal was to investigate the repartition of ^Sr and 239Pu between the truly dissolved fraction and the colloidal fraction of the soil solutions and to identify the nature of colloids involved in the adsorption of ^Sr and 239Pu. These results were integrated in an "advection- sorption" transport model seeking to explain the migration of 239Pu and 90Sr within the soils and to assess the importance of colloidal transport for these two isotopes. A further aspect studied was the role of the competition between the radioisotopes (137Cs and 90Sr) and their stable chemical analogues (K and Ca) with respect to plant uptake by different plant species. The results on the depth distribution within the soils showed that 137Cs was mostly retained in the topsoil, to the exception of an organic-rich soil (Histosol 2) receiving important surface runoff, where migration down to a depth of 30 cm was observed. 137Cs depth distribution within the soils was similar to unsupported 210Pb depth distribution. The plant uptake of 137Cs clearly depended on the concentration of exchangeable potassium in the soils. Moreover, we showed that the 137Cs uptake by certain species of the taxonomic orders Poales and Rosales was more sensitive to the increase in exchangeable Κ compared to other orders. Strontium-90 was much more mobile in the soils than 137Cs and depth migration and accumulation in specific AI- and Fe-rich layers were found down to 30 cm. Copper and Ni showed accumulations in these same layers, indicating their potential to be used as indicators for the migration of ^Sr within the soils. In addition, we observed a 90Sr activity peak in the topsoil that can be attributable to recycling of 90Sr by plant uptake. We demonstrated for the first time that a part of 90Sr (at least 40%) was associated with the colloids in organic-rich soil solutions. Therefore, we predict a significant effect of the colloidal migration of ^Sr in organic-rich soil solutions. The plant uptake results for 90Sr indicated a phylogenetic effect between Non-Eudicot and Eudicots: the order Poales concentrating much less 90Sr than Eudicots do. Moreover, we were able to demonstrate that the sensitivity of the 90Sr uptake by 5 different Alpine plant species to the amount of exchangeable Ca was species-independent. Plutonium and 241Am accumulated in the second layer of all soils and only a slight migration deeper than 20 cm was observed. Plutonium and 241Am showed a similar depth distribution in the soils. The model results suggested that the present day migration of 239Pu was very slow and that the uptake by plants was negligible. 239Pu activities between 0.01 to 0.08 mBq/L were measured in the bulk soil solutions. Migration of 239Pu with the soil solution is dominated by colloidal transport. We reported strong evidences that humic substances were responsible of the sorption of 239Pu to the colloidal fraction of the soil solutions. This was reflected by the strong correlation between 239Pu concentrations and the content of (colloidal) organic matter in the soil solution. Résumé Certains radioéléments artificiels ont été disséminés dans l'environnement suite aux essais atmosphériques de bombes nucléaires et suite à des accidents impliquant les industries nucléaires. En tant que récepteur primaire de la déposition, le sol est un compartiment sensible et des connaissances sur les interactions et la migration des radioéléments dans le sol permettent de développer des modèles pour estimer la contamination de la population et de l'environnement. Actuellement, la plupart des études de terrain sur ce sujet concernent uniquement un ou deux radioéléments, surtout le 137Cs et peu d'études intègrent les paramètres du sol pour expliquer la migration des radioéléments. Le but général de cette étude était une compréhension étendue de la radio-écologie d'une vallée alpine. Notre premier objectif était de décrire la distribution en profondeur de 137Cs, ^Sr, 239+240pu et 241Am dans différents sols alpins en relation avec des éléments stables du sol, dans le but d'identifier des éléments stables qui pourraient servir d'indicateurs pour des horizons accumulateurs. L'objectif de la deuxième partie, qui était la partie centrale de l'étude, était d'estimer le pourcentage d'activité sous forme colloïdale du 239Pu et du 90Sr dans les solutions des sols. De plus nous avons déterminé la nature des colloïdes impliqués dans la fixation du ^Sr et 239Pu. Nous avons ensuite intégré ces résultats dans un modèle de transport développé dans le but de décrire la migration du 239Pu et 90Sr dans le sol. Finalement, nous avons étudié l'absorption de 137Cs et 90Sr par les plantes en fonction de l'espèce et de la compétition avec leur élément analogue stable (K et Ca). Les résultats sur la migration en profondeur du 137Cs ont montré que ce radioélément était généralement retenu en surface, à l'exception d'un sol riche en matière organique dans lequel nous avons observé une nette migration en profondeur. Dans tous les sols, la distribution en profondeur du 137Cs était corrélée avec la distribution du 210Pb. L'absorption du 137Cs par les plantes, était dépendante de la concentration en Κ échangeable dans le sol, le potassium étant un compétiteur. De plus, nous avons observé que les espèces ne réagissaient pas de la même manière aux variations de la concentration de Κ échangeable. En effet, les espèces appartenant aux ordres des Poales et des Rosales étaient plus sensibles aux variations de potassium échangeable dans le sol. Dans tous les sols Le 90Sr était beaucoup plus mobile que le 137Cs. En effet, nous avons observé des accumulations de 90Sr dans des horizons riches en Fe et Al jusqu'à 30 cm de profondeur. De plus, le Cu et le Ni montraient des accumulations dans les mêmes horizons que le 90Sr, indiquant qu'il pourrait être possible d'utiliser ces deux éléments comme analogues pour la migration du 90Sr. D'après le modèle développé, le pic de 90Sr dans les premiers centimètres du sol peut être attribué à du recyclage par les plantes. Le 90Sr en solution était principalement sous forme dissoute dans des solutions de sols peu organique (entre 60 et 100% de 90Sr dissous). Par contre, dans des solutions organiques, un important pourcentage de 90Sr (plus de 40%) était associé aux colloïdes. La migration colloïdale du 90Sr peut donc être significative dans des solutions organiques. Comme pour le 137Cs, l'absorption du 90Sr par les plantes dépendait de la concentration de son analogue chimique dans la fraction échangeable du sol. Par contre, les espèces de plantes étudiées avaient la même sensibilité aux variations de la concentration du calcium échangeable. Le plutonium et l'américium étaient accumulés dans le deuxième horizon du sol et nous avons observé seulement une faible migration plus profondément que 20 cm. Selon le modèle, la migration actuelle du plutonium est très lente et l'absorption par les plantes semble négligeable. Nous avons mesuré entre 0.01 et 0.08 mBq/L de 239Pu dans les solutions de sol brutes. La migration du plutonium par la solution du sol est due principalement aux colloïdes, probablement de nature humique. Résumé grand public Dans les années 1950 à 1960, l'environnement a été contaminé par des éléments radioactifs (radioéléments) artificiels provenant des essais des armes atomiques et de l'industrie nucléaire. En effet, durant ces années, les premiers essais de bombes atomiques se faisaient dans l'atmosphère, libérant de grandes quantités d'éléments radioactifs. De plus certains accidents impliquant l'industrie nucléaire civile ont contribué à la dissémination d'éléments radioactifs dans l'environnement. Ce fut par exemple le cas de l'accident de la centrale atomique de Tchernobyl en 1986 qui a causé une importante contamination d'une grande partie de l'Europe par le 137Cs. Lorsqu'ils sont libérés dans l'atmosphère, les radioéléments sont dispersés et transportés par les courants atmosphériques, puis peuvent être déposés dans l'environnement, principalement par les précipitations. Une fois déposés sur le sol, les radioéléments vont interagir avec les composants du sol et migrer plus ou moins vite. La connaissance des interactions des éléments radioactifs avec le sol est donc importante pour prédire les risques de contamination de l'environnement et de l'homme. Le but général de ce travail était d'évaluer la migration de différents éléments radioactifs (césium-137, strontium-90, plutonium et américium-241) à travers le sol. Nous avons choisi un site d'étude en milieu alpin (Val Piora, Tessin, Suisse), contaminé en radioéléments principalement par les retombées de l'accident de Tchernobyl et des essais atmosphériques de bombes atomiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons caractérisé la distribution en profondeur des éléments radioactifs dans le sol et l'avons comparée à divers éléments stables. Cette comparaison nous a permit de remarquer que le cuivre et le nickel s'accumulaient dans les mêmes horizons du sol que le strontium-90 et pourraient donc être utilisés comme analogue pour la migration du strontium-90 dans les sols. Dans la plupart des sols étudiés, la migration du césium-137, du plutonium et de l'américium-241 était lente et ces radioéléments étaient donc accumulés dans les premiers centimètres du sol. Par contre, le strontium-90 a migré beaucoup plus rapidement que les autres radioéléments si bien qu'on observe des accumulations de strontium-90 à plus de 30 cm de profondeur. Les radioéléments migrent dans la solution du sol soit sous forme dissoute, soit sous forme colloïdale, c'est-à-dire associés à des particules de diamètre < Ιμηι. Cette association avec des colloïdes permet à des radioéléments peu solubles, comme le plutonium, de migrer plus rapidement qu'attendu. Nous avons voulu savoir quelle était la part de strontium-90 et plutonium associés à des colloïdes dans la solution du sol. Les résultats ont montré que le plutonium en solution était principalement associé à des colloïdes de type organique. Quant au strontium-90, ce dernier était en partie associé à des colloïdes dans des solutions de sol riches en matière organique, par contre, il était principalement sous forme dissoute dans les solutions de sol peu organiques. L'absorption de radioéléments par les plantes représente une voie importante pour le transfert vers la chaîne alimentaire, par conséquent pour la contamination de l'homme. Nous avons donc étudié le transfert du césium-137 et du strontium-90 de plusieurs sols vers différentes espèces de plantes. Les résultats ont montré que l'absorption des radioéléments par les plantes était liée à la concentration de leur analogue chimique (calcium pour le strontium-90 et potassium pour le césium- 137) dans la fraction échangeable du sol. De plus certaines espèces de plantes accumulent significativement moins de strontium-90.
Cooperative transmission can be seen as a "virtual" MIMO system, where themultiple transmit antennas are in fact implemented distributed by the antennas both at the source and the relay terminal. Depending on the system design, diversity/multiplexing gainsare achievable. This design involves the definition of the type of retransmission (incrementalredundancy, repetition coding), the design of the distributed space-time codes, the errorcorrecting scheme, the operation of the relay (decode&forward or amplify&forward) and thenumber of antennas at each terminal. Proposed schemes are evaluated in different conditionsin combination with forward error correcting codes (FEC), both for linear and near-optimum(sphere decoder) receivers, for its possible implementation in downlink high speed packetservices of cellular networks. Results show the benefits of coded cooperation over directtransmission in terms of increased throughput. It is shown that multiplexing gains areobserved even if the mobile station features a single antenna, provided that cell wide reuse of the relay radio resource is possible.
This work has been realized by the author in his PhD course in Electronics, Computer Science and Telecommunication at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering, Italy. The subject of this thesis regards important channel estimation aspects in wideband wireless communication systems, such as echo cancellation in digital video broadcasting systems and pilot aided channel estimation through an innovative pilot design in Multi-Cell Multi-User MIMO-OFDM network. All the documentation here reported is a summary of years of work, under the supervision of Prof. Oreste Andrisano, coordinator of Wireless Communication Laboratory - WiLab, in Bologna. All the instrumentation that has been used for the characterization of the telecommunication systems belongs to CNR (National Research Council), CNIT (Italian Inter-University Center), and DEIS (Dept. of Electronics, Computer Science, and Systems). From November 2009 to May 2010, the author spent his time abroad, working in collaboration with DOCOMO - Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH (DOCOMO Euro-Labs) in Munich, Germany, in the Wireless Technologies Research Group. Some important scientific papers, submitted and/or published on IEEE journals and conferences have been produced by the author.
This thesis deals with the studies on the Cooperative Teleoperation Systems. The literature on cooperative teleoperation did not take into account control architectures composed of pairs of wave-based bilateral teleoperators operating in a shared environment. In this work The author two cooperative control schemes based on wave variables by considering two pairs of single-master/single-slave devices collaborating to carry out operations in a shared remote environment are proposed. Such architectures have been validated both with simulations and experimental tests. Ch. 2 introduces a description of the two control architectures proposed and presents some simulation results where the cooperative teleoperation systems evolve in free space and in contact with a stiff wall. In the Ch. 3 some experimental results which confirm the positive results of the control schemes are illustred. Such results have been achieved by using a prototype custom built at Laboratory of Automaiton and Robotics of University of Bologna, which is also illustrated in this chapter. In Ch. 4 the problem of defining proper tools and procedures for an analysis, and possibly a comparison, of the performances of cooperative teleoperation systems is addressed. In particular, a novel generalization of criteria adopted for classical (i.e. one master-one slave) teleoperators is presented and illustrated on the basis of the force-position and the position-position cooperative control schemes proposed in Ch. 2, both from a transparency and stability point of view, and by assuming a null time delay in the communication channel.
This thesis deals with distributed control strategies for cooperative control of multi-robot systems. Specifically, distributed coordination strategies are presented for groups of mobile robots. The formation control problem is initially solved exploiting artificial potential fields. The purpose of the presented formation control algorithm is to drive a group of mobile robots to create a completely arbitrarily shaped formation. Robots are initially controlled to create a regular polygon formation. A bijective coordinate transformation is then exploited to extend the scope of this strategy, to obtain arbitrarily shaped formations. For this purpose, artificial potential fields are specifically designed, and robots are driven to follow their negative gradient. Artificial potential fields are then subsequently exploited to solve the coordinated path tracking problem, thus making the robots autonomously spread along predefined paths, and move along them in a coordinated way. Formation control problem is then solved exploiting a consensus based approach. Specifically, weighted graphs are used both to define the desired formation, and to implement collision avoidance. As expected for consensus based algorithms, this control strategy is experimentally shown to be robust to the presence of communication delays. The global connectivity maintenance issue is then considered. Specifically, an estimation procedure is introduced to allow each agent to compute its own estimate of the algebraic connectivity of the communication graph, in a distributed manner. This estimate is then exploited to develop a gradient based control strategy that ensures that the communication graph remains connected, as the system evolves. The proposed control strategy is developed initially for single-integrator kinematic agents, and is then extended to Lagrangian dynamical systems.
This Ph.D. dissertation reports on the work performed at the Wireless Communication Laboratory - University of Bologna and National Research Council - as well as, for six months, at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuit (IIS) in Nürnberg. The work of this thesis is in the area of wireless communications, especially with regards to cooperative communications aspects in narrow-band and ultra-wideband systems, cooperative links characterization, network geometry, power allocation techniques,and synchronization between nodes. The underpinning of this work is devoted to developing a general framework for design and analysis of wireless cooperative communication systems, which depends on propagation environment, transmission technique, diversity method, power allocation for various scenarios and relay positions. The optimal power allocation for minimizing the bit error probability at the destination is derived. In addition, a syncronization algorithm for master-slave communications is proposed with the aim of jointly compensate the clock drift and offset of wireless nodes composing the network.
Mode of access: Internet.
This literature review supports the report, Recent International Activity in Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Automation Systems. It reviews the published literature in English dating from 2007 or later about non-U.S.-based work on cooperative vehicle-highway automation systems. This review covers work performed in Europe and Japan, with application to transit buses, heavy trucks, and passenger cars. In addition to fully automated driving of the vehicles (without human intervention), it also covers partial automation systems, which automate subsets of the total driving process. Recent International Activity in Cooperative Vehicle Highway Automation Systems is published separately as FHWA-HRT-12-033.
Multiple-antenna systems offer significant performance enhancement and will be applied to the next generation broadband wireless communications. This thesis presents the investigations of multiple-antenna systems – multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and cooperative communication (CC) – and their performances in more realistic propagation environments than those reported previously. For MIMO systems, the investigations are conducted via theoretical modelling and simulations in a double-scattering environment. The results show that the variations of system performances depend on how scatterer density varies in flat fading channels, and that in frequency-selective fading channels system performances are affected by the length of the coding block as well as scatterer density. In realistic propagation environments, the fading correlation also has an impact on CC systems where the antennas can be further apart than those in MIMO systems. A general stochastic model is applied to studying the effects of fading correlation on the performances of CC systems. This model reflects the asymmetry fact of the wireless channels in a CC system. The results demonstrate the varied effects of fading correlation under different protocols and channel conditions. Performances of CC systems are further studied at the packet level, using both simulations and an experimental testbed. The results obtained have verified various performance trade-offs of the cooperative relaying network (CRN) investigated in different propagation environments. The results suggest that a proper selection of the relaying algorithms and other techniques can meet the requirements of quality of service for different applications.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J65, 35K60, 35B05, 35R05.
In this study, the authors investigate the outage-optimal relay strategy under outdated channel state information (CSI) in a decode-and-forward cooperative communication system. They first confirm mathematically that minimising the outage probability under outdated CSI is equivalent to minimising the conditional outage probability on the outdated CSI of all the decodable relays' links. They then propose a multiple-relay strategy with optimised transmitting power allocation (MRS-OTPA) that minimises the conditional outage probability. It is shown that this MRS is a generalised relay approach to achieve the outage optimality under outdated CSI. To reduce the complexity, they also propose a MRS with equal transmitting power allocation (MRS-ETPA) that achieves near-optimal outage performance. It is proved that full spatial diversity, which has been achieved under ideal CSI, can still be achieved under outdated CSI through MRS-OTPA and MRS-ETPA. Finally, the outage performance and diversity order of MRS-OTPA and MRS-ETPA are evaluated by simulation.