987 resultados para Cooper pairing


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We study the secondary structure of RNA determined by Watson-Crick pairing without pseudo-knots using Milnor invariants of links. We focus on the first non-trivial invariant, which we call the Heisenber invariant. The Heisenberg invariant, which is an integer, can be interpreted in terms of the Heisenberg group as well as in terms of lattice paths. We show that the Heisenberg invariant gives a lower bound on the number of unpaired bases in an RNA secondary structure. We also show that the Heisenberg invariant can predict allosteric structures for RNA. Namely, if the Heisenberg invariant is large, then there are widely separated local maxima (i.e., allosteric structures) for the number of Watson-Crick pairs found.


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The possible occurrence of a generalized (1-wave) nonequilibrium superconducting state in a multiband system under certain conditions is studied. In the model the radiation field causes interband mixing, and phonons of an appropriate mode (branch) are involved in the interband scattering of electrons of two conduction bands of the system. The strength of the generalized 1-wave pairing interaction between quasiparticles belonging to new radiation admixed states depends on the density (n o/V) of quanta in the system. The coupling constant has the form Xl= AiB(n o/V)/[C + B(no/V)], where A1, B, and C are parameters. For C > B(n0/V), the transition temperature T1* increases with (no/V) in the initial stages. It levels off with higher power. With further increase of power, the transition temperature is expected to drop sharply due to heating effects which cause pair breaking. Estimates show that p-wave (triplet state) pairing may be possible under radiation-induced nonequilibrium situations in appropriate systems. Estimates for lifetimes of various processes quasiparticle, phonon, pair relaxation, and photon-induced mixing) show that the coherence required for the mixing and pairing effects will be maintained for the temperature range and photon density considered.


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We have considered a two-band Hubbard model having interlaced Cu-3d(x2−y2) and O-2p(x, y) orbitals representing the CuO2 square planes. Simple CuO2 -cluster calculation suggests that the additional holes created by doping stay mainly on oxygen. Motion of an oxygen hole interlacing with the antiferromagnetically correlated background of copper spins, creates a string of high energy spin configuration of finite length giving mass renormalization. Another hole of opposite spin can now anneal this string tension providing a triangular pairing potential for large pair momentum. The latter implies unusual Bose condensation of the wake-bound compact Bose-like pairs on a non-zero momentum shell. Effect of disorder favouring condensation at the mobility edge is pointed out.


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A semiconductor with almost overlapping conduction bands b and c is considered. It is found that an attractive interaction leading to superconductivity can be induced between electrons in the conduction band b by a strong radiation field of monochromatic photons whose energy differs slightly from the band gap Ebc. The mechanism is the exchange of a photon and a phonon between the interacting electrons and the interaction is found to be proportional to the photon density.


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The earlier work on the possibility of interband electron pairing in the presence of a strong radiation field has been further extended. Some additional terms, neglected earlier, have been taken into account and generalized to a situation where the electron-phonon coupling coefficients for the two conduction bands (valleys) are different. It is found that the pairing interaction is attractive and the strength depends on the photon density.


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In this paper we study the phonon-induced exciton-exciton interaction. It is found that the interaction can be attractive under certain conditions. Taking into account this attractive interaction, the pairing of excitons with opposite momenta is studied and the excitation spectrum determined. The results are similar to a system of bosons. There appears to be some possibility of superfluid behaviour.


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Recent research about technology during mealtime has been mostly concerned with developing technology rather than creating a deeper understanding of the context of family mealtimes and associated practices. In this paper, we present a two-phase study discussing how the temporal, social, and food related features are intertwined with technology use during mealtimes. Our findings show how people differentiate technology usage during weekday meals, weekend meals, and among different meals of the day. We identify and analyse prototypical situations ranging from the use of arbitrary technologies while eating solitary, to idiosyncratic family norms and practices associated with shared technologies. We discuss the use of mealtime technology to create appropriate ambience for meals with guests and demonstrate how technology can be used to complement food in everyday meals and special occasions. Our findings make recommendation about the need for HCI research to recognize the contextual nature of technology usage during family mealtimes and to adopt appropriate design strategies.


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We report experimental evidence for a huge pair breaking effect induced by spin polarized quasiparticles in a YBa2Cu3O7-delta/La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 bi-layer fabricated by pulsed laser deposition. The temperature dependent magnetization measurements show evidence for the presence of both ferromagnetic and diamagnetic phases in the bi-layer. The current dependent electrical transport studies in the bi-layer exhibit a significant reduction in the superconducting transition temperature with the increase in applied current as compared to a single YBa2Cu3O7-delta layer and it follows a I-2/3 dependence in accordance with the pair breaking effect. Here, we find that the current driven from a ferromagnetic electrode with low spin polarization, such as La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 (-11%), into the superconductor can act as a strong pair breaker. This indicates that the spin polarization of the injecting electrode is not the only criterion in determining the pair breaking effect, rather the transparency of the interface for the spin polarization may also be significant. More interestingly, the spin diffusion length for YBa2Cu3O7-delta has a much longer length scale than that reported earlier in the study of ferromagnetic/superconducting heterostructures.


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To gain insights into inefficient allele exchange in mycobacteria, we compared homologous pairing and strand exchange reactions promoted by RecA protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to those of Escherichia coli RecA protein. The extent of single-stranded binding protein (SSB)-stimulated formation of joint molecules by MtRecA was similar to that of EcRecA over a wide range of pH values. In contrast, strand exchange promoted by MtRecA was inhibited around neutral pH due to the formation of DNA networks. At higher pH, MtRecA was able to overcome this constraint and, consequently, displayed optimal strand exchange activity. Order of addition experiments suggested that SSB, when added after MtRecA, was vital for strand exchange. Significantly, with shorter duplex DNA, MtRecA promoted efficient strand exchange without network formation in a pH-independent fashion. Increase in the length of duplex DNA led to incomplete strand exchange with concomitant rise in the formation of intermediates and networks in a pH-dependent manner. Treatment of purified networks with S1 nuclease liberated linear duplex DNA and products, consistent with a model in which the networks are formed by the invasion of hybrid DNA by the displaced linear single-stranded DNA. Titration of strand exchange reactions with ATP or salt distinguished a condition under which the formation of networks was blocked, but strand exchange was not significantly affected. We discuss how these results relate to inefficient allele exchange in mycobacteria.


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We have used circular dichroism and structure-directed drugs to identify the role of structural features, wide and narrow grooves in particular, required for the cooperative polymerization, recognition of homologous sequences, and the formation of joint molecules promoted by recA protein. The path of cooperative polymerization of recA protein was deduced by its ability to cause quantitative displacement of distamycin from the narrow groove of duplex DNA. By contrast, methyl green bound to the wide groove was retained by the nucleoprotein filaments comprised of recA protein-DNA. Further, the mode of binding of these ligands and recA protein to DNA was confirmed by DNaseI digestion. More importantly, the formation of joint molecules was prevented by distamycin in the narrow groove while methyl green in the wide groove had no adverse effect. Intriguingly, distamycin interfered with the production of coaggregates between nucleoprotein filaments of recA protein-M13 ssDNA and naked linear M13 duplex DNA, but not with linear phi X174 duplex DNA. Thus, these data, in conjunction with molecular modeling, suggest that the narrow grooves of duplex DNA provide the fundamental framework required for the cooperative polymerization of recA protein and alignment of homologous sequences. These findings and their significance are discussed in relation to models of homologous pairing between two intertwined DNA molecules.


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We have used circular dichroism as a probe to characterize the solution conformational changes in RecA protein upon binding to DNA. This approach revealed that RecA protein acquires significant amounts of alpha-helix upon interaction with DNA. These observations, consistent with the data from crystal structure (Story, R. M., Weber, I., and Steitz, T. (1992) Nature 355, 318-325), support the notion that some basic domains including the DNA binding motifs of RecA protein are unstructured and might contribute to the formation of alpha-helix. A comparison of nucleoprotein filaments comprised of RecA protein and a variety of DNA substrates revealed important structural heterogeneity. The most significant difference was observed with poly(dG). poly(dC) and related polymers, rich in GC sequences, which induced minimal amounts of alpha-helix in RecA protein. The magnitude of induction of alpha-helix in RecA protein, which occurred concomitant with the production of ternary complexes, was 2-fold higher with homologous than heterologous duplex DNA. Most importantly, the stimulation of ATP hydrolysis by high salt coincided with that of the induction of alpha-helix in RecA protein. These conformational differences provide a basis for thinking about the biochemical and structural transitions that RecA protein experiences during the formal steps of presynapsis, recognition, and alignment of homologous sequences.


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The red genes of phage lambda specify two proteins, exonuclease and beta protein, which are essential for its general genetic recombination in recA- cells. These proteins seem to occur in vivo as an equimolar complex. In addition, beta protein forms a complex with another polypeptide, probably of phage origin, of Mr 70,000. The 70-kDa protein appears to be neither a precursor nor an aggregated form of either exonuclease or beta protein, since antibodies directed against the latter two proteins failed to react with 70-kDa protein on Ouchterlony double diffusion analysis. beta protein promotes Mg2+-dependent renaturation of complementary strands (Kmiec, E., and Holloman, W. K. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 12636-12639). To look for other pairing activities of beta protein, we developed methods of purification to free it of associated exonuclease. Exonuclease-free beta protein appeared unable to cause the pairing of a single strand with duplex DNA; however, like Escherichia coli single strand binding protein (SSB), beta protein stimulated formation of joint molecules by recA protein from linear duplex DNA and homologous circular single strands. Like recA protein, but unlike SSB, beta protein promoted the joining of the complementary single-stranded ends of phage lambda DNA. beta protein specifically protected single-stranded DNA from digestion by pancreatic DNase. The half-time for renaturation catalyzed by beta protein was independent of DNA concentration, unlike renaturation promoted by SSB and spontaneous renaturation, which are second order reactions. Thus, beta protein resembles recA protein in its ability to bring single-stranded DNA molecules together and resembles SSB in its ability to reduce secondary structure in single-stranded DNA.


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The ability of E coli recA protein to promote homologous pairing with linear duplex DNA bound to HU protein (Nucleosome cores) was found to be differentially affected. The formation of paranemic joint molecules was not affected whereas the formation of plectomic joint molecules was inhibited from the start of the reaction. The formation of paranemic joint molecules between nucleoprotein filaments of recA protein-circular single stranded DNA and closed circular duplex DNA is believed to generate positive supercoiling in the duplex DNA. We found that the positively superhelical duplex DNA was inert in the formation of joint molecules but could be converted into an active substrate, in situ, by the action of wheat germ topoisomerase I. These observations initiate an understanding of the structural features of E coli chromosome such as DNA supercoiling and nucleosome-like structures in homologous recombination.


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Motivated by a suggestion in our earlier work [G. Baskaran, Phys. Rev. B 65, 212505 (2002)], we study electron correlation driven superconductivity in doped graphene where on-site correlations are believed to be of intermediate strength. Using an extensive variational Monte Carlo study of the repulsive Hubbard model and a correlated ground state wave function, we show that doped graphene supports a superconducting ground state with a d+id pairing symmetry. We estimate superconductivity reaching room temperatures at an optimal doping of about 15%-20%. Our work suggests that correlations can stabilize superconductivity even in systems with intermediate coupling.


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Following the reaction matrix technique and the Kanamori approximation. a condition is obtained for the occurence of undamped Cooper pairs in a non-degenerate electron system. Its relevance to induced superconductivity in systems with artificially populated (optically pumped) bands is pointed out.