931 resultados para Cooking (Meat)


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BACKGROUND: Umami taste in foods is elicited predominantly by the presence of glutamic acid and 5’-ribonucleotides, which act synergistically. This study aimed to use natural ingredients to maximise umami taste of a meat formulation and determine effects on liking of older consumers. METHODS: Cooked meat products with added natural ingredients (yeast extract, mycoscent, shiitake extract, tomato puree, soy sauce and soy bean paste) or monosodium glutamate (MSG) were prepared and compared to a control sample analytically (umami compounds), sensorially (sensory profile) and hedonically (liking by younger and older volunteers). Taste detection thresholds of sodium chloride and MSG of volunteers were collected. RESULTS: Four of the seven cooked meat products developed had a significantly higher content of umami-contributing compounds compared to the control. All products, except those containing MSG or tomato puree, were scored (by trained sensory panel) perceptually significantly higher in umami and / or salty taste compared to the control. Consumer tests showed a correlation of liking by the older cohort with perceived saltiness (ρ=0.76). CONCLUSION: The addition of natural umami-containing ingredients during the cooking of meat can provide enhanced umami and salty taste characteristics, this can lead to increased liking by some consumers, particularly those with raised taste detection thresholds.


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One constraint facing the pig industry is that ad libitum feeding can often result in high levels of body fat and technologies which can reduce the ratio of lean to fat deposition in the pig are continually being explored. Conjugated linoleic acids have been shown to decrease body fat content in pigs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether dietary conjugated linoleic acids supplementation has any effect on meat quality and carcass characteristics in finisher pigs. Sixty female crossbred (Large White × Landrace) pigs (average initial weight 56.6 ± 1.9 kg and average initial P2 backfat 11.4 ± 1.3 mm) were used in the present study. Pigs were individually housed and randomly allocated to 1 of 6 dietary treatments: 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 or 1.0% (w/w) of conjugated linoleic acids-55. The wheat-based diets were formulated to contain 14.3 MJ DE and 9.3 g available lysine per kg and were fed ad libitum for 8 weeks. Pigs were slaughtered and meat quality was determined on the longissimus thoracis using standard techniques. Dietary conjugated linoleic acids reduced subcutaneous back fat in a linear manner with effects being most pronounced in the middle back fat layer. There was also a linear (P<0.001) decrease in intramuscular fat with increasing dietary conjugated linoleic acids supplementation. However, there was no effect of conjugated linoleic acids on subjective measures of marbling of the loin. Also, loin muscle ultimate pH (P = 0.94), lightness values (P = 0.46) subjective colour scores (P = 0.79), cooking loss (P = 0.71), drip loss (P = 0.40), shear force (P = 0.61) and subjective measures of wetness/firmness (P = 0.19) were unaffected. Dietary conjugated linoleic acids did not alter oxidation, as measured by the level of TBARs at day 1 post-slaughter (P = 0.38) or after 9 days of simulated retail display (P = 0.35). These data confirm that dietary conjugated linoleic acids can improve carcass quality by decreasing back fat depths without having any detrimental effects on meat quality.


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This study evaluated the use of different probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics on the quality of carcasses and meat of broiler chickens. One hundred and eight day-old Cobb male broilers were used (n=108) in a completely randomized design according to a 3x3 factorial, with 3 probiotics in the diet (no probiotics, probiotics 1, probiotics 2) and 3 prebiotics in the diet (no prebiotics, prebiotics 1, prebiotics 2). There were nine treatments with 4 replicates and 3 birds per replicate. The results showed that the carcass and cut yields, color (L* - lightness, a* - redness, and b* - yellowness), pH, cooking losses, shearing force and sensory analysis were not affected by the use of different growth promoters at 42 days of age. It was concluded that growth promoters supplemented to the diet did not affect the studied quantitative and qualitative parameters of the carcass and breast meat of broiler chickens.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o método de pendura da carcaça quanto à qualidade da carne ovina. Foram utilizadas 10 ovelhas de descarte com aproximadamente 62 kg de peso corporal. Após abate, esfola, evisceração e retirada da cabeça e das patas, as carcaças foram divididas longitudinalmente em duas partes. Lados alternados das meias carcaças foram pendurados pelo tendão do gastrocnêmico, tratamento 1 (T1) e suspensos pelo osso pélvico (T2) por um período de 24 horas em câmara frigorífica. Posteriormente retirou-se o músculo Semimembranosus de todas as meias carcaças para as análises de qualidade da carne. Os músculos Semimembranosus das carcaças pendurados pelo método de suspensão da pelve apresentou maior maciez que os mesmos músculos das carcaças pendurados pelo tendão do gastrocnêmico, com valores de 1,99 kgf.cm-2 e 3,15 kgf.cm-2, respectivamente. O tratamento 2 obteve menores perdas por cocção da carne que o tratamento 1, com valores médios de 32,14 e 33,44%, respectivamente. Os demais parâmetros de qualidade de carne avaliados não foram influenciados pelo método de suspensão da carcaça. Concluiu-se que o método de suspensão da carcaça, influenciou a maciez e as perdas por cocção da carne, sendo os melhores resultados para as carcaças penduras pelo osso pélvico.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade da carne de cordeiros Ile de France alimentados com dietas contendo grãos de girassol e vitamina E. Trinta e dois cordeiros pesando inicialmente 15kg foram alojados em baias individuais e abatidos ao atingir 32kg de peso corporal. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro dietas experimentais: D1) cana-de-açúcar + concentrado sem grãos de girassol; D2) cana-de-açúcar + concentrado com grãos de girassol; D3) cana-de-açúcar + concentrado grãos de girassol, mais 1000mg de vitamina E kg-1 de matéria seca (MS) da dieta; e D4) cana-de-açúcar + concentrado com grãos de girassol e 1000mg de vitamina E dieta kg-1 de MS. Os parâmetros temperatura, pH, cor, perda de peso ao cozimento, força de cisalhamento e capacidade de retenção de água foram determinados nos tempos de maturação de 0, 7 e 14 dias no músculo Longissimus dorsi. As características qualitativas da carne não foram afetadas pelas dietas contendo grãos de girassol combinado com vitamina E, no entanto, pH 24 horas foi afetado (P<0,05) pela dieta contendo grãos de girassol com vitamina E. A perda de peso por cozimento não foi influenciada (P>0,05) pelos tempos de dieta ou de maturação, por outro lado, a força de cisalhamento e capacidade de retenção de água foi significativamente afetada (P<0,05). O uso da vitamina E resultou em carne com maior capacidade de retenção de água. O tempo de maturação influenciou nos parâmetros pH, cor e força de cisalhamento. Carne de cordeiro com 7 dias de maturação apresentou menor força de cisalhamento.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foram utilizados 78 cabritos de ambos os sexos e de cinco genótipos: raça Alpina, ½ Boer + ½ Alpina, ¾ Boer + ¼ Alpina, ½ Anglo-nubiana + ½ Alpina e tricross (½ Anglo-nubiana + ¼ Boer + ¼ Alpina), com peso médio inicial de 14,1 ± 2,5 kg. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos do genótipo, do sistema de terminação e do sexo sobre as características físico-químicas da carne. Os sistemas de terminação foram constituídos: ST1 - cabrito + mãe em pasto e ST2 - cabrito desmamado confinado. Os cabritos do ST1 foram mantidos em piquetes formados com Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia e os do ST2 receberam dieta completa com 16% PB e 73% NDT. Os valores de pH, a* (teor de vermelho), Perda de Peso ao Cozimento (PPC) e porcentagem de Extrato Etéreo (EE) foram influenciados pelo genótipo. Os teores de vermelho (a*) e L* (luminosidade), PPC e porcentagens de umidade, proteína, EE e cinzas foram influenciados pelo sistema de terminação. O músculo longissimus dorsidos animais ½ BA apresentou as melhores características físico-químicas. Se a preferência do consumidor for por uma carne mais macia e com maior teor de gordura, as fêmeas são mais indicadas.


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Rabbits are very sensitive to heat stress because they have difficulty eliminating excess body heat. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effects of heat stress on slaughter weight, dressing percentage and carcass and meat quality traits of rabbits from two genetic groups. Ninety-six weaned rabbits were used: half were from the Botucatu genetic group and half were crossbreds between New Zealand White sires and Botucatu does. They were assigned to a completely randomized design in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement (two genetic groups and three ambient temperatures: 18°C, 25°C and 30°C) and kept under controlled conditions in three environmental chambers from 5 to 10 weeks of age. Slaughter took place at 10 weeks, on 2 consecutive days. Meat quality measurements were made in the longissimus muscle. Actual average ambient temperature and relative humidity in the three chambers were 18.4°C and 63.9%, 24.4°C and 80.2% and 29.6°C and 75.9%, respectively. Purebred rabbits were heavier at slaughter and had heavier commercial and reference carcasses than crossbreds at 30°C; however, no differences between genetic groups for these traits were found at lower temperatures. No genetic group × ambient temperature interaction was detected for any other carcass or meat quality traits. The percentages of distal parts of legs, skin and carcass forepart were higher in crossbred rabbits, indicating a lower degree of maturity at slaughter in this group. The percentage of thoracic viscera was higher in the purebreds. Lightness of the longissimus muscle was higher in the purebreds, whereas redness was higher in the crossbreds. Slaughter, commercial and reference carcass weights and the percentages of thoracic viscera, liver and kidneys were negatively related with ambient temperature. Commercial and reference carcass yields, and the percentage of distal parts of legs, on the other hand, had a positive linear relationship with ambient temperature. Meat redness and yellowness diminished as ambient temperature increased, whereas cooking loss was linearly elevated with ambient temperature. Meat color traits revealed paler meat in the purebreds, but no differences in instrumental texture properties and water-holding capacity between genetic groups. Purebred rabbits were less susceptible to heat stress than the crossbreds. Heat stress resulted in lower slaughter and carcass weights and proportional reductions of organ weights, which contributed to a higher carcass yield. Moreover, it exerted a small, but negative, effect on meat quality traits. © 2012 The Animal Consortium.


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The aim of this study was to compare four genetic groups of sheep on the carcass and meat quality traits. Thirty-three contemporary and unrelated male lambs, all of single birth were used in the experiment, being thirteen from the Santa Inês (SI) breed, seven from the Brazilian Somali breed (BS), six from the Morada Nova (MN) breed and seven from the ½ Dorper - ½ Morada Nova (F1) crossbreed. The genotypes SI, BS and F1 presented similar performances in relation to hot and cold carcass weights, which values were 10.76±0.53kg and 10.46±0.52kg for SI, 9.20±0.73kg and 8.99±0.71kg for BS, and 9.35±0.73kg and 9.13±0.71kg for F1, respectively. The BS had a better hot carcass yield (47.10±0.88%) and cold carcass yield (46.00±0.87%). Better carcass conformation was observed in SI and F1 (2.73±0.12 and 2.50±0.17, respectively) while the BS presented a better finishing (3.29±0.20). The average for the rib eye area (REA) was 9.94±0.49cm², 8.66±0.67cm², 7.18±0.72cm² and 9.8±0.67cm², and for the carcass compactness index (CCI) it was 0.17±0.01kg/cm, 0.17±0.01kg/cm, 0.11±0.01kg/cm and 0.16±0,01kg/cm, for SI, SB, MN and F1, respectively. There were no significant differences between SI, BS and F1 regarding REA and CCI. Although, in general, the MN presented a relatively lower performance than the other genotypes, this breed had similar carcass yields and fat thickness when compared to SI and F1 and similar conformation and REA in comparison to the BS. Regarding meat quality, no differences were observed between genotypes, except for redness and cooking losses. It is concluded that no one group had a higher or lower performance in all traits analyzed. Moreover, for the management conditions employed in this study, there was evidence of greater specialization in meat production for genotypes SI, BS and F1 when compared to MN, although there are no substantial differences between the four groups regarding meat quality.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)