972 resultados para Conversos al islam


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El artículo propone una lectura de las cláusulas religiosas de las capitulaciones para la entrega de Granada (25 de noviembre de 1491). Se pone en tela de juicio la idea, comúnmente aceptada en la historiografía, de que las capitulaciones establecían el respeto a las leyes y a la religión de los vencidos y que, por lo tanto, las actuaciones que llevaron a la conversión de los musulmanes de Granada en los años 1499-1501 violaron las mismas capitulaciones. La comparación entre las peticiones del rey Boabdil y el texto firmado por los Reyes Católicos, apoyada sobre el derecho canónico, permite aclarar la posición de los Reyes en puntos tan decisivos como las modalidades del culto islámico, las señales de identificación, la prohibición de las conversiones forzadas y el estatuto de los hombres y mujeres convertidos del Cristianismo al Islam (elches). Se intenta demostrar que las capitulaciones, lejos de fijar la situación religiosa en Granada, establecían la dominación cristiana, abriendo el paso a una dinámica de conversión de la población musulmana y a la recuperación de los elches por la Iglesia.


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El propósito de este estudio es comentar desde diferentes puntos de vista la nota sobre el obispo Osio y el monje Ozim (Tultusceptrum de libro domini Metobii) contenida en el códice de Roda (Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia 78, f. 185v). Se señala especialmente su relación con otros textos hispanos de polémica contra el islam, el origen y sentido de la tradición que vincula al profeta Muḥammad con el obispo Osio y la pervivencia de esta leyenda en la posteridad. Se concluye que el texto debe entenderse ante todo como un apólogo que previene a los cristianos sobre los efectos del rito de conversión al islam.


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Contrario a lo que se cree, al menos la mitad de la población musulmana que vive en Bogotá son conversos de origen colombiano. Por eso, el Centro de Estudios Teológicos y de las Religiones (CETRE) de la Universidad del Rosario, decidió realizar un estudio en tres etapas sobre la presencia islámica en Colombia. Los investigadores consideraron necesario profundizar en los fenómenos de conversión, las relaciones sociales, de género y los procesos de cambio y continuidad de las comunidades. Diego Castellanos, del Centro de Estudios Teológicos y de las Religiones, explicó que en la primera etapa del trabajo la investigación se centró en el área urbana de Bogotá, con lo cual lograron identificar los principales grupos de musulmanes y sus particularidades. Así, se propusieron entender las complejas dinámicas que se dan dentro de las comunidades musulmanas que intentan conciliar la herencia islámica y el contexto colombiano. El proceso de diálogo entre ambas visiones no ha sido fácil, máxime cuando implica comprender las circunstancias particulares que afectan al mundo contemporáneo, en el cual los límites entre lo que tradicionalmente era conocido como “cultura nacional” y las realidades sociales se revelan como múltiples.


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This article investigates the contested ideology of al-Qaeda through an analysis of Osama bin Ladin’s writings and public statements issued between 1994 and 2011, set in relation to the development of Islamic thought and changing socio-political realities in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Challenging popular conceptions of Wahhabism and the “Salafi jihad”, it reveals an idealistic, Pan-Islamic sentiment at the core of his messages that is not based on the main schools of Islamic theology, but is the result of a crisis of meaning of Islam in the modern world. Both before and after the death of al-Qaeda’s iconic leader, the continuing process of religious, political and intellectual fragmentation of the Muslim world has led to bin Ladin’s vision for unity being replaced by local factions and individuals pursuing their own agendas in the name of al-Qaeda and Islam.


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Followers of three world religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are waiting for the Messiah. Muslims are even waiting for aspiritual leader al-Mahdi. Two different persons claimed the title of al-Mahdi, at the end of the nineteenth century. Theyappeared almost at the same time, at the totally different places of the earth, with a completely different message and underthe rule of the British colonial power. The aim of the study is to compare the both religious figures, Mirza Ghulam Ahmadfrom India and Muhammad Ahmad from Sudan regarding their different messages, to illustrate the social, political andreligious factors that lead to the entirely different profile and image of these two men and how their organizations havedeveloped after their death up till today. The result shows that the Sudanese Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad claimed hisMahdiship in the year 1881. He became a political leader in a time when Sudan was under the rule of a colonial power. Hetook advantage of the religion for personal purposes and tried to liberate his native country Sudan. The contemporaryMuslim clergy criticized him for his claim because the content of the Hadith traditions did not support his claim ofMahdiship. He maintained his sole right for the interpretation of religion and of the laws of Sharia. He made changes even inthe chief pillars of Islam by asserting that Jehad with sword was more imperative than the pilgrimage journey to Mecca. Heasserted that the Prophet Muhammad himself had entrusted him to launch the holy war against the non-believers. He hadimmense ambitions which were never fulfilled since he suddenly died four years after his claim for Mahdiship, in June 1885.This day his followers are organized as a political party in Sudan with a modest roll in the Sudanese politics. The IndianMahdi Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed in 1889 to be Mahdi, Mujaddid, Muhaddas, Messiah and a Prophet at a time of socialand political peace, though Islam as a religion was firmly pushed by the Hindu and Christian missionaries. He had no politicalambitions at all and was utterly loyal to the British colonial power. His mission was to crush the Cross and to demonstrateIslam’s excellence over all the religions of the world through overwhelming arguments. He proclaimed that Jesus was humanand a Prophet and not the son of God. Jesus survived from the cross and died a natural death after he had lived for manyyears. Ahmad claimed that God had commanded him to put stop to the religious wars. The contemporary Muslim clergyblamed him for being an imposter, melancholic and hypochondriac who had self invented the divine revelations. He died year1908, nineteen years after his claim and the communion he found is established today in more than hundred countries of theworld. Reasons for the breakdown of mission of the Sudanese Mahdi were that his objectives were political and he challengedthe colonial power with the sword. Another decisive factor was his sudden death merely four years after the beginning of hismission. Reasons for the success of Indian Mahdi were that his objectives were purely religious and he was wholly loyal to theforeign government. He survived nineteen years after the beginning of his mission which made it possible for him to create acommunion based on solid grounds. His followers continued on the same path and never engaged in local politics where everthey lived. For further studies it will be of great interest to study the life of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and objectively examine thearguments he presented in support of his divine appointment. Furthermore it is enriching to study the organization andactivities of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community to explore if they are in accordance with the basic principles of Ahmad.


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La obra histórica del erudito y enciclopedista de la edad de oro de la literatura árabe copta, de la cual el Dr. Samuel Moawad (Munster) está preparando una edición, representa en realidad una colección de tres tratados divididos artificialmente en 51 capítulos secuenciales. El núcleo cronológico es precedido por un largo tratado con 47 capítulos sobre cálculos astronómicos y eclesiásticos así como épocas históricas y calendarios de diferentes naciones. La parte histórica propia (ch. 48-50), de los cuales el llamado Chronicon orientale representa una deficiente revisión anónima, trata sucesivamente de historia universal, dinastías islámicas y patriarcas coptos. Un sumario histórico, así como dogmático, de los primeros siete/ocho concilios de la Iglesia cristiana (cap. 51) termina la compilación entera. El conocido historiador al-Makin Ibn al-.Amid hace un gran uso de la labor de su contemporáneo y, al parecer a través de él, los grandes historiadores musulmanes: Ibn Khaldun, Maqrizi o Qalqashandi hacen mención continua de Ibn al-Rahib. Más tarde en el siglo XVI, el K. al-Tawarikh fue traducido en etiópico y tuvo un gran impacto en la literatura histórica y computacional de los etíopes.


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The aim of this dissertation is to discuss the concept of choice in the most important collection of Islamic traditions, Sahih al-Bukhari. The author of the collection, Muhammad ibn Isma'il al-Bukhari, lived between 810-870. My starting point is the collection of texts as it is now in its normative, established form. I read the hadiths as pieces of reality, not as statements about reality. The historicity of the texts has no role at all in my analysis. Part I sketches out the hagiography of the life and work of the author and provides a short history of the development of hadith literature and the processes of collecting and classifying the texts are discussed briefly. Part one ends with the presentation of my way of using rhetorical analysis as a methodological tool. Part II introduces my analysis of the concept of choice. It is divided into ten chapters, each concentrating on one hadith cluster. Part II ends with a discussion of the philosophy of free will and predestination in early Islam. Hadith literature is often considered as a representative of predestinarian theology compared to the Qur'an which emphasises the reponsibility of people of their own acts. In my conclusions I suggest that accoding to the texts in Sahih al-Bukhari, people do deal with real choices in their lives. The collection includes both strictly predestinarian texts but it also compises texts which claim that people are demanded to make real choices, even choices concerning life and death.


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A micromechanical approach is considered here to predict the deformation behaviour of Rheocast A356 (Al-Si-Mg) alloy. Two representative volume elements (RVEs) are modelled in the finite element (FE) framework. Two dimensional approximated microstructures are generated assuming elliptic grains, based on the grain size, shape factor and area fraction of the primary Al phase of the said alloy at different processing condition. Plastic instability is shown using stress and strain distribution between the Al rich primary and Si rich eutectic phases under different boundary conditions. Boundary conditions are applied on the approximated RVEs in such a manner, so that they represent the real life situation depending on their position on a cylindrical tensile test sample. FE analysis is carried out using commercial finite element code ABAQUS without specifying any damage or failure criteria. Micro-level in-homogeneity leads to incompatible deformation between the constituent phases of the rheocast alloy and steers plastic strain localisation. Plastic stain localised regions within the RVEs are predicted as the favourable sites for void nucleation. Subsequent growth of nucleated voids leads to final failure of the materials under investigation.


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Resumen: El trabajo que presentamos a continuación tiene como objetivo abordar distintos aspectos sobre la construcción de las imágenes y de las prácticas discursivas que se proyectaron sobre el Islam y los musulmanes en la Castilla medieval. En este sentido, daremos cuenta del contexto mediterráneo y peninsular en la tensión Cristianismo-Islam, así como también de algunas medidas que desde la Iglesia romana se proyectaban sobre los moros. Recogeremos los antecedentes de las polémicas antiislámicas para luego adentrarnos en el universo castellano y ejemplificar estas disputas con algunos escritores cristianos para analizar sus posturas respecto del Islam y la veracidad de su religión.