976 resultados para Conventional evaluation


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Purpose: The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the biomechanical stability of 9 different osteosynthesis methods after sagittal split ramus osteotomy by simulating the masticatory forces and using a 3-point biomechanical test method.Materials and Methods: Forty-five polyurethane hemimandibles with bone-like consistency were randomly assigned to 9 groups (n = 5) and subjected to sagittal split ramus osteotomy. After 4-mm advancement of the distal segment, the bone segments were fixed by different osteosynthesis methods using 2.0-mm miniplate/screw systems: group A, one 4-hole conventional straight miniplate; group B, one 4-hole locking straight miniplate; group C, one 4-hole conventional miniplate and one bicortical screw; group D, one 4-hole locking miniplate and 1 bicortical screw; group E, one 6-hole conventional straight miniplate; group F, one 6-hole locking straight miniplate; group (3: two 4-hole conventional straight miniplates; group H. two 4-hole locking straight miniplates; and group 1, 3 bicortical screws in an inverted-L. pattern. All models were mounted on a base especially constructed for this purpose. Using a 3-point biomechanical test model, the hemimandibles were loaded in compressive strength in an Instron machine (Norwood, MA) until a 3-mm displacement occurred between segments vertically or horizontally. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey test (alpha = 1%).Results: The multiparametric comparison of the groups showed a statistically significant difference (P<.01) between groups that used 2 miniplates (groups G and H), 1 miniplate and 1 bicortical screw (groups C and D), and only bicortical screws (group D compared with groups that used only 1 miniplate with 2 screws per segment (groups A and B) and 3 screws per segment (groups E and F).Conclusion: The placement of 2.0-mm-diameter bicortical screws in the retromolar region, associated or not with conventional and locking miniplates with monocortical screws, promoted a better stabilization of bone segments. Locking miniplates presented a better performance in bone fixation in all groups. (C) 2010 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 68:724-730, 2010


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Creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) are mainly muscle-specific enzymes, which can be associated with muscle tissue damage. The aim of this study was to assess the activities of CK and AST during the postoperative period, after conventional (G1) and videolaparoscopic ovariectomy (G2), in queens. A further group (G3) was subjected to anaesthesia only. Results demonstrate that there were significant differences between groups. The highest levels of CK were recorded in Gl, however at a confidence level of p < 0.05 there was no significant difference between groups during the first 6 hours after surgery. A significant (p < 0.05) increase of CK values was identified between 0h and 3h in both groups (Gl and G2). Regarding AST activity there was no significant variation between groups, but again there was a significant difference between values at 0h and 3h after surgery. In conclusion, ovariectomy performed by videolap-aroscopy seems to cause less muscle damage when compared to the conventional method. © 2009 by Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG, Bem.


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The objective of this study was to present a systematized review of different methods used to evaluate the masticatory efficiency in conventional complete denture wearers. A survey was conducted in the databases PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane, seeking scientific articles according to the previously selected terms: "Masticatory performance", "Masticatory efficiency" and "Chewing ability complete denture". Moreover, complementary studies have been carried out with library manual search/databases, which included studies related to different ways to assess masticatory efficiency, specifically as it related to conventional complete denture wearers. Forty three papers were selected to be used in the present review. Despite the wide variety of methodologies in the literature, the sieves method is currently considered the gold standard method to evaluation of conventional complete denture wearers masticatory efficiency, since it is the simplest, does not depend on specific devices (beyond the set of sieves), allows for a rational assessment, and it has been widely reproduced in various types of oral rehabilitation. More, the almond, as natural test food, and the optocal (made from the molding material Optosil), as artificial test food, are the most constantly employed test foods to evaluate masticatory efficiency.


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Bone metastases are responsible for different clinical complications defined as skeletal-related events (SREs) such as pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, hypercalcaemia, bone marrow infiltration and severe bone pain requiring palliative radiotherapy. The general aim of these three years research period was to improve the management of patients with bone metastases through two different approaches of translational research. Firstly in vitro preclinical tests were conducted on breast cancer cells and on indirect co-colture of cancer cells and osteoclasts to evaluate bone targeted therapy singly and in combination with conventional chemotherapy. The study suggests that zoledronic acid has an antitumor activity in breast cancer cell lines. Its mechanism of action involves the decrease of RAS and RHO, as in osteoclasts. Repeated treatment enhances antitumor activity compared to non-repeated treatment. Furthermore the combination Zoledronic Acid + Cisplatin induced a high antitumoral activity in the two triple-negative lines MDA-MB-231 and BRC-230. The p21, pMAPK and m-TOR pathways were regulated by this combined treatment, particularly at lower Cisplatin doses. A co-colture system to test the activity of bone-targeted molecules on monocytes-breast conditioned by breast cancer cells was also developed. Another important criticism of the treatment of breast cancer patients, is the selection of patients who will benefit of bone targeted therapy in the adjuvant setting. A retrospective case-control study on breast cancer patients to find new predictive markers of bone metastases in the primary tumors was performed. Eight markers were evaluated and TFF1 and CXCR4 were found to discriminate between patients with relapse to bone respect to patients with no evidence of disease. In particular TFF1 was the most accurate marker reaching a sensitivity of 63% and a specificity of 79%. This marker could be a useful tool for clinicians to select patients who could benefit for bone targeted therapy in adjuvant setting.


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The present study aims to investigate the implications of web-based delivery of identical learning content for time efficiency and students' performance, as compared to conventional textbook resources.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate high-definition and conventional oscillometry in comparison with direct blood pressure measurements in anaesthetised dogs. METHODS: Eight simultaneous readings for systolic, diastolic and mean pressure were obtained directly and with each of two devices in nine anaesthetised dogs. Measurement procedure and validation were based on the 2007 ACVIM guidelines. RESULTS: Sixty-three simultaneous readings were evaluated for each device and direct measurements. The mean differences (bias) to direct values were within 10 mmHg for both devices although bias for systolic and diastolic blood pressures was higher for Memodiagnostic. The standard deviations of differences (precision) were within 15 mmHg for Dinamap but exceeded for Memodiagnostic. Correlation coefficients were higher for Dinamap than Memodiagnostic but both failed to reach a correlation of 0.9. Over 50% of values lay within 10 mmHg of direct measures for both devices, but this percentage was greater for Dinamap than Memodiagnostic. Over 80% of values lay within 20 mmHg of direct measures for Dinamap but not for Memodiagnostic. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Both devices failed to meet ACVIM guideline validation. However, Dinamap only failed with regards to correlation. Memodiagnostic failed on several requirements, and based on poor correlation, accuracy and precision, this device cannot be currently recommended for dogs under anaesthesia.


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Transmission errors are the main cause of degradation of the quality of real broadcasted video services. Therefore, knowing their impact on the quality of experience of the end users is a crucial issue. For instance, it would help to improve the performance of the distribution systems, and to develop monitoring tools to automatically estimate the quality perceived by the end users. In this paper we validate a subjective evaluation approach specifically designed to obtain meaningful results of the effects of degradations caused by transmission errors. This methodology has been already used in our previous works with monoscopic and stereoscopic videos. The validation is done by comparing the subjective ratings obtained for typical transmission errors with the proposed methodology and with the standard method Absolute Category Rating. The results show that the proposed approach could provide more representative evaluations of the quality of experience perceived by end users of conventional and 3D broadcasted video services.


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This paper decomposes the conventional measure of selection bias in observational studies into three components. The first two components are due to differences in the distributions of characteristics between participant and nonparticipant (comparison) group members: the first arises from differences in the supports, and the second from differences in densities over the region of common support. The third component arises from selection bias precisely defined. Using data from a recent social experiment, we find that the component due to selection bias, precisely defined, is smaller than the first two components. However, selection bias still represents a substantial fraction of the experimental impact estimate. The empirical performance of matching methods of program evaluation is also examined. We find that matching based on the propensity score eliminates some but not all of the measured selection bias, with the remaining bias still a substantial fraction of the estimated impact. We find that the support of the distribution of propensity scores for the comparison group is typically only a small portion of the support for the participant group. For values outside the common support, it is impossible to reliably estimate the effect of program participation using matching methods. If the impact of participation depends on the propensity score, as we find in our data, the failure of the common support condition severely limits matching compared with random assignment as an evaluation estimator.


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This is an empirical examination of the quality of teacher assignments and student work in Singapore schools. Using a theoretical framework based on principles of authentic assessment and intellectual quality, two sets of criteria and scoring rubrics were developed for the training of expert teachers to judge the quality of assignments and student work. Following rigorous training, the inter-rater reliability of expert teacher scoring was high. Samples of teacher assignments and student work were collected in English, social studies, mathematics, and science subject areas from a random stratified sample of 30 elementary schools and 29 high schools. For both grade levels, there were significant differences for the authentic intellectual quality of teachers’ assignments by subject area. Likewise, the differences of authentic intellectual quality for student work were significant and varied by subject area. Subject area effect was large. The correlations between the quality of teachers’ assignment tasks and student work were strong and significant at both grade levels. Where teachers set more intellectually demanding tasks, students were more likely to generate work or artefacts judged to be of higher quality. The findings suggest that teacher professional development in authentic intellectual assessment task design can contribute to the improvement of student learning and performance. It is argued that this will be a key requisite of educational systems like Singapore that are seeking to expand pedagogy and student outcomes beyond a focus on factual and rote knowledge.


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Conventional clinical therapies are unable to resolve osteochondral defects adequately, hence tissue engineering solutions are sought to address the challenge. A biphasic implant which was seeded with Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) and coupled with an electrospun membrane was evaluated as an alternative. This dual phase construct comprised of a Polycaprolactone (PCL) cartilage scaffold and a Polycaprolactone - Tri Calcium Phosphate (PCL - TCP) osseous matrix. Autologous MSC was seeded into the entire implant via fibrin and the construct was inserted into critically sized osteochondral defects located at the medial condyle and patellar groove of pigs. The defect was resurfaced with a PCL - collagen electrospun mesh that served as a substitute for periosteal flap in preventing cell leakage. Controls either without implanted MSC or resurfacing membrane were included. After 6 months, cartilaginous repair was observed with a low occurrence of fibrocartilage at the medial condyle. Osteochondral repair was promoted and host cartilage degeneration was arrested as shown by the superior Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) maintenance. This positive morphological outcome was supported by a higher relative Young's modulus which indicated functional cartilage restoration. Bone in growth and remodeling occurred in all groups with a higher degree of mineralization in the experimental group. Tissue repair was compromised in the absence of the implanted cells or the resurfacing membrane. Moreover healing was inferior at the patellar groove as compared to the medial condyle and this was attributed to the native biomechanical features.


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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) offers a valuable research tool for the assessment of 3D spinal deformity in AIS, however the horizontal patient position imposed by conventional scanners removes the axial compressive loading on the spine which is an important determinant of deformity shape and magnitude in standing scoliosis patients. The objective of this study was to design, construct and test an MRI compatible compression device for research into the effect of axial loading on spinal deformity using supine MRI scans. The compression device was designed and constructed, consisting of a vest worn by the patient, which was attached via straps to a pneumatically actuated footplate. An applied load of 0.5 x bodyweight was remotely controlled by a unit in the scanner operator’s console. The entire device was constructed using non-metallic components for MRI compatibility. The device was evaluated by performing unloaded and loaded supine MRI scans on a series of 10 AIS patients. The study concluded that an MRI compatible compression device had been successfully designed and constructed, providing a research tool for studies into the effect of axial loading on 3D spinal deformity in scoliosis. The 3D axially loaded MR imaging capability developed in this study will allow future research investigations of the effect of axial loading on spinal rotation, and for imaging the response of scoliotic spinal tissues to axial loading.


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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) offers a valuable research tool for the assessment of 3D spinal deformity in AIS, however the horizontal patient position imposed by conventional scanners removes the axial compressive loading on the spine. The objective of this study was to design, construct and test an MRI compatible compression device for research into the effect of axial loading on spinal deformity using supine MRI scans. The device was evaluated by performing unloaded and loaded supine MRI scans on a series of 10 AIS patients. The patient group had a mean initial (unloaded) major Cobb angle of 43±7º, which increased to 50±9º on application of the compressive load. The 7° increase in mean Cobb angle is consistent with that reported by a previous study comparing standing versus supine posture in scoliosis patients (Torell et al, 1985. Spine 10:425-7).


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Hydrocarbon spills on roads are a major safety concern for the driving public and can have severe cost impacts both on pavement maintenance and to the economy through disruption to services. The time taken to clean-up spills and re-open roads in a safe driving condition is an issue of increasing concern given traffic levels on major urban arterials. Thus, the primary aim of the research was to develop a sorbent material that facilitates rapid clean-up of road spills. The methodology involved extensive research into a range of materials (organic, inorganic and synthetic sorbents), comprehensive testing in the laboratory, scale-up and field, and product design (i.e. concept to prototype). The study also applied chemometrics to provide consistent, comparative methods of sorbent evaluation and performance. In addition, sorbent materials at every stage were compared against a commercial benchmark. For the first time, the impact of diesel on asphalt pavement has been quantified and assessed in a systematic way. Contrary to conventional thinking and anecdotal observations, the study determined that the action of diesel on asphalt was quite rapid (i.e. hours rather than weeks or months). This significant finding demonstrates the need to minimise the impact of hydrocarbon spills and the potential application of the sorbent option. To better understand the adsorption phenomenon, surface characterisation techniques were applied to selected sorbent materials (i.e. sand, organo-clay and cotton fibre). Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET) and thermal analysis indicated that the main adsorption mechanism for the sorbents occurred on the external surface of the material in the diffusion region (sand and organo-clay) and/or capillaries (cotton fibre). Using environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), it was observed that adsorption by the interfibre capillaries contributed to the high uptake of hydrocarbons by the cotton fibre. Understanding the adsorption mechanism for these sorbents provided some guidance and scientific basis for the selection of materials. The study determined that non-woven cotton mats were ideal sorbent materials for clean-up of hydrocarbon spills. The prototype sorbent was found to perform significantly better than the commercial benchmark, displaying the following key properties: • superior hydrocarbon pick-up from the road pavement; • high hydrocarbon retention capacity under an applied load; • adequate field skid resistance post treatment; • functional and easy to use in the field (e.g. routine handling, transportation, application and recovery); • relatively inexpensive to produce due to the use of raw cotton fibre and simple production process; • environmentally friendly (e.g. renewable materials, non-toxic to environment and operators, and biodegradable); and • rapid response time (e.g. two minutes total clean-up time compared with thirty minutes for reference sorbents). The major outcomes of the research project include: a) development of a specifically designed sorbent material suitable for cleaning up hydrocarbon spills on roads; b) submission of patent application (serial number AU2005905850) for the prototype product; and c) preparation of Commercialisation Strategy to advance the sorbent product to the next phase (i.e. R&D to product commercialisation).