982 resultados para Controlador Fuzzy


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The present work develops a model to simulate the dynamics of a quadcopter being controlled by a PD fuzzy controller. Initially is presented a brief history of quadcopters an introduction to fuzzy logic and fuzzy control systems. Afterwards is presented an overview of the quadcopter dynamics and the mathematical modelling development applying Newton-Euler method. Then the modelling are implemented in a Simulink model in addition to a PD fuzzy controller. A prototype proposition is made, by describing each necessary component to build up a quadcopter. In the end the results from the simulators are discussed and compared due to the discrepancy between the model using ideal sensor and the model using non-ideal sensors


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The present work develops a fuzzy inference system to control the rotation speed of a DC motor available in Degem Kit. Therefore, it should use the fuzzy toolbox of Matlab in conjunction with the data acquisition board NI - USB - 6009, a National Instrument’s board. An introduction to fuzzy logic, the mathematical model of a DC motor and the operation of data acquisition board is presented first. Followed by the controller fuzzy model implemented using Simulink which is described in detail. Finally, the prototype is shown and the simulator results are presented


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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The objective of this work is to determine the membership functions for the construction of a fuzzy controller to evaluate the energy situation of the company with respect to load and power factors. The energy assessment of a company is performed by technicians and experts based on the indices of load and power factors, and analysis of the machines used in production processes. This assessment is conducted periodically to detect whether the procedures performed by employees in relation to how of use electricity energy are correct. With a fuzzy controller, this performed can be done by machines. The construction of a fuzzy controller is initially characterized by the definition of input and output variables, and their associated membership functions. We also need to define a method of inference and a processor output. Finally, you need the help of technicians and experts to build a rule base, consisting of answers that provide these professionals in function of characteristics of the input variables. The controller proposed in this paper has as input variables load and power factors, and output the company situation. Their membership functions representing fuzzy sets called by linguistic qualities, as “VERY BAD” and “GOOD”. With the method of inference Mandani and the processor to exit from the Center of Area chosen, the structure of a fuzzy controller is established, simply by the choice by technicians and experts of the field energy to determine a set of rules appropriate for the chosen company. Thus, the interpretation of load and power factors by software comes to meeting the need of creating a single index that indicates an overall basis (rational and efficient) as the energy is being used.


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This work presents a proposal to detect interface in atmospheric oil tanks by installing a differential pressure level transmitter to infer the oil-water interface. The main goal of this project is to maximize the quantity of free water that is delivered to the drainage line by controlling the interface. A Fuzzy Controller has been implemented by using the interface transmitter as the Process Variable. Two ladder routine was generated to perform the control. One routine was developed to calculate the error and error variation. The other was generate to develop the fuzzy controller itself. By using rules, the fuzzy controller uses these variables to set the output. The output is the position variation of the drainage valve. Although the ladder routine was implemented into an Allen Bradley PLC, Control Logix family it can be implemented into any brand of PLCs


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Este trabalho avalia o desempenho de um controlador fuzzy (tipo Takagi-Sugeno-Kang) quando, utilizando tecnologia sem fio para conectar as entradas e a saída do controlador aos sensores/atuadores, sofre perda das informações destes canais, resultado de perdas de pacotes. Tipicamente são utilizados controladores PID nas malhas de controle. Assim, o estudo realizado compara os resultados obtidos com os controladores fuzzy com os resultados dos controladores PID. Além disso, o trabalho visa estudar o comportamento deste controlador implementado em uma arquitetura microprocessada utilizando números inteiros nos cálculos, interpolação com segmentos de reta para as funções de pertinência da entrada e singletons nas funções de pertinência da saída. Para esse estudo foi utilizado, num ambiente Matlab/Simulink, um controlador fuzzy e o aplicativo True Time para simular o ambiente sem fio. Desenvolvido pelo Departamento de Controle Automático da Universidade de Lund, o True Time é baseado no Matlab/Simulink e fornece todas as ferramentas necessárias para a criação de um ambiente de rede (com e sem fio) virtual. Dado o paradigma de que quanto maior for a utilização do canal, maior a degradação do mesmo, é avaliado o comportamento do sistema de controle e uma proposta para diminuir o impacto da perda de pacotes no controle do sistema, bem como o impacto da variação das características internas da planta e da arquitetura utilizada na rede. Inicialmente são realizados ensaios utilizando-se o controlador fuzzy virtual (Simulink) e, posteriormente, o controlador implementado com dsPIC. Ao final, é apresentado um resumo desses ensaios e a comprovação dos bons resultados obtidos com um controlador fuzzy numa malha de controle utilizando uma rede na entrada e na saída do controlador.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica na Área de Especialização de Energia


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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The Electrical Submersible Pumping is an artificial lift method for oil wells employed in onshore and offshore areas. The economic revenue of the petroleum production in a well depends on the oil flow and the availability of lifting equipment. The fewer the failures, the lower the revenue shortfall and costs to repair it. The frequency with which failures occur depends on the operating conditions to which the pumps are submitted. In high-productivity offshore wells monitoring is done by operators with engineering support 24h/day, which is not economically viable for the land areas. In this context, the automation of onshore wells has clear economic advantages. This work proposes a system capable of automatically control the operation of electrical submersible pumps, installed in oil wells, by an adjustment at the electric motor rotation based on signals provided by sensors installed on the surface and subsurface, keeping the pump operating within the recommended range, closest to the well s potential. Techniques are developed to estimate unmeasured variables, enabling the automation of wells that do not have all the required sensors. The automatic adjustment, according to an algorithm that runs on a programmable logic controller maintains the flow and submergence within acceptable parameters avoiding undesirable operating conditions, as the gas interference and high engine temperature, without need to resort to stopping the engine, which would reduce the its useful life. The control strategy described, based on modeling of physical phenomena and operational experience reported in literature, is materialized in terms of a fuzzy controller based on rules, and all generated information can be accompanied by a supervisory system


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The progressing cavity pump artificial lift system, PCP, is a main lift system used in oil production industry. As this artificial lift application grows the knowledge of it s dynamics behavior, the application of automatic control and the developing of equipment selection design specialist systems are more useful. This work presents tools for dynamic analysis, control technics and a specialist system for selecting lift equipments for this artificial lift technology. The PCP artificial lift system consists of a progressing cavity pump installed downhole in the production tubing edge. The pump consists of two parts, a stator and a rotor, and is set in motion by the rotation of the rotor transmitted through a rod string installed in the tubing. The surface equipment generates and transmits the rotation to the rod string. First, is presented the developing of a complete mathematical dynamic model of PCP system. This model is simplified for use in several conditions, including steady state for sizing PCP equipments, like pump, rod string and drive head. This model is used to implement a computer simulator able to help in system analysis and to operates as a well with a controller and allows testing and developing of control algorithms. The next developing applies control technics to PCP system to optimize pumping velocity to achieve productivity and durability of downhole components. The mathematical model is linearized to apply conventional control technics including observability and controllability of the system and develop design rules for PI controller. Stability conditions are stated for operation point of the system. A fuzzy rule-based control system are developed from a PI controller using a inference machine based on Mandami operators. The fuzzy logic is applied to develop a specialist system that selects PCP equipments too. The developed technics to simulate and the linearized model was used in an actual well where a control system is installed. This control system consists of a pump intake pressure sensor, an industrial controller and a variable speed drive. The PI control was applied and fuzzy controller was applied to optimize simulated and actual well operation and the results was compared. The simulated and actual open loop response was compared to validate simulation. A case study was accomplished to validate equipment selection specialist system


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A neuro-fuzzy system consists of two or more control techniques in only one structure. The main characteristic of this structure is joining one or more good aspects from each technique to make a hybrid controller. This controller can be based in Fuzzy systems, artificial Neural Networks, Genetics Algorithms or rein forced learning techniques. Neuro-fuzzy systems have been shown as a promising technique in industrial applications. Two models of neuro-fuzzy systems were developed, an ANFIS model and a NEFCON model. Both models were applied to control a ball and beam system and they had their results and needed changes commented. Choose of inputs to controllers and the algorithms used to learning, among other information about the hybrid systems, were commented. The results show the changes in structure after learning and the conditions to use each one controller based on theirs characteristics


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The present work shows the development and construction of a robot manipulator with two rotary joints and two degrees of freedom, driven by three-phase induction motors. The positions of the arm and base are made, for comparison, by a fuzzy controller and a PID controller implemented in LabVIEW® programming environment. The robot manipulator moves in an area equivalent to a quarter of a sphere. Experimental results have shown that the fuzzy controller has superior performance to PID controller when tracking single and multiple step trajectories, for the cases of load and no load


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The Electrical Submersible Pumping is an artificial lift method for oil wells employed in onshore and offshore areas. The economic revenue of the petroleum production in a well depends on the oil flow and the availability of lifting equipment. The fewer the failures, the lower the revenue shortfall and costs to repair it. The frequency with which failures occur depends on the operating conditions to which the pumps are submitted. In high-productivity offshore wells monitoring is done by operators with engineering support 24h/day, which is not economically viable for the land areas. In this context, the automation of onshore wells has clear economic advantages. This work proposes a system capable of automatically control the operation of electrical submersible pumps, installed in oil wells, by an adjustment at the electric motor rotation based on signals provided by sensors installed on the surface and subsurface, keeping the pump operating within the recommended range, closest to the well s potential. Techniques are developed to estimate unmeasured variables, enabling the automation of wells that do not have all the required sensors. The automatic adjustment, according to an algorithm that runs on a programmable logic controller maintains the flow and submergence within acceptable parameters avoiding undesirable operating conditions, as the gas interference and high engine temperature, without need to resort to stopping the engine, which would reduce the its useful life. The control strategy described, based on modeling of physical phenomena and operational experience reported in literature, is materialized in terms of a fuzzy controller based on rules, and all generated information can be accompanied by a supervisory system


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Neste trabalho apresenta-se o modelo de um controlador baseado em Lógica Fuzzy para um sistema de energia baseado em fonte renovável solar fotovoltaica (photovoltaic - PV) multi-string em operação isolada, para o aproveitamento da máxima potência desta fonte. O sistema é composto por painéis solares, conversor CC-CC tipo elevador de tensão (boost), armazenamento por banco de baterias, inversor trifásico e carga trifásica variável. O sistema fotovoltaico foi modelado no MATLAB/Simulink de forma a representar a curva característica V-I do módulo PV, e que é baseado nos dados disponíveis em data-sheets de painéis fotovoltaicos comerciais. Outros estudos de natureza elétrica tais como o cálculo dos valores eficazes das correntes no conversor CC-CC, para avaliação das perdas, indispensáveis para o dimensionamento de componentes eletrônicos, foram realizados. O método tradicional Perturb and Observe de rastreamento do ponto de máxima potência (Maximum Power Point Tracking MPPT) de painéis foi testado e comparado com métodos que usam a Lógica Fuzzy. Devido ao seu desempenho, foi adotado o método Fuzzy que realiza o MPPT por inferência do ciclo de trabalho de um modulador por largura de pulso (Pulse Width Modulation - PWM) através da variação da potência pela variação da corrente do painel solar. O modelo Fuzzy adotado neste trabalho foi testado com sucesso. Os resultados mostraram que ele pode ser robusto e atende à aplicação proposta. Segundo alguns testes realizados, este controlador pode realizar o MPPT de um sistema PV na configuração multi-string onde alguns arranjos fotovoltaicos são usados. Inclusive, este controle pode ser facilmente adaptado para realizar o MPPT de outras fontes de energia baseados no mesmo princípio de controle, como é o caso do aerogerador.


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Fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) are intelligent systems, based on heuristic knowledge, that have been largely applied in numerous areas of everyday life. They can be used to describe a linear or nonlinear system and are suitable when a real system is not known or too difficult to find their model. FLC provide a formal methodology for representing, manipulating and implementing a human heuristic knowledge on how to control a system. These controllers can be seen as artificial decision makers that operate in a closed-loop system, in real time. The main aim of this work was to develop a single optimal fuzzy controller, easily adaptable to a wide range of systems – simple to complex, linear to nonlinear – and able to control all these systems. Due to their efficiency in searching and finding optimal solution for high complexity problems, GAs were used to perform the FLC tuning by finding the best parameters to obtain the best responses. The work was performed using the MATLAB/SIMULINK software. This is a very useful tool that provides an easy way to test and analyse the FLC, the PID and the GAs in the same environment. Therefore, it was proposed a Fuzzy PID controller (FL-PID) type namely, the Fuzzy PD+I. For that, the controller was compared with the classical PID controller tuned with, the heuristic Ziegler-Nichols tuning method, the optimal Zhuang-Atherton tuning method and the GA method itself. The IAE, ISE, ITAE and ITSE criteria, used as the GA fitness functions, were applied to compare the controllers performance used in this work. Overall, and for most systems, the FL-PID results tuned with GAs were very satisfactory. Moreover, in some cases the results were substantially better than for the other PID controllers. The best system responses were obtained with the IAE and ITAE criteria used to tune the FL-PID and PID controllers.