968 resultados para Continuing education of science teachers


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This paper analyzes the most significant events occurring in Brazil`s educational, social and political areas over the last half century, viewed against a background of relevant worldwide events. The hypothesis presented here is that the relations between the country`s educational policies, the demands of the various segments of academia, and the public school system have always been strained. This strain has contributed positively to the evolution of academic knowledge and production, to the design of more modern curricular projects by institutional authorities, and to the initial recognition of the specific construction of school knowledge by the school system itself. However, the interaction of these major institutions lacks a crucial element-one that would lead to an effective change in the education of science teachers and produce a positive impact on Brazil`s schools-namely, the wholehearted participation of science teachers themselves. With this analysis, we intend to contribute by offering some perspectives and proposals for science teacher education in Brazil.


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The inclusion of the history of science in science curricula-and specially, in the curricula of science teachers-is a trend that has been followed in several countries. The reasons advanced for the study of the history of science are manifold. This paper presents a case study in the history of chemistry, on the early developments of John Dalton`s atomic theory. Based on the case study, several questions that are worth discussing in educational contexts are pointed out. It is argued that the kind of history of science that was made in the first decades of the twentieth century (encyclopaedic, continuist, essentially anachronistic) is not appropriate for the development of the competences that are expected from the students of sciences in the present. Science teaching for current days will benefit from the approach that may be termed the ""new historiography of science"".


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The purpose of the study is to investigate how beginning teachers in the state of Florida perceive their preparation to demonstrate the 27 Florida Essential Generic Competencies.^ The basic research question of this study was: How do beginning teachers perceive their level of preparation regarding their implementation of the Florida Essential Generic Competencies? This study identified and categorized the perceived degree of preparation for each of the competencies. Also, elementary, middle, and high school beginning teachers were compared to find significant differences and similarities in their perception of their preparation. A comparison was also done for graduates from in-state versus out-of-state and private versus public institutions.^ A survey developed in collaboration with the Department of Education, Florida State University, members of the Professional Orientation Program (POP) Coordinators, and the Project Director of Program Review in the College of Education at the University of South Florida, was sent to 5,076 beginning teachers. A total of 1,995 returned the survey in February of 1993. The Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) procedure was used (Alpha =.05). Statistical analysis of the data involved a comparison of the different groups of beginning teachers by school level and kind of graduating institutions. The dependent variables analyzed were the responses to all items representing the generic competencies.^ The study identified and categorized the degree of preparation for each competency. The competencies receiving the lowest ratings for degree of preparation were: integrate computers in instruction; manage situations involving child abuse and/or neglect; severe emotional stress; alcohol and drug abuse.^ The Wilkes lambda and the Hotellings multivariate tests of significance were used to examine the differences among the groups. The competency items were further analyzed by a univariate F test. Results indicated that: (1) significant differences were found in nine competency items in which elementary teachers felt better prepared than middle and high school beginning teachers, (2) graduates from a Florida teacher education program felt they were better prepared in demonstrating the competencies than those from out-of-state schools, and (3) no significant difference was found in the perceptions of those who graduated from public versus private institutions.^ Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made: (1) Florida's institutions responsible for teacher preparation programs need to focus on those competencies receiving the lowest ratings, (2) Districts should provide an orientation program for out-of-state beginning teachers, and (3) The survey instrument should be used annually to evaluate teacher education programs. ^


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É hoje geralmente aceite que a educação em ciências, além da aprendizagem de conhecimento conceptual e procedimental, deve promover nos alunos o desenvolvimento de competências investigativas, ou seja, competências para identificar, formular e resolver problemas. Porém, o desenvolvimento de actividades práticas de natureza investigativa é difícil, pela carência, ou mesmo ausência, de vivências dos professores em investigações, sobretudo em projectos aplicáveis nas práticas lectivas. A frequente falta de formação inicial e contínua dos professores de ciências, relativamente ao desenvolvimento de competências indispensáveis à implementação desta perspectiva de trabalho prático, constitui um obstáculo à concretização de inovações educativas preconizadas para a educação em ciências, referidas em documentos aprovados e publicados pelo Ministério da Educação, em particular, orientações curriculares e programas disciplinares. A abordagem de temáticas em biotecnologia configura-se como uma necessidade das sociedades actuais, de modo que, atendendo aos avanços que se têm vindo a verificar nesta área, deverá integrar-se em educação científica formal, relacionando-a com a vida quotidiana dos cidadãos. Além de componentes científicas inovadoras, os seus desenvolvimentos têm diversas implicações, designadamente éticas, políticas, económicas e sociais. A investigação apresentada nesta dissertação insere-se neste quadro, a qual se baseou no seguinte problema: “Partindo de temáticas em biotecnologia, como estimular o desenvolvimento de trabalho prático numa perspectiva investigativa por professores de Biologia e/ou Geologia?”. Definiram-se dois objectivos gerais: 1) testar, conceber e optimizar actividades laboratoriais e experimentais em biotecnologia, transponíveis para contextos educativos dos ensinos básico e secundário, desmistificando a complexidade associada ao trabalho prático nesta área; 2) conceber, implementar e avaliar uma acção de formação para professores de Biologia e/ou Geologia, na modalidade de Oficina de Formação, visando em contextos escolares e em temáticas de biotecnologia, desenvolver percursos investigativos. A acção de formação “Desenvolvimento de actividades práticas em biotecnologia numa perspectiva investigativa: um contributo na (re)orientação de ensino e aprendizagem de ciências” estimulou os professores-formandos a participarem activamente num programa que integrava abordagens inovadoras de trabalho prático, e criou condições para, com orientação e apoio, desenvolverem percursos investigativos a partir de situações-problema em temáticas de biotecnologia. Na generalidade, as reflexões dos professores-formandos sobre os percursos investigativos planeados e implementados, e os ganhos a nível profissional e/ou pessoal, além de referências elogiosas à estrutura e sequência das actividades propostas na formação, realçaram os seguintes aspectos positivos: a) o enriquecimento de conhecimentos científico-tecnológicos em biotecnologia; b) a oportunidade de reflexão sobre as suas práticas e a necessidade de uma nova forma de olhar para o trabalho laboratorial e experimental e para o seu papel nas aulas de ciências; c) as potencialidades de trabalho prático numa perspectiva investigativa em termos de mobilização de competências de natureza conceptual e processual; d) o desenvolvimento de competências técnicas e processuais necessárias à implementação de percursos investigativos com recurso a procedimentos em biotecnologia. Do presente estudo decorrem implicações educacionais que se esperam pertinentes para a formação de professores de ciências e elaboração de recursos didácticos, designadamente manuais escolares, assim como, para a gestão dos programas disciplinares. Este estudo permitiu, ainda, apresentar propostas para futuras investigações.


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The deployment of master professionals in Mathematics and Science Teaching by CAPES provided an interesting perspective, involving institutional incentive to upgrade teacher training in this modality. In this sense, the objective was to map the profile of the candidates in the Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics UFRN (PPGECNM), develop a database with specific descriptors for dissertations and research the group creation biology research and dissertations produced by graduate students in the Master course. This thesis has three threads, where the first is entitled: "The teaching of science as part of research: emergency, improvement and current reflections", giving a brief description of the creation of graduate studies and the emergence of Brazil in Science education. The second topic: "Professional Masters in Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics-UFRN: candidate profile the biological ', shows the general characteristics of PPGECNM-UFRN and who are the candidates seeking the biological area of the Graduate Program. The third topic. "The construction and consolidation of the research group in biology education in PPGECNM-UFRN", a survey was made of data on the creation of the research group in biology education from the analysis of academic productions of teachers and masters graduates this Masters course, for those involved, some additional interviews about the experience in training in biology education. Data used in these investigations related to these students correspond to the technical product to be used in other studies profile teachers /dissertations from the PPGECNM / UFRN. Research shows that: the existence of a larger number of postgraduate courses in the field of Science Education provides greater productivity in academic research on the subject, the emergence of a research group on education in biology, tied to a post degree in education, is an attraction to strengthen lines of research in science education by teachers researchers in other disciplines, the candidates seeking permanent area for research in biology education signals the importance of this investment because if shows the need to search for the continuing education of practicing teachers, demands with interests in investigations from real problems from school


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The discussion about explanation in knowledge has been made for decades. Through this course, we present different ways of understanding about what is to explain the history: the primitive ethnographic description, the chronicler, the positivist construction of a historical science and historiography of the second half of twentieth century. Nowadays this discussion needs to be continued both in the general framework of scientific practice as within educational institutions as cognitive - linguistic ability. The focus of our research is by the second approach, which is the explanation as cognitive - linguistic ability. The formation of skills, among them, the explaining one, has been studied by the authors as: (NÚÑEZ 2012; JORBA et al, 2000; SANMARTÍ and IZQUIERDO 2000). This research had as general purpose: to study the processes of formation of the ability to explain social revolution in history classes in high school, by teachers opinion and by content as this theme among history books, in order to support the continuing education of history teachers for high school. Th e qualitative based research used instruments of data collection and analysis protocol for the books prepared for this study, and interviews with teachers. For this, the techniques of content analysis and discourse referenced in Bardin and Orlandi , respec tively were used. At first, the instruments for data collection were developed and validated, while in the second, the data were collected, organized and analyzed. From the answers to the questions of the study results shows that: a) in the analyzed books - do not express the work with the definition of Social Revolution, considering the processes for the formation of this definition, the predominant type of explanation has characteristics of multicausality; proposals for teaching are characterized as eclec tic; b) while teachers speech - it is important the students know the definition of Social Revolution, the ability to explain is more linked to didactic explanation in the classroom than the explanation through epistemological sense. These results indicate that the formation of the ability to explain Social Revolution based in Cultural History approach, are not expressed in the analyzed books, but they can serve as an important resource for this purpose. The discourse of teachers has a potential pointing to the possibility of teaching organization and learning process, based on training or upgrading the explanation skill from the theory of stepwise formation of mental actions and concepts by P.Ya. Galperin. For this purpose, the research constitutes a contri bution to support the continued education of history teachers in high school.


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A Formação Continuada de Professores de Ciências assume-se como uma via capaz de ajudar os alunos a desenvolver competências, como as de resolução de problemas. Nesta perspetiva, a Educação em Ciências deve visar o desenvolvimento de cidadãos cada vez mais participativos, responsáveis, capazes de tomar decisões conscientes, exigindo-se o desenvolvimento da literacia científica como uma meta a alcançar pelas escolas. Uma das estratégias considerada como potenciadora do desenvolvimento de tais competências é o trabalho experimental desenvolvido com os alunos, durante as aulas de Ciências de 2.º CEB. Neste contexto, desenvolveu-se um Programa de Formação Continuada de Professores em Ensino Experimental das Ciências no 2.º CEB, procurando-se avaliar o seu impacte nas conceções e práticas de índole experimental de quatro professores. Assim, formularam-se as seguintes questões de investigação: Qual o impacte do Programa de Formação para uma Educação em Ciências de base experimental: a) na (re)construção das conceções dos professores do 2.º CEB acerca do Trabalho Experimental?; b) e na promoção intencional, por parte dos professores envolvidos, de práticas didático-pedagógicas de base experimental no 2.º CEB? De forma a dar resposta às questões formuladas, desenvolveu-se uma investigação de natureza qualitativa, que pretendeu contribuir para a compreensão da relação entre a formação continuada de professores e as conceções e práticas de índole experimental desenvolvidas na disciplina de Ciências da Natureza, do 2.º CEB. O planeamento escolhido foi o de estudo de caso com quatro professoras participantes na formação continuada, tendo-se recorrido a várias técnicas e instrumentos de recolha e análise de dados. Para a caraterização das conceções das professoras sobre trabalho experimental foi utilizada a entrevista semi-estruturada, o Diário do Investigador e as transcrições das aulas destas professoras, bem como a reflexão oral nas sessões de acompanhamento com a Formadora. Este último instrumento também foi usado para a caracterização das práticas das professoras, assim como o Instrumento de Caraterização das Práticas Didático-Pedagógicas de índole experimental, desenvolvido para o presente estudo. Utilizou-se ainda um Questionário de Avaliação do Programa de Formação e os Portefólios das quatro professoras do estudo, para se obter a avaliação destas docentes acerca do Programa de Formação frequentado. Os resultados parecem indicar que, antes do Programa de Formação, apenas a Professora D apresentava conceções acerca de trabalho experimental, em sintonia com a perspetiva defendida na revisão de literatura. Após o Programa de Formação as quatro professoras revelaram conceções mais realistas acerca de trabalho experimental. Relativamente às práticas de índole experimental, antes do Programa de Formação, nenhuma das professoras colaboradoras do estudo implementava esta estratégia com os alunos. Após o Programa de Formação, todas as docentes passaram a contemplar nas suas práticas o trabalho experimental. De uma maneira geral, no que concerne à avaliação do Programa de Formação, as quatro docentes consideram que este teve impacte quer nas suas conceções quer nas suas práticas de índole experimental, destacando a importância do contributo das sessões de acompanhamento em sala de aula, com a Formadora, para a implementação efetiva do trabalho experimental nas suas práticas. A partir dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que o Programa de Formação contribuiu para que as quatro professoras colaboradoras do estudo (re) construíssem as suas conceções sobre trabalho experimental e para que o privilegiassem efetivamente nas suas aulas. O presente estudo visou contribuir para o desenvolvimento da formação de professores em ensino experimental das ciências, no que respeita à clarificação de conceções sobre o trabalho experimental e sua implementação efetiva com os alunos, dando-lhes autonomia e apelando ao desenvolvimento das suas capacidades de pensamento, relacionadas, por exemplo, com a identificação e controlo de variáveis.


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Tese de mestrado, Educação (Didáctica das Ciências), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2010


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This thesis has as an objective to think over the teachers` understanding of the school History of the Fundamental Teaching regarding the existent relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History, as well as to think over how these teachers see the influence that their teaching practice gets from the history theories. The work is based on the postulates of the qualitative research and on the characteristics of the ethnography of the school practice. The main procedures of data gathering were the documental analysis, the semi-structured interviews, the field diary and the observations of classes. The scientific perspective of the multiple references is an important source in this research. The participants of this work are two teachers of the school district of Natal who work in the field of the school History in two schools on the North Side of the city. The accomplished analysis point to significant indications that didn't occur continuous and regular teaching situations in the initial and continuing education of these teachers that clearly showed the relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History. They also suggest that their understanding about the influence that their teaching practice gets from the history theories, is not still explicit. We understand that the relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History are important for the initial and continuing education of these teachers who belong in this knowledge field, even when these relations are not explicitly pointed by the teachers, because they will always influence the teaching practice that the teachers of the school History build


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Natural sciences have an enormous status in public opinion. Their achievements, which become known mostly by means of technology, give to them social credibility, unconditional support and positive social expectances. Further, their social images, generated by the success of their products, tend to lead people to develop only favorable ideas about scientists and about how science works, which are even more reinforced in the schools. By another side, the history of science has been allowed us to comprehend the internal and external social relations concerning to science, showing it as a field of disputes, interests and contradictions as many other fields which comprise human relations. Therefore, the objective of this text is to present social elements of the construction and impacts of natural science, aiming at putting in evidence the importance of the social studies of the scientific world for the courses of education of science teachers.


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A new science curriculum was introduced to primary schools in the Republic of Ireland in 2003. This curriculum, broader in scope than its 1971 predecessor (Curaclam na Bunscoile, 1971), requires teachers at all levels of primary school to teach science. A review carried out in 2008 of children’s experiences of this curriculum found that its implementation throughout the country was uneven. This finding, together with the increasing numbers of teachers who were requesting support to implement this curriculum, suggested the need for a review of Irish primary teachers’ needs in the area of science. The research study described in this thesis was undertaken to establish the extent of Irish primary teachers’ needs in the area of science by conducting a national survey. The data from this survey, together with data from international studies, were used to develop a theoretical framework for a model of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This theoretical framework was used to design the Whole- School, In-School (WSIS) CPD model which was trialled in two case-study schools. The participants in these ‘action-research’ case-studies acted as co-researchers, who contributed to the development and evolution of the CPD model in each school. Analysis of the data gathered as part of the evaluation of the Whole-School, In- School (WSIS) model of CPD found an improved experience of science for children and improved confidence for teachers teaching at all levels of the primary school. In addition, a template for the establishment of a culture of collaborative CPD in schools has been developed from an analysis of the data


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We report here part of a research project developed by the Science Education Research Group, titled: "Teachers’ Pedagogical Practices and formative processes in Science and Mathematics Education" which main goal is the development of coordinated research that can generate a set of subsidies for a reflection on the processes of teacher training in Sciences and Mathematics Education. One of the objectives was to develop continuing education activities with Physics teachers, using the History and Philosophy of Science as conductors of the discussions and focus of teaching experiences carried out by them in the classroom. From data collected through a survey among local Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics teachers in Bauru, a São Paulo State city, we developed a continuing education proposal titled “The History and Philosophy of Science in the Physics teachers’ pedagogical practice”, lasting 40 hours of lessons. We followed the performance of five teachers who participated in activities during the 2008 first semester and were teaching Physics at High School level. They designed proposals for short courses, taking into consideration aspects of History and Philosophy of Science and students’ alternative conceptions. Short courses were applied in real classrooms situations and accompanied by reflection meetings. This is a qualitative research, and treatment of data collected was based on content analysis, according to Bardin [1].