984 resultados para Context-sensitive


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Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) is an interdisciplinary approach that seeks effective, multimodal transportation solutions by working with stakeholders to develop, build and maintain cost-effective transportation facilities which fit into and reflect the project's surroundings -- it's context.


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The article presents a new method to automatic generation of help in software. Help generation is realized in the framework of the tool for development and automatic generation of user interfaces based on ontologies. The principal features of the approach are: support for context-sensitive help, automatic generation of help using a task project and an expandable system of help generation.


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Nowadays, reducing energy consumption is one of the highest priorities and biggest challenges faced worldwide and in particular in the industrial sector. Given the increasing trend of consumption and the current economical crisis, identifying cost reductions on the most energy-intensive sectors has become one of the main concerns among companies and researchers. Particularly in industrial environments, energy consumption is affected by several factors, namely production factors(e.g. equipments), human (e.g. operators experience), environmental (e.g. temperature), among others, which influence the way of how energy is used across the plant. Therefore, several approaches for identifying consumption causes have been suggested and discussed. However, the existing methods only provide guidelines for energy consumption and have shown difficulties in explaining certain energy consumption patterns due to the lack of structure to incorporate context influence, hence are not able to track down the causes of consumption to a process level, where optimization measures can actually take place. This dissertation proposes a new approach to tackle this issue, by on-line estimation of context-based energy consumption models, which are able to map operating context to consumption patterns. Context identification is performed by regression tree algorithms. Energy consumption estimation is achieved by means of a multi-model architecture using multiple RLS algorithms, locally estimated for each operating context. Lastly, the proposed approach is applied to a real cement plant grinding circuit. Experimental results prove the viability of the overall system, regarding both automatic context identification and energy consumption estimation.


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We study several extensions of the notion of alternation from context-free grammars to context-sensitive and arbitrary phrase-structure grammars. Thereby new grammatical characterizations are obtained for the class of languages that are accepted by alternating pushdown automata.


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Este trabalho apresenta um serviço de reconfiguração dinâmica para Redes de Sensores sem Fio. O trabalho inclui o projeto e a definição de uma arquitetura conceitual que suporta a coleta de uma variedade de informações contextuais e provê uma abstração alto nível para especificação de roteamento sensível ao contexto através de reconfiguração de métricas de roteamento e parâmetros de comunicação. O objetivo da infraestrutura proposta é possibilitar a criação de regras que adaptem o comportamento da rede em tempo de execução, em função dessas informações contextuais. Uma implementação da arquitetura para o protocolo RPL e o sistema operacional Contiki foi realizada, mostrando a viabilidade da abordagem proposta.


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(from the journal abstract) A new observational procedure, Trilogue Play with Still-face, revealed 4-month-olds' capacities to address both their fathers and mothers, by rapidly shifting gaze and affect between them. Infants were observed in four interactive contexts: (1) '3-together' play with both parents; (2) '2 + 1' play with one parent engaging and the other as third party; (3) the same, with one parent posing a still-face; (4) '3-together' play. Infants were able to discriminate between the four contexts. They coordinated three social poles of attention in each one. Their affect configurations were context sensitive. These findings demonstrate the infant's social capacities for triangular, three-person interactions, in addition to dyadic, two-person, and triadic, two-person plus object, ones. They support a view of intersubjectivity as primary and point to a promising field of investigation for the study of family process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2005 APA, all rights reserved)


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On-street parking has been considered problematic by engineers for many years. In fact, numerous studies have concluded that diagonal or angle parking in particular is potentially more of a safety concern than parallel or no parking at all. It is a common position of many states, including Iowa, to discourage or completely prohibit angle parking on primary road extensions in urban areas. However, with the acceptance of “context sensitive design” and traffic calming techniques, policies for on-street parking are receiving re -consideration in many agencies including the FHWA. This study was undertaken to analyze operational and safety histories in the state of Iowa where various types of on-street parking have existed for many years, concentrating in particular on smaller communities. Specifically of interest was a comparison of diagonal parking locations to other types with regard to related crash histories. If possible, it was intended to develop guidelines to assist Iowa Department of Transportation designers in the consideration of parking requirements for road improvements through small communities. In this regard, several criteria were analyzed to determine possible contribution to crash history including road width, clearance to parked vehicles, traffic volumes, community population, and length of parking area. None of these factors, with the possible exception of population, displayed a clearly definable relationship to crash history. However, when average crash rates for various parking types were compared for non-intersection crashes, differences in rates between areas with diagonal parking and those with parallel parking were almost negligible. In fact, those observed rates were less than sample locations with no parking at all. These results seem to indicate that indeed there may exist no compelling justification for blanket prohibition of angle parking along Iowa’s primary extensions in all urban areas. Rather, a case-by-case investigation with each project design of the most applicable parking type would seem appropriate in smaller communities.


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Bridge construction projects are becoming increasingly complex as the demand for context-sensitive solutions, aesthetic designs, and accelerated bridge construction becomes more prevalent. In addition, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) is entering a phase of design and construction of large border bridges, such as the I-80 (let 2008 for $56 million) and US 34 bridges over the Missouri River and I-74 over the Mississippi River. Compared to typical construction projects, these bridges generate more contractor Requests for Information (RFIs), Value Engineering (VE) proposals, Requests for Changes (RFCs), and shop drawings. Management of these submittals is a significant challenge for Resident Construction Engineers (RCEs) and other Iowa DOT staff. In addition, some submittals require cross-departmental and project consultant reviews. Commercially available software exists for managing submittals and project collaboration teams; in-house solutions may also be possible. Implementation is intended to speed construction submittal review time, reduce incidence of delay claims, and free up Iowa DOT staff from project management administrative tasks. Researchers from Iowa State University working with the Iowa DOT conducted a multi-pronged approach to indentify a web-based collaboration solution for Iowa DOT bridge projects. An investigation was launched to determine the functional needs of the Iowa DOT. Commercially available software programs were also evaluated to find what functionality is currently available. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was written to select a commercial web-based collaboration solution for pilot testing. In the second phase of research, a solution will be selected and implemented on two pilot projects. Lessons learned from these pilot projects will assist the Iowa DOT in developing and implementing a long-term solution to improve the management of Iowa DOT bridge projects.


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Patients treated in intensive care units require sedation and analgesia. However, sedative drugs also have potential adverse effects, and there is no single ideal sedativeanalgesic drug for these patients. Dexmedetomidine is an apha2-adrenoceptor agonist licenced for sedation of intensive care patients and patients undergoing surgery and other invasive procedures. Several routes of parenteral administration (intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous and intranasal) have been utilized. In the present series of studies, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intranasally administered dexmedetomidine as well as the gastrointestinal effects of intravenous dexmedetomidine were determined in healthy volunteers. Pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine during long lasting, high-dose infusions were characterized in intensive care patients. The bioavailability of intranasal dexmedetomidine was relatively good (65%), but interindividual variation was large. Dexmedetomidine significantly inhibited gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit. In intensive care patients, the elimination half-life of dexmedetomidine was somewhat longer than reported for infusions of shorter duration and in less ill patients or healthy volunteers. Dexmedetomidine appeared to have linear pharmacokinetics up to the studied dose rate of 2.5 μg/kg/h. Dexmedetomidine clearance was decreasing with age and its volume of distribution was increased in hypoalbuminaemic patients, resulting in a longer elimination half-life and context-sensitive half-time. Intranasally administered dexmedetomidine was efficacious and well tolerated, making it appropriate for clinical situations requiring light sedation. The clinical significance of the gastrointestinal inhibitory effects of dexmedetomidine should be further evaluated in intensive care patients. The possibility of potentially altered potency and effect duration should be taken into account when administering dexmedetomidine to elderly or hypoalbuminaemic patients.


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden Systeme von parallel arbeitenden und miteinander kommunizierenden Restart-Automaten (engl.: systems of parallel communicating restarting automata; abgekürzt PCRA-Systeme) vorgestellt und untersucht. Dabei werden zwei bekannte Konzepte aus den Bereichen Formale Sprachen und Automatentheorie miteinander vescrknüpft: das Modell der Restart-Automaten und die sogenannten PC-Systeme (systems of parallel communicating components). Ein PCRA-System besteht aus endlich vielen Restart-Automaten, welche einerseits parallel und unabhängig voneinander lokale Berechnungen durchführen und andererseits miteinander kommunizieren dürfen. Die Kommunikation erfolgt dabei durch ein festgelegtes Kommunikationsprotokoll, das mithilfe von speziellen Kommunikationszuständen realisiert wird. Ein wesentliches Merkmal hinsichtlich der Kommunikationsstruktur in Systemen von miteinander kooperierenden Komponenten ist, ob die Kommunikation zentralisiert oder nichtzentralisiert erfolgt. Während in einer nichtzentralisierten Kommunikationsstruktur jede Komponente mit jeder anderen Komponente kommunizieren darf, findet jegliche Kommunikation innerhalb einer zentralisierten Kommunikationsstruktur ausschließlich mit einer ausgewählten Master-Komponente statt. Eines der wichtigsten Resultate dieser Arbeit zeigt, dass zentralisierte Systeme und nichtzentralisierte Systeme die gleiche Berechnungsstärke besitzen (das ist im Allgemeinen bei PC-Systemen nicht so). Darüber hinaus bewirkt auch die Verwendung von Multicast- oder Broadcast-Kommunikationsansätzen neben Punkt-zu-Punkt-Kommunikationen keine Erhöhung der Berechnungsstärke. Desweiteren wird die Ausdrucksstärke von PCRA-Systemen untersucht und mit der von PC-Systemen von endlichen Automaten und mit der von Mehrkopfautomaten verglichen. PC-Systeme von endlichen Automaten besitzen bekanntermaßen die gleiche Ausdrucksstärke wie Einwegmehrkopfautomaten und bilden eine untere Schranke für die Ausdrucksstärke von PCRA-Systemen mit Einwegkomponenten. Tatsächlich sind PCRA-Systeme auch dann stärker als PC-Systeme von endlichen Automaten, wenn die Komponenten für sich genommen die gleiche Ausdrucksstärke besitzen, also die regulären Sprachen charakterisieren. Für PCRA-Systeme mit Zweiwegekomponenten werden als untere Schranke die Sprachklassen der Zweiwegemehrkopfautomaten im deterministischen und im nichtdeterministischen Fall gezeigt, welche wiederum den bekannten Komplexitätsklassen L (deterministisch logarithmischer Platz) und NL (nichtdeterministisch logarithmischer Platz) entsprechen. Als obere Schranke wird die Klasse der kontextsensitiven Sprachen gezeigt. Außerdem werden Erweiterungen von Restart-Automaten betrachtet (nonforgetting-Eigenschaft, shrinking-Eigenschaft), welche bei einzelnen Komponenten eine Erhöhung der Berechnungsstärke bewirken, in Systemen jedoch deren Stärke nicht erhöhen. Die von PCRA-Systemen charakterisierten Sprachklassen sind unter diversen Sprachoperationen abgeschlossen und einige Sprachklassen sind sogar abstrakte Sprachfamilien (sogenannte AFL's). Abschließend werden für PCRA-Systeme spezifische Probleme auf ihre Entscheidbarkeit hin untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass Leerheit, Universalität, Inklusion, Gleichheit und Endlichkeit bereits für Systeme mit zwei Restart-Automaten des schwächsten Typs nicht semientscheidbar sind. Für das Wortproblem wird gezeigt, dass es im deterministischen Fall in quadratischer Zeit und im nichtdeterministischen Fall in exponentieller Zeit entscheidbar ist.


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Introducción: A pesar de que las combinaciones de Propofol y opioides son ampliamente usadas para inducir y mantener una adecuada anestesia y analgesia, disminuir la dosis del inductor, incrementar la estabilidad hemodinámica y suprimir la respuesta a la laringoscopia y la intubación; no existen estudios que comparen el uso de Anestesia Total Intravenosa manual con Remifentanil - Propofol versus Fentanil - Propofol. Objetivo: Comparar el tiempo de despertar y el tiempo de descarga entre dos técnicas de Anestesia Total Intravenosa manual empleadas en el Hospital Occidente de Kennedy, una basada en Propofol y Remifentanil y otra basada en Propofol y Fentanil controlado por Stangraf. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal, en 43 pacientes llevados a cirugía bajo Anestesia Total Intravenosa en el Hospital Occidente de Kennedy. Se analizó la información mediante las pruebas de Shapiro-Wilks, t de Student y U de Mann Withney y los coeficientes de correlación de Spearman y de Pearson, usando SPSS versión 20 para Windows. Un valor de p < 0.05 fue aceptado como estadísticamente significativo. Resultados: Al comparar las dos técnicas, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los tiempos evaluados. El tiempo de despertar promedio fue 10,1 minutos para Fentanil y 10,2 minutos para Remifentanil. El tiempo de descarga para Fentanil fue 11,9 minutos y para Remifentanil fue 11,5 minutos. Conclusiones: El uso de Fentanil - Propofol guiado por Stangraf es equivalente al uso de Remifentanil – Propofol en cuanto a los tiempos de despertar y de descarga. Se requieren nuevos estudios para corroborar estos hallazgos.


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Metodología: se realizó un estudio descriptivo para evaluar las ventajas de la técnica regional sobre la técnica general en mujeres ASA 1 y 2 en Hospital Occidente de Kennedy. Se evaluaron los signos vitales, tiempo de recuperación, analgesia postoperatoria y efectos colaterales. Resultados: se incluyeron un total de 177 pacientes, 79 con anestesia regional y 98 pacientes con anestesia general. Los resultados en el postoperatorio mostraron que no hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a manejo de dolor, efectos colaterales, variación en signos vitales. Se encontró una diferencia significativa en el tiempo de recuperación p=0,02 siendo la técnica espinal 20 minutos en promedio más prolongada. Discusión: ambas técnicas suponen una buena opción como técnica anestésica para pacientes llevadas a legrado obstétrico, a pesar que el tiempo de recuperación fue mayor en el grupo de técnica espinal, se obtuvo un mejor manejo del dolor, sin el requerimiento de otros analgésicos durante el postoperatorio.


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Title: Data-Driven Text Generation using Neural Networks Speaker: Pavlos Vougiouklis, University of Southampton Abstract: Recent work on neural networks shows their great potential at tackling a wide variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. This talk will focus on the Natural Language Generation (NLG) problem and, more specifically, on the extend to which neural network language models could be employed for context-sensitive and data-driven text generation. In addition, a neural network architecture for response generation in social media along with the training methods that enable it to capture contextual information and effectively participate in public conversations will be discussed. Speaker Bio: Pavlos Vougiouklis obtained his 5-year Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2013. He was awarded an MSc degree in Software Engineering from the University of Southampton in 2014. In 2015, he joined the Web and Internet Science (WAIS) research group of the University of Southampton and he is currently working towards the acquisition of his PhD degree in the field of Neural Network Approaches for Natural Language Processing. Title: Provenance is Complicated and Boring — Is there a solution? Speaker: Darren Richardson, University of Southampton Abstract: Paper trails, auditing, and accountability — arguably not the sexiest terms in computer science. But then you discover that you've possibly been eating horse-meat, and the importance of provenance becomes almost palpable. Having accepted that we should be creating provenance-enabled systems, the challenge of then communicating that provenance to casual users is not trivial: users should not have to have a detailed working knowledge of your system, and they certainly shouldn't be expected to understand the data model. So how, then, do you give users an insight into the provenance, without having to build a bespoke system for each and every different provenance installation? Speaker Bio: Darren is a final year Computer Science PhD student. He completed his undergraduate degree in Electronic Engineering at Southampton in 2012.