898 resultados para Context effects (Psychology)


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The Wing-Kristofferson movement timing model (A. M. Wing & A. B. Kristofferson, 1973a, 1973b) distinguishes central timer and motor implementation processes. Previous studies have shown that increases in interresponse interval (IRI) variability with mean IRI are due to central timer processes, not motor implementation. The authors examine whether this is true with IRI duration changes in binary rhythm production. Ten participants provided IRI and movement data in bimanual synchronous tapping under equal (isochronous) and alternating (rhythm) interval conditions. Movement trajectory changes were observed with IRI duration (300, 500, or 833 ms) and for 500-ms IRIs produced in rhythm contexts (300/500 ms, 500/833 ms). However, application of the Wing-Kristofferson model showed that duration and context effects on IRI variability were attributable largely to timer processes with relatively little effect on motor processes.


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Background: Emotional responding is sensitive to social context; however, little emphasis has been placed on the mechanisms by which social context effects changes in emotional responding.

Objective: We aimed to investigate the effects of social context on neural responses to emotional stimuli to inform on the mechanisms underpinning context-linked changes in emotional responding.

Design: We measured event-related potential (ERP) components known to index specific emotion processes and self-reports of explicit emotion regulation strategies and emotional arousal. Female Chinese university students observed positive, negative, and neutral photographs, whilst alone or accompanied by a culturally similar (Chinese) or dissimilar researcher (British).

Results: There was a reduction in the positive versus neutral differential N1 amplitude (indexing attentional capture by positive stimuli) in the dissimilar relative to alone context. In this context, there was also a corresponding increase in amplitude of a frontal late positive potential (LPP) component (indexing engagement of cognitive control resources). In the similar relative to alone context, these effects on differential N1 and frontal LPP amplitudes were less pronounced, but there was an additional decrease in the amplitude of a parietal LPP component (indexing motivational relevance) in response to positive stimuli. In response to negative stimuli, the differential N1 component was increased in the similar relative to dissimilar and alone (trend) context.

Conclusion: These data suggest that neural processes engaged in response to emotional stimuli are modulated by social context. Possible mechanisms for the social-context-linked changes in attentional capture by emotional stimuli include a context-directed modulation of the focus of attention, or an altered interpretation of the emotional stimuli based on additional information proportioned by the context.


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How does nearby motion affect the perceived speed of a target region? When a central drifting Gabor patch is surrounded by translating noise, its speed can be misperceived over a fourfold range. Typically, when a surround moves in the same direction, perceived centre speed is reduced; for opposite-direction surrounds it increases. Measuring this illusion for a variety of surround properties reveals that the motion context effects are a saturating function of surround speed (Experiment I) and contrast (Experiment II). Our analyses indicate that the effects are consistent with a subtractive process, rather than with speed being averaged over area. In Experiment III we exploit known properties of the motion system to ask where these surround effects impact. Using 2D plaid stimuli, we find that surround-induced shifts in perceived speed of one plaid component produce substantial shifts in perceived plaid direction. This indicates that surrounds exert their influence early in processing, before pattern motion direction is computed. These findings relate to ongoing investigations of surround suppression for direction discrimination, and are consistent with single-cell findings of direction-tuned suppressive and facilitatory interactions in primary visual cortex (V1).


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This article reflects on context effects in the study of behavioral ethics and organizational justice. After a general overview, we review three key challenges confronting research in these two domains. First, we consider social scientific versus normative approaches to inquiry. The former aims for a scientific description, while the latter aims to provide prescriptive advice for moral conduct. We argue that the social scientific view can be enriched by considering normative paradigms. The next challenge we consider, involves the duality of morally upright versus morally inappropriate behavior. We observe that there is a long tradition of categorizing behavior dichotomously (e.g., good vs. bad) rather than continuously. We conclude by observing that more research is needed to compare the dichotomous versus continuous perspectives. Third, we examine the role of “cold” cognitions and “hot” affect in making judgments of ethicality. Historically speaking, research has empathized cognition, though recent work has begun to add greater balance to affective reactions. We argue that both cognition and affect are important, but more research is needed to determine how they work together. After considering these three challenges, we then turn to our special issue, providing short reviews of each contribution and how they help in better addressing the three challenges we have identified.


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Os jovens podem assumir riscos de acordo com a imprevisibilidade do ambiente em que vivem. Este comportamento pode variar também de acordo com a experiência individual, o sexo, dentre outras variáveis contextuais. O Rio de Janeiro apresenta uma das menores taxas de expectativa de vida dos estados do Brasil e a maior em mortes por violência que atinge os jovens. No entanto, essa experiência de violência pode variar entre os jovens, principalmente em função da desigualdade social, expressiva em determinadas áreas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A presente dissertação de Mestrado teve por objetivo aproximar-se desse campo de investigação através da perspectiva Evolucionista da Psicologia, centrando-se nas estratégias que orientam os comportamentos humanos e nossas expectativas de futuro. Partindo desses presupostos, este estudo se propôs a analisar o comportamento dos jovens residentes em contextos distintos do Rio de Janeiro: moradores de duas comunidades (favelas) situadas em regiões bastante distintas da cidade, Rocinha, localizada em uma área nobre da cidade, zona sul e Vigário Geral, na periferia da cidade, no subúrbio e não-moradores de comunidades, de diferentes regiões do estado. Buscou-se investigar o quanto esses jovens percebem o local onde vivem como hostil e violento e o como isto pode afetá-los na orientação para o futuro e ainda; o efeito dos eventos violentos dos últimos doze meses e a percepção subjetiva e objetiva deste contexto em relação a orientação que os jovens têm para o aqui e agora, como uma medida de se descontar o futuro. Pelos resultados encontrados, pode-se perceber que as estratégias que orientam as escolhas desses jovens, a curto ou a longo prazo, estão fortemente ligadas a experiência de violência. Quanto pior a percepção objetiva ou subjetiva do contexto no qual estão inseridos, maior a orientação para o aqui e agora, sendo esta uma medida de desconto do futuro. Na busca da compreensão do comportamento humano dentro de uma abordagem biopsicossocial, não é possível considerar apenas os riscos, mas as pessoas que assumem os riscos e, principalmente, o contexto em que vivem. Neste sentido, estratégias e condutas arriscadas só podem ser consideradas adaptativas ou não em função do contexto em que são manifestadas. Espera-se que as informações obtidas através da presente dissertação possam beneficiar profissionais voltados para políticas públicas e à promoção de saúde, sugerindo direcionamentos importantes que viabilizem aos jovens o acesso a melhores condições de vida.


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This paper presents a model for the general flow in the neocortex. The basic process, called "sequence-seeking," is a search for a sequence of mappings or transformations, linking source and target representations. The search is bi-directional, "bottom-up" as well as "top-down," and it explores in parallel a large numbe rof alternative sequences. This operation is implemented in a structure termed "counter streams," in which multiple sequences are explored along two separate, complementary pathways which seeking to meet. The first part of the paper discusses the general sequence-seeking scheme and a number of related processes, such as the learning of successful sequences, context effects, and the use of "express lines" and partial matches. The second part discusses biological implications of the model in terms of connections within and between cortical areas. The model is compared with existing data, and a number of new predictions are proposed.


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I provide choice-theoretic foundations for a simple two-stage model, called transitive shortlist methods, where choices are made by sequentially by applying a pair of transitive preferences (or rationales) to eliminate inferior alternatives. Despite its simplicity, the model accommodates a wide range of choice phenomena including the status quo bias, framing, homophily, compromise, and limited willpower. I establish that the model can be succinctly characterized in terms of some well-documented context effects in choice. I also show that the underlying rationales are straightforward to determine from readily observable reversals in choice. Finally, I highlight the usefulness of these results in a variety of applications.


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Psychology uses listening as a work resource. When it comes to psychotherapy, listening establishes communication and makes psychologist-client dialogue easier. This qualitative research aims to discuss the clinic listening in phenomenological attitude in existential-phenomenological psychotherapy with deaf people. This perspective is based on the thinking of German philosopher Martin Heidegger, who considers humane a being-with and being-in-the-world, always unveiling meanings. Regarding the deaf people, Libras is currently the natural language of Brazilian deaf people. In this new language configuration, communication occurs in a visual-spatial modality. Thus, listening and speech gain new dimensions, demanding different ways of understanding in the field of psychotherapy. To the development of this research, we present excerpts from therapeutic sessions narratives with a deaf client, interpreted in the light of Heidegger s hermeneutics. We consider that it is possible for the psychotherapist to listen to deaf people in phenomenological attitude. Such position, which does not naturalize and limit the humane, helps so that the clients do not feel responsible for their existence and can hermeneutically converse in their language. In this context, the psychologist must be qualified to conduct the treatment in Libras. We hope that this research can, somehow, fill the existing gap of the scientific production about such theme in the field of Psychology and, mainly, instigate discussion in the context of Psychology courses on the importance and need to qualify psychologists for the management of clinical practice with deaf people


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In separating the phenomena of their social, human, and ecological contexts, and by not taking into account intentional and valorative categories, natural-scientific methodologies impede the comprehension of some human activities which include values, chiefly ethical and political. In this context, scientism is the dogmatic and non-thematized acceptance of natural-scientific methods. From this point on, in the context of psychology, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate how scientism can function as an epistemological and methodological obstacle to an ethical and political understanding of psychology. Thus, at first, through reflections based on problems encountered in the literature on the subject, scientism's dogmas and some counterpoints are presented; some of its consequences are addressed, by taking up two examples from current literature - the labeling and the racial interpretations, and, finally, a program of research which deals with these problems is presented as an alternative: critical psychology.


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Die meisten Studien der empirischen Wahlforschung führen das Wählverhalten bei deutschen Bundestagswahlen gemäß den bewährten Erklärungsansätzen (Columbia School, Cleavage-Theorie, Michigan School, …) auf Faktoren der Individualebene zurück. Nur wenige analysieren darüber hinaus den Einfluss räumlicher Kontextmerkmale. Diese Beiträge gelangen zudem zu widersprüchlichen Befunden, z.B. darüber, welcher Anteil der Gesamtvarianz überhaupt durch Kontextfaktoren erklärt werden kann. Daher will die vorliegende Arbeit klären, inwiefern die soziale Komposition des räumlichen Kontexts über individuelle Merkmale der Wähler hinaus ihre individuelle Wahlentscheidung bei der Bundestagswahl 2009 beeinflusst hat. Dazu wird zunächst ein räumliches Mehrebenen-Modell des individuellen Wahlverhaltens entwickelt, das den Einfluss von Kontextmerkmalen u.a. auf soziale Interaktionsmechanismen innerhalb der Kontexteinheiten zurückführt. Zudem werden die zentralen individuellen Erklärungsfaktoren der oben genannten Theorien (Parteiidentifikation, Kandidaten-, Sachfragen-Orientierung, soziale Gruppenzugehörigkeit) in das Modell integriert. Auf Grundlage von Daten der German Longitudinal Election Study werden anschließend logistische Mehrebenen-Modelle für die alten und erstmals auch für die neuen Bundesländer und Deutschland geschätzt. Erstmals werden zudem Wahlkreise als relevante Kontexteinheiten untersucht. Es zeigt sich, dass ein kleiner Teil der Varianz der individuellen Wahlentscheidung allein auf Merkmale des Wahlkreises zurückgeführt werden kann. Es treten sowohl direkte Kontexteffekte als auch Mehrebenen-Interaktionseffekte auf, die sich jedoch in ihrer Wirkung zwischen den Regionen und auch zwischen den Parteien erheblich unterscheiden.


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This paper analyzes the development of environmental concern by using the three waves of the environmental modules of the International Social Survey Programme. First, we discuss the measurement of environmental concern and construct a ranking of countries according to the new 2010 results. Second, we analyze the determinants of environmental concern by employing multilevel models that take individual as well as context effects into account. Third, we explore the longitudinal aspect of the data at the macro level in order to uncover the causal relation between countries’ wealth and environmental concern. The results show that environmental concern is closely correlated with the wealth of the nations. However, environmental concern decreased in almost all nations slightly during the last two decades. The decline was lower in countries with improving economic conditions suggesting that economic growth helps to maintain higher levels of environmental concern.


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This paper analyzes the development of environmental concern by using the three waves of the environmental modules of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). First, we discuss the measurement of environmental concern and construct a ranking of countries according to the new 2010 ISSP results. Second, we analyze the determinants of environmental concern by employing multilevel models that take individual as well as context effects into account. Third, we explore the impact of attitudes on environmental behavior and support of environmental policies. The results show that environmental concern is closely correlated with the wealth of nations. However, environmental concern decreased in OECD as well as non-OECD nations slightly during the last two decades. The decline was lower in countries with improving economic conditions suggesting that economic growth helps to maintain higher levels of environmental concern. Furthermore, attitudes have a stronger impact on support of environmental policies as compared to everyday environmental behavior.


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Wir antworten auf die Kritik an unserem Artikel (Ackermann u. Traunmüller 2014) und argumentieren, dass Theorien über die abnehmende Bedeutung sozial-struktureller Merkmale für das Wahlverhalten fehlgeleitet sind. Stattdessen interessiert uns die gehaltvollere Frage, wie und unter welchen Bedingungen sie politisch wirksam werden. Diese Theorieperspektive öffnet den Blick für regionale und temporale Variation sozialer Einflussprozesse, welche gängigen Ansichten zum Cleavage-Voting widersprechen. Wir unterstützen unser Argument, indem wir demonstrieren, dass soziale Kontexte für das individuelle Wahlverhalten heutzutage wichtiger sind als noch vor Jahrzehnten. Abschließend diskutieren wir weiterführende Implikationen für soziale Kontextanalysen des Wahlverhaltens.