998 resultados para Contaminant transport


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Flow, recharge and transport dynamics in fractured rock aquifers with low lying rock outcrops is a largely unexplored area of study in hydrogeology. The purpose of this thesis is to examine these topics in an agricultural area in Eastern Ontario. The study consists of a regional scale groundwater quality study, an infiltration experiment that considers bacteria transport from the ground surface to a well, and a numerical modelling study that tests the parameters that affect surface infiltration of a tracer from a rock outcrop to a deeper horizontal fracture. In the water quality study, approximately 65% of the samples contained total coliform, 16% contained E. coli, and 1% contained nitrate-N at greater than 5 mg/L. Occurrence of E. coli increased when considering seasonality, where wells were drilled on rock outcrops, and for shallow well intervals. Nitrate-N did not occur above the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (Health Canada, 2012) of 10 mg/L. Rapid arrival times were observed in the infiltration study for both the microspheres (30 minutes) and a dye tracer (45 minutes) in a well approximately 6.0 m in horizontal and 2.8 m in vertical distance from the tracer source. Transport velocities were approximately 38.9 m/day for the dye tracer and 115.2 m/day for the colloidal tracer. Results of the model runs indicate that overburden can provide an effective protective layer to transport in fractures, that high groundwater velocities occur in larger fracture apertures and higher gradients dilute tracer concentrations, and that lower groundwater velocities occur with smaller fracture apertures and lower gradients result in elevated tracer concentrations. Lower rainfall rates, larger fracture apertures, early tracer time, larger gradients, and lower water levels maintained unsaturated conditions for longer time periods such that tracer transport was delayed until saturated conditions were attained. The overall heterogeneity of this aquifer environment creates a source water protection conundrum where the water quality is generally good, while transport can occur very quickly in proximity to rock outcrops and in areas with limited overburden.


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Analytical solutions of partial differential equation (PDE) models describing reactive transport phenomena in saturated porous media are often used as screening tools to provide insight into contaminant fate and transport processes. While many practical modelling scenarios involve spatially variable coefficients, such as spatially variable flow velocity, v(x), or spatially variable decay rate, k(x), most analytical models deal with constant coefficients. Here we present a framework for constructing exact solutions of PDE models of reactive transport. Our approach is relevant for advection-dominant problems, and is based on a regular perturbation technique. We present a description of the solution technique for a range of one-dimensional scenarios involving constant and variable coefficients, and we show that the solutions compare well with numerical approximations. Our general approach applies to a range of initial conditions and various forms of v(x) and k(x). Instead of simply documenting specific solutions for particular cases, we present a symbolic worksheet, as supplementary material, which enables the solution to be evaluated for different choices of the initial condition, v(x) and k(x). We also discuss how the technique generalizes to apply to models of coupled multispecies reactive transport as well as higher dimensional problems.


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Molecular diffusion plays a dominant role in transport of contaminants through fine-grained soils with low hydraulic conductivity. Attenuation processes occur while contaminants travel through the soils. Effective diffusion coefficient (De) is expected to take into consideration various attenuation processes. Effective diffusion coefficient has been considered to develop a general approach for modelling of contaminant transport in soils.The effective diffusion coefficient of sodium in presence of sulphate has been obtained using the column test.The reliability of De, has been checked by comparing theoretical breakthrough curves of sodium ion in soils obtained using advection diffusion equation with the experimental curve.


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Samples of suspended, floodplain and channel bed sediment have been used to examine downstream changes in ediment-associated contaminant transport and storage in contrasting rivers in Yorkshire, UK. The concentrations of hosphorus, chromium and selected PCBs associated with sediment in the River Aire and its main tributary, the River Calder, which drain an urbanized and industrialized catchment, are considerably higher than those in the relatively unpolluted River Swale, which drains an agricultural catchment. Concentrations of sediment-associated contaminants in the Aire/Calder system increase downstream, reflecting the location of urban and industrial areas in the middle and lower reaches, and the location of point source inputs, such as sewage treatment works. The ontaminant concentrations associated with floodplain and channel bed sediment in the Rivers Aire and Calder are high, particularly in the lower reaches. This, combined with measurements of sediment storage on the floodplain and channel bed, indicate that significant storage of sediment-associated contaminants occurs in the Rivers Aire and Calder.


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Geochemical,spectrographic, microbiological and hydrogeologic studies at the ORIFRC site indicate that groundwater transport in structured media may behave as a system of parallel flow tubes. These tubes are preferred flowpaths that enable contaminant transport parallel to bedding planes (strike) over distances of 1000s of meters. A significant flux of groundwater is focused within an interval defined by the interface between the competent bedrock and overlying highly-weathered saprolite, commonly referred to as the"transition zone." Characteristics of this transition zone are dense fractures and the relative absence of weathering products (e.g. clays)results in a significantly higher permeability compared to both the overlying clay-saprolite and underlying bedrock. Several stratabound low seismic velocity zones located below the transition zone were identified during geophysics studies and were also determined to be fractured high permeability preferred contaminant transport pathways during subsequent drilling activities. XANES analysis of precipitates collected from these deeper flow zones indicate 95% or more of the U deposited is U(VI). Linear combination fitting of the EXAFS data shows that precipitates are ~51±5% U(VI)-carbonate-like phase (e.g., liebigite) and ~49±5% U(VI) associated with an iron oxide phase; inclusion of a third component in the fit suggests that up to 15% of the U(VI) may be associated with a phosphate phase or OH- phase (e.g.,schoepite). Although precipitates with similar U(VI)-carbonate and/or phosphate associations were identified in the transition zone pathways,there were also U(VI) complexes adsorbed to mineral surfaces that would tend to be more readily mobilized. Groundwater in the different flow tubes has been determined to consist of different water quality types that vary with the solid phase encountered (e.g., clays, carbonates, clastics) as contaminants migrate along the flow paths. This lateral and vertical variability in geochemistry, particularly pH, has a significant impact on microbiological community composition and activity. Ribosomal RNA gene analyses coupled with physiological and genomic analyses suggest that bacteria from the genus Rhodanobacter(a diverse population of denitrifiers that are moderately acid tolerant) have a high relative abundance in the acidic source zone at the ORIFRC site.Watershed-scale analysis across different flow paths/tubes revealed strong negative correlation between pH and the absolute and relative abundance of Rhodanobacter. Recent studies also confirmed that the ORIFRC site hosts a diverse fungal community, with significant differences observed between acidic (pH <5) and circumneutral (>5) wells. The lack of nitrous oxide reduction capability in fungi, and the detection of denitrification potential in slurry microcosms suggest that fungi may have aheretofore under appreciated role in biogeochemical transformations, with implications forsite remediation and greenhouse gas emissions. Further research is needed to determine if these organisms can influence U(VI) mobility either directly through immobilization or indirectly through the depletion of nitrate.In conclusion, additional studies are required to quantify the processes (e.g., solid phase reactions, recharge, diffusion, microbial interactions) that are occurring along the groundwater flow tubes identified at the ORIFRC so predictive models can be parameterized and used to assess long-term contaminant fate and transport and remedial options.


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Poröse Medien spielen in der Hydrosphäre eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Strömung und beim Transport von Stoffen. In diesem Raum finden komplexe Prozesse statt: Advektion, Kon-vektion, Diffusion, hydromechanische Dispersion, Sorption, Komplexierung, Ionenaustausch und Abbau. Die strömungsmechanischen- und die Transportverhältnisse in porösen Medien werden direkt durch die Geometrie des Porenraumes selbst und durch die Eigenschaften der transportierten (oder strömenden) Medien bestimmt. In der Praxis wird eine Vielzahl von empirischen Modellen verwendet, die die Eigenschaften des porösen Mediums in repräsentativen Elementarvolumen wiedergeben. Die Ermittlung der in empirischen Modellen verwendeten Materialparameter erfolgt über Labor- oder Feldbestimmungsmethoden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das Computer-modell PoreFlow entwickelt, welches die hydraulischen Eigenschaften eines korngestützten porösen Mediums aus der mikroskopischen Modellierung des Fluidflusses und Transportes ableitet. Das poröse Modellmedium wird durch ein dreidimensionales Kugelpackungsmodell, zusam-mengesetzt aus einer beliebigen Kornverteilung, dargestellt. Im Modellporenraum wird die Strömung eines Fluids basierend auf einer stationären Lösung der Navier-Stokes-Gleichung simuliert. Die Ergebnisse der Modellsimulationen an verschiedenen Modellmedien werden mit den Ergebnissen von Säulenversuchen verglichen. Es zeigt sich eine deutliche Abhängigkeit der Strömungs- und Transportparameter von der Porenraumgeometrie sowohl in den Modell-simulationen als auch in den Säulenexperimenten.


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The primary challenge in groundwater and contaminant transport modeling is obtaining the data needed for constructing, calibrating and testing the models. Large amounts of data are necessary for describing the hydrostratigraphy in areas with complex geology. Increasingly states are making spatial data available that can be used for input to groundwater flow models. The appropriateness of this data for large-scale flow systems has not been tested. This study focuses on modeling a plume of 1,4-dioxane in a heterogeneous aquifer system in Scio Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan. The analysis consisted of: (1) characterization of hydrogeology of the area and construction of a conceptual model based on publicly available spatial data, (2) development and calibration of a regional flow model for the site, (3) conversion of the regional model to a more highly resolved local model, (4) simulation of the dioxane plume, and (5) evaluation of the model's ability to simulate field data and estimation of the possible dioxane sources and subsequent migration until maximum concentrations are at or below the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality's residential cleanup standard for groundwater (85 ppb). MODFLOW-2000 and MT3D programs were utilized to simulate the groundwater flow and the development and movement of the 1, 4-dioxane plume, respectively. MODFLOW simulates transient groundwater flow in a quasi-3-dimensional sense, subject to a variety of boundary conditions that can simulate recharge, pumping, and surface-/groundwater interactions. MT3D simulates solute advection with groundwater flow (using the flow solution from MODFLOW), dispersion, source/sink mixing, and chemical reaction of contaminants. This modeling approach was successful at simulating the groundwater flows by calibrating recharge and hydraulic conductivities. The plume transport was adequately simulated using literature dispersivity and sorption coefficients, although the plume geometries were not well constrained.


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The aqueous concentrations of heavy metals in soils, sediments, and aquatic environments frequently are controlled by the dissolution and precipitation of discrete mineral phases. Contaminant uptake by organisms as well as contaminant transport in natural systems typically occurs through the solution phase. Thus, the thermodynamic solubility of contaminant-containing minerals in these environments can directly influence the chemical reactivity, transport, and ecotoxicity of their constituent ions. In many cases, Pb-contaminated soils and sediments contain the minerals anglesite (PbSO4), cerussite (PbCO3), and various lead oxides (e.g., litharge, PbO) as well as Pb2+ adsorbed to Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides. Whereas adsorbed Pb can be comparatively inert, the lead oxides, sulfates, and carbonates are all highly soluble in acidic to circumneutral environments, and soil Pb in these forms can pose a significant environmental risk. In contrast, the lead phosphates [e.g., pyromorphite, Pb5(PO4)3Cl] are much less soluble and geochemically stable over a wide pH range. Application of soluble or solid-phase phosphates (i.e., apatites) to contaminated soils and sediments induces the dissolution of the “native” Pb minerals, the desorption of Pb adsorbed by hydrous metal oxides, and the subsequent formation of pyromorphites in situ. This process results in decreases in the chemical lability and bioavailability of the Pb without its removal from the contaminated media. This and analogous approaches may be useful strategies for remediating contaminated soils and sediments.


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As técnicas de injeção de traçadores têm sido amplamente utilizadas na investigação de escoamentos em meios porosos, principalmente em problemas envolvendo a simulação numérica de escoamentos miscíveis em reservatórios de petróleo e o transporte de contaminantes em aquíferos. Reservatórios subterrâneos são em geral heterogêneos e podem apresentar variações significativas das suas propriedades em várias escalas de comprimento. Estas variações espaciais são incorporadas às equações que governam o escoamento no interior do meio poroso por meio de campos aleatórios. Estes campos podem prover uma descrição das heterogeneidades da formação subterrânea nos casos onde o conhecimento geológico não fornece o detalhamento necessário para a predição determinística do escoamento através do meio poroso. Nesta tese é empregado um modelo lognormal para o campo de permeabilidades a fim de reproduzir-se a distribuição de permeabilidades do meio real, e a geração numérica destes campos aleatórios é feita pelo método da Soma Sucessiva de Campos Gaussianos Independentes (SSCGI). O objetivo principal deste trabalho é o estudo da quantificação de incertezas para o problema inverso do transporte de um traçador em um meio poroso heterogêneo empregando uma abordagem Bayesiana para a atualização dos campos de permeabilidades, baseada na medição dos valores da concentração espacial do traçador em tempos específicos. Um método do tipo Markov Chain Monte Carlo a dois estágios é utilizado na amostragem da distribuição de probabilidade a posteriori e a cadeia de Markov é construída a partir da reconstrução aleatória dos campos de permeabilidades. Na resolução do problema de pressão-velocidade que governa o escoamento empregase um método do tipo Elementos Finitos Mistos adequado para o cálculo acurado dos fluxos em campos de permeabilidades heterogêneos e uma abordagem Lagrangiana, o método Forward Integral Tracking (FIT), é utilizada na simulação numérica do problema do transporte do traçador. Resultados numéricos são obtidos e apresentados para um conjunto de realizações amostrais dos campos de permeabilidades.


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Um grande desafio da atualidade é a preservação dos recursos hídricos, bem como o correto manejo dos mesmos, frente à expansão das cidades e às atividades humanas. A qualidade de um corpo hídrico é usualmente avaliada através da análise de parâmetros biológicos, físicos e químicos. O comportamento de tais parâmetros pode convenientemente ser simulado através de modelos matemáticos e computacionais, que surgem assim como uma ferramenta bastante útil, por sua capacidade de geração de cenários que possam embasar, por exemplo, tomadas de decisão. Nesta tese são discutidas técnicas de estimação da localização e intensidade de uma fonte de contaminante conservativo, hipoteticamente lançado na região predominantemente fluvial de um estuário. O lançamento aqui considerado se dá de forma pontual e contínua e a região enfocada compreendeu o estuário do Rio Macaé, localizado na costa norte do Rio de Janeiro. O trabalho compreende a solução de um problema direto, que consiste no transporte bidimensional (integrado na vertical) desse contaminante hipotético, bem como a aplicação de técnicas de problemas inversos. Para a solução do transporte do contaminante, aqui modelada pela versão 2D horizontal da equação de advecção-difusão, foram utilizados como métodos de discretização o Método de Elementos Finitos e o Método de Diferenças Finitas. Para o problema hidrodinâmico foram utilizados dados de uma solução já desenvolvida para estuário do Rio Macaé. Analisada a malha de acordo com o método de discretização, foram definidas a geometria do estuário e os parâmetros hidrodinâmicos e de transporte. Para a estimação dos parâmetros propostos foi utilizada a técnica de problemas inversos, com o uso dos métodos Luus-Jaakola, Algoritmo de Colisão de Partículas e Otimização por Colônia de Formigas para a estimação da localização e do método Seção Áurea para a estimação do parâmetro de intensidade da fonte. Para a definição de uma fonte, com o objetivo de propor um cenário experimental idealizado e de coleta de dados de amostragem, foi realizada a análise de sensibilidade quanto aos parâmetros a serem estimados. Como os dados de amostragem de concentração foram sintéticos, o problema inverso foi resolvido utilizando-os com e sem ruído, esse introduzido de forma artificial e aleatória. Sem o uso de ruído, os três métodos mostraram-se igualmente eficientes, com uma estimação precisa em 95% das execuções. Já com o uso de dados de amostragem com ruídos de 5%, o método Luus-Jaakola mostrou-se mais eficiente em esforço e custo computacional, embora todos tenham estimado precisamente a fonte em 80% das execuções. Considerando os resultados alcançados neste trabalho tem-se que é possível estimar uma fonte de constituintes, quanto à sua localização e intensidade, através da técnica de problemas inversos. Além disso, os métodos aplicados mostraram-se eficientes na estimação de tais parâmetros, com estimações precisas para a maioria de suas execuções. Sendo assim, o estudo do comportamento de contaminantes, e principalmente da identificação de fontes externas, torna-se uma importante ferramenta para a gestão dos recursos hídricos, possibilitando, inclusive, a identificação de possíveis responsáveis por passivos ambientais.


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The National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program has conducted studies to determine the spatial extent and severity of chemical contamination and associated adverse biological effects in coastal bays and estuaries of the United States since 1991. Sediment contamination in U.S. coastal areas is a major environmental issue because of its potential toxic effects on biological resources and often, indirectly, on human health. Thus, characterizing and delineating areas of sediment contamination and toxicity and demonstrating their effect(s) on benthic living resources are therefore important goals of coastal resource management at NOAA. The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, and the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), University of California Moss Landing Marine Lab (MLML), and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), conducted ecosystem monitoring and characterization studies within and between marine sanctuaries along the California coast in 2002 and 2004 on the NOAA RV McArthur. One of the objectives was to perform a systematic assessment of the chemical and physical habitats and associated biological communities in soft bottom habitats on the continental shelf and slope in the central California region. This report addresses the magnitude and extent of chemical contamination, and contaminant transport patterns in the region. Ongoing studies of the benthic community are in progress and will be reported in an integrated assessment of habitat quality and the parameters that govern natural resource distributions on the continental margin and in canyons in the region.


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为有效地预测和控制农业污染物对土壤及地下水资源的污染 ,需要建立相应的数学模型。在数学模型的应用中 ,模型参数的确定是关键。本文简要回顾了农业污染物在多孔介质迁移模型研究的进展 ,指出了各自的适用条件及存在的问题。


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地下水数值模拟技术已成为评估人类活动对地下水质和量的影响、评价地下水资源、预测地下水污染发展趋势等的最主要的方法和手段。喀斯特含水层由于含水介质和地下水流场的非均质性和各向异性,对其进行地下水流的数值模拟一直是水文地质学界的难题。 遵义市地处我国西南喀斯特发育区,为贵州省第二大工业城市,属重度缺水地区,地下水资源的开发利用极大缓解了区内的缺水危机。但长期以来,由于对地下水资源的开发利用缺乏合理的统筹规划和强有力的管理,引发了一些环境地质问题,如地下水降落漏斗、岩溶塌陷、地下水质恶化等。因此选择遵义市进行地下水流和污染物运移数值模拟研究具有理论和实际意义。 通过ArcGIS平台建立了研究区的水文地质信息数据库,对研究区地下水的水位动态以及水化学特征做了简单分析。概要总结和阐述了高桥-河溪坝块段的自然地理、地质概况和水文地质条件,建立了水文地质概念模型;在水文地质概念模型的基础上,利用Groundwater Vistas软件建立了枯水期和丰水期的二维非均质各向异性稳定流模型,三维有限差分地下水流模拟程序MODFLOW用于模拟地下水水流,三维溶质运移模块MT3DMS用于模拟污染物在对流弥散情况下的迁移。根据分析和模拟结果可以得出如下几点结论: 1、基岩裂隙水水位峰值滞后大气降水峰值2~3个月,属渐峰型动态;岩溶水水位、地下河出口和泉流量变化步调与降水强度一致,对降水响应敏感。 2、对NH4+、NO3-、NO2-、SO42-、Mn五种组分含量进行了时空分析,结果表明地下水污染物的含量可能受人为活动输入物质的不均匀性和降雨等各方面因素控制,各组分每年的污染面积不一致,没有明显的规律性;受污染的一般是岩溶水,尤其是在石灰岩溶洞、地下河强烈发育而三废排放量大的居民集中地区面积较大。 3、为了有效地进行地下水资源管理,论文对高桥-河溪坝岩溶含水系统进行了一定的概化,将岩溶含水介质近似作为等价多孔介质(Equivalent Porous Media, EPM)模型来进行研究,采用MODFLOW的六个子程序模拟含水层系统的源汇项:降水子程序包RCH模拟降水入渗量、井流子程序包WEL模拟抽水量、通用水头子程序包GHB模拟侧向补给/排泄量、排水沟渠子程序包DRN模拟地下河出口流量、河流子程序包RIV模拟河流与地下水的交换量和已知水头边界子程序包CHD。从水位观测点和地下水位等势面两者结合来校正模型,结果表明能够达到相应国家标准规定的要求。因此EPM模型是可以适用于我国西南喀斯特地区的地下水流模拟的。 4、通过稳定流模型识别了枯水期和丰水期的渗透系数。在高桥和茅草铺附近渗透系数较高,枯水期介于100~400 m/d,而丰水期在高桥最高可达到3220m/d;其余单元渗透系数低于100 m/d,大多数小于10m/d。总体来说,由于丰水期含水层的饱水度大,渗透系数要高于枯水期。 5、通过地下水均衡计算,确定了各补给项和排泄项的水量。枯水期最重要的补给来源是研究区东北角的侧向补给量,占总补给量的70%,人工开采是最大的排泄项;丰水期最重要的补给源是西部的已知水头边界,占总补给量的49%,东北角的侧向补给量是第二补给源,占39%,地下河出口是最主要的排泄方式,达到排泄总量的74%。 6、对水文地质参数和源汇项敏感度分析的结果表明,不管是枯水期还是丰水期,对研究区水位影响最大的是渗透系数,外部源汇项中则是抽水量对地下水流形态的影响最大。 7、研究区岩溶地下水流速很大,污染物的运移是一个对流占绝对优势的问题,弥散的作用则相对很小。通过在茅草铺地区假设污染源,用MT3DMS程序模拟了地下水污染物在时间和空间上的迁移特征。结果发现:污染羽的形状和扩散方位主要受地下水流场的控制,而污染物的浓度与水量多少相关。


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A flexible, mass-conservative numerical technique for solving the advection-dispersion equation for miscible contaminant transport is presented. The method combines features of puff transport models from air pollution studies with features from the random walk particle method used in water resources studies, providing a deterministic time-marching algorithm which is independent of the grid Peclet number and scales from one to higher dimensions simply. The concentration field is discretised into a number of particles, each of which is treated as a point release which advects and disperses over the time interval. The dispersed puff is itself discretised into a spatial distribution of particles whose masses can be pre-calculated. Concentration within the simulation domain is then calculated from the mass distribution as an average over some small volume. Comparison with analytical solutions for a one-dimensional fixed-duration concentration pulse and for two-dimensional transport in an axisymmetric flow field indicate that the algorithm performs well. For a given level of accuracy the new method has lower computation times than the random walk particle method.