974 resultados para Construction Planning


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Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia, kuinka rakennuksen tietomallia voidaan hyödyntää rakennusliikkeen tuotannonsuunnittelu- ja rakennusvaiheessa sekä mitä sen hyödyntäminen edellyttää rakennuksen tietomallin informaatiosisällöltä. Tavoitteena oli myös tunnistaa tuotannonohjauksen ”pullonkauloja”, joissa kohdin toimintaa voitaisiin tietomallien avulla tehostaa. Työn teoreettisena taustana on aineettoman pääoman merkitys yrityksen kilpailuedun luojana, tietämyksen hallinta ja teknologian hyödyntäminen tietämyksen hallinnassa. Työssä tutkittiin rakennustuotannon johtamista ja tietomallintamisen hyödyntämistä rakentamisessa sekä tietomallien hyödynnettävyyden varmistamista yleisellä tasolla. Työssä tutustuttiin kohdeyritykseen tuotannonohjaukseen ja rakennusvaiheen tietomallien hyödyntämisen nykytilaan. Tuloksina voidaan todeta, että tietomallien tuotannonsuunnittelu- ja rakennusvaiheen tietomallien hyödyntämisen perusedellytys on tietomallien oikeellisuus sekä tietomallien ja perinteisten suunnitteludokumenttien yhdenmukainen tietosisältö. Tämän lisäksi tarvitaan suunnitellut toimintatavat ja toimivat tiedonjakelukanavat sekä kyky hyödyntää tieto- ja viestintäteknologiaa. Tietomallit eivät tämän tutkimuksen perusteella näytä luoneen tarvetta uudenlaisille tuotanto-organisaation roolituksille. Tietomalleilla uskotaan olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia rakennusvaiheen muutostenhallinnassa. Tuotantoorganisaation henkilöillä oli positiivisia odotuksia tietomallien hyödyntämisestä tuotannonohjauksessa. Tietomallien odotetaan tukevan erillisten suunnitelmien muodostamien kokonaisuuksien hahmottamista, rakennusvaiheen osapuolten yhteistyötä ja töiden yhteensovitusta sekä logistiikan suunnittelua ja vaikutusten havainnointia.


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Studies of construction labour productivity have revealed that limited predictability and multi-agent social complexity make long-range planning of construction projects extremely inaccurate. Fire-fighting, a cultural feature of construction project management, social and structural diversity of involved permanent organizations, and structural temporality all contribute towards relational failures and frequent changes. The main purpose of this paper is therefore to demonstrate that appropriate construction planning may have a profound synergistic effect on structural integration of a project organization. Using the general systems theory perspective it is further a specific objective to investigate and evaluate organizational effects of changes in planning and potentials for achieving continuous project-organizational synergy. The newly developed methodology recognises that planning should also represent a continuous, improvement-leading driving force throughout a project. The synergistic effect of the process planning membership duality fostered project-wide integration, eliminated internal boundaries, and created a pool of constantly upgrading knowledge. It maintained a creative environment that resulted in a number of process-related improvements from all parts of the organization. As a result labour productivity has seen increases of more than 30%, profits have risen from an average of 12% to more than 18%, and project durations have been reduced by several days.


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The number of dams, which need rehabilitation, is growing, not only in countries that have a long tradition in dam building and operation but,also in those regions where the infrastructure is still in full development. Though rehabilitation projects generally deal with problems that are common in dam engineering practice there are some peculiarities which are a characteristic of such projects and which must be duly taken into account to avoid unsuccess and/or unnecessary costs. Regular safety inspection is essential to forestall the development of structural, hydrological and operational unsafety. if need of major repair or overall rehabilitation of a dam becomes apparent design oft he rehabilitation project must be preceded by a comprehensive checkup of the structure and appurtenant works, as well as by an evaluation of its hydrological safety inclusive of all relevant environmental aspects. The availability of complete records on the clam's structural behaviour and on meteorological and hydrological data, as well as the knowledge of the materials properties of the existing structure are important for the successful design of a rehabilitation project. To this end the installation of monitoring devices in the existing structure may be necessary to generate representative data. While the criteria to be used in structural design should correspond to current standards, the definition of hydrological design criteria depends on considerations that vary widely from region to region or even from one country to another. Some basic hydrological safety requirements, however, are recommended for general acceptance. Dam rehabilitation projects demand very careful and detailed construction planning because of their dependence on river flow conditions, operational restrictions and, often, on procedures or limitations imposed to avoid harm to the environment. of utmost importance is the timely availability of the financial funds required to complete the project, in order to avoid delays which could result in structural or operational unsafety. Since every dam sooner or later will have to undergo major repair or updating of safety, rehabilitation may evolve to a speciality of dam engineering.


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Land value bears significant weight in house prices in historical town centers. An essential aim for regulating the mortgage market, particularly in the financial and property crisis that countries such as Spain are undergoing, is to have at hand objective procedures for its valuation, whatever the conditions (location, construction, planning). Of all the factors contributing to house price make-up, the land is the only one whose value does not depend on acquisition cost, but rather on the location-time binomial. That is to say, the specific circumstances at that point and at the exact moment of valuation. For this reason, the most commonly applied procedure for land valuation in town centers is the use of the residual method: once the selling price of new housing in a district is known, the other necessary costs and expenses of development are deducted, including those of building and the developer’s profit. The value left is that of the land. To apply these procedures it is vital to have figures such as building costs, technical fees, tax costs, etc. But, above all, it is essential to obtain the selling price of the new housing. This is not always feasible, on account of the lack of newbuild development in this location. This shortage of information occurs in historical town cities, where urban renewal is slight due to the heritage-protection policies, and where, nevertheless there is substantial activity in the secondary market. In these circumstances, as an alternative for land valuation in consolidated urban areas, we have the adaptation of the residual method to the particular characteristics of the secondary market. To these ends, there is the proposal for the appreciation of the dwelling which follows, in a backwards direction, the application of traditional depreciation methods proposed by the various valuation manuals and guidelines. The reliability of the results obtained is analyzed by contrasting it with published figures for newly-built properties, according to different rules applied in administrative appraisals in Spain and the incidence of an eventual correction due to conservation state.


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Acourse focused on the acquisition of integration competencies in ship production engineering, organized in collaboration with selected industry partners, is presented in this paper. The first part of the course is dedicated to Project Management: the students acquire skills in defining, using MS-PROJECT, the work breakdown structure (WBS), and the organization breakdown structure (OBS) in Engineering projects, through a series of examples of increasing complexity with the final one being the construction planning of a vessel. The second part of the course is dedicated to the use of a database manager, MS-ACCESS, in managing production related information.Aseries of increasing complexity examples is treated, the final one being the management of the piping database of a real vessel. This database consists of several thousand pipes, for which a production timing frame is defined connecting this part of the course with the first one. Finally, the third part of the course is devoted to working withFORAN,an Engineering Production application developed bySENERand widely used in the shipbuilding industry. With this application, the structural elements where all the outfittings will be located are defined through cooperative work by the students, working simultaneously in the same 3D model. In this paper, specific details about the learning process are given. Surveys have been posed to the students in order to get feedback from their experience as well as to assess their satisfaction with the learning process, compared to more traditional ones. Results from these surveys are discussed in the paper.


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Bridge building is a highly uncertain endeavour that entails considerable risk, as attested to by the succession of construction-related incidents and accidents recently reported in Spain and elsewhere. While efforts are being made to improve on-site safety, many issues are still outstanding, such as the establishment of reliability requirements for the ancillary systems used. The problems that must be dealt with in everyday practice, however, are more elementary and often attributable to human error. The overall organisation of the use of bridge construction equipment is in need of improvement. Close cooperation between the bridge engineers responsible for construction planning and ancillary element suppliers is imperative, for flawed interaction between building equipment and the bridge under construction may generate structural vulnerability. External quality assurance should likewise be mandatory


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En el presente proyecto, se han abordado las distintas soluciones constructivas para tratar las principales exigencias en edificación: aislamiento acústico, acondicionamiento acústico y ruido y vibraciones de las instalaciones. Estas soluciones constructivas, se enmarcan dentro de un conjunto de leyes vigentes en España, provenientes de la trasposición de la legislación Europea. Basándose en el Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido, donde se encuentran las soluciones constructivas, comentadas anteriormente, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio exhaustivo de las mismas, con la finalidad de crear una herramienta de consulta de fácil y rápido acceso para cualquier persona. En especial, se enfoca a una finalidad didáctica accesible al personal universitario. Se pretende que cualquier persona, con base mínima en la materia, pueda acceder y entender la herramienta creada. Para lograr a esta finalidad, se ha analizado otra documentación, como la Guía de aplicación del DB HR, donde se explica de forma más detallada el Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido. Además, se han consultado diferentes normativas españolas, para conseguir que la información aportada al usuario sea completa y no sea necesario acudir a diferentes documentos externos. De esta manera, un usuario podrá realizar un proyecto para: aislar, acondicionar o controlar el ruido y vibraciones de las instalaciones, en una edificación, acudiendo a esta herramienta. Con el objeto de que sea un proyecto enmarcado en un contexto didáctico, con fácil acceso y tratando que sea lo más intuitivo posible, se buscó una plataforma de acceso gratuito y disponible para distintos equipos y sistemas operativos. El programa empleado ha sido tomado del paquete Office creado por Microsoft. El programa se denomina OneNote. Se trata de un programa para realizar, compartir y gestionar notas de forma rápida y sencilla. Los archivos creados en él, se almacenan en OneDrive, por lo tanto, el usuario puede acceder a ellos desde cualquier parte, en cualquier momento y plataforma disponible. ABSTRACT. The aforementioned project approaches the diverse solutions available to accomplish the chief edification requirements in the Spanish Legal System, remarkably influenced by the European Law, in Construction Planning. The key elements of those solutions are acoustic isolation, acoustic conditioning and noise and vibration of installations. Basing most part of our research in the academic report “Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido”, which addresses effective solutions about the mentioned queries, but also implements a useful tool that supplies access to the broad public to obtain a wide variety of answers regarding those issues. Its main aim is to improve the knowledge about that subject, however also the access and usage to that system, of every person, although its previous experience. In order to achieve that purpose, the paper also combines an analysis of the study “Guía de aplicación del DB HR” where different elements of the report “Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido” are examined in further detail. It is important to remark that all the information provided comply with the current legislation present in Spain at the time this paper was written, so the reader may work on a project of isolation, conditioning or control of noise and vibrations of installations without the requirement of applying external resources. Conclusively, with the intention of giving the paper an educational usage, with intuitive and easy access, the reader is able to join to the platform OneNote by Microsoft Office, software available in utmost part of operating systems and devices. This program allows us to produce, share and manage notes swiftly and efficiently, but also it stores them in The Cloud called OneDrive, so the user can get access to them anywhere and anytime.


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Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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In the present paper we analyzed the behavior of firms in the construction and manufacturing sectors, located in the region of Vale do Sousa, in the north of Portugal. From the literature, even existing some disagreements, it is possible to conclude that planning is crucial for firms survival and growth. Cooperation is another aspect that the literature presents as an important factor for firms sustainability. It also plays a major role in competition, since firms are adopting coopetition strategies. By studying a sample of 251 firms, it was possible to realize, that the majority started their business without a formal planning, and they keep going without using it. In cooperation aspects, there is a lack of cooperation. It was possible to verify, that existing cooperation has some evidence but at a vertical level. These vertical relations were also identified in stakeholder’s involvement.


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The aim of this thesis was to develop the category planning process in the case company operating in construction industry. As the interest in the field of research has just recently started to emerge towards the benefits of category management and planning, the theoretical background was derived from literature of subjects with a relation to category planning i.e. procurement strategy, purchasing portfolio model, information flow management and cost analysis. The background for the development of category planning process was derived from retail industry, to where the category planning is more researched. The empirical study was executed with mixed method approach: quantitative data of the categories was analyzed and qualitative data was gathered through semi-structured interview and discussions within the case company. As a result, the category planning process was critically analyzed and development proposals addressed for improving the process description. Additionally a tool was developed based on the empirical study to support the category planning process of the case company.


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Planning is a vital element of project management but it is still not recognized as a process variable. Its objective should be to outperform the initially defined processes, and foresee and overcome possible undesirable events. Detailed task-level master planning is unrealistic since one cannot accurately predict all the requirements and obstacles before work has even started. The process planning methodology (PPM) has thus been developed in order to overcome common problems of the overwhelming project complexity. The essential elements of the PPM are the process planning group (PPG), including a control team that dynamically links the production/site and management, and the planning algorithm embodied within two continuous-improvement loops. The methodology was tested on a factory project in Slovenia and in four successive projects of a similar nature. In addition to a number of improvement ideas and enhanced communication, the applied PPM resulted in 32% higher total productivity, 6% total savings and created a synergistic project environment.


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Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been introduced into site layout planning as reported in a number of studies. In these studies, the objective functions were defined so as to employ the GAs in searching for the optimal site layout. However, few studies have been carried out to investigate the actual closeness of relationships between site facilities; it is these relationships that ultimately govern the site layout. This study has determined that the underlying factors of site layout planning for medium-size projects include work flow, personnel flow, safety and environment, and personal preferences. By finding the weightings on these factors and the corresponding closeness indices between each facility, a closeness relationship has been deduced. Two contemporary mathematical approaches - fuzzy logic theory and an entropy measure - were adopted in finding these results in order to minimize the uncertainty and vagueness of the collected data and improve the quality of the information. GAs were then applied to searching for the optimal site layout in a medium-size government project using the GeneHunter software. The objective function involved minimizing the total travel distance. An optimal layout was obtained within a short time. This reveals that the application of GA to site layout planning is highly promising and efficient.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)