985 resultados para Conserved Role


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The tropical abalone. Haliotis asinina. is,in ideal species to investigate the molecular mechanisms that control development. growth, reproduction and shell formation in all cultured haliotids. Here we describe the analysis of 232 expressed sequence tags (EST) obtained front a developmental H. asinina cDNA library intended for future microarray studies. From this data set we identified 183 unique gene Clusters. Of these, 90 clusters showed significant homology with sequences lodged in GenBank, ranging in function from general housekeeping to signal transduction, gene regulation and cell-cell communication. Seventy-one clusters possessed completely novel ORFs greater than 50 codons in length, highlighting the paucity of sequence data from molluscs and other lophotrochozoans. This study of developmental gene expression in H. asinina provides the foundation for further detailed analyses of abalone growth, development and reproduction.


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Two independent regions within HNF1B are consistently identified in prostate and ovarian cancer genome-wide association studies (GWAS); their functional roles are unclear. We link prostate cancer (PC) risk SNPs rs11649743 and rs3760511 with elevated HNF1B gene expression and allele-specific epigenetic silencing, and outline a mechanism by which common risk variants could effect functional changes that increase disease risk: functional assays suggest that HNF1B is a pro-differentiation factor that suppresses epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in unmethylated, healthy tissues. This tumor-suppressor activity is lost when HNF1B is silenced by promoter methylation in the progression to PC. Epigenetic inactivation of HNF1B in ovarian cancer also associates with known risk SNPs, with a similar impact on EMT. This represents one of the first comprehensive studies into the pleiotropic role of a GWAS-associated transcription factor across distinct cancer types, and is the first to describe a conserved role for a multi-cancer genetic risk factor.


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Neural crest cells are unique to vertebrates and essential to the development and evolution of the craniofacial skeleton. Using a combination of DiI cell lineage tracing, transcriptomics, and analysis of key transcription factors of the Sox Family, I examined neural crest development in the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, as the most basal extant vertebrate from which it is possible to get embryos. The results have uncovered distinct cranial and trunk neural crest subpopulations along the anterior-posterior axis of the lamprey embryo, with a clear separation between the two. However, no evidence of the presence of an intermediate vagal neural crest population was uncovered. Comparing cranial neural crest genes between lamprey and chick, either by examining individual candidate genes or whole genome transcriptome analysis, reveals significant changes in the cranial neural crest gene regulatory network of lamprey compared with chick. In particular, the lamprey cranial neural crest is "missing" several gnathostome cranial crest genes. We speculate that these may underlie the evolutionary divergence of craniofacial development between jawed and jawless vertebrates. Despite the absence of vagal neural crest, DiI-labeling shows that trunk neural crest-derived cells, likely homologous to mammalian Schwann cell precursors, contribute to the lamprey enteric nervous system, potentially representing the most primitive form of neural crest cells contribution to the ENS. Finally, I characterized key members of the Sox Family (Sox B-F) due to their importance in neural crest specification in other species. In comparative studies of the SoxC genes (Sox4, Sox11, and Sox12) in both lamprey and Xenopus, I found similar expression patterns and a novel key role in early neural crest specification, suggesting a conserved role of the SoxC genes amongst vertebrates. Taken together, this work represents important progress in characterizing the early evolution of the neural crest in vertebrates and its role in the transition from jawless to jawed vertebrates.


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The active site of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM, EC:, a dimeric enzyme, lies very close to the subunit interface. Attempts to engineer monomeric enzymes have yielded well-folded proteins with dramatically reduced activity. The role of dimer interface residues in the stability and activity of the Plasmodium falciparum enzyme, PfTIM, has been probed by analysis of mutational effects at residue 74. The PfTIM triple mutant W11F/W168F/Y74W (Y74W*) has been shown to dissociate at low protein concentrations, and exhibits considerably reduced stability in the presence of denaturants, urea and guanidinium chloride. The Y74W* mutant exhibits concentration-dependent activity, with an approximately 22-fold enhancement of kcat over a concentration range of 2.5–40 μm, suggesting that dimerization is obligatory for enzyme activity. The Y74W* mutant shows an approximately 20-fold reduction in activity compared to the control enzyme (PfTIM WT*, W11F/W168F). Careful inspection of the available crystal structures of the enzyme, together with 412 unique protein sequences, revealed the importance of conserved residues in the vicinity of the active site that serve to position the functional K12 residue. The network of key interactions spans the interacting subunits. The Y74W* mutation can perturb orientations of the active site residues, due to steric clashes with proximal aromatic residues in PfTIM. The available crystal structures of the enzyme from Giardia lamblia, which contains a Trp residue at the structurally equivalent position, establishes the need for complementary mutations and maintenance of weak interactions in order to accommodate the bulky side chain and preserve active site integrity.


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N-linked glycosylation has a profound effect on the proper folding, oligomerization and stability of glycoproteins. These glycans impart many properties to proteins that may be important for their proper functioning, besides having a tendency to exert a chaperone-like effect on them. Certain glycosylation sites in a protein however, are more important than other sites for their function and stability. It has been observed that some N-glycosylation sites are conserved over families of glycoproteins over evolution, one such being the tyrosinase related protein family. The role of these conserved N-glycosylation sites in their trafficking, sorting, stability and activity has been examined here. By scrutinizing the different glycosylation sites on this family of glycoproteins it was inferred that different sites in the same family of polypeptides can perform distinct functions and conserved sites across the paralogues may perform diverse functions.


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Cys126 is a completely conserved residue in triosephosphate isomerase that is proximal to the active site but has been ascribed no specific role in catalysis. A previous study of the C126S and C126A mutants of yeast TIM reported substantial catalytic activity for the mutant enzymes, leading to the suggestion that this residue is implicated in folding and stability [Gonzalez-Mondragon E et al. (2004) Biochemistry43, 3255–3263]. We re-examined the role of Cys126 with the Plasmodium falciparum enzyme as a model. Five mutants, C126S, C126A, C126V, C126M, and C126T, were characterized. Crystal structures of the 3-phosphoglycolate-bound C126S mutant and the unliganded forms of the C126S and C126A mutants were determined at a resolution of 1.7–2.1 Å. Kinetic studies revealed an approximately five-fold drop in kcat for the C126S and C126A mutants, whereas an approximately 10-fold drop was observed for the other three mutants. At ambient temperature, the wild-type enzyme and all five mutants showed no concentration dependence of activity. At higher temperatures (> 40 °C), the mutants showed a significant concentration dependence, with a dramatic loss in activity below 15 μm. The mutants also had diminished thermal stability at low concentration, as monitored by far-UV CD. These results suggest that Cys126 contributes to the stability of the dimer interface through a network of interactions involving His95, Glu97, and Arg98, which form direct contacts across the dimer interface.


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DatabaseStructural data are available in the Protein Data Bank under the accession numbers 3PVF, 3PY2, and 3PWA. Structured digital abstract Tim binds to Tim by x-ray crystallography (View interaction).


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An analysis of 503 available triosephosphate isomerase sequences revealed nine fully conserved residues. Of these, four residues-K12, H95, E97 and E165-are capable of proton transfer and are all arrayed around the dihydroxyacetone phosphate substrate in the three-dimensional structure. Specific roles have been assigned to the residues K12, H95 and E165, but the nature of the involvement of E97 has not been established. Kinetic and structural characterization is reported for the E97Q and E97D mutants of Plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase (Pf TIM). A 4000-fold reduction in k(cat) is observed for E97Q, whereas the E97D mutant shows a 100-fold reduction. The control mutant, E165A, which lacks the key catalytic base, shows an approximately 9000-fold drop in activity. The integrity of the overall fold and stability of the dimeric structure have been demonstrated by biophysical studies. Crystal structures of E97Q and E97D mutants have been determined at 2.0 angstrom resolution. In the case of the isosteric replacement of glutamic acid by glutamine in the E97Q mutant a large conformational change for the critical K12 side chain is observed, corresponding to a trans-to-gauche transition about the C gamma-C delta (chi(3)) bond. In the E97D mutant, the K12 side chain maintains the wild-type orientation, but the hydrogen bond between K12 and D97 is lost. The results are interpreted as a direct role for E97 in the catalytic proton transfer cycle. The proposed mechanism eliminates the need to invoke the formation of the energetically unfavourable imidazolate anion at H95, a key feature of the classical mechanism.


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Highly conserved residues in enzymes are often found to be clustered close to active sites, suggesting that functional constraints dictate the nature of amino acid residues accommodated at these sites. Using the Plasmodiumfalciparum triosephosphate isomerase (PfTIM) enzyme () as a template, we have examined the effects of mutations at positions 64 and 75, which are not directly involved in the proton transfer cycle. Thr (T) occurring at position 75 is completely conserved, whereas only Gln (Q) and Glu (E) are accommodated at position 64. Biophysical and kinetic data are reported for four T75 (T75S/V/C/N) and two Q64 (Q64N/E) mutants. The dimeric structure is weakened in the Q64E and Q64N mutants, whereas dimer integrity is unimpaired in all four T75 mutants. Measurement of the concentration dependence of enzyme activity permits an estimate of K-d values for dimer dissociation (Q64N=73.79.2nm and Q64E=44.6 +/- 8.4nm). The T75S/V/C mutants have activities comparable to the wild-type enzyme, whereas a fourfold drop is observed for T75N. All four T75 mutants show a dramatic fall in activity between 35 degrees C and 45 degrees C. Crystal structure determination of the T75S/V/N mutants provides insights into the variations in local interactions, with the T75N mutant showing the largest changes. Hydrogen-bond interactions determine dimer stability restricting the choice of residues at position 64 to Gln (Q) and Glu (E). At position 75, the overwhelming preference for Thr (T) may be dictated by the imperative of maintaining temperature stability of enzyme activity.


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Human transthyretin (hTTR) is a multifunctional protein that is involved in several neurodegenerative diseases. Besides the transportation of thyroxin and vitamin A, it is also involved in the proteolysis of apolipoprotein A1 and A beta peptide. Extensive analyses of 32 high-resolution X-ray and neutron diffraction structures of hTTR followed by molecular-dynamics simulation studies using a set of 15 selected structures affirmed the presence of 44 conserved water molecules in its dimeric structure. They are found to play several important roles in the structure and function of the protein. Eight water molecules stabilize the dimeric structure through an extensive hydrogen-bonding network. The absence of some of these water molecules in highly acidic conditions (pH <= 4.0) severely affects the interfacial hydrogen-bond network, which may destabilize the native tetrameric structure, leading to its dissociation. Three pairs of conserved water molecules contribute to maintaining the geometry of the ligand-binding cavities. Some other water molecules control the orientation and dynamics of different structural elements of hTTR. This systematic study of the location, absence, networking and interactions of the conserved water molecules may shed some light on various structural and functional aspects of the protein. The present study may also provide some rational clues about the conserved water-mediated architecture and stability of hTTR.


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The last few years have seen the identification of numerous small molecules that selectively inhibit specific class I isoforms of PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase), yet little has been revealed about the molecular basis for the observed selectivities. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we have investigated one of the areas postulated as being critical to the observed selectivity. The residues Thr886 and Lys890 of the PI3Kγ isoform project towards the ATP-binding pocket at the entrance to the catalytic site, but are not conserved. We have made reciprocal mutations between those residues in the β isoform (Glu858 and Asp862) and those in the α isoform (His855 and Gln859) and evaluated the potency of a range of reported PI3K inhibitors. The results show that the potencies of β-selective inhibitors TGX221 and TGX286 are unaffected by this change. In contrast, close analogues of these compounds, particularly the α-isoform-selective compound (III), are markedly influenced by the point mutations. The collected data suggests two distinct binding poses for these inhibitor classes, one of which is associated with potent PI3Kβ activity and is not associated with the mutated residues, and a second that, in accord with earlier hypotheses, does involve this pair of non-conserved amino acids at the catalytic site entrance and contributes to the α-isoform-selectivity of the compounds studied.


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The sigma (σ) subunit of eubacterial RNA polymerase is essential for initiation of transcription at promoter sites. σ factor directs the RNA polymerase core subunits ( a2bb′ ) to the promoter consensus elements and thereby confers selectivity for transcription initiation. The N-terminal domain (region 1.1) of Escherichia coli σ70 has been shown to inhibit DNA binding by the C-terminal DNA recognition domains when σ is separated from the core subunits. Since DNA recognition by RNA polymerase is the first step in transcription, it seemed plausible that region 1 might also influence initiation processes subsesquent to DNA binding. This study explores the functional roles of regions 1.1 and 1.2 of σ70 in transcription initiation. Analysis in vitro of the transcriptional properties of a series of N-terminally truncated σ70 derivates revealed a critical role for region 1.1 at several key stages of initiation. Deletion of the first 75 to 100 amino acids of σ70 (region 1.1) resulted in both a slow rate of transition from a closed promoter complex to a DNA-strand-separated open complex, as well as a reduced efficiency of transition from the open complex to a transcriptionally active open complex. These effects were partially reversed by addition of a polypeptide containing region 1.1 in trans. Therefore, region 1.1 not only modulates DNA binding but is important for efficient transcription initiation, once a closed complex has formed. A deletion of the first 133 amino acids which removes both regions 1.1 and 1.2 resulted in arrest of initiation at the earliest closed complex, suggesting that region 1.2 is required for open complex formation. Mutagenesis of region 1.1 uncovered a mechanistically important role for isoleucine at position 53 (I53). Substitution of I53 with alanine created a σ factor that associated with the core subunits to form holoenzyme, but the holoenzyme was severely deficient for promoter binding. The I53A phenotype was suppressed in vivo by truncation of five amino acids from the C-terminus of σ 70. These observations are consistent with a model in which σ 70I53A fails to undergo a critical conformational change upon association with the core subunits, which is needed to expose the DNA-binding domains and confer promoter recognition capability upon holoenzyme. To understand the basis of the autoinhibitory properties of the σ70 N-terminal domain, in the absence of core RNA polymerase, a preliminary physical assessment of the interdomain interactions within the σ70 subunit was launched. Results support a model in which N-terminal amino acids are in close proximity to residues in the C-terminus of the σ 70 polypeptide. ^


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Rapid redistribution of STAT subcellular localization is an essential feature of cytokine signaling. To elucidate the molecular basis of STAT3 function, which plays a critical role in controlling innate immune responses in vivo, we initiated studies to determine the mechanisms controlling STAT3 nuclear trafficking. We found that STAT3 is transported to the nucleus in the absence of cytokine treatment, as judged by indirect immunofluorescence studies in the presence of leptomycin B, an inhibitor of CRM1-dependent nuclear export, suggesting that the non-phosphorylated STAT3 protein contains a functional nuclear import signal. An isoform lacking the STAT3 N-terminal domain (Δ133STAT3) retains the ability to undergo constitutive nuclear localization, indicating that this region is not essential for cytokine-independent nuclear import. Δ133STAT3 is also transported to the nucleus following stimulation with interleukin-6 (IL-6). Interestingly, IL-6-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Δ133STAT3 appears to be prolonged and the nuclear export of the protein delayed in cells expressing endogenous STAT3, consistent with defective Δ133STAT3 dephosphorylation. Endogenous STAT3 does not promote the nuclear export of Δ133STAT3, although dimerization between endogenous Stat3 and Δ133STAT3 is detected readily. Thus, the STAT3 N-terminal domain is not required for dimerization with full-length STAT3, yet appears to play a role in proper export of Stat3 from the nucleus following cytokine stimulation. STAT3-deficient cells reconstituted with Δ133STAT3 show enhanced and prolonged Stat1 signaling in response to IL-6, suggesting that induction of the STAT3-dependent negative regulator SOCS3 is impaired. In fact, Δ133STAT3 fails to induce SOCS3 mRNA efficiently. These studies collectively indicate that the STAT3 N-terminal region may be important for IL-6-dependent target gene activation and nuclear dephosphorylation, while dispensable for nuclear import. STAT3 is an oncogene. STAT3 is constitutively activated in primary tumors of many types. Thus far, research in the design of STAT3 protein inhibitors has focused on the SH2 and DNA-binding domains of STAT3. Interference with these domains eliminates all signaling through STAT3. If the N-terminal domain is involved in tetramerization on a subset of target genes, inhibition of this region may lead to a more selective inhibition of some STAT3 functions while leaving others intact. ^


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Root-knot nematodes (RKNs) induce giant cells (GCs) from root vascular cells inside the galls. Accompanying molecular changes as a function of infection time and across different species, and their functional impact, are still poorly understood. Thus, the transcriptomes of tomato galls and laser capture microdissected (LCM) GCs over the course of parasitism were compared with those of Arabidopsis, and functional analysis of a repressed gene was performed. Microarray hybridization with RNA from galls and LCM GCs, infection-reproduction tests and quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) transcriptional profiles in susceptible and resistant (Mi-1) lines were performed in tomato. Tomato GC-induced genes include some possibly contributing to the epigenetic control of GC identity. GC-repressed genes are conserved between tomato and Arabidopsis, notably those involved in lignin deposition. However, genes related to the regulation of gene expression diverge, suggesting that diverse transcriptional regulators mediate common responses leading to GC formation in different plant species. TPX1, a cell wall peroxidase specifically involved in lignification, was strongly repressed in GCs/galls, but induced in a nearly isogenic Mi-1 resistant line on nematode infection. TPX1 overexpression in susceptible plants hindered nematode reproduction and GC expansion. Time-course and cross-species comparisons of gall and GC transcriptomes provide novel insights pointing to the relevance of gene repression during RKN establishment.