978 resultados para Conjugated dienes


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The lichens Ramalina celastri (Spreng.) Krog & Swinsc., Punctelia microsticta (Müll. Arg.) Krog and Canomaculina pilosa (Stizenb.) Elix & Hale were transplanted simultaneously to 17 urban-industrial sites in a northwestern area of Córdoba city, Argentina. The transplantation sites were set according to different environmental conditions: traffic, industries, tree cover, building height, topographic level, position in the block and distances from the river and from the power plant. Three months later, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, phaeophytin a, soluble proteins, hydroperoxy conjugated dienes, malondialdehyde concentration and sulfur accumulation were determined, and a pollution index was calculated for each sampling site. Redundancy analysis was applied to detect the variation pattern of the lichen variables that can be 'best' explained by the environmental variables considered. The present study provides information about both the specific pattern response of each species to atmospheric pollution, and environmental conditions that determine it. As regards pollutants emission sources R. celastri showed a chemical response associated mainly with pollutant released by the power plant and traffic. P. microsticta and C. pilosa responded mainly to industrial sources. Regarding environmental conditions that affect the spreading of air pollutants and their incidence on the bioindicator, the topographic level and tree cover surrounding the sampling site were found to be important for R. celastri, tree cover surrounding the sampling site and the building height affected P. microsticta, while building height did so for C. pilosa.


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The atmospheric quality and distribution of heavy metals were evaluated throughout a wide region of Argentina. In addition, the biomonitor performance of Tillandsia capillaris Ruiz & Pav. f. capillaris was studied in relation to the accumulation of heavy metals and to its physiologic response to air pollutants. A sampling area of 50,000 km2 was selected in the central region of the Argentine Republic. This area was subdivided into grids of 25 x 25 km. Pools of T. capillaris, where present, were collected at each intersection point. From each pool three sub-samples were analyzed independently. Furthermore, five replicates were collected at 20% of the points in order to analyze the variability within the site. The content of Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, Pb and Zn was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Chemical-physiological parameters were also determined to detect symptoms of foliar damage. Chlorophylls, phaeophytins, hydroperoxy conjugated dienes, malondialdehyde and sulfur were quantified in T. capillaris. Some of these parameters were used to calculate a foliar damage index. Data sets were evaluated by one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, principal component analysis and mapping. Geographical distribution patterns were obtained for the different metals reflecting the contribution of natural and anthropogenic emission sources. According to our results it can be inferred that Fe, Mn and Co probably originated in the soil. For Pb, the highest values were found in the mountainous area, which can be attributed to the presence of Pb in the granitic rocks. Ni showed mainly an anthropogenic origin, with higher values found in places next to industrial centers. For Zn the highest values were in areas of agricultural development. The same was observed for Cu, whose presence could be related to the employment of pesticides. The foliar damage index distribution map showed that the central and southeastern zones were the ones where the major damage in the bioindicator was found. The central zone coincides with the city of Córdoba whereas the southeastern area is strictly agricultural, so the high values found there could be related to the use of pesticides.


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The lipid profile, in vitro digestion and oxidative stability of mutton bird oil were investigated. Wax ester, triacylglycerol and sterol were the major lipids present as determined using capillary chromatography with flame ionisation detector (Iatroscan). Fatty acid analysis by gas chromatography (GC) showed that wax esters had a higher total omega-3 fatty acids content including EPA, DPA and DHA than TAGs (31 % and 24 %, respectively). In TAGs, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data showed that EPA was statistically positioned at sn-1,3 and sn-2, while DHA was preferentially at sn-2. In vitro digestion using porcine pancreatic lipase resulted in 75 % of TAG and 10 % wax ester hydrolysis in 120 min. As reflected in the measured conjugated dienes (CD) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) values during accelerated oxidation at 60 °C for 5 days, the oil was relatively stable against oxidation considering its high omega-3 content.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de avaliar a atividade antioxidante de diferentes extratos de cogumelo Agaricus blazei, bem como a estabilidade oxidativa do óleo de soja adicionado de extrato de cogumelo. O cogumelo seco em estufa a 55ºC e triturado (10 g) fui submetido à extração, à temperatura ambiente, com 100 mL de metanol e metanol:água (1:1) com duração de 6 e 12 horas para ambas as extrações. O extrato de maior atividade antioxidante, conforme o método DPPH, foi aplicado em óleo de soja na concentração de 0,1% de compostos fenólicos totais e, então, submetido ao método do Rancimat e ao teste acelerado em estufa a 60ºC por um período de 16 dias. Amostras de óleo foram retiradas da estufa cada 4 dias e analisadas quanto ao índice de peróxidos e dienos conjugados. Como parâmetros de comparação, foram utilizados os antioxidantes sintéticos BHT (100 mg/kg), TBHQ (50 mg/kg) e o óleo de soja isento de antioxidantes (controle). Os resultados demonstraram que o extrato metanólico:aquoso, com 6 horas de extração, apresentou maior atividade antioxidante. A aplicação desse extrato em óleo de soja proporcionou a seguinte ordem em relação à estabilidade oxidativa: TBHQ > extrato de cogumelo > BHT = óleo de soja (controle). O extrato de cogumelo também foi eficiente em relação à formação de peróxidos e dienos conjugados que, apesar de aumentarem ao longo do tempo, foi menor que o BHT, porém maior que o TBHQ. O extrato de cogumelo apresentou-se efetivo na proteção do óleo, podendo ser considerado um potencial antioxidante natural.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar algumas alterações de óleos vegetais (girassol, soja e milho), utilizado em sucessivas frituras de produtos pré-fritos congelados (batata palito e produto cárneo empanado (snacks). As frituras dos produtos foram conduzidas em fritadeira doméstica e com as seguintes condições controladas: temperatura de 180°C, relação superfície/volume de 0,3 cm-1 e tempo total de aquecimento de 12 h. Nas amostras dos óleos procederam-se as determinações analíticas: compostos polares totais, dienos conjugados, índice de ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBA) e medida da estabilidade oxidativa. Os resultados, em duplicata, obtidos das determinações analíticas foram submetidos às análises de variância, empregando um esquema fatorial, no delineamento inteiramente casual, de modo a determinar a influência dos fatores (produtos, óleos e tempos de fritura) sobre as alterações nos óleos. Os óleos vegetais utilizados nas frituras dos snacks apresentaram menores alterações do que os óleos utilizados para fritura das batatas. Os resultados mostraram que os óleos estudados, apesar das diferenças na composição em ácidos graxos, não apresentaram, em nenhuma análise, valores acima dos limites recomendados em alguns países para o descarte de óleos, independentemente do tipo de produto frito e tempo de aquecimento.


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The main objective of this study was to evaluate the degree of degradation of the soybean oil used in frying processes. The quality of the oil during the frying process was evaluated by means of physical-chemical analyses, such: conjugated dienes (%) and TBA index (mmoles g(-1)), and determination of total polar compounds (%). It was observed that the values of conjugated dienes increasing significantly with time until 1.87% after 15 hours for fry pans I and 1.76% after 22.5 hours for fry pans II. The TBA indexes reached at the end the frying process values of 0.0265 and 0.0210 mmoles g(-1) for fry pans I and II, respectively. The percentages of total polar compounds have shown an increase of six and eight times in relation to the original sample starting from 5.9% and 3.7% and reaching values of 36.8% and 29.2%, for fry pan I and II, after 15 and 22.5 hours of heating, respectively. It has been concluded that the alterations of the soybean oil increased as the time of frying increased, for both fry pans. The oil used in fry pan I showed greater alteration than the that observed in the oil used in fry pan II, in spite of the time of heating being shorter. Taking into consideration that the levels of polar compounds should be less than 25% according to the legislation of several countries, the oils used in both fry pans were already inadequate conditions at the moment of disposal.


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This work was aimed at evaluating the antioxidant activity of rosemary extract added to soybean oil in thermoxidation conditions. Purified soybean oil, refined soybean oil and refined soybean oil containing 1,000 mg/kg rosemary extract were heated at 180°C. The oxidation of the samples was evaluated after 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 hours of thermoxidation by means of oxidative stability determination, total polar compounds and conjugated dienes. The purified oil differed significantly from the refined oil, mainly in relation to oxidative stability due the removal of the natural antioxidants. Rosemary extract presented antioxidant effects at high temperatures. After 10 hours of heating, 1,000 mg/kg rosemary extract added to the refined soybean oil significantly increased the oil oxidative stability from 7.52 to 13.5 hours and decreased the formation of polymers and decomposing products measured through the polar rates from 17.35 to 7.99%. The build up of primary oxidation products gauged through diene rates also decreased from 1.61 to 0.80%. Rosemary extract could be recommended as an alternative antioxidant.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the oxidative stability of soybean oil added by Lentinus edodes and Agaricus blezei extracts in accelerated storage test. Design/methodology/approach: The following treatments were subjected to accelerated storage test in an oven at 60°C for 15 days: Control (soybean oil without antioxidants), TBHQ (soybean oil + 100 mg/kg of TBHQ), BHT (soybean oil + 100 mg/kg of BHT), L. edodes (soybean oil + 3,500 mg/kg of L. edodes extract) and A. blazei (soybean oil + 3,500 mg/kg of A. blazei extract). The samples were taken every three days and analyzed for peroxide values and conjugated dienes. Findings: At the end of 15 days, the treatments TBHQ, A. blazei, L. edodes, Control and BHT showed 6.47, 8.81, 41.53, 71.28 and 78.40 meq/kg, respectively, for peroxide values and 0.37, 0.40, 0.67, 1.07 and 1.00 per cent, respectively, for conjugated dienes. Originality/value: The research indicates that mushrooms may be a promising source of natural antioxidants. Therefore, natural extracts of mushrooms can be applied to vegetable oils as a way to reduce the degradation caused by lipid oxidation. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant effect of oregano and thyme extracts isolatedly and combinedly applied in soybean oil. Design/methodology/approach: Soybean oil containing 3,000 mg/kg of oregano and thyme oleoresins and the mixture of both, as well as soybean oil containing TBHQ (50 mg/kg) and soybean oil free of antioxidants, were subjected to accelerated oven test (60°C/10 days). Samples were collected every two days and analyzed as to their peroxide and conjugated diene values. Findings: The mixture of oleoresins and consequent increase of concentration were as effective as the antioxidant TBHQ. Practical implications: These studies may prove to be beneficial to the exploitation of natural antioxidant sources for the preservation and/or extension of raw and processed food shelf life. Therefore, they could also be applied in the area of pharmaceuticals for the protection of human life. Originality/value: This study offers information on the use of natural antioxidants as an alternative to the use of synthetic antioxidants, which might be considered toxic. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of extract of basil and oregano, and its synergistic effect when added to soybean oil and subjected to accelerated storage test. Extracts of basil, oregano and mixtures of both were applied to soybean oil at a concentration of 2.000mg/kg, then the extracts were heated in an oven at 60C for a period of 10 days. Samples were taken every 2 days and analyzed for concentrations of peroxides and conjugated dienes. Synthetic antioxidant tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) at a concentration of 50mg/kg and soybean oil free antioxidant (control) subject to the same conditions were used as benchmarks. The results showed that the antioxidant effect decreases according to oil heating for all treatments. However, the synthetic antioxidant showed superior protection to the soybean oil during the formation of primary oxidation compounds, followed by the natural extracts, which showed no synergism. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE