972 resultados para Congo (Democratic Republic). Commission to Investigate the State Territories.
"List of New York state soldiers buried in Andersonville national cemetary": p. 171-241.
Includes index.
This is the Report of the Code Commissioners to the Twenty-fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa
Includes discussion of Tindemans report.
Printed for the use of the Joint Committee on Interstate Commerce.
Published by the association under its earlier name: American Prison Association.
John J. McNaboe, chairman. His autograph presentation copy to Col. Desmond O'Keefe.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
Miscellaneous after 1825.
Adaptation and reproductive isolation, the engines of biological diversity, are still elusive when discussing the genetic bases of speciation. Namely, the number of genes and magnitude of selection acting positively or negatively on genomic traits implicated in speciation is contentious. Here, we describe the first steps of an ongoing research program aimed at understanding the genetic bases of population divergence and reproductive isolation in the lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis). A preliminary linkage map originating from a hybrid cross between dwarf and normal ecotypes is presented, whereby some of the segregating AFLP markers were found to be conserved among natural populations. Maximum-likelihood was used to estimate hybrid indices from non-diagnostic markers at 998 AFLP loci. This allowed identification of the most likely candidate loci that have been under the influence of selection during the natural hybridisation of whitefish originating from different glacial races. As some of these loci could be identified on the linkage map, the possibility that selection of traits in natural populations may eventually be correlated to specific chromosomal regions was demonstrated. The future prospects and potential of these approaches to elucidate the genetic bases of adaptation and reproductive isolation among sympatric ecotypes of lake whitefish is discussed.
Does shareholder value orientation lead to shareholder value creation? This article proposes methods to quantify both, shareholder value orientation and shareholder value creation. Through the application of these models it is possible to quantify both dimensions and examine statistically in how far shareholder value orientation explains shareholder value creation. The scoring model developed in this paper allows quantifying the orientation of managers towards the objective to maximize wealth of shareholders. The method evaluates information that comes from the companies and scores the value orientation in a scale from 0 to 10 points. Analytically the variable value orientation is operationalized expressing it as the general attitude of managers toward the objective of value creation, investment policy and behavior, flexibility and further eight value drivers. The value creation model works with market data such as stock prices and dividend payments. Both methods where applied to a sample of 38 blue chip companies: 32 firms belonged to the share index IBEX 35 on July 1st, 1999, one company represents the “new economy” listed in the Spanish New Market as per July 1st, 2001, and 5 European multinational groups formed part of the EuroStoxx 50 index also on July 1st, 2001. The research period comprised the financial years 1998, 1999, and 2000. A regression analysis showed that between 15.9% and 23.4% of shareholder value creation can be explained by shareholder value orientation.
One of the main problems in combating tuberculosis is caused by a poor penetration of drugs into the mycobacterial cells. A prodrug approach via activation inside mycobacterial cells is a possible strategy to overcome this hurdle and achieve efficient drug uptake. Esters are attractive candidates for such a strategy and we and others communicated previously the activity of esters of weak organic acids against mycobacteria. However very little is known about ester hydrolysis by mycobacteria and no biological model is available to study the activation of prodrugs by these microorganisms. To begin filling this gap, we have embarked in a project to develop an in vitro method to study prodrug activation by mycobacteria using Mycobacterium smegmatis homogenates. Model ester substrates were ethyl nicotinate and ethyl benzoate whose hydrolysis was monitored and characterized kinetically. Our studies showed that in M. smegmatis most esterase activity is associated with the soluble fraction (cytosol) and is preserved by storage at 5°C or at room temperature for one hour, or by storage at -80°C up to one year. In the range of homogenate concentrations studied (5-80% in buffer), k(obs) varied linearly with homogenate concentration for both substrates. We also found that the homogenates showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics behavior with both prodrugs. Since ethyl benzoate is a good substrate for the mycobacterial esterases, this compound can be used to standardize the esterasic activity of homogenates, allowing results of incubations of prodrugs with homogenates from different batches to be readily compared.
BACKGROUND Uncomplicated chronic rachialgia is a highly prevalent complaint, and one for which therapeutic results are contradictory. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of treatment with auriculopressure, in the primary healthcare sector, carried out by trained healthcare professionals via a 30-hour course. METHODS/DESIGN The design consists of a multi-centre randomized controlled trial, with placebo, with two parallel groups, and including an economic evaluation. Patients with chronic uncomplicated rachialgia, whose GP is considering referral for auriculopressure sensory stimulation, are eligible for inclusion. Sampling will be by consecutive selection, and randomised allocation to one of the two study arms will be determined using a centralised method, following a 1:1 plan (true auriculopressure; placebo auriculopressure). The implants (true and placebo) will be replaced once weekly, and the treatment will have a duration of 8 weeks. The primary outcome measure will be the change in pain intensity, measured on a visual analogue scale (VAS) of 100 mm, at 9 weeks after beginning the treatment. A follow up study will be performed at 6 months after beginning treatment. An assessment will also be made of the changes measured in the Spanish version of the McGill Pain Questionnaire, of the changes in the Lattinen test, and of the changes in quality of life (SF-12). Also planned is an analysis of cost-effectiveness and also, if necessary, a cost-benefit analysis. DISCUSSION This study will contribute to developing evidence on the use of auriculotherapy using Semen vaccariae [wang bu liu xing] for the treatment of uncomplicated chronic rachialgia. TRIAL REGISTRATION Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN01897462.
Rapport de synthèse : Les maladies cardio-vasculaires constituent les causes principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité dans les pays industrialisés. Des études épidémiologiques ont démontré l'implication de facteurs de risques comme l'hypertension, l'hypercholestérolémie, l'obésité abdominale, le diabète et le tabagisme dans le développement des affections cardiovasculaires comme l'infarctus du myocarde ou l'accident vasculaire cérébral. De larges études génétiques cas-contrôle ont contribué modestement à l'identification de gènes de susceptibilité au développement de ces FRCV. Une étude populationnelle offre par contre l'avantage d'effectuer des études associatives pour des traits phénotypiques continus correctement mesurés et aussi pour des traits de catégories utilisant des protocoles d'étude cas-contrôle très discordants. ~ Elle permet l'exploration des déterminants génétiques comme par exemple le syndrome métabolique. Cette approche permet également de procéder à des analyses de séquençage sur l'ADN des participants chez qui un trait phénotypique spécifique est étudié mais distribué de manière opposée. A titre d'exemple, le séquençage de l'ADN de participants à taux très élevé d'HDL-cholestérol versus très bas de ce marqueur lipidique permet d'identifier des variants génétiques rares localisés sur les parties codantes de gènes spécifiques associés aux dyslipidémies. Pour ce faire, nous avons recruté 6'188 personnes âgées de 35 à 75 ans, d'origine caucasienne et résidant en ville de Lausanne (3251 femmes et 2937 hommes). L'obtention d'un tel collectif a nécessité l'échantillonnage aléatoire de quelque 19'830 personnes de cette tranche d'âge. Les participants ont fait l'objet d'une anamnèse approfondie et d'un examen clinique. Le bilan était complété par une prise de sang pour le dosage de paramètres biologiques ainsi qu'une analyse .génétique. Cette dernière a été effectuée après extraction d'ADN au moyen d'une puce Affimetrix qui évalue la présence de quelques 500'000 SNPs. Les données récoltées lors de cette étude dévoilent que l'obésité (index de masse corporelle > 30 kg/m2), le tabagisme, l'hypertension (pression artérielle >_ 140/90 mmHg et/ou hypertension traitée), une dyslipidémie (LDL cholestérol élevé et/ou HDL cholestérol bas et/ou triglycéride élevé) et le diabète (glucose à jeun >_ 7 mmol/l et/ou traitement) affectent respectivement 947 (15,7%), 1673 (27%), 2268 (36,7%), 2113 (34,2%) et 407 (6,6%) participants. La prévalence de ces FRCV est plus marquée chez les hommes que chez les femmes. Dans les deux genres les prévalences de l'obésité, de l'hypertension et du diabète augmentent drastiquement avec l'âge. En conclusion la prévalence des FRCV est élevée au sein d'une population représentative de Lausanne âgée de 35 à 75 ans. A l'avenir, l'étude CoLaus constituera par la richesse de ses données phénotypiques et génétiques, une source unique pour investiguer l'épidémiologie et l'identification de gènes associés à ces FRCV.