942 resultados para Conflict, tourism, memory, violence, Belfast


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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In the years following the fall of Slobodan Milo evic, Serbian social, cultural and political responses to the wars of the 1990s have fallen under intense international scrutiny. But is this scrutiny justfied, and how can these responses be better understood? Jelena Obradovic engages with ideas about post-conflict societies, memory, cultural trauma, and national myths of victimhood and justified war to shed light upon Serbian denial and justification of war crimes - for example, Serbia's reluctant cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Rather than treating denial as a failure to come to terms with the past or as resurgent nationalism, Obradovic argues that the justification of atrocities are often the result of a societal need to understand and incorporate violent events within culturally acceptable boundaries.


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Background: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a major social and public health problem affecting people across cultures, religions and societies. Much research has been undertaken to offer understanding and explanations of this phenomenon, its determinants, and its consequences in developed countries around the world. However, there is still a paucity of research on IPV in many areas of the developing world such as Pakistan. Although various studies have been conducted to demonstrate the prevalence of IPV in the country, none of the studies have tried to explore the meaning of IPV from the perspective of Pakistani people. Aim: This study aimed to explore understandings of Pakistani men and women of IPV. It aimed to develop a theory to explain the meaning of IPV and the process through which it occurs, from the perspective of Pakistani people. Methods: The study utilised a qualitative approach with constructivist grounded theory methods and analysis techniques. Data was collected from Karachi, Pakistan and Sheffield, UK. Forty one people (20 from Pakistan and 21 from UK) participated in the study. Findings: The participants identified IPV as a serious concern. Although verbal abuse is often included in definitions of IPV, the participants did not consider shouting, raising the voice or scolding as a type of violence. Hitting, beating, pushing, throwing objects, and pulling hair were identified as acts of physical violence, and non-consensual sex was identified as a form of sexual abuse. Participants identified failure to meet role expectations of a husband or wife as a key contributor to the development of conflict between partners which could lead to IPV. Examples of various expectations from a wife include completing household chores, looking after husband, looking after children, looking after in laws, respecting and adjusting to in-law's customs and traditions. Important expectation from a husband include provision of finances, acting as a bridge, maintaining a balance between his wife and other family members particularly his mother and sisters, and taking the responsibility for his wife and children. Failure to meet these expectations could contribute to conflict and subsequent violence. This appeared to be shaped by cultural issues such as common use of arranged marriages, the rarity of divorce and the centrality of the extended family to the intimate partnership. Implications: Any interventions aimed at reducing IPV in Pakistani people must consider the meaning and causes of IPV from the perspective of that group.


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O presente trabalho pretende realizar o estudo sobre o modelo de corporalidade que foi difundido pela cinematografia recente inspirada pelo movimento cyberpunk. Marcados pela expressão de uma nova forma de dualismo que se funde com os pressupostos antes associados à chamada estética grotesca de um corpo pouco individualizado e aberto ao intercâmbio com o mundo externo e ao mesmo tempo bastante marcado por um novo tipo de conflito agora entre memória e organicidade. O texto discutirá também a contextualização social do movimento cyberpunk que pretendeu unificar a contracultura dos anos 60 com as discussões derivadas das novas tecnologias contemporâneas e seus efeitos nas novas concepções sobre corporeidade e conflito mente/corpo.


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Esta tese tem como objetivo principal fazer dialogar gênero, cultura popular e crime. O fio condutor do trabalho são as técnicas de conflitos e gestão da violência como interações possuidoras de imagens sexuais (STRATHERN, 2006) analisadas nos encontros de força (MACHADO DA SILVA, 2008) entre moradores e traficantes na favela Nova Holanda, Maré - Rio de Janeiro. Resulta de pesquisa sobre o universo de valentia de galeras Funk e a pacificação do Comando Vermelho analisado a partir de relatos e percursos etnográficos que me foram possíveis através da experiência de moradora cria. Argumento que este processo realiza uma expansão discursiva do crime (FELTRAN, 2006) produzindo perturbações físico-morais (DUARTE, 1987) - expressas pela categoria êmica neurose. As performances proibidas Funk revelam diferentes técnicas de si afirmativas, ofensivas e defensivas parte de um espectro ampliado de representações articuladas por uma gramática patriarcal de guerra e paz responsável pela oposição entre mundos masculinos e femininos. Neste contexto normalizador sãoperformados(BUTLER, 2004) o sujeito homem, a amante e a fiel, enquanto personas populares de valentia que reatualizam a histórica mediação entre o malandro e o bandido (MISSE, 1999). Nas situações vividas, o idioma de gênero permite explorar a produção de fronteiras entre o uso da força e a regulação do convívio, indicando nexos variados de como se processam os conflitos, seja por anulação, mediação e/ou explicitação


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Reparations have been often used victim-centred measures to redress both private harm and gross violations of human rights. However, with the increasing occurrence of internal armed conflict and political violence, identities of victims and perpetrators in protracted conflicts can become blurred for some individuals. In countries like Peru and Northern Ireland that have suffered protracted violence, victimhood has been contested around which individuals are seen as innocent and deserving to exclude any members of non-state armed groups from claiming reparations. This article explores the issue of a proposed bill on a pension for injured victims of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. It identifies that there is no consistent state practice or human rights jurisprudence in this area, but instead offers a more complex approach through four models that can grapple with the seeming diametrically opposed victimhood and responsibility, by including victimised-perpetrators in reparations programmes such as that proposed for a pension of seriously injured victims in Northern Ireland.


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Memory is thought to be about the past. The past is a problem in conflict transformation. This lecture suggests memory can also be about the future. It introduces the notion of remembering forwards, which is contrasted with remembering backwards. The distinction between these two forms of remembering defines the burden of memory in post-conflict societies generally and specifically in Ireland. In societies emerging out of conflict, where divided memories in part constituted the conflict, social memory privileges remembering backward. Collective and personal memories elide within social memory to perpetuate divided group identities and contested personal narratives. Above all, social memory works to arbitrate the future, by predisposing an extreme memory culture that locks people into the past. Forgetting the past is impossible and undesirable. What is needed in societies emerging out of conflict is to be released from the hold that oppressive and haunting memories have over people. This lecture will suggest that this is found in the idea of remembering forwards. This is not the same as forgetting. It is remembering to cease to remember oppressive and haunting memories. It does not involve non-remembrance but active remembering: remembering to cease to remember the past. While the past lives in us always, remembering forwards assists us in not living in the past. Remembering forwards thus allows us to live in tolerance in the future despite the reality that divided memories endure and live on. The lecture further argues that these enduring divided memories need to be reimagined by the application of truth, tolerance, togetherness and trajectory. The lecture suggests that it is through remembering forwards with truth, tolerance, togetherness and trajectory that people in post-conflict societies can inherit the future despite their divided pasts and live in tolerance in the midst of contested memories.


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This study examines coverage of lane-Finch in popular Canadian newspapers in 2007. It explores the often-negative representations of the community through conceptual frameworks based on the work of Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes and Edward Said. The question it attempts to answer is: What knowledge and power relationships are embedded within depictions of lane-Finch in popular Canadian newspapers in 2007? The methodology is a version of critical discourse analysis based on Foucault's The Archaeology of Knowledge. It finds that predominantly-negative connotations of the neighbourhood are reinforced through the perpetuation of dominant discourses, the use of "expert" knowledge sources, and the discounting of subjugated knowledges or livedexperiences of residents. The study concludes by suggesting where further research within the realm of popular culture and community identity can be directed.


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La presente revisión de la literatura tiene el objetivo de identificar el rol que desempeña el testigo en la elaboración individual del trauma y el papel que cumple en el establecimiento de la memoria colectiva en contextos de conflicto armado. El papel del testigo, dentro de esta situación, puede ser adoptado por el agresor, la víctima o un tercero que presencia una escena, cumpliendo con diversas funciones tanto a nivel individual como colectivo, no solo en el área jurídica, también en la antropológica, psicológica, histórica, entre otras. Su principal producción, que corresponde al testimonio, media procesos tales como la elaboración del trauma y la constitución de la memoria colectiva. El testimonio, siendo una producción lingüística, por medio de la palabra y el silencio, funciona como una herramienta con la que cuenta tanto el sujeto como las sociedades para dar sentido a su existencia. La acción de testimoniar, a través de la virtud creadora del lenguaje, permite articular a nivel individual las experiencias limite vividas por un sujeto, teniendo igualmente un efecto reparador dentro del tejido social una vez alterado.


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El interés de esta monografía es analizar los alcances y las limitaciones de la actuación de UNAMID en la defensa de los Derechos Humanos de las mujeres en el conflicto en Darfur (2008-2012). Lo anterior, para dar cuenta de que si bien UNAMID ha tenido avances significativos en el aumento de denuncias por violación sexual, en la educación y en la inclusión de la mujer en Darfur, la intervención tardía, la falta de personal cualificado y el lento despliegue ha limitado su actuación para erradicar la violencia sexual como arma de guerra. Sin embargo, la baja internalización de la norma por parte del Estado de Sudán ha sido el mayor limitante para la Misión de Paz. Este análisis se realiza mediante el concepto de Responsabilidad de proteger y el enfoque de Alexander Wendt y Nicholas Onuf.


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El texto pretende esbozar un modo de disposición y exposición del archivo visual basado en la noción de montaje. El método se esbozará a partir de algunos de los elementos del proceder metodológico de Aby Warburg y Walter Benjamin. Las correspondencias que se han trazado entre las prácticas históricas de ambos autores, se aprovecharán para dar cuenta de un método que comparten en cuanto al modo especial de entender las relaciones entre los elementos del archivo y las temporalidades que es posible establecer a partir de estas relaciones. Desde allí, se sugiere la posibilidad de construir un montaje de imágenes, producidas en diferentes contextos de circulación con el motivo iconográfico de la lengua violentada, a través del cual se alude a las relaciones entre memoria, violencia y silencio, y con el que se muestra que este procedimiento hace posible establecer correspondencias entre diferentes épocas de la violencia en Colombia.