706 resultados para Concurrent Engineering
Verkostotoiminta asettaa haasteita suunnittelutyölle, valmistukselle, hankintatoimelle ja laadunhallinnalle, jotka kaikki vaikuttavat kokoonpanon sujuvuuteen. Suunnittelun ja valmistuksen yhteistyö on entistäkin haasteellisempaa, kun osavalmistus toteutetaan erillisillä toimittajilla. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää The Switch Drive Systems Oy:n tuotteiden kokoonpantavuuden parantamisen mahdollisuuksia sekä toimia yrityksen kokoonpantavuuteen liittyvien toimintamallien kehittämisen perustana. Diplomityöstä on olemassa myös julkinen versio. Työ alkaa kirjallisuuskatsauksella, jossa kuvataan kokoonpanoystävällisyyttä ja kokoonpanoystävällistä toimintaa kattaen suunnittelun, osien ja osakokoonpanojen valmistamisen verkostotuotannossa sekä kokoonpanotyön. Toimittajayhteistyötä ja laadunhallintaa käsitellään näiden lukujen yhteydessä. Työn käytännön osuudessa kartoitetaan The Switchin tuotteiden ja yrityksen toimintatapojen kokoonpanoystävällisyyden parantamismahdollisuuksia. Tämä toteutettiin The Switchin henkilöstön sekä osakokoonpanojen ja osien toimittajien haastatteluilla, toiminnan tarkkailulla sekä piirustuksiin ja prosessikuvauksiin perehtymällä. Kokoonpantavuuden ja valmistettavuuden systemaattinen huomioiminen on kannattavaa suunnittelun alusta alkaen. Tässä tulee mm. hyödyntää sekä toimittajien että The Switchin kokoonpanossa olevaa tietoa ja kokemusta.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää Pilomac – konsernin päähankkijayrityksien tuotteiden valmistettavuutta yhteistyössä yrityksien suunnitteluosastojen ja teräsrakenteita valmistavien toimittajayrityksien kanssa. Päähankkija-yritysten, Junttan Oy:n ja Logset Oy:n, osavalmistusten ulkoistamisen myötä toimittajasuhteet ovat vähitellen muuttumassa verkostomaiseen toimintatapaan. Täten on tärkeää muuttaa ja kehittää tuotteiden valmistettavuuden mahdollistavat toimintamallit vastaamaan uutta toimintatapaa. Keskeinen perusmenetelmä valmistettavuuden huomioimisessa on suunnittelun ja valmistuksen välisen tuotekehitysyhteistyön syventäminen rinnakkaissuunnitteluksi, (CE). Verkostokumppaneiden välinen yhteistyö perustuu avoimuuteen, luottamukseen ja molempia osapuolia hyödyttävään jatkuvaan kehitystyöhön. Verkostomainen toimintatapa mahdollistaa luontevasti tuotteen suunnittelu- ja kehitysvastuiden jaottelun yritysten ydinosaamisen mukaan. Onnistuneen työnjaon myötä resurssit lisääntyvät ja valmistusteknologiat, suunnittelu ja laatu kehittyvät ja monipuolistuvat. Työn aihetta tutkittiin soveltavassa osassa benchmarkingin, nykytilakuvauksien sekä toimittajaverkoston analysoinnin avulla. Toimittajaverkoston analysointi tehtiin laajan verkostokumppanikyselyn avulla, josta selvisi Junttan Oy:n toimittajaverkoston resurssit ja kyvykkyys. Kyselyssä selvitettiin myös nykyisten toimittajien näkemyksiä valmistettavuuden kehittämisestä, kumppaneille asetettavista yhteistyövaatimuksista sekä näiden toimintamallien vaikutuksista tuotteiden kilpailukyvyn parantumiseen. Työn tuloksena selvisivät osa-alueet, joita Junttan Oy:n kannattaa hyödyntää tulevaisuudessa enemmän sekä toimintamallit, jotka mahdollistavat tuotteiden valmistettavuuden jatkuvan kehittämisen.
This paper provides an overview of an Enterprise Engineering method called IEM (Integrated Enterprise Modeling) and it describes the usage of SIX SIGMA approach for performance measurement of an enterprise. Based on these two instruments a methodology including procedure and tools is developed, which allows enterprises to define their adequate quality criteria for performance, to measure performance and quality and to derive reasonable actions to take for optimization. Determination of adequate quality and performance criteria and reasonable measures for the enterprise organization means “Quality Governance”.
Exascale systems are the next frontier in high-performance computing and are expected to deliver a performance of the order of 10^18 operations per second using massive multicore processors. Very large- and extreme-scale parallel systems pose critical algorithmic challenges, especially related to concurrency, locality and the need to avoid global communication patterns. This work investigates a novel protocol for dynamic group communication that can be used to remove the global communication requirement and to reduce the communication cost in parallel formulations of iterative data mining algorithms. The protocol is used to provide a communication-efficient parallel formulation of the k-means algorithm for cluster analysis. The approach is based on a collective communication operation for dynamic groups of processes and exploits non-uniform data distributions. Non-uniform data distributions can be either found in real-world distributed applications or induced by means of multidimensional binary search trees. The analysis of the proposed dynamic group communication protocol has shown that it does not introduce significant communication overhead. The parallel clustering algorithm has also been extended to accommodate an approximation error, which allows a further reduction of the communication costs. The effectiveness of the exact and approximate methods has been tested in a parallel computing system with 64 processors and in simulations with 1024 processing elements.
Enterprises need continuous product development activities to remain competitive in the marketplace. Their product development process (PDP) must manage stakeholders' needs - technical, financial, legal, and environmental aspects, customer requirements, Corporate strategy, etc. -, being a multidisciplinary and strategic issue. An approach to use real option to support the decision-making process at PDP phases in taken. The real option valuation method is often presented as an alternative to the conventional net present value (NPV) approach. It is based on the same principals of financial options: the right to buy or sell financial values (mostly stocks) at a predetermined price, with no obligation to do so. In PDP, a multi-period approach that takes into account the flexibility of, for instance, being able to postpone prototyping and design decisions, waiting for more information about technologies, customer acceptance, funding, etc. In the present article, the state of the art of real options theory is prospected and a model to use the real options in PDP is proposed, so that financial aspects can be properly considered at each project phase of the product development. Conclusion is that such model can provide more robustness to the decisions processes within PDP.
Outsourcing is related to the action which an organization deals with its suppliers through a kind of business contract where a specific activity or service has been hired to be made. The outsourcing of some activities has become a common practice in the industry, nowadays. It reduces costs, significantly, in the production process and, at the same time, adds some values to the business organization. However it is necessary to measure the performance of these activities. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a non-parametric method useful to measure comparative performance. It has a wide range of applications measuring comparative efficiency. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a multiple criteria decision-making method that uses hierarchic structures to represent a decision problem and then develops priorities for the alternatives based on the decision-maker's judgments. This paper presents an integrated application based on DEA and AHP to evaluate the efficiency of subcontracted companies in a Brazilian aerospace factory. © 2007 Springer-Verlag London Limited.
This paper presents the virtual environment implementation for project simulation and conception of supervision and control systems for mobile robots, that are capable to operate and adapting in different environments and conditions. This virtual system has as purpose to facilitate the development of embedded architecture systems, emphasizing the implementation of tools that allow the simulation of the kinematic conditions, dynamic and control, with real time monitoring of all important system points. For this, an open control architecture is proposal, integrating the two main techniques of robotic control implementation in the hardware level: systems microprocessors and reconfigurable hardware devices. The implemented simulator system is composed of a trajectory generating module, a kinematic and dynamic simulator module and of a analysis module of results and errors. All the kinematic and dynamic results shown during the simulation can be evaluated and visualized in graphs and tables formats, in the results analysis module, allowing an improvement in the system, minimizing the errors with the necessary adjustments optimization. For controller implementation in the embedded system, it uses the rapid prototyping, that is the technology that allows, in set with the virtual simulation environment, the development of a controller project for mobile robots. The validation and tests had been accomplish with nonholonomics mobile robots models with diferencial transmission. © 2008 IEEE.
O trabalho trata do fluxo de informações no processo de desenvolvimento de projetos, de edificações comerciais e multifamiliares verticais, gerados a partir das rotinas de comunicação entre empresa construtora, arquiteto, projetistas de estrutura, de instalações elétricas e hidrosanitárias e os procedimentos por eles aplicados, para se alcançar a qualidade desejada dos projetos. São investigados a problemática das metodologias tradicionais de projeto e a aplicabilidade de conceitos de engenharia simultânea, sugerindo a realização em paralelo das varias etapas do processo, desenvolvimento integrado de projetos do produto e da produção, estabelecimento de equipes ultidisciplinares e uma maior orientação para a satisfação do cliente final. É apresentado um método de análise capaz de identificar a maturidade das empresas construtoras para a implantação da engenharia simultânea e a explicitação do fluxo de informações, fornecendo uma visão global do processo de projeto. São realizados três estudos de caso consultando três empresas construtoras e incorporadoras e seus respectivos projetistas: arquiteto, engenheiro estrutural, elétrico e hidrosanitário, os quais corroboram as hipóteses estabelecidas na pesquisa. Como conclusão recomenda-se o desenvolvimento de modelos de processo de projeto baseados nos princípios de engenharia simultânea e métodos que possam vir a oferecer uma visão global do processo, dando suporte aos intervenientes na troca sistematizada e racionalizada das informações, objetivando a introdução de ferramentas que possam contribuir para uma modelagem do processo de projeto harmonizada com os princípios de qualidade.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present dissertation relates to methodologies and technics about industrial and mechanical design. The author intends to give a complete idea about the world of design, showing the theories of Quality Function Deployment and TRIZ, of other methods just like planning, budgeting, Value Analysis and Engineering, Concurrent Engineering, Design for Assembly and Manufactoring, etc., and their applications to five concrete cases. In these cases there are also illustrated design technics as CAD, CAS, CAM; Rendering, which are ways to transform an idea into reality. The most important object of the work is, however, the birth of a new methodology, coming up from a comparison between QFD and TRIZ and their integration through other methodologies, just like Time and Cost Analysis, learned and skilled during an important experience in a very famous Italian automotive factory.
onceptual design phase is partially supported by product lifecycle management/computer-aided design (PLM/CAD) systems causing discontinuity of the design information flow: customer needs — functional requirements — key characteristics — design parameters (DPs) — geometric DPs. Aiming to address this issue, it is proposed a knowledge-based approach is proposed to integrate quality function deployment, failure mode and effects analysis, and axiomatic design into a commercial PLM/CAD system. A case study, main subject of this article, was carried out to validate the proposed process, to evaluate, by a pilot development, how the commercial PLM/CAD modules and application programming interface could support the information flow, and based on the pilot scheme results to propose a full development framework.
Commercial computer-aided design systems support the geometric definition of product, but they lack utilities to support initial design stages. Typical tasks such as customer need capture, functional requirement formalization, or design parameter definition are conducted in applications that, for instance, support ?quality function deployment? and ?failure modes and effects analysis? techniques. Such applications are noninteroperable with the computer-aided design systems, leading to discontinuous design information flows. This study addresses this issue and proposes a method to enhance the integration of design information generated in the early design stages into a commercial computer-aided design system. To demonstrate the feasibility of the approach adopted, a prototype application was developed and two case studies were executed.
Esta tesis se ha realizado en el contexto del proyecto UPMSat-2, que es un microsatélite diseñado, construido y operado por el Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad "Ignacio Da Riva" (IDR / UPM) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Aplicación de la metodología Ingeniería Concurrente (Concurrent Engineering: CE) en el marco de la aplicación de diseño multidisciplinar (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: MDO) es uno de los principales objetivos del presente trabajo. En los últimos años, ha habido un interés continuo en la participación de los grupos de investigación de las universidades en los estudios de la tecnología espacial a través de sus propios microsatélites. La participación en este tipo de proyectos tiene algunos desafíos inherentes, tales como presupuestos y servicios limitados. Además, debido al hecho de que el objetivo principal de estos proyectos es fundamentalmente educativo, por lo general hay incertidumbres en cuanto a su misión en órbita y cargas útiles en las primeras fases del proyecto. Por otro lado, existen limitaciones predeterminadas para sus presupuestos de masa, volumen y energía, debido al hecho de que la mayoría de ellos están considerados como una carga útil auxiliar para el lanzamiento. De este modo, el costo de lanzamiento se reduce considerablemente. En este contexto, el subsistema estructural del satélite es uno de los más afectados por las restricciones que impone el lanzador. Esto puede afectar a diferentes aspectos, incluyendo las dimensiones, la resistencia y los requisitos de frecuencia. En la primera parte de esta tesis, la atención se centra en el desarrollo de una herramienta de diseño del subsistema estructural que evalúa, no sólo las propiedades de la estructura primaria como variables, sino también algunas variables de nivel de sistema del satélite, como la masa de la carga útil y la masa y las dimensiones extremas de satélite. Este enfoque permite que el equipo de diseño obtenga una mejor visión del diseño en un espacio de diseño extendido. La herramienta de diseño estructural se basa en las fórmulas y los supuestos apropiados, incluyendo los modelos estáticos y dinámicos del satélite. Un algoritmo genético (Genetic Algorithm: GA) se aplica al espacio de diseño para optimizaciones de objetivo único y también multiobjetivo. El resultado de la optimización multiobjetivo es un Pareto-optimal basado en dos objetivo, la masa total de satélites mínimo y el máximo presupuesto de masa de carga útil. Por otro lado, la aplicación de los microsatélites en misiones espaciales es de interés por su menor coste y tiempo de desarrollo. La gran necesidad de las aplicaciones de teledetección es un fuerte impulsor de su popularidad en este tipo de misiones espaciales. Las misiones de tele-observación por satélite son esenciales para la investigación de los recursos de la tierra y el medio ambiente. En estas misiones existen interrelaciones estrechas entre diferentes requisitos como la altitud orbital, tiempo de revisita, el ciclo de vida y la resolución. Además, todos estos requisitos puede afectar a toda las características de diseño. Durante los últimos años la aplicación de CE en las misiones espaciales ha demostrado una gran ventaja para llegar al diseño óptimo, teniendo en cuenta tanto el rendimiento y el costo del proyecto. Un ejemplo bien conocido de la aplicación de CE es la CDF (Facilidad Diseño Concurrente) de la ESA (Agencia Espacial Europea). Está claro que para los proyectos de microsatélites universitarios tener o desarrollar una instalación de este tipo parece estar más allá de las capacidades del proyecto. Sin embargo, la práctica de la CE a cualquier escala puede ser beneficiosa para los microsatélites universitarios también. En la segunda parte de esta tesis, la atención se centra en el desarrollo de una estructura de optimización de diseño multidisciplinar (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: MDO) aplicable a la fase de diseño conceptual de microsatélites de teledetección. Este enfoque permite que el equipo de diseño conozca la interacción entre las diferentes variables de diseño. El esquema MDO presentado no sólo incluye variables de nivel de sistema, tales como la masa total del satélite y la potencia total, sino también los requisitos de la misión como la resolución y tiempo de revisita. El proceso de diseño de microsatélites se divide en tres disciplinas; a) diseño de órbita, b) diseño de carga útil y c) diseño de plataforma. En primer lugar, se calculan diferentes parámetros de misión para un rango práctico de órbitas helio-síncronas (sun-synchronous orbits: SS-Os). Luego, según los parámetros orbitales y los datos de un instrumento como referencia, se calcula la masa y la potencia de la carga útil. El diseño de la plataforma del satélite se estima a partir de los datos de la masa y potencia de los diferentes subsistemas utilizando relaciones empíricas de diseño. El diseño del subsistema de potencia se realiza teniendo en cuenta variables de diseño más detalladas, como el escenario de la misión y diferentes tipos de células solares y baterías. El escenario se selecciona, de modo de obtener una banda de cobertura sobre la superficie terrestre paralelo al Ecuador después de cada intervalo de revisita. Con el objetivo de evaluar las interrelaciones entre las diferentes variables en el espacio de diseño, todas las disciplinas de diseño mencionados se combinan en un código unificado. Por último, una forma básica de MDO se ajusta a la herramienta de diseño de sistema de satélite. La optimización del diseño se realiza por medio de un GA con el único objetivo de minimizar la masa total de microsatélite. Según los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del MDO, existen diferentes puntos de diseños óptimos, pero con diferentes variables de misión. Este análisis demuestra la aplicabilidad de MDO para los estudios de ingeniería de sistema en la fase de diseño conceptual en este tipo de proyectos. La principal conclusión de esta tesis, es que el diseño clásico de los satélites que por lo general comienza con la definición de la misión y la carga útil no es necesariamente la mejor metodología para todos los proyectos de satélites. Un microsatélite universitario, es un ejemplo de este tipo de proyectos. Por eso, se han desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas de diseño para encarar los estudios de la fase inicial de diseño. Este conjunto de herramientas incluye diferentes disciplinas de diseño centrados en el subsistema estructural y teniendo en cuenta una carga útil desconocida a priori. Los resultados demuestran que la mínima masa total del satélite y la máxima masa disponible para una carga útil desconocida a priori, son objetivos conflictivos. En este contexto para encontrar un Pareto-optimal se ha aplicado una optimización multiobjetivo. Según los resultados se concluye que la selección de la masa total por satélite en el rango de 40-60 kg puede considerarse como óptima para un proyecto de microsatélites universitario con carga útil desconocida a priori. También la metodología CE se ha aplicado al proceso de diseño conceptual de microsatélites de teledetección. Los resultados de la aplicación del CE proporcionan una clara comprensión de la interacción entre los requisitos de diseño de sistemas de satélites, tales como la masa total del microsatélite y la potencia y los requisitos de la misión como la resolución y el tiempo de revisita. La aplicación de MDO se hace con la minimización de la masa total de microsatélite. Los resultados de la aplicación de MDO aclaran la relación clara entre los diferentes requisitos de diseño del sistema y de misión, así como que permiten seleccionar las líneas de base para el diseño óptimo con el objetivo seleccionado en las primeras fase de diseño. ABSTRACT This thesis is done in the context of UPMSat-2 project, which is a microsatellite under design and manufacturing at the Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” (IDR/UPM) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Application of Concurrent Engineering (CE) methodology in the framework of Multidisciplinary Design application (MDO) is one of the main objectives of the present work. In recent years, there has been continuing interest in the participation of university research groups in space technology studies by means of their own microsatellites. The involvement in such projects has some inherent challenges, such as limited budget and facilities. Also, due to the fact that the main objective of these projects is for educational purposes, usually there are uncertainties regarding their in orbit mission and scientific payloads at the early phases of the project. On the other hand, there are predetermined limitations for their mass and volume budgets owing to the fact that most of them are launched as an auxiliary payload in which the launch cost is reduced considerably. The satellite structure subsystem is the one which is most affected by the launcher constraints. This can affect different aspects, including dimensions, strength and frequency requirements. In the first part of this thesis, the main focus is on developing a structural design sizing tool containing not only the primary structures properties as variables but also the satellite system level variables such as payload mass budget and satellite total mass and dimensions. This approach enables the design team to obtain better insight into the design in an extended design envelope. The structural design sizing tool is based on the analytical structural design formulas and appropriate assumptions including both static and dynamic models of the satellite. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to the design space for both single and multiobejective optimizations. The result of the multiobjective optimization is a Pareto-optimal based on two objectives, minimum satellite total mass and maximum payload mass budget. On the other hand, the application of the microsatellites is of interest for their less cost and response time. The high need for the remote sensing applications is a strong driver of their popularity in space missions. The satellite remote sensing missions are essential for long term research around the condition of the earth resources and environment. In remote sensing missions there are tight interrelations between different requirements such as orbital altitude, revisit time, mission cycle life and spatial resolution. Also, all of these requirements can affect the whole design characteristics. During the last years application of the CE in the space missions has demonstrated a great advantage to reach the optimum design base lines considering both the performance and the cost of the project. A well-known example of CE application is ESA (European Space Agency) CDF (Concurrent Design Facility). It is clear that for the university-class microsatellite projects having or developing such a facility seems beyond the project capabilities. Nevertheless practicing CE at any scale can be beneficiary for the university-class microsatellite projects. In the second part of this thesis, the main focus is on developing a MDO framework applicable to the conceptual design phase of the remote sensing microsatellites. This approach enables the design team to evaluate the interaction between the different system design variables. The presented MDO framework contains not only the system level variables such as the satellite total mass and total power, but also the mission requirements like the spatial resolution and the revisit time. The microsatellite sizing process is divided into the three major design disciplines; a) orbit design, b) payload sizing and c) bus sizing. First, different mission parameters for a practical range of sun-synchronous orbits (SS-Os) are calculated. Then, according to the orbital parameters and a reference remote sensing instrument, mass and power of the payload are calculated. Satellite bus sizing is done based on mass and power calculation of the different subsystems using design estimation relationships. In the satellite bus sizing, the power subsystem design is realized by considering more detailed design variables including a mission scenario and different types of solar cells and batteries. The mission scenario is selected in order to obtain a coverage belt on the earth surface parallel to the earth equatorial after each revisit time. In order to evaluate the interrelations between the different variables inside the design space all the mentioned design disciplines are combined in a unified code. The integrated satellite system sizing tool developed in this section is considered as an application of the CE to the conceptual design of the remote sensing microsatellite projects. Finally, in order to apply the MDO methodology to the design problem, a basic MDO framework is adjusted to the developed satellite system design tool. Design optimization is done by means of a GA single objective algorithm with the objective function as minimizing the microsatellite total mass. According to the results of MDO application, there exist different optimum design points all with the minimum satellite total mass but with different mission variables. This output demonstrates the successful applicability of MDO approach for system engineering trade-off studies at the conceptual design phase of the design in such projects. The main conclusion of this thesis is that the classical design approach for the satellite design which usually starts with the mission and payload definition is not necessarily the best approach for all of the satellite projects. The university-class microsatellite is an example for such projects. Due to this fact an integrated satellite sizing tool including different design disciplines focusing on the structural subsystem and considering unknown payload is developed. According to the results the satellite total mass and available mass for the unknown payload are conflictive objectives. In order to find the Pareto-optimal a multiobjective GA optimization is conducted. Based on the optimization results it is concluded that selecting the satellite total mass in the range of 40-60 kg can be considered as an optimum approach for a university-class microsatellite project with unknown payload(s). Also, the CE methodology is applied to the remote sensing microsatellites conceptual design process. The results of CE application provide a clear understanding of the interaction between satellite system design requirements such as satellite total mass and power and the satellite mission variables such as revisit time and spatial resolution. The MDO application is done with the total mass minimization of a remote sensing satellite. The results from the MDO application clarify the unclear relationship between different system and mission design variables as well as the optimum design base lines according to the selected objective during the initial design phases.