960 resultados para Computer Software


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Many business-oriented software applications are subject to frequent changes in requirements. This paper shows that, ceteris paribus, increases in the volatility of system requirements decrease the reliability of software. Further, systems that exhibit high volatility during the development phase are likely to have lower reliability during their operational phase. In addition to the typically higher volatility of requirements, end-users who specify the requirements of business-oriented systems are usually less technically oriented than people who specify the requirements of compilers, radar tracking systems or medical equipment. Hence, the characteristics of software reliability problems for business-oriented systems are likely to differ significantly from those of more technically oriented systems.


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O presente relatório de estágio mostra-nos um percurso realizado no ano letivo 2014/2015, referente à Prática de Ensino Supervisionada no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Música, ramo de Formação Musical. O mesmo não reflete única e exclusivamente a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do ano transato mas sim, todo um percurso académico realizado em que foram efetuadas reflexões, tomadas decisões, criadas novas ideias pedagógicas, que num todo foi essencial para uma melhoria da prática pedagógica como também na construção de um ser mais crítico e investigativo. Este documento é composto por duas partes. Na primeira parte é apresentado o capítulo I e II, sendo o primeiro uma abordagem à instituição de ensino em que foi realizada a prática de ensino supervisionada, e o segundo, uma reflexão aprofundada da mesma. A segunda parte do relatório prende-se a um Projeto de Investigação realizado no decorrer do ano letivo 2014/2015, direcionado para as Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Educação em geral e na Educação no Ensino Vocacional da Música mais especificamente, “O software EarMaster como ferramenta pedagógica na disciplina de Formação Musical”, tentando perceber se este tipo de software informáticos poderão ser uma mais-valia para o estudo da disciplina da Formação Musical e se trará melhores resultados para o aluno aquando da sua utilização. A metodologia utilizada no projeto de investigação prende-se a uma lógica quantitativa e qualitativa. O estudo não é, de todo, conclusivo devido ao tamanho da amostra obtida, tendo alguns alunos optado por não utilizar o software EarMaster, formando assim um pequeno grupo de amostra não suficiente para obter os melhores resultados, ficando em aberto possíveis investigações sobre esta temática. Serão, as Novas Tecnologias de Informação uma mais-valia para a Educação no nosso país? Será possível a utilização destas na sala de aula, sem que sejam pensadas como algo para “entreter” o aluno por momentos?


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This is a study of a state of the art implementation of a new computer integrated testing (CIT) facility within a company that designs and manufactures transport refrigeration systems. The aim was to use state of the art hardware, software and planning procedures in the design and implementation of three CIT systems. Typical CIT system components include data acquisition (DAQ) equipment, application and analysis software, communication devices, computer-based instrumentation and computer technology. It is shown that the introduction of computer technology into the area of testing can have a major effect on such issues as efficiency, flexibility, data accuracy, test quality, data integrity and much more. Findings reaffirm how the overall area of computer integration continues to benefit any organisation, but with more recent advances in computer technology, communication methods and software capabilities, less expensive more sophisticated test solutions are now possible. This allows more organisations to benefit from the many advantages associated with CIT. Examples of computer integration test set-ups and the benefits associated with computer integration have been discussed.


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Aquest treball descriu els principis de disseny i els components essencials d'un hipotètic programa informàtic que té per finalitat facilitar el procés d'autoajuda i que també pot ser utilitzat com a eina de desenvolupament personal i motivació. Prèviament, l'autor fa una revisió dels mètodes existents, des de l'èxit dels llibres d'autoajuda del segle XX fins al'expansió de la interactivitat impulsada pel desenvolupament de les tecnologiesinformàtiques. A través d'aquest recorregut es constata la pobre implantació de les novestecnologies com a instruments populars d'autoajuda i s'advoca per la creació i ús deprogrames informàtics flexibles i generalistes com a mitjà de suport psicològic.


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We present a system for dynamic network resource configuration in environments with bandwidth reservation. The proposed system is completely distributed and automates the mechanisms for adapting the logical network to the offered load. The system is able to manage dynamically a logical network such as a virtual path network in ATM or a label switched path network in MPLS or GMPLS. The system design and implementation is based on a multi-agent system (MAS) which make the decisions of when and how to change a logical path. Despite the lack of a centralised global network view, results show that MAS manages the network resources effectively, reducing the connection blocking probability and, therefore, achieving better utilisation of network resources. We also include details of its architecture and implementation


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Expert supervision systems are software applications specially designed to automate process monitoring. The goal is to reduce the dependency on human operators to assure the correct operation of a process including faulty situations. Construction of this kind of application involves an important task of design and development in order to represent and to manipulate process data and behaviour at different degrees of abstraction for interfacing with data acquisition systems connected to the process. This is an open problem that becomes more complex with the number of variables, parameters and relations to account for the complexity of the process. Multiple specialised modules tuned to solve simpler tasks that operate under a co-ordination provide a solution. A modular architecture based on concepts of software agents, taking advantage of the integration of diverse knowledge-based techniques, is proposed for this purpose. The components (software agents, communication mechanisms and perception/action mechanisms) are based on ICa (Intelligent Control architecture), software middleware supporting the build-up of applications with software agent features


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Usability is critical to consider an interactive software system successful. Usability testing and evaluation during product development have gained wide acceptance as a strategy to improve product quality. Early introduction of usability perspectives in a product is very important in order to provide a clear visibility of the quality aspects not only for the developers, but also for the testing users as well. However, usability evaluation and testing are not commonly taken into consideration as an essential element of the software development process. Then, this paper exposes a proposal to introduce usability evaluation and testing within a software development through reuse of software artifacts. Additionally, it suggests the introduction of an auditor within the classification of actors for usability tests. It also proposes an improvement of checklists used for heuristics evaluation, adding quantitative and qualitative aspects to them


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Underbody plows can be very useful tools in winter maintenance, especially when compacted snow or hard ice must be removed from the roadway. By the application of significant down-force, and the use of an appropriate cutting edge angle, compacted snow and ice can be removed very effectively by such plows, with much greater efficiency than any other tool under those circumstances. However, the successful operation of an underbody plow requires considerable skill. If too little down pressure is applied to the plow, then it will not cut the ice or compacted snow. However, if too much force is applied, then either the cutting edge may gouge the road surface, causing significant damage often to both the road surface and the plow, or the plow may ride up on the cutting edge so that it is no longer controllable by the operator. Spinning of the truck in such situations is easily accomplished. Further, excessive down force will result in rapid wear of the cutting edge. Given this need for a high level of operator skill, the operation of an underbody plow is a candidate for automation. In order to successfully automate the operation of an underbody plow, a control system must be developed that follows a set of rules that represent appropriate operation of such a plow. These rules have been developed, based upon earlier work in which operational underbody plows were instrumented to determine the loading upon them (both vertical and horizontal) and the angle at which the blade was operating.These rules have been successfully coded into two different computer programs, both using the MatLab® software. In the first program, various load and angle inputs are analyzed to determine when, whether, and how they violate the rules of operation. This program is essentially deterministic in nature. In the second program, the Simulink® package in the MatLab® software system was used to implement these rules using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic essentially replaces a fixed and constant rule with one that varies in such a way as to improve operational control. The development of the fuzzy logic in this simulation was achieved simply by using appropriate routines in the computer software, rather than being developed directly. The results of the computer testing and simulation indicate that a fully automated, computer controlled underbody plow is indeed possible. The issue of whether the next steps toward full automation should be taken (and by whom) has also been considered, and the possibility of some sort of joint venture between a Department of Transportation and a vendor has been suggested.


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DnaSP is a software package for a comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data. Version 5 implements a number of new features and analytical methods allowing extensive DNA polymorphism analyses on large datasets. Among other features, the newly implemented methods allow for: (i) analyses on multiple data files; (ii) haplotype phasing; (iii) analyses on insertion/deletion polymorphism data; (iv) visualizing sliding window results integrated with available genome annotations in the UCSC browser.


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VariScan is a software package for the analysis of DNA sequence polymorphisms at the whole genome scale. Among other features, the software:(1) can conduct many population genetic analyses; (2) incorporates a multiresolution wavelet transform-based method that allows capturing relevant information from DNA polymorphism data; and (3) it facilitates the visualization of the results in the most commonly used genome browsers.


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Aging is associated with common conditions, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer"s disease. The type of multi‐targeted pharmacological approach necessary to address a complex multifaceted disease such as aging might take advantage of pleiotropic natural polyphenols affecting a wide variety of biological processes. We have recently postulated that the secoiridoids oleuropein aglycone (OA) and decarboxymethyl oleuropein aglycone (DOA), two complex polyphenols present in health‐promoting extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), might constitute a new family of plant‐produced gerosuppressant agents. This paper describes an analysis of the biological activity spectra (BAS) of OA and DOA using PASS (Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances) software. PASS can predict thousands of biological activities, as the BAS of a compound is an intrinsic property that is largely dependent on the compound"s structure and reflects pharmacological effects, physiological and biochemical mechanisms of action, and specific toxicities. Using Pharmaexpert, a tool that analyzes the PASS‐predicted BAS of substances based on thousands of"mechanism‐ effect" and"effect‐mechanism" relationships, we illuminate hypothesis‐generating pharmacological effects, mechanisms of action, and targets that might underlie the anti‐aging/anti‐cancer activities of the gerosuppressant EVOO oleuropeins.


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Biokuvainformatiikan kehittäminen – mikroskopiasta ohjelmistoratkaisuihin – sovellusesimerkkinä α2β1-integriini Kun ihmisen genomi saatiin sekvensoitua vuonna 2003, biotieteiden päätehtäväksi tuli selvittää eri geenien tehtävät, ja erilaisista biokuvantamistekniikoista tuli keskeisiä tutkimusmenetelmiä. Teknologiset kehitysaskeleet johtivat erityisesti fluoresenssipohjaisten valomikroskopiatekniikoiden suosion räjähdysmäiseen kasvuun, mutta mikroskopian tuli muuntua kvalitatiivisesta tieteestä kvantitatiiviseksi. Tämä muutos synnytti uuden tieteenalan, biokuvainformatiikan, jonka on sanottu mahdollisesti mullistavan biotieteet. Tämä väitöskirja esittelee laajan, poikkitieteellisen työkokonaisuuden biokuvainformatiikan alalta. Väitöskirjan ensimmäinen tavoite oli kehittää protokollia elävien solujen neliulotteiseen konfokaalimikroskopiaan, joka oli yksi nopeimmin kasvavista biokuvantamismenetelmistä. Ihmisen kollageenireseptori α2β1-integriini, joka on tärkeä molekyyli monissa fysiologisissa ja patologisissa prosesseissa, oli sovellusesimerkkinä. Työssä saavutettiin selkeitä visualisointeja integriinien liikkeistä, yhteenkeräytymisestä ja solun sisään siirtymisestä, mutta työkaluja kuvainformaation kvantitatiiviseen analysointiin ei ollut. Väitöskirjan toiseksi tavoitteeksi tulikin tällaiseen analysointiin soveltuvan tietokoneohjelmiston kehittäminen. Samaan aikaan syntyi biokuvainformatiikka, ja kipeimmin uudella alalla kaivattiin erikoistuneita tietokoneohjelmistoja. Tämän väitöskirjatyön tärkeimmäksi tulokseksi muodostui näin ollen BioImageXD, uudenlainen avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmisto moniulotteisten biokuvien visualisointiin, prosessointiin ja analysointiin. BioImageXD kasvoi yhdeksi alansa suurimmista ja monipuolisimmista. Se julkaistiin Nature Methods -lehden biokuvainformatiikkaa käsittelevässä erikoisnumerossa, ja siitä tuli tunnettu ja laajalti käytetty. Väitöskirjan kolmas tavoite oli soveltaa kehitettyjä menetelmiä johonkin käytännönläheisempään. Tehtiin keinotekoisia piidioksidinanopartikkeleita, joissa oli "osoitelappuina" α2β1-integriinin tunnistavia vasta-aineita. BioImageXD:n avulla osoitettiin, että nanopartikkeleilla on potentiaalia lääkkeiden täsmäohjaussovelluksissa. Tämän väitöskirjatyön yksi perimmäinen tavoite oli edistää uutta ja tuntematonta biokuvainformatiikan tieteenalaa, ja tämä tavoite saavutettiin erityisesti BioImageXD:n ja sen lukuisten julkaistujen sovellusten kautta. Väitöskirjatyöllä on merkittävää potentiaalia tulevaisuudessa, mutta biokuvainformatiikalla on vakavia haasteita. Ala on liian monimutkainen keskimääräisen biolääketieteen tutkijan hallittavaksi, ja alan keskeisin elementti, avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistokehitystyö, on aliarvostettu. Näihin seikkoihin tarvitaan useita parannuksia,


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The vast majority of our contemporary society owns a mobile phone, which has resulted in a dramatic rise in the amount of networked computers in recent years. Security issues in the computers have followed the same trend and nearly everyone is now affected by such issues. How could the situation be improved? For software engineers, an obvious answer is to build computer software with security in mind. A problem with building software with security is how to define secure software or how to measure security. This thesis divides the problem into three research questions. First, how can we measure the security of software? Second, what types of tools are available for measuring security? And finally, what do these tools reveal about the security of software? Measuring tools of these kind are commonly called metrics. This thesis is focused on the perspective of software engineers in the software design phase. Focus on the design phase means that code level semantics or programming language specifics are not discussed in this work. Organizational policy, management issues or software development process are also out of the scope. The first two research problems were studied using a literature review while the third was studied using a case study research. The target of the case study was a Java based email server called Apache James, which had details from its changelog and security issues available and the source code was accessible. The research revealed that there is a consensus in the terminology on software security. Security verification activities are commonly divided into evaluation and assurance. The focus of this work was in assurance, which means to verify one’s own work. There are 34 metrics available for security measurements, of which five are evaluation metrics and 29 are assurance metrics. We found, however, that the general quality of these metrics was not good. Only three metrics in the design category passed the inspection criteria and could be used in the case study. The metrics claim to give quantitative information on the security of the software, but in practice they were limited to evaluating different versions of the same software. Apart from being relative, the metrics were unable to detect security issues or point out problems in the design. Furthermore, interpreting the metrics’ results was difficult. In conclusion, the general state of the software security metrics leaves a lot to be desired. The metrics studied had both theoretical and practical issues, and are not suitable for daily engineering workflows. The metrics studied provided a basis for further research, since they pointed out areas where the security metrics were necessary to improve whether verification of security from the design was desired.