822 resultados para Composite plates
The objective of this work was to study the influence of the boundary conditions on low-velocity impact behaviour of carbon-epoxy composite plates. Experimental work and numerical analysis were performed on [04,904]s laminates. The influence of different boundary conditions on the impacted plates was analysed considering rectangular and square plates. The X-radiography was used as a non-destructive technique to evaluate the internal damage caused by impact loading. A three-dimensional numerical analysis was also performed considering progressive damage modelling. The model includes three-dimensional solid elements and interface finite elements including a cohesive mixed-mode damage model, which allows simulating delamination between different oriented layers. It was verified that plate’s boundary conditions have influence on the delaminated area. Good agreement between experimental and numerical analysis for shape, orientation and size of the delamination was obtained.
Variable mixed-mode delamination in composite laminates under fatigue conditions: testing & analysis
La majoria de les fallades en elements estructurals són degudes a càrrega per fatiga. En conseqüència, la fatiga mecànica és un factor clau per al disseny d'elements mecànics. En el cas de materials compòsits laminats, el procés de fallada per fatiga inclou diferents mecanismes de dany que resulten en la degradació del material. Un dels mecanismes de dany més importants és la delaminació entre capes del laminat. En el cas de components aeronàutics, les plaques de composit estan exposades a impactes i les delaminacions apareixen facilment en un laminat després d'un impacte. Molts components fets de compòsit tenen formes corbes, superposició de capes i capes amb diferents orientacions que fan que la delaminació es propagui en un mode mixt que depen de la grandària de la delaminació. És a dir, les delaminacions generalment es propaguen en mode mixt variable. És per això que és important desenvolupar nous mètodes per caracteritzar el creixement subcrític en mode mixt per fatiga de les delaminacions. El principal objectiu d'aquest treball és la caracterització del creixement en mode mixt variable de les delaminacions en compòsits laminats per efecte de càrregues a fatiga. Amb aquest fi, es proposa un nou model per al creixement per fatiga de la delaminació en mode mixt. Contràriament als models ja existents, el model que es proposa es formula d'acord a la variació no-monotònica dels paràmetres de propagació amb el mode mixt observada en diferents resultats experimentals. A més, es du a terme un anàlisi de l'assaig mixed-mode end load split (MMELS), la característica més important del qual és la variació del mode mixt a mesura que la delaminació creix. Per a aquest anàlisi, es tenen em compte dos mètodes teòrics presents en la literatura. No obstant, les expressions resultants per l'assaig MMELS no són equivalents i les diferències entre els dos mètodes poden ser importants, fins a 50 vegades. Per aquest motiu, en aquest treball es porta a terme un anàlisi alternatiu més acurat del MMELS per tal d'establir una comparació. Aquest anàlisi alternatiu es basa en el mètode dels elements finits i virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). D'aquest anàlisi en resulten importants aspectes a considerar per a la bona caracterització de materials utilitzant l'assaig MMELS. Durant l'estudi s'ha dissenyat i construït un utillatge per l'assaig MMELS. Per a la caracterització experimental de la propagació per fatiga de delaminacions en mode mixt variable s'utilitzen diferents provetes de laminats carboni/epoxy essencialment unidireccionals. També es du a terme un anàlisi fractogràfic d'algunes de les superfícies de fractura per delaminació. Els resultats experimentals són comparats amb les prediccions del model proposat per la propagació per fatiga d'esquerdes interlaminars.
We present an analysis of the free vibration of plates with internal discontinuities due to central cut-outs. A numerical formulation for a basic L-shaped element which is divided into appropriate sub-domains that are dependent upon the location of the cut-out is used as the basic building element. Trial functions formed to satisfy certain boundary conditions are employed to define the transverse deflection of each sub-domain. Mathematical treatments in terms of the continuities in displacement, slope, moment, and higher derivatives between the adjacent sub-domains are enforced at the interconnecting edges. The energy functional results, from the proper assembly of the coupled strain and kinetic energy contributions of each sub-domain, are minimized via the Ritz procedure to extract the vibration frequencies and. mode shapes of the plates. The procedures are demonstrated by considering plates with central cut-outs that are subjected to two types of boundary conditions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper investigates the non-linear bending behaviour of functionally graded plates that are bonded with piezoelectric actuator layers and subjected to transverse loads and a temperature gradient based on Reddy's higher-order shear deformation plate theory. The von Karman-type geometric non-linearity, piezoelectric and thermal effects are included in mathematical formulations. The temperature change is due to a steady-state heat conduction through the plate thickness. The material properties are assumed to be graded in the thickness direction according to a power-law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of the constituents. The plate is clamped at two opposite edges, while the remaining edges can be free, simply supported or clamped. Differential quadrature approximation in the X-axis is employed to convert the partial differential governing equations and the associated boundary conditions into a set of ordinary differential equations. By choosing the appropriate functions as the displacement and stress functions on each nodal line and then applying the Galerkin procedure, a system of non-linear algebraic equations is obtained, from which the non-linear bending response of the plate is determined through a Picard iteration scheme. Numerical results for zirconia/aluminium rectangular plates are given in dimensionless graphical form. The effects of the applied actuator voltage, the volume fraction exponent, the temperature gradient, as well as the characteristics of the boundary conditions are also studied in detail. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Sensors and actuators based on piezoelectric plates have shown increasing demand in the field of smart structures, including the development of actuators for cooling and fluid-pumping applications and transducers for novel energy-harvesting devices. This project involves the development of a topology optimization formulation for dynamic design of piezoelectric laminated plates aiming at piezoelectric sensors, actuators and energy-harvesting applications. It distributes piezoelectric material over a metallic plate in order to achieve a desired dynamic behavior with specified resonance frequencies, modes, and enhanced electromechanical coupling factor (EMCC). The finite element employs a piezoelectric plate based on the MITC formulation, which is reliable, efficient and avoids the shear locking problem. The topology optimization formulation is based on the PEMAP-P model combined with the RAMP model, where the design variables are the pseudo-densities that describe the amount of piezoelectric material at each finite element and its polarization sign. The design problem formulated aims at designing simultaneously an eigenshape, i.e., maximizing and minimizing vibration amplitudes at certain points of the structure in a given eigenmode, while tuning the eigenvalue to a desired value and also maximizing its EMCC, so that the energy conversion is maximized for that mode. The optimization problem is solved by using sequential linear programming. Through this formulation, a design with enhancing energy conversion in the low-frequency spectrum is obtained, by minimizing a set of first eigenvalues, enhancing their corresponding eigenshapes while maximizing their EMCCs, which can be considered an approach to the design of energy-harvesting devices. The implementation of the topology optimization algorithm and some results are presented to illustrate the method.
PTDC/EME–TME/66207/2006 e POSC/EEA-SRI/55386/2004
Trabalho Final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em engenharia Mecância
As excelentes propriedades mecânicas, associadas ao seu baixo peso, fazem com que os materiais compósitos sejam atualmente dos mais interessantes da nossa sociedade tecnológica. A crescente utilização destes materiais e a excelência dos resultados daí provenientes faz com que estes materiais sejam utilizados em estruturas complexas de responsabilidade, pelo que a sua maquinagem se torna necessária de forma a possibilitar a ligação entre peças. O processo de furação é o mais frequente. O processo de maquinagem de compósitos terá como base os métodos convencionais utilizados nos materiais metálicos. O processo deverá, no entanto, ser convenientemente adaptado, quer a nível de parâmetros, quer a nível de ferramentas a utilizar. As características dos materiais compósitos são bastante particulares pelo que, quando são sujeitos a maquinagem poderão apresentar defeitos tais como delaminação, fissuras intralaminares, arrancamento de fibras ou dano por sobreaquecimento. Para a detecção destes danos, por vezes a inspeção visual não é suficiente, sendo necessário recorrer a processos específicos de análise de danos. Existem já, alguns estudos, cujo âmbito foi a obtenção de furos de qualidade em compósitos, com minimização do dano, não se podendo comparar ainda com a informação existente, no que se refere à maquinagem de materiais metálicos ou ligas metálicas. Desta forma, existe ainda um longo caminho a percorrer, de forma a que o grau de confiança na utilização destes materiais se aproxime aos materiais metálicos. Este trabalho experimental desenvolvido nesta tese assentou essencialmente na furação de placas laminadas e posterior análise dos danos provocados por esta operação. Foi dada especial atenção à medição da delaminação causada pela furação e à resistência mecânica do material após ser maquinado. Os materiais utilizados, para desenvolver este trabalho experimental, foram placas compósitas de carbono/epóxido com duas orientações de fibras diferentes: unidireccionais e em “cross-ply”. Não se conseguiu muita informação, junto do fornecedor, das suas características pelo que se levaram a cabo ensaios que permitiram determinar o seu módulo de elasticidade. Relativamente á sua resistência â tração, como já foi referido, a grande resistência oferecida pelo material, associada às limitações da máquina de ensaios não permitiu chegar a valores conclusivos. Foram usadas três geometrias de ferramenta diferentes: helicoidal, Brad e Step. Os materiais utilizados nas ferramentas, foram o aço rápido (HSS) e o carboneto de tungsténio para as brocas helicoidais de 118º de ângulo de ponta e apenas o carboneto de tungsténio para as brocas Brad e Step. As ferramentas em diamante não foram consideradas neste trabalho, pois, embora sejam reconhecidas as suas boas características para a maquinagem de compósitos, o seu elevado custo não justifica a sua escolha, pelo menos num trabalho académico, como é o caso. As vantagens e desvantagens de cada geometria ou material utilizado foram avaliadas, tanto no que diz respeito à delaminação como á resistência mecânica dos provetes ensaiados. Para a determinação dos valores de delaminação, foi usada a técnica de Raio X. Algum conhecimento já existente relativamente a este processo permitiu definir alguns parâmetros (por exemplo: tempo de exposição das placas ao liquido contrastante), que tornaram acessível o procedimento de obtenção de imagens das placas furadas. Importando estas imagens para um software de desenho (no caso – AutoCad), foi possível medir as áreas delaminadas e chegar a valores para o fator de delaminação de cada furo efetuado. Terminado este processo, todas as placas foram sujeitas a ensaios de esmagamento, de forma a avaliar a forma como os parâmetros de maquinagem afectaram a resistência mecânica do material. De forma resumida, são objetivos deste trabalho: - Caracterizar as condições de corte em materiais compósitos, mais especificamente em fibras de carbono reforçado com matriz epóxida (PRFC); - Caracterização dos danos típicos provocados pela furação destes materiais; - Desenvolvimento de análise não destrutiva (RX) para avaliação dos danos provocados pela furação; - Conhecer modelos existentes com base na mecânica da fratura linear elástica (LEFM); - Definição de conjunto de parâmetros ideais de maquinagem com o fim de minimizar os danos resultantes da mesma, tendo em conta os resultados provenientes dos ensaios de força, da análise não destrutiva e da comparação com modelos de danos existentes e conhecidos.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
La aplicación de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica reforzados mediante fibras largas (FRP, Fiber Reinforced Plastic), está en gradual crecimiento debido a las buenas propiedades específicas y a la flexibilidad en el diseño. Uno de los mayores consumidores es la industria aeroespacial, dado que la aplicación de estos materiales tiene claros beneficios económicos y medioambientales. Cuando los materiales compuestos se aplican en componentes estructurales, se inicia un programa de diseño donde se combinan ensayos reales y técnicas de análisis. El desarrollo de herramientas de análisis fiables que permiten comprender el comportamiento mecánico de la estructura, así como reemplazar muchos, pero no todos, los ensayos reales, es de claro interés. Susceptibilidad al daño debido a cargas de impacto fuera del plano es uno de los aspectos de más importancia que se tienen en cuenta durante el proceso de diseño de estructuras de material compuesto. La falta de conocimiento de los efectos del impacto en estas estructuras es un factor que limita el uso de estos materiales. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de modelos de ensayo virtual mecánico para analizar la resistencia a impacto de una estructura es de gran interés, pero aún más, la predicción de la resistencia residual después del impacto. En este sentido, el presente trabajo abarca un amplio rango de análisis de eventos de impacto a baja velocidad en placas laminadas de material compuesto, monolíticas, planas, rectangulares, y con secuencias de apilamiento convencionales. Teniendo en cuenta que el principal objetivo del presente trabajo es la predicción de la resistencia residual a compresión, diferentes tareas se llevan a cabo para favorecer el adecuado análisis del problema. Los temas que se desarrollan son: la descripción analítica del impacto, el diseño y la realización de un plan de ensayos experimentales, la formulación e implementación de modelos constitutivos para la descripción del comportamiento del material, y el desarrollo de ensayos virtuales basados en modelos de elementos finitos en los que se usan los modelos constitutivos implementados.
Polymer matrix composites offer advantages for many applications due their combination of properties, which includes low density, high specific strength and modulus of elasticity and corrosion resistance. However, the application of non-destructive techniques using magnetic sensors for the evaluation these materials is not possible since the materials are non-magnetizable. Ferrites are materials with excellent magnetic properties, chemical stability and corrosion resistance. Due to these properties, these materials are promising for the development of polymer composites with magnetic properties. In this work, glass fiber / epoxy circular plates were produced with 10 wt% of cobalt or barium ferrite particles. The cobalt ferrite was synthesized by the Pechini method. The commercial barium ferrite was subjected to a milling process to study the effect of particle size on the magnetic properties of the material. The characterization of the ferrites was carried out by x-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). Circular notches of 1, 5 and 10 mm diameter were introduced in the composite plates using a drill bit for the non-destructive evaluation by the technique of magnetic flux leakage (MFL). The results indicated that the magnetic signals measured in plates with barium ferrite without milling and cobalt ferrite showed good correlation with the presence of notches. The milling process for 12 h and 20 h did not contribute to improve the identification of smaller size notches (1 mm). However, the smaller particle size produced smoother magnetic curves, with fewer discontinuities and improved signal-to-noise ratio. In summary, the results suggest that the proposed approach has great potential for the detection of damage in polymer composites structures
Composite laminates with plies in different directions finely dispersed are classified as homogenized. The expected benefits of homogenization include increased mechanical strength, toughness and resistance to delamination. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of stacking sequence on the tensile strength of laminates. Composite plates were fabricated using unidirectional layers of carbon/epoxy prepreg with configurations [903/303/-303]S and [90/30/-30]3S. Specimens were subjected to tensile and open hole tension (OHT) tests. According to the experimental results, the mean values of strength for the homogenized laminates [90/30/-30]3S were 140% and 120% greater for tensile and OHT tests, respectively, as compared to laminates with configuration [903/303/-303]S. The increase in tensile strength for more homogenized laminates was associated with the increment in interlaminar interfaces, which requires more energy to produce delamination, and the more complicated crack propagation through plies with different orientations. OHT strength was not affected by the presence of the hole due to the predominance of the interlaminar shear stress in relation to the stress concentration produced by the hole
Technology is growing interest in the use of composites, due to the requirement of lighter materials and more resistant, factors essential to meet the project specifications and reduce the operational cost. In the production of high performance structural composites, considering the aerospace criteria, the domestic industry has shown interest in the process of resin transfer molding (RTM) for reproducibility and low cost. This process is suitable for producing components of polymeric composites with relatively simple geometries, consistent thicknesses, high quality finish with no size limitations. The objective of this work was machined carbon steel to make a matched-die tooling for RTM and produce two composite plates of epoxy resin and carbon fiber fabric with and without induced discontinuities, which were compared towards their impregnation with ultrasound, their properties via tensile tests and thermal analysis. In ultrasonic inspection, it was found good impregnation of the preform of both composites. In the thermal analysis it was possible to check the degradation temperature of the composites, the glass transition temperature and it was found that the composites showed no effective cure cycles, but presented good performance in the tensile test when compared with aluminum alloy 7050 T7451 . The results showed that the injection strategy was appropriate since the laminate exhibited a good quality for the proposed application
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
This dissertation concerns active fibre-reinforced composites with embedded shape memory alloy wires. The structural application of active materials allows to develop adaptive structures which actively respond to changes in the environment, such as morphing structures, self-healing structures and power harvesting devices. In particular, shape memory alloy actuators integrated within a composite actively control the structural shape or stiffness, thus influencing the composite static and dynamic properties. Envisaged applications include, among others, the prevention of thermal buckling of the outer skin of air vehicles, shape changes in panels for improved aerodynamic characteristics and the deployment of large space structures. The study and design of active composites is a complex and multidisciplinary topic, requiring in-depth understanding of both the coupled behaviour of active materials and the interaction between the different composite constituents. Both fibre-reinforced composites and shape memory alloys are extremely active research topics, whose modelling and experimental characterisation still present a number of open problems. Thus, while this dissertation focuses on active composites, some of the research results presented here can be usefully applied to traditional fibre-reinforced composites or other shape memory alloy applications. The dissertation is composed of four chapters. In the first chapter, active fibre-reinforced composites are introduced by giving an overview of the most common choices available for the reinforcement, matrix and production process, together with a brief introduction and classification of active materials. The second chapter presents a number of original contributions regarding the modelling of fibre-reinforced composites. Different two-dimensional laminate theories are derived from a parent three-dimensional theory, introducing a procedure for the a posteriori reconstruction of transverse stresses along the laminate thickness. Accurate through the thickness stresses are crucial for the composite modelling as they are responsible for some common failure mechanisms. A new finite element based on the First-order Shear Deformation Theory and a hybrid stress approach is proposed for the numerical solution of the two-dimensional laminate problem. The element is simple and computationally efficient. The transverse stresses through the laminate thickness are reconstructed starting from a general finite element solution. A two stages procedure is devised, based on Recovery by Compatibility in Patches and three-dimensional equilibrium. Finally, the determination of the elastic parameters of laminated structures via numerical-experimental Bayesian techniques is investigated. Two different estimators are analysed and compared, leading to the definition of an alternative procedure to improve convergence of the estimation process. The third chapter focuses on shape memory alloys, describing their properties and applications. A number of constitutive models proposed in the literature, both one-dimensional and three-dimensional, are critically discussed and compared, underlining their potential and limitations, which are mainly related to the definition of the phase diagram and the choice of internal variables. Some new experimental results on shape memory alloy material characterisation are also presented. These experimental observations display some features of the shape memory alloy behaviour which are generally not included in the current models, thus some ideas are proposed for the development of a new constitutive model. The fourth chapter, finally, focuses on active composite plates with embedded shape memory alloy wires. A number of di®erent approaches can be used to predict the behaviour of such structures, each model presenting different advantages and drawbacks related to complexity and versatility. A simple model able to describe both shape and stiffness control configurations within the same context is proposed and implemented. The model is then validated considering the shape control configuration, which is the most sensitive to model parameters. The experimental work is divided in two parts. In the first part, an active composite is built by gluing prestrained shape memory alloy wires on a carbon fibre laminate strip. This structure is relatively simple to build, however it is useful in order to experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of the concept proposed in the first part of the chapter. In the second part, the making of a fibre-reinforced composite with embedded shape memory alloy wires is investigated, considering different possible choices of materials and manufacturing processes. Although a number of technological issues still need to be faced, the experimental results allow to demonstrate the mechanism of shape control via embedded shape memory alloy wires, while showing a good agreement with the proposed model predictions.