989 resultados para Complex Projects


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The historical challenge of environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been to predict project-based impacts accurately. Both EIA legislation and the practice of EIA have evolved over the last three decades in Canada, and the development of the discipline and science of environmental assessment has improved how we apply environmental assessment to complex projects. The practice of environmental assessment integrates the social and natural sciences and relies on an eclectic knowledge base from a wide range of sources. EIA methods and tools provide a means to structure and integrate knowledge in order to evaluate and predict environmental impacts.----- This Chapter will provide a brief overview of how impacts are identified and predicted. How do we determine what aspect of the natural and social environment will be affected when a mine is excavated? How does the practitioner determine the range of potential impacts, assess whether they are significant, and predict the consequences? There are no standard answers to these questions, but there are established methods to provide a foundation for scoping and predicting the potential impacts of a project.----- Of course, the community and publics play an important role in this process, and this will be discussed in subsequent chapters. In the first part of this chapter, we will deal with impact identification, which involves appplying scoping to critical issues and determining impact significance, baseline ecosystem evaluation techniques, and how to communicate environmental impacts. In the second part of the chapter, we discuss the prediction of impacts in relation to the complexity of the environment, ecological risk assessment, and modelling.


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There is increasing agreement that understanding complexity is important for project management because of difficulties associated with decision-making and goal attainment which appear to stem from complexity. However the current operational definitions of complex projects, based upon size and budget, have been challenged and questions have been raised about how complexity can be measured in a robust manner that takes account of structural, dynamic and interaction elements. Thematic analysis of data from 25 in-depth interviews of project managers involved with complex projects, together with an exploration of the literature reveals a wide range of factors that may contribute to project complexity. We argue that these factors contributing to project complexity may define in terms of dimensions, or source characteristics, which are in turn subject to a range of severity factors. In addition to investigating definitions and models of complexity from the literature and in the field, this study also explores the problematic issues of ‘measuring’ or assessing complexity. A research agenda is proposed to further the investigation of phenomena reported in this initial study.


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This paper addresses the challenges of transfer of training back to the workplace for programme and project managers who are being groomed for the leadership of large and complex projects. The paper draws on the experience of the development and delivery of Queensland University of Technology (QUT) education programs: an Executive Masters of Complex Project Management and a series of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) events for an Australian government agency, Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO). Drawing on notions of ‘far transfer’ (Laker 1990; Noe, 1986) and ‘transfer climate’ (Kozlowski & Salas, 1993; Yamnill & McLean, 2001), the paper describes the steps undertaken to achieve a design that ensures that programme and project leadership skills developed through these corporate education programs become successfully embedded back in the organisation. Further, the paper reports on a small qualitative study where the programme success was evaluated by the organisational sponsor, senior leaders and program participants. Nine interviews were conducted and analysed to identify the success of far transfer and transfer climate four months after the return of program participants from cohort 1 2008 to the workplace.


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Design-Build (DB) system has been widely adopted overseas but it has not received the same popularity yet in the People’s Republic of China. The selection of design-build variant is regarded as one of the critical obstacles to the application of this alternative. This paper investigates categories of design-build variants in the construction market of China. The develop-and-construction, enhanced design-build, traditional-design-build and engineering procurement-construction (EPC) are the four current designbuild variants adopted by clients. Each of them is developed to meet a varying set of circumstances and has its own advantages and disadvantages. The develop-and-construction is mostly used in large, complex projects in housing industry and it will guarantee client’s great control over the project while still leave some design room for the contractor. The traditional-design-build and enhanced-design-build systems are mostly applied in projects that are comparatively simple, small-scale, and the DB contractors will have greater control of the projects. The EPC is the extension of pure design-build method and is widely adopted in the petrochemical, metallurgical and electronic fields because of the high-technique requirements and the necessity for one entity to control the design, construction, procurement and commissioning etc. Four corresponding design-build projects are also presented in this paper in order to better illustrate the operational process and provide the insight for understanding the design-build variants in Mainland China.


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Recently, a stream of project management research has recognized the critical role of boundary objects in the organization of projects. In this paper, we investigate how one advanced scheduling tool, the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS), is used as a temporal boundary object at various stages of complex projects. The IMS is critical to megaprojects which typically span long periods of time and face a high degree of complexity and uncertainty. In this paper, we conceptualize projects of this type as complex adaptive systems (CAS). We report the findings of four case projects on how the IMS mapped interactions, interdependencies, constraints, and fractal patterns of these emerging projects, and how the process of IMS visualization enabled communication and negotiation of project realities. This paper highlights that this advanced timeline tool acts as a boundary object and elicits shared understanding of complex projects from their stakeholders.


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In this issue of the Journal, the articles considered reflect the depth of research and practice that is unique to project management discipline. The range of topics addressed includes managing project contracts (Chan et al., “A Comparative Study of the Benefits of Applying Target Cost Contracts Between South Australia and Hong Kong”), managing project complexity (Chronéer and Bergquist, “Managerial Complexity in Process Industrial R&D Projects: A Swedish Study”), identifying early warning signs in complex projects (Williams et al., “Identifying and Acting on Early Warning Signs in Complex Projects”), project risk management (Krane, Olsson, and Rolstadås, “How Project Manager–Project Owner Interaction Can Work Within and Influence Project Risk Management”), exploring decisions regarding outsourcing and alignment of the project management office (Martins and Martins, “Outsourcing Operations in Project Management Offices: The Reality of Brazilian Companies”), and project management practices at strategic and tactical levels of the organization leading to sustainable development (Herazo, Lizarralde, and Paquin, “Sustainable Development in the Building Sector: A Canadian Case Study on the Alignment of Strategic and Tactical Management”).


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Large complex projects often fail spectacularly in terms of cost overruns and delays; witness the London Olympics and the Airbus A380. In this project, we studied the emotional intelligence (EI) of leadership teams involved in such projects. We collected our data from 370 employees in 40 project teams working on large Australian defense contracts. We asked leadership team members to complete a scale measuring their EI, and project team members to rate the success of the projects. We found it was not the mean score, but the highest EI score in the leadership team that predicted members’ project success ratings.


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In many disciplines, creativity has been recognised as an important part of problem solving. In business, creativity enables the generation of better solutions and provides an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. In Information Systems (IS) creativity assists developers in finding solutions to difficult problems by helping to efficiently utilise available resources and allows the more effective planning and running of complex projects. One of the most important aspects of IS development is Requirements Engineering (RE), the development activity aimed at understanding the needs and wants of IS customers. While previous RE researchers suggested that creativity is crucial in building high quality information systems, fostering creative outcomes in RE is difficult as it is affected by the multifaceted socioorganisational context within which IS development commonly takes place. This paper reports findings from an empirical study into creativity in RE. Specifically, it reports various contextual factors which were found to influence the creativity of individuals and their teams.


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In many disciplines, creativity has been recognised as an important part of problem solving. In business, creativity enables the generation of better solutions and provides an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. In Information Systems (IS) creativity assists developers in finding solutions to difficult problems by helping to efficiently utilise available resources and allows the more effective planning and running of complex projects. One of the most important aspects of IS development is Requirements Engineering (RE), the development activity aimed at understanding the needs and wants of IS customers. While previous RE researchers suggested that creativity is crucial in building high quality information systems, fostering creative outcomes in RE is difficult as it is affected by the multifaceted socioorganisational context within which IS development commonly takes place. This paper reports findings from an empirical study into creativity in RE. Specifically, it reports various contextual factors which were found to influence the creativity of individuals and their teams


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This paper reports the results of an analysis of five Malaysian firms who have worked successfully on multi international partnerships and/or megaprojects. A case study methodology was employed to examine the barriers and successful strategies the firms used in decision making in various international markets. A common characteristic across the firms was the ability to self reflect and adapt their practices to different international conditions despite numerous differences between countries including cultural, social, project governance structures, regulatory, terminology and codes. A reflexive capability model developed from the social sciences theory of individual agent reflexivity was developed to explain the way in which firms as an entity can develop awareness, responsiveness and adaptability for long term success in diverse international markets. This paper builds upon an initial Australian study which developed the model grounded in empirical observations of internationalising design construction firms by presenting the results of a second study of Malaysian firms. Results indicate that the model of reflexivity capability is a useful way to interpret practices that are undertaken in multi partner relationships on larger more complex projects. Successful Malaysian firms within joint venture relationships display an ability to self reflect and adapt. This transformation process is critiqued in relation to the relationships between social, cultural and intellectual capital. Reflexive capability is a characteristic of the successful case study firms working within global models of practice. The reflexive capability model is explained in relation to common themes identified in relation to the management of intellectual capital in successful multi international partnerships and megaprojects.


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Alliances are complex projects with high levels of risk and uncertainty. Despite the pain share and gain share commercial arrangement in alliances, Trust is still an issue between the Alliancing Leadership Team (ALT) and Alliancing Management Team relationship (AMT). Although the concept and components of trust have been discussed by various researchers, the characteristic of trust under different situations has not been tested within the procurement research domain. Based on semi-structured interviews with the members of the ALT and AMT of an alliance project in Australia the underlying trust based relationships between the AMT and ALT were investigated using the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM). Results demonstrate that cognitive, affect, system and cognitive-affect based trust are mediated by common good, needs, sharing, breach temptation and mishap situations. This research demonstrates that the adversarial culture of the Australian construction industry cannot be changed by the implementation of trust principles alone. The culture of suspicion dominating the ideological view of the construction industry requires organizational learning between alliance parties to execute appropriate behaviours, aligned with the alliancing philosophy, to effectively achieve ideal collaboration.


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Currently, employers tend to fast rack works where construction can begin while design is still incomplete following three main phases of procurement. This session details a case study of a fast track overseas super high rise building, where an Australian firm acted as a technical expert to provide a detailed report on the failure of the shoring system, while construction of five basements had just started next to a marina. The lessons learnt from the case study are summarized with recommendations to have better practice of the fast track method in complex high rise buildings.


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O Governo brasileiro criou a partir de 2007 o PAC – Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento, um conjunto de projetos de infraestrutura no qual o DNIT ocupa posição de destaque com volume de recursos superior a R$ 58 bilhões. Desde o início do Programa o principal obstáculo é a insuficiência de projetos de qualidade. Projetos de engenharia são etapa crucial para o lançamento de licitações para obras de infraestrutura. Este gargalo de projeto, associado ao processo licitatório, é chamado de “fator projeto”. Em 2011 foi instituído o RDC – Regime Diferenciado de Contratações com o objetivo de remover estes entraves. Este trabalho surge da necessidade da Secretaria do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento, vinculada ao Ministério do Planejamento, e do Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes, vinculado ao Ministério dos Transportes, de entender os desafios impostos pelo “fator projeto” na execução dos projetos relacionados às obras rodoviárias no âmbito do PAC. Para tanto, foram analisados os aspectos de contratação pela Administração Pública, enfatizando as mudanças ocorridas no processo licitatório corridas depois da vigência do Regime Diferenciado de Contratação (RDC) e as formas contemporâneas de relacionamentos pré-contratuais, abordando as parcerias publico-privadas (PPP), as manifestações de interesse da iniciativa privada (PMI) e os diálogos concorrenciais. Após uma apresentação do DNIT e do processo de institucionalização do RDC no âmbito da autarquia concluiu-se que três aspectos tem contribuído para minimizar os efeitos do “fator projeto”: O primeiro, de natureza procedimental, está diretamente relacionado com o efeito da implementação do novo regime licitatório. Em projetos complexos, como os da área de infraestrutura, o desenvolvimento de relações pré-contratuais trazem ganhos consideráveis, tanto para Administração Pública quanto para o ente privado, por promover a redução das assimetrias de informação e a lapidação do objeto a ser contratado. O segundo aspecto está relacionado com a natureza do DNIT. Trata-se de uma Autarquia com acúmulo de conhecimentos na área de engenharia e gestão de projetos. Ao adotar intensamente o RDC, mostrou capacidade instalada e avançou nos parâmetros de monitoramento e gestão de risco e gerou um conjunto normativo atual e adequado para enfrentar os desafios do novo regime de contrações. O terceiro aspecto também está relacionado com o aspecto institucional do DNIT. Trata-se de sua estrutura organizacional, que influencia a governança dos processos licitatórios e que agrega dois predicados: segurança na responsabilização entre os diretores-membros quando partilham uma decisão e salvaguarda do corpo técnico para uma postura mais republicana. Estes tres aspectos levaram a uma maior eficácia e efetividade da Autarquia, minimizaram o "fator projeto". O Relatório de Gestão do DNIT de 2012 cita que no RDC há a redução de até 50% no tempo do processo licitatório em relação às modalidades concorrência e Tomada de Preços. A implementação do RDC Eletrônico, que possibilita a participação de empresas de todo o país, aumentou a competitividade e ajudou a executar R$ 10,2 bilhões em obras e serviços em infraestrutura de transportes.


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Este trabalho buscou investigar a interação entre os mecanismos de governança contratual e relacional na relação comprador-fornecedor e seus impactos sobre os resultados de projetos complexos. A governança dos relacionamentos interorganizacionais e sua importância estratégica para o desempenho das firmas e para a obtenção de vantagens competitivas têm sido tema de muitas pesquisas recentes na área de estratégia, bem como em áreas correlatas. Mais especificamente, é crescente a importância de tais relacionamentos na literatura de gestão, especialmente em contextos envolvendo economias emergentes. A literatura apresenta uma convergência acerca de dois tipos principais de governança nos relacionamentos interorganizacionais: a governança contratual, que se refere aos contratos e regras formalmente estabelecidas entre as firmas para geralmente coibir comportamentos oportunistas, e a governança relacional, que se baseia principalmente na confiança e em normas relacionais para coordenar tais relacionamentos. Embora diversos estudos tenham investigado a interação entre essas governanças, não há um consenso na literatura sobre a natureza dessa interação. Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar a interação dos mecanismos de governança contratual e relacional por meio de um estudo de caso sobre a implantação de um megaprojeto na indústria brasileira do petróleo offshore, envolvendo tecnologia inovadora. Os resultados indicam que os mecanismos de governança contratual e relacional desempenham importantes funções no relacionamento comprador-fornecedor e que a interação entre eles impacta os resultados do projeto em termos de prazo, custo e qualidade. Tais mecanismos atuam de forma simultânea e influenciam uns aos outros em grande medida. Percebe-se ainda que o nível de influência de cada um desses mecanismos varia ao longo do tempo, a depender do contexto. Por fim, conclui-se que os resultados do projeto, no contexto estudado, não podem ser plenamente explicados apenas pela interação entre esses mecanismos. Tais resultados precisam ser contextualizados, uma vez que diversos fatores do ambiente institucional atuam como moderadores da interação entre governanças.


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The software systems development with domain-specific languages has become increasingly common. Domain-specific languages (DSLs) provide increased of the domain expressiveness, raising the abstraction level by facilitating the generation of models or low-level source code, thus increasing the productivity of systems development. Consequently, methods for the development of software product lines and software system families have also proposed the adoption of domain-specific languages. Recent studies have investigated the limitations of feature model expressiveness and proposing the use of DSLs as a complement or substitute for feature model. However, in complex projects, a single DSL is often insufficient to represent the different views and perspectives of development, being necessary to work with multiple DSLs. In order to address new challenges in this context, such as the management of consistency between DSLs, and the need to methods and tools that support the development with multiple DSLs, over the past years, several approaches have been proposed for the development of generative approaches. However, none of them considers matters relating to the composition of DSLs. Thus, with the aim to address this problem, the main objectives of this dissertation are: (i) to investigate the adoption of the integrated use of feature models and DSLs during the domain and application engineering of the development of generative approaches; (ii) to propose a method for the development of generative approaches with composition DSLs; and (iii) to investigate and evaluate the usage of modern technology based on models driven engineering to implement strategies of integration between feature models and composition of DSLs