847 resultados para Complementary Therapies
BACKGROUND: Many users search the Internet for answers to health questions. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a particularly common search topic. Because many CAM therapies do not require a clinician's prescription, false or misleading CAM information may be more dangerous than information about traditional therapies. Many quality criteria have been suggested to filter out potentially harmful online health information. However, assessing the accuracy of CAM information is uniquely challenging since CAM is generally not supported by conventional literature. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to determine whether domain-independent technical quality criteria can identify potentially harmful online CAM content. METHODS: We analyzed 150 Web sites retrieved from a search for the three most popular herbs: ginseng, ginkgo and St. John's wort and their purported uses on the ten most commonly used search engines. The presence of technical quality criteria as well as potentially harmful statements (commissions) and vital information that should have been mentioned (omissions) was recorded. RESULTS: Thirty-eight sites (25%) contained statements that could lead to direct physical harm if acted upon. One hundred forty five sites (97%) had omitted information. We found no relationship between technical quality criteria and potentially harmful information. CONCLUSIONS: Current technical quality criteria do not identify potentially harmful CAM information online. Consumers should be warned to use other means of validation or to trust only known sites. Quality criteria that consider the uniqueness of CAM must be developed and validated.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use is growing rapidly. As CAM is relatively unregulated, it is important to evaluate the type and availability of CAM information. The goal of this study is to deter-mine the prevalence, content and readability of online CAM information based on searches for arthritis, diabetes and fibromyalgia using four common search engines. Fifty-eight of 599 web pages retrieved by a "condition search" (9.6%) were CAM-oriented. Of 216 CAM pages found by the "condition" and "condition + herbs" searches, 78% were authored by commercial organizations, whose pur-pose involved commerce 69% of the time and 52.3% had no references. Although 98% of the CAM information was intended for consumers, the mean read-ability was at grade level 11. We conclude that consumers searching the web for health information are likely to encounter consumer-oriented CAM advertising, which is difficult to read and is not supported by the conventional literature.
Although the use of alternative therapies is highly prevalent amongst men with prostate cancer, research about the predictors of such use is limited. The current study aimed to describe prospectively the use of alternative therapies by men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer and identify predictors of alternative therapy use. In all, 111 men newly diagnosed with localized prostate cancer (93% response) were recruited to the study prior to treatment. Men's use of alternative therapies and psychological variables including: psychological distress, orientation to health care, decisional conflict, and health locus of control, were assessed at three time points-(1) before treatment; (2) 2 months after completion of treatment; and (3) 12 months after completion of treatment. Demographic information was also obtained. The percentage of men using alternative therapies was 25, 17 and 14% before treatment, 2 and 12 months after treatment, respectively. In general, the most commonly used therapies were dietary changes, vitamins and herbal and nutrient remedies. Alternative therapy use was not related to final treatment choices. Before treatment, men who used alternative therapies were more uncertain about prostate cancer compared to men who were not using these therapies. Men who were using alternative therapies 12 months after treatment were less psychologically distressed that men who were not using these therapies. Health locus of control and orientation to health care were not found to be related to men's use of alternative therapies. In conclusion, men's use of alternative therapies after localized prostate cancer varied across time in terms of the incidence of use, the types of therapies used, and the psychological correlates of therapy use. Informational support that targets uncertainty about prostate cancer may assist men at diagnosis who are considering alternative therapy use. The potential for alternative therapies to have a supportive function in patient care requires further investigation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Clinical Nutrition for Oncology Patients provides clinicians with the information they need to help cancer survivors and patients make informed choices about their nutrition and improve their short-term and long-term health. This comprehensive resource outlines nutritional management recommendations for care prior to, during, and after treatment and addresses specific nutritional needs and complementary therapies that may be of help to a patient. This book is written by a variety of clinicians who not only care for cancer survivors and their caregivers but are also experts in the field of nutritional oncology.
Objectives: To report on the design, significance and potential impacts of the first documented human clinical trial assessing the anxiolytic and thymoleptic efficacy of an aqueous monoextract of Piper methysticum (kava). The significance of the qualitative element of our clinical trial is also explored. The Kava Anxiety Depression Spectrum Study (KADSS) is a 3-week placebocontrolled, double-blind, cross-over trial involving 60 adult participants (18—65) with elevated stable anxiety and varying levels of depressive symptoms. Aims: The aims of KADSS are: (1) to determine whether an aqueous standardised extract of kava is effective for the treatment of anxiety; (2) to assess the effects of kava on differing levels of depression; and (3) to explore participants’ experience of taking kava via qualitative research. The study also provides preliminary assessment of the safety of an aqueous extract of kava in humans. Conclusion: If results reveal that the aqueous kava preparation exerts significant anxiolytic effects and appears safe, potentially beneficial impacts may occur. Data supporting a safe and effective kava extract may encourage a re-introduction of kava to Europe, UK and Canada. This may provide a major socioeconomic benefit to Pacific Island nations, and to sufferers of anxiety disorders.
Research has consistently described that patients after cardiac surgery experience disturbed sleep yet there has been limited investigation into methods to improve this experience. Complementary therapies may be a method of addressing this issue. Aim: To determine if using progressive muscle relaxation improves self-rated sleep quality for patients following cardiac surgery. Methods and Results: Thirty-five participants' quantitative data on sleep quality were obtained via questionnaire during their first post-operative week after cardiac surgery. Qualitative data were obtained through written responses to open-ended questions. No significant differences in sleep quality scores were found between pre and post-intervention of progressive muscle relaxation using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. However, the qualitative analysis discovered the intervention aided some participants in initiating their sleep by diversion of thought, inducing relaxation or alleviating pain and anxiety. Conclusions: Qualitative findings suggest that progressive muscle relaxation may help patients who have undergone cardiac surgery initiate their sleep.
The traditional hospital-based model of cardiac rehabilitation faces substantial challenges, such as cost and accessibility. These challenges have led to the development of alternative models of cardiac rehabilitation in recent years. The aim of this study was to identify and critique evidence for the effectiveness of these alternative models. A total of 22 databases were searched to identify quantitative studies or systematic reviews of quantitative studies regarding the effectiveness of alternative models of cardiac rehabilitation. Included studies were appraised using a Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool and the National Health and Medical Research Council's designations for Level of Evidence. The 83 included articles described interventions in the following broad categories of alternative models of care: multifactorial individualized telehealth, internet based, telehealth focused on exercise, telehealth focused on recovery, community- or home-based, and complementary therapies. Multifactorial individualized telehealth and community- or home-based cardiac rehabilitation are effective alternative models of cardiac rehabilitation, as they have produced similar reductions in cardiovascular disease risk factors compared with hospital-based programmes. While further research is required to address the paucity of data available regarding the effectiveness of alternative models of cardiac rehabilitation in rural, remote, and culturally and linguistically diverse populations, our review indicates there is no need to rely on hospital-based strategies alone to deliver effective cardiac rehabilitation. Local healthcare systems should strive to integrate alternative models of cardiac rehabilitation, such as brief telehealth interventions tailored to individual's risk factor profiles as well as community- or home-based programmes, in order to ensure there are choices available for patients that best fit their needs, risk factor profile, and preferences.
Background There is increasing interest in using complementary and alternative treatments to manage behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia such as agitation, aggression and depressed mood. Objective To compare the effect of foot massage (intervention) and quiet presence (control) on agitation and mood in people with dementia. Design A randomised controlled trial using a within-subjects, crossover design. Settings Five long-term care facilities in Brisbane, Australia. The primary outcome was the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI) and the secondary outcome was the Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS). The screening and data collection research assistants, families, and care staff were blinded to participant allocation. Participants Participants of the study were 55 long-term care residents aged 74–103 years (mean age 86.5), with moderate to severe dementia and a history of agitated behaviour according to the Pittsburgh Agitation Scale. A computer-program randomised participants to 10-min foot massage (intervention) or quiet presence (control), every weekday for 3 weeks. Results A carry-over effect was identified in the data, and so the data was treated as a parallel groups RCT. The mean total CMAI increased in both groups (reflecting an increase in agitation) with this increase greater in the quiet presence group than the foot massage group (p=0.03). There was a trend towards a difference on OERS General Alertness, with a positive change in alertness for participants in the foot massage group (indicating reduced alertness) and a negative change for participants in the quiet presence group (indicating increased alertness) (F(1,51)=3.88, p=0.05, partial ή2=0.07). Conclusions The findings highlight the need for further research on the specific conditions under which massage might promote relaxation and improve mood for people with dementia. The unfamiliar research assistants and variations in usual activity may have contributed to the increase in agitation and this needs further research.
Many alternative therapies are used as first aid treatment for burns, despite limited evidence supporting their use. In this study, Aloe vera, saliva and a tea tree oil impregnated dressing (Burnaid) were applied as first aid to a porcine deep dermal contact burn, compared to a control of nothing. After burn creation, the treatments were applied for 20 min and the wounds observed at weekly dressing changes for 6 weeks. Results showed that the alternative treatments did significantly decrease subdermal temperature within the skin during the treatment period. However, they did not decrease the microflora or improve re-epithelialisation, scar strength, scar depth or cosmetic appearance of the scar and cannot be recommended for the first aid treatment of partial thickness burns.
Aim To test the efficacy of Medilixir [cream] against the standard treatment of aqueous cream in the provision of relief from the symptoms of postburn itch. Design RCT with two parallel arms. Setting Professor Stuart Pegg Adult Burns Centre, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. Participants Fifty-two patients aged between 18 and 80 years, admitted directly to the burns centre between 10 March and 22 July 2008, were able to provide informed consent, and had shown no allergic reaction to a patch test with the study medication, were randomised. Patients admitted from intensive care or high dependency were excluded. Main results Effect estimates and confidence intervals were not reported for any of the outcomes; only group means/proportions and P-values from hypothesis testing were provided. More patients in the intervention group reported itch reduction compared to comparison treatment (91 vs. 82%, P=0.001). Itch recurrence after cream application occurred later in the intervention group compared to the control group (P<0.001). Use of antipruritic medication was significantly greater in the control group (P=0.023). There was no difference in sleep disturbance between groups (not quantified). On average, Medilixir took longer to apply than aqueous cream (157s for Medilixir vs. 139s for aqueous cream; mean difference 17s), but authors noted that the groups did not differ significantly (CI for mean difference and P-values were not reported).
Medikuntza Osagarri eta Alternatiboaren erabilera azken bi hamarkadetan handiagotuz joan da. Gero eta pertsona gehiagok, medikuntza mota honetan oinarritzen diren metodoak eta produktuak erabiltzen dituzte beraien osasuna sustatzeko, mantentzeko edo gaixotasunak tratatzeko. Beraz, medikuntza honen erabilera handiagotuz joan dela esan daiteke. Hala ere, historikoki medikuntza konbentzionala oinarritzat izan duten herrialdeetan, osasun sistematik kanpo egon ohi da bere eraginkortasuna, segurtasuna eta metodologiaren oinarriak kolokan jarri direlako. Lan honen bidez, Medikuntza Osagarri eta Alternatiboak gure osasun sistemarentzat baliabide bat ea izan daitekeen aztertu nahi da. Horretarako, Medikuntza Osagarri eta Alternatiboen bilaketa bibliografiko bat burutu egin da, gaur egungo osasun zerbitzuetan izan dezakeen eraginkortasun maila zein den ikusteko. Osasun erakunde internazional eta nazional ezberdinak ere kontsultatu dira eta datu base ezberdinetan bilaketa egin da. Medikuntza Osagarri eta Alternatiboaren hainbat teknika eta produktuentzat eraginkortasuna aurkitu egin da. Hala ere, ikerketen metodologiaren hobekuntza, ikerketa berriak burutzeko eremu berriak eta, batez ere, medikuntza honek, ebidentzia zientifikoan oinarritutako metodoetan barneratzearen beharra azalean geratuko da. Guzti honetarako funtsezkoa izanik, osasun goi mailako instituzioen parte hartzea, beharrezko neurri legal eta baliabide ekonomikoak ezartzeko Medikuntza Osagarri eta Alternatiboaren inguruan.
Mediante narrativas de casos de aparição de fantasmas em um complexo de águas termais localizado no Barreiro de Araxá, em Minas Gerais, que mudou sua imagem de lugar de cura e saúde para ambiente de lazer e beleza, este trabalho buscou seguir pistas sobre: a ascensão, queda e renascimento do termalismo no Brasil; o problema da contaminação das águas minerais do Barreiro; as incongruências nas ações das Políticas Públicas. Tais aspectos produziram efeitos múltiplos nos trabalhadores das Termas e na população local, tais como: fantasmas, medos, silêncios, disputas e adoecimentos. A pesquisa toma como inspiração metodológica os trabalhos de Alessandro Portelli com a História Oral, para obter e acompanhar as narrativas; a genealogia de Michel Foucault, para apresentar as mudanças no conceito de saúde e de terapêutica no tempo; a Teoria do ator-rede de Bruno Latour, para seguir os actantes, humanos e não-humanos. Chama atenção para o cuidado de si como forma ética de estar no mundo, tendente a tornar a vida potente, criativa, abrindo uma possibilidade de alguém se tornar médico de si mesmo. Entende, nesse sentido, que podem ser viáveis, desde que em ruptura com meras práticas de renovado controle da vida das populações, as novas terapêuticas implantadas no SUS ? Terapias Alternativas e Complementares, dentre elas, em particular, o Termalismo Social.
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare lung-metastasizing neoplasm caused by the proliferation of smooth muscle-like cells that commonly carry loss-of-function mutations in either the tuberous sclerosis complex 1 or 2 (TSC1 or TSC2) genes. While allosteric inhibition of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) has shown substantial clinical benefit, complementary therapies are required to improve response and/or to treat specific patients. However, there is a lack of LAM biomarkers that could potentially be used to monitor the disease and to develop other targeted therapies. We hypothesized that the mediators of cancer metastasis to lung, particularly in breast cancer, also play a relevant role in LAM. Analyses across independent breast cancer datasets revealed associations between low TSC1/2 expression, altered mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway signaling, and metastasis to lung. Subsequently, immunohistochemical analyses of 23 LAM lesions revealed positivity in all cases for the lung metastasis mediators fascin 1 (FSCN1) and inhibitor of DNA binding 1 (ID1). Moreover, assessment of breast cancer stem or luminal progenitor cell biomarkers showed positivity in most LAM tissue for the aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1), integrin-beta 3 (ITGB3/CD61), and/or the sex-determining region Y-box 9 (SOX9) proteins. The immunohistochemical analyses also provided evidence of heterogeneity between and within LAM cases. The analysis of Tsc2-deficient cells revealed relative over-expression of FSCN1 and ID1; however, Tsc2-deficient cells did not show higher sensitivity to ID1-based cancer inhibitors. Collectively, the results of this study reveal novel LAM biomarkers linked to breast cancer metastasis to lung and to cell stemness, which in turn might guide the assessment of additional or complementary therapeutic opportunities for LAM.
Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, de natureza exploratória que se propõe a analisar as características de oferta e produção das práticas integrativas e complementares, no período de 2006 a 2013 no município do Rio de Janeiro. Como fontes de dados foram utilizados os bancos de dados nacionais sobre oferta de serviços, de profissionais e de produção: o SCNES- Sistema do Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde onde são registrados dados da capacidade física e recursos humanos dos estabelecimentos de saúde e o SIASUS Sistema de Informação Ambulatorial onde são registrados os dados da produção ambulatorial do SUS. Optou-se por esses dois bancos de dados por serem ferramentas institucionais de gerenciamento da capacidade instalada e produção utilizadas pelas esferas federal, estadual e municipal. Buscou identificar profissionais cadastrados no SCNES que são autorizados a oferecer práticas integrativas e complementares no município do Rio de Janeiro, detectar os serviços de práticas integrativas e complementares cadastrados no CNES do município do Rio de Janeiro e analisar no Sistema de Informação Ambulatorial, registros de produção em práticas integrativas e complementares do município do Rio de Janeiro. A lista de práticas integrativas e complementares estabelecidas na portaria no 971 de 2006 são homeopatia, medicina tradicional chinesa (onde se inclui a acupuntura), medicina antroposófica, plantas medicinais e fitoterapia, termalismo/crenoterapia. Este estudo proporciona maior visibilidade quanto às características de implementação e institucionalização de uma recente política pública de saúde e contribui com base na análise dos dados encontrados em ferramentas de gestão, para o aprimoramento de ações de acompanhamento e avaliação, estruturação dos serviços, bem como o desenvolvimento sustentável de políticas locais de oferta das terapias complementares do SUS, em consonância com as diretrizes da Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares.