972 resultados para Complement C3


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Objective. To define inactive disease (ID) and clinical remission (CR) and to delineate variables that can be used to measure ID/CR in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE). Methods. Delphi questionnaires were sent to an international group of pediatric rheumatologists. Respondents provided information about variables to be used in future algorithms to measure ID/CR. The usefulness of these variables was assessed in 35 children with ID and 31 children with minimally active lupus (MAL). Results. While ID reflects cSLE status at a specific point in time, CR requires the presence of ID for >6 months and considers treatment. There was consensus that patients in ID/CR can have <2 mild nonlimiting symptoms (i.e., fatigue, arthralgia, headaches, or myalgia) but not Raynaud's phenomenon, chest pain, or objective physical signs of cSLE; antinuclear antibody positivity and erythrocyte sedimentation rate elevation can be present. Complete blood count, renal function testing, and complement C3 all must be within the normal range. Based on consensus, only damage-related laboratory or clinical findings of cSLE are permissible with ID. The above parameters were suitable to differentiate children with ID/CR from those with MAL (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve >0.85). Disease activity scores with or without the physician global assessment of disease activity and patient symptoms were well suited to differentiate children with ID from those with MAL. Conclusion. Consensus has been reached on common definitions of ID/CR with cSLE and relevant patient characteristics with ID/CR. Further studies must assess the usefulness of the data-driven candidate criteria for ID in cSLE.


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The study of protein expression profiles for biomarker discovery in serum and in mammalian cell populations needs the continuous improvement and combination of proteins/peptides separation techniques, mass spectrometry, statistical and bioinformatic approaches. In this thesis work two different mass spectrometry-based protein profiling strategies have been developed and applied to liver and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) for the discovery of new biomarkers. The first of them, based on bulk solid-phase extraction combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization - Time of Flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and chemometric analysis of serum samples, was applied to the study of serum protein expression profiles both in IBDs (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and in liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, viral hepatitis). The approach allowed the enrichment of serum proteins/peptides due to the high interaction surface between analytes and solid phase and the high recovery due to the elution step performed directly on the MALDI-target plate. Furthermore the use of chemometric algorithm for the selection of the variables with higher discriminant power permitted to evaluate patterns of 20-30 proteins involved in the differentiation and classification of serum samples from healthy donors and diseased patients. These proteins profiles permit to discriminate among the pathologies with an optimum classification and prediction abilities. In particular in the study of inflammatory bowel diseases, after the analysis using C18 of 129 serum samples from healthy donors and Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and inflammatory controls patients, a 90.7% of classification ability and a 72.9% prediction ability were obtained. In the study of liver diseases (hepatocellular carcinoma, viral hepatitis and cirrhosis) a 80.6% of prediction ability was achieved using IDA-Cu(II) as extraction procedure. The identification of the selected proteins by MALDITOF/ TOF MS analysis or by their selective enrichment followed by enzymatic digestion and MS/MS analysis may give useful information in order to identify new biomarkers involved in the diseases. The second mass spectrometry-based protein profiling strategy developed was based on a label-free liquid chromatography electrospray ionization quadrupole - time of flight differential analysis approach (LC ESI-QTOF MS), combined with targeted MS/MS analysis of only identified differences. The strategy was used for biomarker discovery in IBDs, and in particular of Crohn’s disease. The enriched serum peptidome and the subcellular fractions of intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) from healthy donors and Crohn’s disease patients were analysed. The combining of the low molecular weight serum proteins enrichment step and the LCMS approach allowed to evaluate a pattern of peptides derived from specific exoprotease activity in the coagulation and complement activation pathways. Among these peptides, particularly interesting was the discovery of clusters of peptides from fibrinopeptide A, Apolipoprotein E and A4, and complement C3 and C4. Further studies need to be performed to evaluate the specificity of these clusters and validate the results, in order to develop a rapid serum diagnostic test. The analysis by label-free LC ESI-QTOF MS differential analysis of the subcellular fractions of IECs from Crohn’s disease patients and healthy donors permitted to find many proteins that could be involved in the inflammation process. Among them heat shock protein 70, tryptase alpha-1 precursor and proteins whose upregulation can be explained by the increased activity of IECs in Crohn’s disease were identified. Follow-up studies for the validation of the results and the in-depth investigation of the inflammation pathways involved in the disease will be performed. Both the developed mass spectrometry-based protein profiling strategies have been proved to be useful tools for the discovery of disease biomarkers that need to be validated in further studies.


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Alveolar epithelial type II (ATII) cells are small, cuboidal cells that constitute approximately 60% of the pulmonary alveolar epithelium. These cells are crucial for repair of the injured alveolus by differentiating into alveolar epithelial type I cells. ATII cells derived from human ES (hES) cells are a promising source of cells that could be used therapeutically to treat distal lung diseases. We have developed a reliable transfection and culture procedure, which facilitates, via genetic selection, the differentiation of hES cells into an essentially pure (>99%) population of ATII cells (hES-ATII). Purity, as well as biological features and morphological characteristics of normal ATII cells, was demonstrated for the hES-ATII cells, including lamellar body formation, expression of surfactant proteins A, B, and C, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance receptor, as well as the synthesis and secretion of complement proteins C3 and C5. Collectively, these data document the successful generation of a pure population of ATII cells derived from hES cells, providing a practical source of ATII cells to explore in disease models their potential in the regeneration and repair of the injured alveolus and in the therapeutic treatment of genetic diseases affecting the lung.


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Currently, systemic immunosuppression is used in vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA). This treatment has considerable side effects and reduces the quality of life of VCA recipients. We loaded the immunosuppressive drug tacrolimus into a self-assembled hydrogel, which releases the drug in response to proteolytic enzymes that are overexpressed during inflammation. A one-time local injection of the tacrolimus-laden hydrogel significantly prolonged graft survival in a Brown Norway-to-Lewis rat hindlimb transplantation model, leading to a median graft survival of >100 days compared to 33.5 days in tacrolimus only-treated recipients. Control groups with no treatment or hydrogel only showed a graft survival of 11 days. Histopathological evaluation, including anti-graft antibodies and complement C3, revealed significantly reduced immune responses in the tacrolimus-hydrogel group compared with tacrolimus only. In conclusion, a single-dose local injection of an enzyme-responsive tacrolimus-hydrogel is capable of preventing VCA rejection for >100 days in a rat model and may offer a new approach for immunosuppression in VCA.


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Objetivo: Comunicar un caso de cetoacidosis inducida por corticoides y gatifloxacina y discutir los mecanismos de esta inusual y seria complicación. Caso clínico: Mujer de 32 años, ingresa por neumonía adquirida en la comunidad de 5 días de evolución. Antecedentes: AR probable diagnosticada 4 meses antes tratada con metotrexate y corticoides intermitente. Examen físico: regular estado general, IMC 21, Tº 38ºC, FR 32/min, derrame pleural derecho, FC 96/min, PA 110/70, artralgias sin artritis. Exámenes complementarios: Hto 23%, GB 16300/mm3, VSG 96mm/1ºh, glucemia 0.90mg/dl, función hepática y amilasa normales, uremia 1.19g/l, creatinina 19mg/l. Hemocultivos (2) y esputo positivos para Neumococo penicilina-sensible. La neumonía responde a gatifloxacina. Deteriora la función renal hasta la anuria con acidosis metabólica. Se interpreta como glomerulonefritis lúpica rápidamente progresiva por proteinuria de 2g/24hs, FR (+) 1/1280, FAN (+) 1/320 homogéneo, Anti ADN (+) , complemento bajo: C3 29.4mg/dl y C4 10mg/dl, Ac anti Ro, La, Scl70, RNP y anticardiolipinas positivos. Se indica metilprednisolona EV (3 bolos 1g), complicándose con hiperglucemias de >6 g/l y cetoacidosis con cetonuria (+); Ac anti ICA y antiGAD negativos con HbA1C 5.2%. Es tratada en UTI (insulina y hemodiálisis). La paciente mejora, se desciende la dosis de corticoides, con normalización de la glucemia sin tratamiento hipoglucemiante. Comentarios 1) La presencia de HbA1C nomal, Ac anti ICA y GAD negativos permite descartar con razonable grado de certeza una diabetes tipo1 asociada al lupus. 2) El desarrollo de la cetoacidosis durante el tratamiento con corticoides y gatifloxacina y su resolución posterior avalan el rol etiológico de los mismos. 3) La cetoacidosis puede explicarse por estimulación de la gluconeogénesis y la insulinoresistencia a nivel de receptor y post-receptor generada por los fármacos potenciado por el estado inflamatorio relacionado con el lupus y la sepsis.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is a facultative intracellular pathogen that uses the host mononuclear phagocyte as a niche for survival and replication during infection. Complement component C3 has previously been shown to enhance the binding of M. tuberculosis to mononuclear phagocytes. Using a C3 ligand affinity blot protocol, we identified a 30 kDa C3-binding protein in M. tuberculosis as heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HbhA). HbhA was found to be a hydrophobic protein that localized to the cell membrane/cell wall fraction of M. tuberculosis, and this protein has previously been shown by others to be located on the surface of M. tuberculosis. The C3-binding activity of HbhA was localized to the C-terminus of the protein, which consists of lysine-alanine repeats. Full-length recombinant HbhA coated onto latex beads was shown to mediate the adherence of the beads to murine macrophage-like cells in both a C3-dependent and a C3-independent manner. An in-frame 576 by deletion in the hbhA gene was created in a virulent strain of M. tuberculosis using a PCR technique known as gene splicing by overlap extension (SOEing). Using the ΔhbhA mutant, HbhA was found not to be necessary for growth of M. tuberculosis in laboratory media or in macrophage-like cells, nor is HbhA required for adherence of M. tuberculosis to macrophage-like cells. HbhA is, however, required for infectivity of M. tuberculosis in mice. Mice infected with the ΔhbhA mutant show decreased growth in the lungs, liver, and spleen compared to mice infected with the wild-type strain. Using the ΔhbhA mutant strain, we were able to purify and identify a second 30-kDa C3-binding protein, HupB. These data demonstrate that HbhA is required for the in vivo but not the in vitro survival of M. tuberculosis and that HbhA is not necessary for the adherence of M. tuberculosis to the macrophage-like cells used in these studies. The expression of two proteins that bind human C3 may aid in the efficient binding of M. tuberculosis to complement receptors for uptake into mononuclear cells, or may influence other aspects of the host-parasite interaction. ^


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Group B streptococci (GBS) cause sepsis and meningitis in neonates and serious infections in adults with underlying chronic illnesses. Specific antibodies have been shown to be an important factor in protective immunity for neonates, but the role of serum complement is less well defined. To elucidate the function of the complement system in immunity to this pathogen, we have used the approach of gene targeting in embryonic stem cells to generate mice totally deficient in complement component C3. Comparison of C3-deficient mice with mice deficient in complement component C4 demonstrated that the 50% lethal dose for GBS infection was reduced by approximately 50-fold and 25-fold, respectively, compared to control mice. GBS were effectively killed in vitro by human blood leukocytes in the presence of specific antibody and C4-deficient serum but not C3-deficient serum. The defective opsonization by C3-deficient serum in vitro was corroborated by in vivo studies in which passive immunization of pregnant dams with specific antibodies conferred protection from GBS challenge to normal and C4-deficient pups but not C3-deficient pups. These results indicate that the alternative pathway is sufficient to mediate effective opsonophagocytosis and protective immunity to GBS in the presence of specific antibody. In contrast, the increased susceptibility to infection of non-immune mice deficient in either C3 or C4 implies that the classical pathway plays an essential role in host defense against GBS infection in the absence of specific immunity.


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Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a well recognized and growing health problem worldwide. ALD advances from fatty liver to inflammation, necrosis, fibrosis and cirrhosis. There is accumulating evidence that the innate immune system is involved in alcoholic liver injury. Within the innate and acquired immune systems, the complement system participates in inflammatory reactions and in the elimination of invading foreign, as well as endogenous apoptotic or injured cells. The present study aimed at evaluating the role of the complement system in the development of alcoholic liver injury. First, in order to study the effects of chronic ethanol intake on the complement system, the deposition of complement components in liver and the expression of liver genes associated with complement in animals with alcohol-induced liver injury were examined. It was demonstrated that chronic alcohol exposure leads to hepatic deposition of the complement components C1, C3, C8 and C9 in the livers of rats. Liver gene expression analysis showed that ethanol up-regulated the expression of transcripts for complement factors B, C1qA, C2, C3 and clusterin. In contrast, ethanol down-regulated the expression of the complement regulators factor H, C4bp and factor D and the terminal complement components C6, C8α and C9. Secondly, the role of the terminal complement pathway in the development of ALD was evaluated by using rats genetically deficient in the complement component C6 (C6-/-). It was found that chronic ethanol feeding induced more liver pathology (steatosis and inflammatory changes) in C6-/- rats than in wild type rats. The hepatic triacylglyceride content and plasma alanine aminotransferase activity increased in C6-/- rats, supporting the histopathological findings and elevation of the plasma pro-/anti-inflammatory TNF-/IL-10 ratio was also more marked in C6-/- rats. Third, the role of the alternative pathway in the development of alcoholic liver steatosis was characterized by using C3-/- mice. In C3-/- mice ethanol feeding tended to reduce steatosis and had no further effect on liver triacylglyceride, liver/body weight ratio nor on liver malondialdehyde level and serum alanine aminotransferase activity. In C3-/- mice alcohol-induced liver steatosis was reduced also after an acute alcohol challenge. In both wild type and C3-/- mice ethanol markedly reduced serum cholesterol and ApoA-I levels, phospholipid transfer protein activity and hepatic mRNA levels of fatty acid binding proteins and fatty acid -oxidation enzymes. In contrast, exclusively in C3-/- mice, ethanol treatment increased serum and liver adiponectin levels but down-regulated the expression of transcripts of lipogenic enzymes, adiponectin receptor 2 and adipose differentiation-related protein and up-regulated phospholipase D1. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that the complement system is involved in the development of alcohol-induced liver injury. Chronic alcohol exposure causes local complement activation and induction of mRNA expression of classical and alternative pathway components in the liver. In contrast expression of the terminal pathway components and soluble regulators were decreased. A deficient terminal complement pathway predisposes to alcoholic liver damage and promotes a pro-inflammatory cytokine response. Complement component C3 contributes to the development of alcohol-induced fatty liver and its consequences by affecting regulatory and specific transcription factors of lipid homeostasis.


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Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease characterized by accumulation of lipids in the inner layer of the arterial wall. During atherogenesis, various structures that are recognized as non-self by the immune system, such as modified lipoproteins, are deposited in the arterial wall. Accordingly, atherosclerotic lesions and blood of humans and animals with atherosclerotic lesions show signs of activation of both innate and adaptive immune responses. Although immune attack is initially a self-protective reaction, which is meant to destroy or remove harmful agents, a chronic inflammatory state in the arterial wall accelerates atherosclerosis. Indeed, various modulations of the immune system of atherosclerosis-prone animals have provided us with convincing evidence that immunological mechanisms play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. This thesis focuses on the role of complement system, a player of the innate immunity, in atherosclerosis. Complement activation via any of the three different pathways (classical, alternative, lectin) proceeds as a self-amplifying cascade, which leads to the generation of opsonins, anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a, and terminal membrane-attack complex (MAC, C5b-9), all of which regulate the inflammatory response and act in concert to destroy their target structures. To prevent uncontrolled complement activation or its attack against normal host cells, complement needs to be under strict control by regulatory proteins. The complement system has been shown to be activated in atherosclerotic lesions, modified lipoproteins and immune complexes containing oxLDL, for instance, being its activators. First, we investigated the presence and role of complement regulators in human atherosclerotic lesions. We found that inhibitors of the classical and alternative pathways, C4b-binding protein and factor H, respectively, were present in atherosclerotic lesions, where they localized in the superficial proteoglycan-rich layer. In addition, both inhibitors were found to bind to arterial proteoglycans in vitro. Immunohistochemical stainings revealed that, in the superficial layer of the intima, complement activation had been limited to the C3 level, whereas in the deeper intimal layers, complement activation had proceeded to the terminal C5b-9 level. We were also able to show that arterial proteoglycans inhibit complement activation in vitro. These findings suggested to us that the proteoglycan-rich layer of the arterial intima contains matrix-bound complement inhibitors and forms a protective zone, in which complement activation is restricted to the C3 level. Thus, complement activation is regulated in atherosclerotic lesions, and the extracellular matrix is involved in this process. Next, we studied whether the receptors for the two complement derived effectors, anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a, are expressed in human coronary atherosclerotic lesions. Our results of immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR analysis showed that, in contrast to normal intima, C3aR and C5aR were highly expressed in atherosclerotic lesions. In atherosclerotic plaques, the principal cells expressing both C3aR and C5aR were macrophages. Moreover, T cells expressed C5aR, and a small fraction of them also expressed C3aR, mast cells expressed C5aR, whereas endothelial cells and subendothelial smooth muscle cells expressed both C3aR and C5aR. These results suggested that intimal cells can respond to and become activated by complement-derived anaphylatoxins. Finally, we wanted to learn, whether oxLDL-IgG immune complexes, activators of the classical complement pathway, could have direct cellular effects in atherogenesis. Thus, we tested whether oxLDL-IgG immune complexes affect the survival of human monocytes, the precursors of macrophages, which are the most abundant inflammatory cell type in atherosclerotic lesions. We found that OxLDL-IgG immune complexes, in addition to transforming monocytes into foam cells, promoted their survival by decreasing their spontaneous apoptosis. This effect was mediated by cross-linking Fc receptors with ensuing activation of Akt-dependent survival signaling. Our finding revealed a novel mechanism by which oxLDL-IgG immune complexes can directly affect the accumulation of monocyte-macrophages in human atherosclerotic lesions and thus play a role in atherogenesis.


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The study assessed whether plasma concentrations of complement factors C3, C4, or immunoglobulins, serum classical pathway hemolytyic activity, or polymorphisms in the class I and II HLA genes, isotypes and gene numbers of C4, or allotypes of IgG1 and IgG3 heavy chain genes were associated with severe frequently recurring or chronic mucosal infections. According to strict clinical criteria, 188 consecutive voluntary patients without a known immunodeficiency and 198 control subjects were recruited. Frequencies of low levels in IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 were for the first time tested from adult general population and patients with acute rhinosinusitis. Frequently recurring intraoral herpes simplex type 1 infections, a rare form of the disease, was associated with homozygosity in HLA -A*, -B*, -C*, and -DR* genes. Frequently recurrent genital HSV-2 infections were associated with low levels of IgG1 and IgG3, present in 54% of the recruited patients. This association was partly allotype-dependent. The G3mg,G1ma/ax haplotype, together with low IgG3, was more common in patients than in control subjects who lacked antibodies against herpes simplex viruses. This is the first found immunogenetic deficiency in otherwise healthy adults that predisposes to highly frequent mucosal herpes recurrences. According to previous studies, HSV effectively evades the allotype G1ma/ax of IgG1, whereas G3mg is associated with low IgG3. Certain HLA genes were more common in patients than in control subjects. Having more than one C4A or C4B gene was associated with neuralgias caused by the virus. Low levels of IgA, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4 were common in the general adult population, but even more frequent in patients with chronic sinusitis. Only low IgG1 was more common chronic than in acute rhinosinusitis. Clinically, nasal polyposis and bronchial asthma were associated with complicated disease forms. The best differentiating immunologic parameters were C4A deficiency and the combination of low plasma IgG4 together with low IgG1 or IgG2, performing almost equally. The lack of C4A, IgA, and IgG4, all known to possess anti-inflammatory activity, together with a concurrently impaired immunity caused by low subclass levels, may predispose to chronic disease forms. In severe chronic adult periodontitis, any C4A or C4B deficiency combined was associated with the disease. The new quantitative analysis of C4 genes and the conventional C4 allotyping method complemented each other. Lowered levels of plasma C3 or C4 or both, and serum CH50 were found in herpes and periodontitis patients. In rhinosinusitis, there was a linear trend with the highest levels found in the order: acute > chronic rhinosinusitis > general population > blood donors with no self-reported history of rhinosinusitis. Complement is involved in the defense against the tested mucosal infections. Seemingly immunocompetent patients with chronic or recurrent mucosal infections frequently have subtle weaknesses in different arms of immunity. Their susceptibility to chronic disease forms may be caused by these. Host s subtly impaired immunity often coincides with effective immune evasion from the same arms of immunity by the disease-causing pathogens. The interpretation of low subclass levels, if no additional predisposing immunologic factors are tested, is difficult and of limited value in early diagnosis and treatment.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a normal inhabitant of the human nasopharynx. Symptoms occur in only a small proportion of those who become carriers, but the ubiquity of the organism in the human population results in a large burden of disease. S. pneumoniae is the leading bacterial cause of pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis worldwide, causing the death of a million children each year. Middle-ear infection is the most common clinical manifestation of mucosal pneumococcal infections. In invasive disease, S. pneumoniae gains access to the bloodstream and spreads to normally sterile parts of the body. The progression from asymptomatic colonization to disease depends on factors characteristic of specific pneumococcal strains as well as the status of host defenses. The polysaccharide capsule surrounding the bacterium is considered to be the most important factor affecting the virulence of pneumococci. It protects pneumococci from phagocytosis and also may determine its affinity to the respiratory epithelium. S. pneumoniae as a species comprises more than 90 different capsular serotypes, but not all of them are equally prevalent in human diseases. Invasive serotypes are rarely isolated from healthy carriers, but relatively often cause invasive disease. Serotypes that are carried asymptomatically for a long time behave like opportunistic pathogens, causing disease in patients who have impaired immune defenses. The complement system is a collection of blood and cell surface proteins that act as a major primary defense against invading microbes. Phagocytic cells with receptors for complement proteins can engulf and destroy pneumococcal cells opsonized with these proteins. S. pneumoniae has evolved a number of ways to subvert mechanisms of innate immunity, and this is likely to contribute to its pathogenicity. The capsular serotype, proteins essential for virulence, as well the genotype, may all influence the ability of pneumococcus to resist complement and its potential to cause disease. Immunization with conjugate vaccines produces opsonic antibodies, which enhance complement deposition and clearance of the bacteria. The pneumococcal vaccine included in the Finnish national immunization program in 2010 contains the most common serotypes causing invasive disease. Clinical data suggest that protection from middle-ear infection and possibly also from invasive disease depends largely on the capsular serotype, for reasons hitherto unknown. The general aim of this thesis is to assess the relative roles of the pneumococcal capsule and virulence proteins in complement evasion and subsequent opsonophagocytic killing. The main question is whether differences between serotypes to resist complement explain the different abilities of serotypes to cause disease. The importance of particular virulence factors to the complement resistance of a strain may vary depending on its genotype. Prior studies have evaluated the effect of the capsule and virulence proteins on complement resistance of S. pneumoniae by comparing only a few strains. In this thesis, the role of pneumococcal virulence factors in the complement resistance of the bacterium was studied in several genotypically different strains. The ability of pneumococci to inhibit deposition of the complement protein C3 on the bacterial surface was found to depend on the capsular serotype as well as on other features of the bacteria. The results suggest that pneumococcal histidine triad (Pht) proteins may play a role in complement inhibition, but their contribution depends on the bacterial genotype. The capsular serotype was found to influence complement resistance more than the bacterial genotype. A higher concentration of anticapsular antibodies was required for the opsonophagocytic killing of serotypes resistant to C3 deposition. The invasive serotypes were more resistant to C3 deposition than the opportunistic serotypes, suggesting that the former are better adapted to resist immune mechanisms controlling the development of invasive disease. The different susceptibilities of serotypes to complement deposition, opsonophagocytosis, and resultant antibody-mediated protection should be taken into account when guidelines for serological correlates for vaccine efficacy evaluations are made. The results of this thesis suggest that antibodies in higher quantity or quality are needed for efficient protection against the invasive serotypes.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic autoimmune disease with multifactorial ethiopathogenesis. The complement system is involved in both the early and late stages of disease development and organ damage. To better understand autoantibody mediated complement consumption we examined ex vivo immune complex formation on autoantigen arrays. We recruited patients with SLE (n = 211), with other systemic autoimmune diseases (n = 65) and non-autoimmune control subjects (n = 149). Standard clinical and laboratory data were collected and serum complement levels were determined. The genotype of SNP rs1143679 in the ITGAM gene was also determined. Ex vivo formation of immune complexes, with respect to IgM, IgG, complement C4 and C3 binding, was examined using a functional immunoassay on autoantigen microarray comprising nucleic acids, proteins and lipids. Complement consumption of nucleic acids increased upon binding of IgM and IgG even when serum complement levels were decreased due to consumption in SLE patients. A negative correlation between serum complement levels and ex vivo complement deposition on nucleic acid autoantigens is demonstrated. On the contrary, complement deposition on tested protein and lipid autoantigens showed positive correlation with C4 levels. Genetic analysis revealed that the non-synonymous variant rs1143679 in complement receptor type 3 is associated with an increased production of anti-dsDNA IgG antibodies. Notwithstanding, homozygous carriers of the previously reported susceptible allele (AA) had lower levels of dsDNA specific IgM among SLE patients. Both the non-synonymous variant rs1143679 and the high ratio of nucleic acid specific IgG/IgM were associated with multiple organ involvement. In summary, secondary complement deficiency in SLE does not impair opsonization of nucleic-acid-containing autoantigens but does affect other antigens and potentially other complement dependent processes. Dysfunction of the receptor recognizing complement opsonized immune complexes promotes the development of class-switched autoantibodies targeting nucleic acids.


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O carcinoma epidermóide de pênis (CEP) representa 95% das neoplasias penianas e afeta quase sempre pacientes não circuncidados estando muitas vezes associado à falta de higiene local adequada e à fimose. No Brasil a sua incidência é de 2,7 % porém em algumas áreas do país pode chegar a 17% dos casos diagnosticados por ano. O tumor pode ocorrer em qualquer parte do órgão sexual masculino e o tipo de estadiamento empregado é controverso. A classificação de Broders é a mais utilizada. Estudos sugerem a relação entre o desenvolvimento do carcinoma de pênis com a infecção por HPV (Papiloma Vírus Humano). O método de avaliação dos linfonodos inguinais permanece controverso sendo difícil a diferenciação entre linfadenomegalia inflamatória reacional e metastática. O exame físico não é um preditor confiável do comprometimento linfonodal pois pacientes com linfonodos palpáveis podem não apresentar metástases. Há poucas publicações sobre os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na gênese e progressão do CEP. Apesar de vários marcadores terem sido avaliados, atualmente a aplicação clínica destes é limitada. A maior parte dos marcadores estudados requer procedimentos invasivos para obtenção do tecido tumoral. Existe a necessidade de encontrar através de uma técnica pouco invasiva marcadores tumorais circulantes capazes de diferenciar portadores de CEP com e sem envolvimento metastático. Neste tipo de neoplasia, a descoberta de biomarcadores que avaliem o prognóstico é relevante, pois o exame físico não é um indicador confiável do comprometimento linfonodal e da sobrevida.Os objetivos foram 1) revisar e discutir a epidemiologia, a etiologia, os diversos tipos de abordagem cirúrgica e as controvérsias no tratamento cirúrgico do câncer de pênis 2) investigar através da plataforma ClinProt/ MALDI / TOF a presença de marcadores plasmáticos capazes de discriminar indivíduos saudáveis de pacientes afetados por carcinoma epidermóide de pênis (CEP) 3) avaliar a importância destes marcadores na evolução da doença. Foram coletados e analisados pela plataforma ClinProt / MALDI / TOF o plasma de 36 indivíduos saudáveis e 25 pacientes com CEP invasivo, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico entre junho de 2010 e junho de 2011, nos serviços de urologia do Instituto Nacional de Câncer e do Hospital Mário Kröeff (Rio de Janeiro). Nossos resultados apontaram para um conjunto de dois peptídeos (A = m / z 1897,22 + -9 Da e B = m / z 2021,99 + -9 Da) que foram capazes de diferenciar pacientes com CEP de indivíduos controles. Esses peptídeos foram posteriormente identificados como fragmentos C3 e C4 A/B do sistema complemento. A validação cruzada, utilizando toda casuística apresentou 62,5% e 86,76% de sensibilidade e de especificidade, respectivamente, com uma alta sensibilidade (100%) e especificidade (97%) nos pacientes que morreram pela doença. Além disso, os pacientes com envolvimento ganglionar obtiveram uma sensibilidade e uma especificidade de 80 % e 97%, respectivamente. Ficou demonstrado que à medida que a doença progride mais subexpressos está o conjunto de peptídeos quando comparados com indivíduos saudáveis. Estes resultados podem ser úteis como ferramentas para a avaliação do prognóstico destes pacientes.


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At present, acute vascular rejection (AVR) remains a primary obstacle inhibiting long-term graft survival in the pig-to-non-human primate transplant model. The present study was undertaken to determine whether repetitive injection of low dose Yunnan-cobra venom factor (Y-CVF), a potent complement inhibitor derived from the venom of Naja kaouthia can completely abrogate hemolytic complement activity and subsequently improve the results in a pig-to-rhesus monkey heterotopic heart transplant model. Nine adult rhesus monkeys received a heterotopic heart transplant from wild-type pigs and the recipients were allocated into two groups: group 1 (n = 4) received repetitive injection of low dose Y-CVF until the end of the study and group 2 (n = 5) did not receive Y-CVF. All recipients were treated with cyclosporine A (CsA), cyclophosphamide (CyP) and steroids. Repetitive Y-CVF treatment led to very dramatic fall in CH50 and serum C3 levels (CH50 < 3 units/C3 remained undetectable throughout the experiment) and successfully prevented hyperacute rejection (HAR), while three of five animals in group 2 underwent HAR. However, the continuous suppression of circulating complement did not prevent AVR and the grafts in group 1 survived from 8 to 13 days. Despite undetectable C3 in circulating blood, C3 deposition was present in these grafts. The venular thrombosis was the predominant histopathologic feature of AVR. We conclude that repetitive injection of low dose Y-CVF can be used to continuously suppress circulating complement in a very potent manner and successfully prevent HAR. However, this therapy did not inhibit complement deposition in the graft and failed to prevent AVR. These data suggest that using alternative pig donors [i.e. human decay accelerating factor (hDAF)-transgenic] in combination with the systemic use of complement inhibitors may be necessary to further control complement activation and improve survival in pig-to-non-human primate xenotransplant model.