823 resultados para Competitor priming


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Ignoring an object slows subsequent naming responses to it, a phenomenon known as negative priming (NP). A central issue in NP research concerns the level of representation at which the effect occurs. As object naming is typically considered to involve access to abstract semantic representations, Tipper 1985 proposed that the NP effect occurred at this level of processing, and other researchers supported this proposal by demonstrating a similar result with categorically related objects (e.g., Allport et al., 1985; Murray, 1995), an effect referred to as semantic NP. However, objects within categories share more physical or structural features than objects from different categories. Consequently, the NP effect observed with categorically related objects might occur at a structural rather than semantic level of representation. We used event related fMRI interleaving overt object naming and image acquisition to demonstrate for the first time that the semantic NP effect activates the left posterior-mid fusiform and insular-opercular cortices. Moreover, both naming latencies and left posterior-mid fusiform cortex responses were influenced by the structural similarity of prime-probe object pairings in the categorically related condition, increasing with the number of shared features. None of the cerebral regions activated in a previous fMRI study of the identity NP effect (de Zubicaray et al., 2006) showed similar activation during semantic NP, including the left anterolateral temporal cortex, a region considered critical for semantic processing. The results suggest that the identity and semantic NP effects differ with respect to their neural mechanisms, and the label "semantic NP" might be a misnomer. We conclude that the effect is most likely the result of competition between structurally similar category exemplars that determines the efficiency of object name retrieval.


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Nondeclarative memory and novelty processing in the brain is an actively studied field of neuroscience, and reducing neural activity with repetition of a stimulus (repetition suppression) is a commonly observed phenomenon. Recent findings of an opposite trend specifically, rising activity for unfamiliar stimuli—question the generality of repetition suppression and stir debate over the underlying neural mechanisms. This letter introduces a theory and computational model that extend existing theories and suggests that both trends are, in principle, the rising and falling parts of an inverted U-shaped dependence of activity with respect to stimulus novelty that may naturally emerge in a neural network with Hebbian learning and lateral inhibition. We further demonstrate that the proposed model is sufficient for the simulation of dissociable forms of repetition priming using real-world stimuli. The results of our simulation also suggest that the novelty of stimuli used in neuroscientific research must be assessed in a particularly cautious way. The potential importance of the inverted-U in stimulus processing and its relationship to the acquisition of knowledge and competencies in humans is also discussed


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A spatially explicit multi-competitor coexistence model was developed for meta-populations of prawns (shrimp) occupying habitat patches across the Great Barrier Reef, where dispersal was localised and dispersal rates varied between species. Prawns were modelled as individuals moving to and from patches or cells according to pre-set decision rules. The landscape was simulated as a matrix of cells with each cell having a spatially explicit survival index for each species. Mixed species prawn assemblages moved over this simplified spatially explicit landscape. A low level of chronic random environmental disturbance was assumed (cyclone and tropical storm damage) with additional acute spatially confined disturbance due to commercial trawling, modelled as an increase in mortality affecting inter-specific competition. The general form of the results was for increased disturbance to favour good-colonising "generalist" species at the expense of good-competitor "specialists". Increasing fishing mortality (local patch extinctions) combined with poor colonising ability resulted in low equilibrium abundance for even the best competitor, while in the same circumstances the poorest competitor but best coloniser could have the highest equilibrium abundance. This mimics the switch from high-value prawn species to lower-value prawn species as trawl effort increases, reflected in historic catch and effort logbook data and reported anecdotaly from the north Queensland trawl fleet. To match the observed distribution and behaviour of prawn assemblages, a combination inter-species competition, a spatially explicit landscape, and a defined pattern of disturbance (trawling) was required. Modelling this combination could simulate not only general trends in spatial distribution of each of prawn species but also localised concentrations observed in the survey data


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Emerging zoonoses threaten global health, yet the processes by which they emerge are complex and poorly understood. Nipah virus (NiV) is an important threat owing to its broad host and geographical range, high case fatality, potential for human-to-human transmission and lack of effective prevention or therapies. Here, we investigate the origin of the first identified outbreak of NiV encephalitis in Malaysia and Singapore. We analyse data on livestock production from the index site (a commercial pig farm in Malaysia) prior to and during the outbreak, on Malaysian agricultural production, and from surveys of NiV's wildlife reservoir (flying foxes). Our analyses suggest that repeated introduction of NiV from wildlife changed infection dynamics in pigs. Initial viral introduction produced an explosive epizootic that drove itself to extinction but primed the population for enzootic persistence upon reintroduction of the virus. The resultant within-farm persistence permitted regional spread and increased the number of human infections. This study refutes an earlier hypothesis that anomalous El Nino Southern Oscillation-related climatic conditions drove emergence and suggests that priming for persistence drove the emergence of a novel zoonotic pathogen. Thus, we provide empirical evidence for a causative mechanism previously proposed as a precursor to widespread infection with H5N1 avian influenza and other emerging pathogens.


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Business process models have become an effective way of examining business practices to identify areas for improvement. While common information gathering approaches are generally efficacious, they can be quite time consuming and have the risk of developing inaccuracies when information is forgotten or incorrectly interpreted by analysts. In this study, the potential of a role-playing approach to process elicitation and specification has been examined. This method allows stakeholders to enter a virtual world and role-play actions similarly to how they would in reality. As actions are completed, a model is automatically developed, removing the need for stakeholders to learn and understand a modelling grammar. An empirical investigation comparing both the modelling outputs and participant behaviour of this virtual world role-play elicitor with an S-BPM process modelling tool found that while the modelling approaches of the two groups varied greatly, the virtual world elicitor may not only improve both the number of individual process task steps remembered and the correctness of task ordering, but also provide a reduction in the time required for stakeholders to model a process view.


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The case of the top chefs relates the two areas that are apparently most distant, nutrition and health technology. It is the element that binds[3] the four, making them into a single whole. The results achieved by our chefs, in terms of their individual and collective success and their international projection of the image of the Basque Country comprise a goal to which other industries in the region should aspire. It is therefore our plan to apply the keys to this successful inter-competitor cooperation to development of the health technology industry. At the same time, we want to fulfil one of the aims that have been established for the food area: to make use of the country’s gastronomy-related assets.


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Proceso del Competitor and Market Report para cubrir las necesidades de información de la Alta Dirección de Zurich Insurance plc, para la unidad de negocio Global Corporate (GC) en la región de Europa Medio Oriente y África (EMEA) “ El Competitor and Market Report surge de la situación de desinformación en la que los altos directivos y los representantes de CD&M GCiEMEA de cada país se encuentran. Este trabajo consiste en estudiar todo el proceso de creación del Competitor and Market Report, empezando por la identificación del problema, búsqueda de soluciones e implementación y puesta en marcha de la solución. Este proceso nos obligara a inventariar y analizar los estudios que hasta el momento la empresa de seguros Zurich Insurance Ltd, recibía procedentes de fuentes externas o de distintos departamentos que rara vez estaban coordinados en la producción de estos informes. Analizaremos cuales son las áreas de información que estos informes no cubren. El proceso nos obligara a realizar un trabajo de campo. Haremos entrevistas que nos ayudaran a comprender mejor las necesidades de información de los altos directivos. A partir de los resultados anteriores se justificará la creación del Competitor and Market Report, y se estudiará todo el proceso de creación y puesta en marcha de un informe que cubra las necesidades anteriores.


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栉孔扇贝是我国重要的海水养殖品种,自1997年以来陆续爆发的大规模死亡,不仅造成了巨大的经济损失,而且直接威胁到现有产业的生存和发展。本研究通过比较扇贝在连续刺激条件下的不同免疫反应,推测栉孔扇贝中有无免疫致敏和记忆现象,观察短期免疫刺激对扇贝再次遇到相同病原物刺激时死亡率的影响,探讨栉孔扇贝的免疫致敏作用,并对其机制进行初步探讨,以期更好地了解扇贝的免疫防御机制,为扇贝病害防治提供参考。 利用荧光实时定量PCR技术检测了扇贝受到鳗弧菌连续等量刺激后两种重要病原识别受体(PRR)基因的表达。结果显示,在受到连续两次刺激后CfPGRP-S1、LGBP基因的表达量均有不同程度的增加。其中CfPGRP-S1基因在受到第二次刺激后表达量增加的幅度高于第一次,且基因表达显著性增加的时间比第一次提前;LGBP基因在第二次刺激后,表达量显著性增加的时间也比第一次提前。同时,对同批处理的扇贝进行重要免疫指标的检测分析发现两次刺激后吞噬率变化不显著,而第二次刺激后吞噬指数的最大峰值高于第一次,并且最大峰值出现的时间比第一次提前;血淋巴中的抗菌活力和肝胰腺中SOD、MDA含量在两次刺激前后的变化不显著。在脊椎动物中,识别能力和抗菌能力的提高是免疫记忆的两个重要特点,栉孔扇贝在第二次免疫刺激后PRR识别能力的提高和吞噬作用的增强,说明扇贝中可能存在类似脊椎动物免疫记忆的免疫致敏作用。对扇贝进行两次鳗弧菌浸泡刺激,第一次为短期浸泡刺激,第二次为长期浸泡刺激。结果发现,第一次浸泡过的扇贝在遭受相同病原第二次刺激时,在一定时间段内其死亡率比未受第一次刺激的扇贝极显著降低,表明第一次的短期病原刺激增强了扇贝对第二次刺激的抵抗能力。同时比较第二次刺激过程中扇贝免疫指标的变化发现经过短期刺激扇贝的吞噬作用、ACP和AKP活性比未受过刺激的扇贝显著增强,而其他指标包括POL、SOD则差异不显著,说明增强的吞噬作用、ACP和AKP活性与扇贝的死亡率下降有关。研究结果表明栉孔扇贝中存在免疫致敏(immune priming)现象,短期刺激可以提高扇贝的免疫反应能力,增强扇贝机体对相同病原物的抵抗能力。


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We show that children’s syntactic production is immediately affected by individual experiences of structures and verb–structure pairings within a dialogue, but that these effects have different timecourses. In a picture-matching game, three- to four-year-olds were more likely to describe a transitive action using a passive immediately after hearing the experimenter produce a passive than an active (abstract priming), and this tendency was stronger when the verb was repeated (lexical boost). The lexical boost disappeared after two intervening utterances, but the abstract priming effect persisted. This pattern did not differ significantly from control adults. Children also showed a cumulative priming effect. Our results suggest that whereas the same mechanism may underlie children’s immediate syntactic priming and long-term syntactic learning, different mechanisms underlie the lexical boost versus long-term learning of verb–structure links. They also suggest broad continuity of syntactic processing in production between this age group and adults.


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The system presented here is based on neurophysiological and electrophysiological data. It computes three types of increasingly integrated temporal and probability contexts, in a bottom-up mode. To each of these contexts corresponds an increasingly specific top-down priming effect on lower processing stages, mostly pattern recognition and discrimination. Contextual learning of time intervals, events' temporal order or sequential dependencies and events' prior probability results from the delivery of large stimuli sequences. This learning gives rise to emergent properties which closely match the experimental data.


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Exposing individuals to an isolated component (a prime) of a prior event alleviates its forgetting. Two experiments with 120 human infants between 3 and 18 months of age determined the minimum duration of a prime that can reactivate a forgotten memory and how long the reactivated memory persists. Infants learned an operant task, forgot it, were exposed to the prime, and later were tested for renewed retention. In Experiment 1, the minimum duration of an effective prime decreased logarithmically with age, but was always longer than the duration of a mere glance. In Experiment 2, the reactivated memory was forgotten twice as fast after a minimum-duration prime as after a full-length one, irrespective of priming delay and infant age. These data reveal that the minimum effective prime duration psychophysically equates the accessibility of forgotten memories. We conclude that priming is perceptually based with effects that are organized on a ratio (log) scale.