994 resultados para Competitive responses


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This study examined the interactions between the reproductive status and the thermoregulatory responses during exercise in the cold in girls involved in competitive sports. Four girls with established menstrual cycles comprised the eumenorrheic menarcheal group (EM) and 5 non-menstruating girls comprised the pre-menarcheal group (PM). During the first visit maximal oxygen consumption, height, weight and percent body fat (%BF) were measured. The second visit involved: a determination of metabolic rate in thermoneutrality (21°C) involving 10-min rest and 20-min cycling (30% of VCL max), and a cold stress test (5°C, 40% humidity, <0.3 m/s air velocity) involving 20-min rest and 40-min cycling (30% of VCL max.). Subjects in the EM group were tested twice in the chamber during the follicular and luteal phases. Pre-menarcheal subjects were found to have significantly (p<0.05) lower core temperatures during the final stages of cold exposure. Overall, body fat was not significantly correlated with core temperature in the cold, however there was a significant surface-to-mass ratio difference between the groups. While in the follicular phase, EM girls had a higher core temperature during cold exposure. Therefore, reproductive hormonal status seems to be an important factor in terms of cold tolerance in females during adolescence.


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Strategy is a contested concept. The generic literature is characterized by a diverse range of competing theories and alternative perspectives. Traditional models of the competitive strategy of construction firms have tended to focus on exogenous factors. In contrast, the resource-based view of strategic management emphasizes the importance of endogenous factors. The more recently espoused concept of dynamic capabilities extends consideration beyond static resources to focus on the ability of firms to reconfigure their operating routines to enable responses to changing environments. The relevance of the dynamics capabilities framework to the construction sector is investigated through an exploratory case study of a regional contractor. The focus on how firms continuously adapt to changing environments provides new insights into competitive strategy in the construction sector. Strong support is found for the importance of path dependency in shaping strategic choice. The case study further suggests that strategy is a collective endeavour enacted by a loosely defined group of individual actors. Dynamic capabilities are characterized by an empirical elusiveness and as such are best construed as situated practices embedded within a social and physical context.


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This paper considers how the delivery of public leisure services in Britain has been affected by the imposition of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) on the management of facilities. In particular, it focuses on the changing relationship between the central and local levels of government, theorising a tripartite local response to CCT, incorporating local statism, post-Fordist rejection of CCT and post- Fordist compliance with the aims of the central administration. The paper then discusses the actual implementation of CCT, relating the theorised responses to those witnessed in practice. This results in the delineation of a continuum of stances, ranging from pragmatic forms of local statism, such as the protection of the former direct labour force, to centrist attempts to combine the ethics of socialism with the mechanics of the market, to an outright rejection of state organisation and control. The paper concludes that although legitimate attempts have been made to protect local services, the outcome of the CCT process has undoubtedly been the regeneration of public leisure provision away from its service roots towards a market model of provision.


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Although much has been written about the effect on services of public sector restructuring, little is yet available on public leisure provision. This omission is addressed by considering how the delivery of public leisure services in Britain has been affected by the imposition of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT). In particular, it focuses on the changing relationship between the central and local levels of government recognising, on the part of local government, a continuum of structural responses to central initiatives which have, in some cases, conspired to reduce the impact of CCT on public leisure provision. The paper concludes that although attempts have been made to protect local services, the outcome of the CCT process has been the regeneration of public leisure provision away from its service roots, but within an enduring ideological paradigm of conservative professionalism.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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BACKGROUND: Prevention and control of ovine enzootic abortion (OEA) can be achieved by application of a live vaccine. In this study, five sheep flocks with different vaccination and infection status were serologically tested using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) specific for Chlamydophila (Cp.) abortus over a two-year time period. RESULTS: Sheep in Flock A with recent OEA history had high antibody values after vaccination similar to Flock C with natural Cp. abortus infections. In contrast, OEA serology negative sheep (Flock E) showed individual animal-specific immunoreactions after vaccination. Antibody levels of vaccinated ewes in Flock B ranged from negative to positive two and three years after vaccination, respectively. Positive antibody values in the negative control Flock D (without OEA or vaccination) are probably due to asymptomatic intestinal infections with Cp. abortus. Excretion of the attenuated strain of Cp. abortus used in the live vaccine through the eye was not observed in vaccinated animals of Flock E. CONCLUSION: The findings of our study indicate that, using serology, no distinction can be made between vaccinated and naturally infected sheep. As a result, confirmation of a negative OEA status in vaccinated animals by serology cannot be determined.


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Scopolamine is a high affinity muscarinic antagonist that is used for the prevention of post-operative nausea and vomiting. 5-HT3 receptor antagonists are used for the same purpose and are structurally related to scopolamine. To examine whether 5-HT3 receptors are affected by scopolamine we examined the effects of this drug on the electrophysiological and ligand binding properties of 5-HT3A receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes and HEK293 cells, respectively. 5-HT3 receptor-responses were reversibly inhibited by scopolamine with an IC50 of 2.09 μM. Competitive antagonism was shown by Schild plot (pA2 = 5.02) and by competition with the 5-HT3 receptor antagonists [3H]granisetron (Ki = 6.76 µM) and G-FL (Ki = 4.90 µM). The related molecule, atropine, similarly inhibited 5-HT evoked responses in oocytes with an IC50 of 1.74 µM, and competed with G-FL with a Ki of 7.94 µM. The reverse experiment revealed that granisetron also competitively bound to muscarinic receptors (Ki = 6.5 µM). In behavioural studies scopolamine is used to block muscarinic receptors and induce a cognitive deficit, and centrally administered concentrations can exceed the IC50 values found here. It is therefore possible that 5-HT3 receptors are also inhibited. Studies that utilise higher concentrations of scopolamine should be mindful of these potential off-target effects.


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Liposomes prepared with human LS174T colon tumor cell membranes induce specific primary and secondary xenogeneic immune responses in BALB/c splenocytes in vitro. The multilamellar vesicular liposomes were prepared by adding sonicated membrane fragments in 8 mM CaCl(,2) to a dried lipid film. Cytoxic splenocytes generated in vivo exhibited specificity for the LS174T cell; liposomes elicited higher levels of cytotoxicity than did membranes (P < 0.01). Secondary blastogenic responses elicited in in vivo-primed spleen cells by liposomes also produced a significantly greater (P < 0.005) response than membranes. Subsequently, in vitro induction of primary blastogenic and cytotoxic responses by liposomes were accomplished and revealed similar kinetics to that of whole LS174T cell immunogens. Specificity of the in vitro-primed spleen cells was clearly demonstrated (P < 0.01) on a variety of human tumor cells using both the primed lymphocyte and cell-mediated cytotoxicity assays. The results of competitive inhibition tests with autologous lymphoblasts demonstrated that 30% of the cytotoxic activity was directed against lymphocyte antigens.^ The adjuvant effect of liposomes was shown to be mediated primarily by tumor antigens exposed on the outer surface of liposomes. Trypsinization of the liposomes which eliminated 96% of the surface protein reduced the ability of liposomes to induce cytotoxic splenocytes. The generation of cytolytic activity with liposomes of increasing protein concentration showed that while 10 (mu)g protein was threshold, 100 (mu)g protein induced maximal responses. In addition, membrane fluidity studies revealed that rigid liposomes were significantly (P < 0.05) more efficacious than fluid liposomes in inducing cytotoxicity.^ The induction of the primary response required the presence of nonadherent splenocytes bearing the Thy-1, Lyt-1, and Lyt-2 surface markers. The role of a Lyt-123 subpopulation was suggested by the inability of both the Lyt-1 and Lyt-2 depleted populations to completely restore the cytolytic levels to normal. In addition, the interaction of I-A('+) spleen adherent cells with liposomes for at least 8 hours was required to generate maximal cytotoxic activity. The phenotype of the cytotoxic effector was Thy-1('+), Lyt-2('+), and I-A('d-).^ Incorporation of tumor antigens into liposomes has thus enabled primary immunization in vitro to human colon cancer antigens and may afford an adaptable means to evaluate and to select specific immune responses, as well as to identify colon tumor-specific determinants.^


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Future atmospheric CO2 levels will most likely have complex consequences for marine organisms, particulary photosynthetic calcifying organisms. Corallina officinalis L. is an erect calcifying macroalga found in the inter- and subtidal regions of temperate rocky coastlines and provides important substrate and refugia for marine meiofauna. The main goal of the current study was to determine the physiological responses of C. officinalis to increased CO2 concentrations expected to occur within the next century and beyond. Our results show that growth and production of inorganic material decreased under high CO2 levels, while carbonic anhydrase activity was stimulated and negatively correlated to algal inorganic content. Photosynthetic efficiency based on oxygen evolution was also negatively affected by increased CO2. The results of this study indicate that C. officinalis may become less competitive under future CO2 levels, which could result in structural changes in future temperate intertidal communities.


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Increasing pCO2 (partial pressure of CO2 ) in an "acidified" ocean will affect phytoplankton community structure, but manipulation experiments with assemblages briefly acclimated to simulated future conditions may not accurately predict the long-term evolutionary shifts that could affect inter-specific competitive success. We assessed community structure changes in a natural mixed dinoflagellate bloom incubated at three pCO2 levels (230, 433, and 765 ppm) in a short-term experiment (2 weeks). The four dominant species were then isolated from each treatment into clonal cultures, and maintained at all three pCO2 levels for approximately 1 year. Periodically (4, 8, and 12 months), these pCO2 -conditioned clones were recombined into artificial communities, and allowed to compete at their conditioning pCO2 level or at higher and lower levels. The dominant species in these artificial communities of CO2 -conditioned clones differed from those in the original short-term experiment, but individual species relative abundance trends across pCO2 treatments were often similar. Specific growth rates showed no strong evidence for fitness increases attributable to conditioning pCO2 level. Although pCO2 significantly structured our experimental communities, conditioning time and biotic interactions like mixotrophy also had major roles in determining competitive outcomes. New methods of carrying out extended mixed species experiments are needed to accurately predict future long-term phytoplankton community responses to changing pCO2 .


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Indigenous firms in Mexico, as in most developing countries, take the shape of family businesses. Regardless of size, the most predominant ones are those owned and managed by one or more families or descendent families of the founders. From the point of view of economics and business administration, family business is considered to have variety of limitations when it seeks to grow. One of the serious limitations is concerning human resource, which is revealed at the time of management succession. Big family businesses in Mexico deal with human resource limitations adopting measures such as the education and training of the successors, the establishment of management structure that makes control by the owner family possible and divisions of roles among the owner family members, and between the owner family members and the salaried managers. Institutionalization is a strategy that considerable number of family businesses have adopted in order to undergo the succession process without committing serious errors. Institutionalization is observed in such aspects as the establishment of the requisite condition to be met by the candidate of future successor and the screening by an institution which is independent of the owner family. At present these measures allow for the continuation of family businesses in an extremely competitive environment.


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Despite the critical role that terrestrial vegetation plays in the Earth's carbon cycle, very little is known about the potential evolutionary responses of plants to anthropogenically induced increases in concentrations of atmospheric CO2. We present experimental evidence that rising CO2 concentration may have a direct impact on the genetic composition and diversity of plant populations but is unlikely to result in selection favoring genotypes that exhibit increased productivity in a CO2-enriched atmosphere. Experimental populations of an annual plant (Abutilon theophrasti, velvetleaf) and a temperate forest tree (Betula alleghaniensis, yellow birch) displayed responses to increased CO2 that were both strongly density-dependent and genotype-specific. In competitive stands, a higher concentration of CO2 resulted in pronounced shifts in genetic composition, even though overall CO2-induced productivity enhancements were small. For the annual species, quantitative estimates of response to selection under competition were 3 times higher at the elevated CO2 level. However, genotypes that displayed the highest growth responses to CO2 when grown in the absence of competition did not have the highest fitness in competitive stands. We suggest that increased CO2 intensified interplant competition and that selection favored genotypes with a greater ability to compete for resources other than CO2. Thus, while increased CO2 may enhance rates of selection in populations of competing plants, it is unlikely to result in the evolution of increased CO2 responsiveness or to operate as an important feedback in the global carbon cycle. However, the increased intensity of selection and drift driven by rising CO2 levels may have an impact on the genetic diversity in plant populations.


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This study analyzes the degree of competition through individual actions and reactions. Empirical support for this analysis has derived mainly from structural econometric models describing the nature of competition. This analysis extends the existing literature by empirically considering a direct measurement of competition through the analysis of the competitive actions and responses, and describing how firms compete within and between strategic groups. We estimate the firms’ conduct in the Spanish deposits market with 146 firms and 18,888 observations. This is a specially compelling context for the banking industry, in which a deregulation process gives rise to the adoption of aggressive strategies seeking to increase the market shares of deposit accounts; thus, producing a turbulent situation of increasing rivalry. Our results offer a deeper understanding of the firms’ competitive behavior, since we identify different patterns of actions and reactions depending upon the strategic group the firm belongs to.


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Objective: Few evaluations have assessed the factors triggering an adequate health care response to intimate partner violence. This article aimed to: 1) describe a realist evaluation carried out in Spain to ascertain why, how and under what circumstances primary health care teams respond to intimate partner violence, and 2) discuss the strengths and challenges of its application. Methods: We carried out a series of case studies in four steps. First, we developed an initial programme theory (PT1), based on interviews with managers. Second, we refined PT1 into PT2 by testing it in a primary healthcare team that was actively responding to violence. Third, we tested the refined PT2 by incorporating three other cases located in the same region. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and thick descriptions were produced and analysed using a retroduction approach. Fourth, we analysed a total of 15 cases, and identified combinations of contextual factors and mechanisms that triggered an adequate response to violence by using qualitative comparative analysis. Results: There were several key mechanisms —the teams’ self-efficacy, perceived preparation, women-centred care—, and contextual factors —an enabling team environment and managerial style, the presence of motivated professionals, the use of the protocol and accumulated experience in primary health care—that should be considered to develop adequate primary health-care responses to violence. Conclusion: The full application of this realist evaluation was demanding, but also well suited to explore a complex intervention reflecting the situation in natural settings.


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Immune cells respond to bacterial DNA containing unmethylated CpG motifs via Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9). Given the apparent role of TLR9 in development of systemic lupus erythernatosus (SLE), there is interest in the development of TLR9 inhibitors. TLR9-mediated responses are reported to be inhibited by a confusing variety of different DNA sequences and structures. To aid characterization, we have provisionally categorized TLR9-inhibitory oligodeoxynucleoti des (ODN) into 4 classes, on the basis of sequence and probable mode of action. Class I are short G-rich ODN, which show sequence-specific inhibition of all TLR9 responses, and may be direct competitive inhibitors for DNA binding to TLR9. Class II are telomeric repeat motifs that inhibit STAT signaling, and thus are not specific to TLR9 responses. Because Class II ODN are generally made as 24-base phosphorothioate-modified ODN (PS-ODN), they also fall into Class IV, defined as long PS-ODN, which inhibit TLR9 responses in a sequence-nonspecific manner. Class III includes oligo (dG) that forms a 4-stranded structure and inhibits DNA uptake. The Class I G-rich motifs show the most promise as selective and potent TLR9 inhibitors for therapeutic applications.