948 resultados para Compósitos Nb-Cu
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Helium ion-irradiation experiments have been performed in single layer Cu films, Nb films and Cu/Nb multilayer films with layer thickness varying from 2.5 nm to 100 nm each layer. Peak helium concentration approaches a few atomic percent with 6-9 displacement-per-atom in Cu and Nb. He bubbles were observed in single layer Cu and Nb films, as well as in Cu 100 nm/Nb 100 nm multilayers with helium bubbles aligned along layer interfaces. Helium bubbles are not resolved via transmission electron microscopy in Cu 2.5 nm/Nb 2.5 nm multilayers. These studies indicate that layer interface may play an important role in annihilating ion-irradiation induced defects such as vacancies and interstitials and have implications in improving the radiation tolerance of metallic materials using nanostructured multilayers. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Energy dissipation and fatigue properties of nano-layered thin films are less well studied than bulk properties. Existing experimental methods for studying energy dissipation properties, typically using magnetic interaction as a driving force at different frequencies and a laser-based deformation measurement system, are difficult to apply to two-dimensional materials. We propose a novel experimental method to perform dynamic testing on thin-film materials by driving a cantilever specimen at its fixed end with a bimorph piezoelectric actuator and monitoring the displacements of the specimen and the actuator with a fibre-optic system. Upon vibration, the specimen is greatly affected by its inertia, and behaves as a cantilever beam under base excitation in translation. At resonance, this method resembles the vibrating reed method conventionally used in the viscoelasticity community. The loss tangent is obtained from both the width of a resonance peak and a free-decay process. As for fatigue measurement, we implement a control algorithm into LabView to maintain maximum displacement of the specimen during the course of the experiment. The fatigue S-N curves are obtained.
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Superconductor – normal metal point contacts were investigated, using different combinations of Cu, brass, Nb and NbTi. The resulting spectra contained side peaks. The currents at which these side peaks appeared, depended on the radii of the contacts. For contacts with Nb this dependence was quadratic, while for contacts with NbTi it was linear. Based on this, we argue that the side peaks in the case of the Nb contacts are due to the critical current density being exceeded. In contrast, side peaks of the NbTi contacts are caused by the self-magnetic field exceeding the lower critical field of NbTi. The NbTi contacts did not show the expected contribution from the vanishing Maxwell resistance of the superconductor, a question which remained open.
Inorganic pigment comprises a host lattice, which is part of the chromophore component (usually a transition metal cation) and possible components modifiers, which stabilize, add or restate the properties pigments. Among the materials with spinel, ferrites, and the chromite stand out, because they have broad technological importance in the area of materials, applicability, pigments, catalytic hydrogenation, thin film, ceramic tiles, among others. The present work, pigments containing CuFe2O4, CuCr2O4,e CuFeCrO4, were synthesized by a method that makes use of gelatin as organic precursor using their application to ceramic pigments. The pigments were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) spectroscopy in the UV-visible and Colorimetry. The results confirmed the feasibility of the synthetic route used, with respect to powders synthesized, there is the formation of spinel phase from 500°C, with an increase in crystallinity and the formation of other phases. The pigments were shown to be crystalline and the desired phases were obtained. The copper chromite have hues ranging from green to black according to the calcination temperature, while the copper chromite doped with iron had brownish. The ferrites showed copper color and darker brown to black, which may indicate an interesting factor because of the importance of black pigment
In this work, were produced ceramic matrix composites based in SiCxOy e Al2O3 reinforced with NbC, by hydrosilylation reaction between D4Vi and poly(methylhydrosiloxane) mixtured with Al2O3 as inert filler, Nb and Al as reactive filler. After the mixture and compactation at 80ºC (warm pressing), the samples were pyrolised at 1200 and 1400ºC and infiltred with ICZ and LZSA respectively, and thermically, physical and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction, density and porosity, flexural mechanical strength and fracture surface by scanning electron microscopy. The yield ceramic obtained after pyrolysis for studied composition at 1200ºC was 95%. The obtained phases had been identified as being Al3Nb, NbSi2 and NbC. The composite material presented apparent porosity varying of 15 up to 32% and mechanical flexural strenght of 32 up to 37,5MPa. After the fracture surface analysis, were observed a phases homogeneous dispersion, with some domains of amorphous and crystalline aspect. The samples that were submitted the infiltration cycle presented a layer next the surface with reduced pores number in relation to the total volume
Compósitos de borracha natural (Hevea brasiliensis)-BN/polianilina - PANI, com diferentes composições foram obtidos através da polimerização por emulsão do monômero anilina na presença da BN e do ácido dodecilbenzeno sulfônico (DBSA). Filmes finos e homogêneos foram obtidos por prensagem a quente. Os compósitos foram caracterizados por condutividade elétrica, FTIR, UV-vis-NIR, DSC e difração de raios X. Compósito com condutividade elétrica cerca de 14 ordens de grandeza maior que a BN foi obtido. Este alto valor de condutividade é atribuído à formação da PANI no estado dopado no compósito, que foi verificado através das técnicas de UV-vis-NIR e FTIR. Os resultados obtidos com a técnica de DSC e difratometria de raios X indicaram que os polímeros são imiscíveis e que a presença da borracha não altera significantemente a fase cristalina da PANI-DBSA no compósito.
The effect of the addition of Cr and Nb on the microstructure and the electrochemical corrosion of the weldable, high-strength and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) resistant Al-5%Zn-1.67%Mg-0.23%Cu alloy (H) has been studied. Combined additions of the alloying elements, J (with Nb), L (with Cr) and O (with Cr and Nb) and different heat treatments, ST (cold-rolled), A (annealed), F (quenched), B (quenched and aged) and C (quenched in two steps and aged), to obtain different microstructures and hardness have been performed. To correlate the electrochemical corrosion with the microstructure of the specimens, corrosion potential (E(cor)) measurements in different chloride solutions were performed and optical microscopy, SEM, TEM and EDX were applied. In chloride solutions containing dissolved O-2 or H2O2, the present alloys were polarized up to the pitting attack. It was shown that the E(cor) measurements were very sensitive to the alloy composition and heat treatment, increasing in the order H < J < L < O < Al (for a given heat treatment) and F < A approximate to ST < B < C (for a given alloy). The MgZn2 precipitates of the annealed (A) and cold-rolled (ST) specimens were dissolved in chloride solutions containing oxidizing agents and pitting attack was shown to develop in the cavities where the precipitates were present. In the specimens B and C, the compositions of the precipitate free zones was found to be equal to that of the matrix solid solution and preferential intergranular attack was not evident, this being in agreement with their SCC resistance. The addition of Cr and Nb increased the pitting corrosion resistance. The effects of Cr and Nb were additive, that of Cr being predominant, either, in the E(cor) shift or in the increase in the pitting corrosion resistance.
Polycrystalline materials of SnO(2) doped with ZnO, WO(3), CoO, Nb(2)O(5), and MoO(3). were synthesized by solid state reaction. X-ray powder diffraction data were collected with Cu K(alpha) radiation from a Rigaku-Rint 2000 rotating anode source. The structural and profile parameters were refined by the Rietveld method using GSAS [2]. The obtained residual parameters are R(wp) = 11,93% and R(Bragg) = 4,19%. The refined profile parameters indicate no anisotropic crystallite microstrain. The refinement results and Fourier differences calculations indicate that the dopants do not occupy interstitial sites in the crystal structure of SnO(2).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Duolong porphyry Cu-Au deposit (5.4 Mt at 0.72% Cu, 41 t at 0.23 g/t Au), which is related to the granodiorite porphyry and the quartz-diorite porphyry from the Bangongco copper belt in central Tibet, formed in a continental arc setting. Here, we present the zircon U-Pb ages, geochemical whole-rock, Sr-Nd whole-rock and zircon in-situ Hf-O isotopic data for the Duolong porphyries. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) zircon U-Pb analyses for six samples yielded consistent ages of ~118 Ma, indicating a Cretaceous formation age. The Duolong porphyries (SiO2 of 58.81-68.81 wt.%, K2O of 2.90-5.17 wt.%) belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series. They show light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched distribution patterns with (La/Yb)N = 6.1-11.7, enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (e.g., Cs, Rb, and Ba) and depletion of high field strength elements (e.g., Nb), with negative Ti anomalies. All zircons from the Duolong porphyries share relatively similar Hf-O isotopic compositions (d18O=5.88-7.27 per mil; eHf(t)=3.6-7.3), indicating that they crystallized from a series of cogenetic melts with various degrees of fractional crystallization. This, along with the general absence of older inherited zircons, rules out significant crustal contamination during zircon growth. The zircons are mostly enriched in d18O relative to mantle values, indicating the involvement of an 18O-enriched crustal source in the generation of the Duolong porphyries. Together with the presence of syn-mineralization basaltic andesite, the mixing between silicic melts derived from the lower crust and evolved H2O-rich mafic melts derived from the metsomatizied mantle wedge, followed by subsequent fractional crystallization (FC) and minor crustal contamination in the shallow crust, could well explain the petrogenesis of the Duolong porphyries. Significantly, the hybrid melts possibly inherited the arc magma characteristics of abundant F, Cl, Cu, and Au elements and high oxidation state, which contributed to the formation of the Duolong porphyry Cu-Au deposit.
Based on our previous knowledge on Cu/Nb nanoscale metallic multilayers (NMMs), Cu/WNMMs show a good potential for applications as heat skins in plasma experiments and armors, and it could be expected that the substitution of Nb byWwould increase the strength, particularly at high temperatures. To check this hypothesis, Cu/WNMMs with individual layer thicknesses ranging between 5 and 30 nm were deposited by physical vapour deposition, and their mechanical properties were measured by nanoindentation. The results showed that, contrary to Cu/Nb NMMs, the hardness was independent of the layer thickness and decreased rapidlywith temperature, especially above 200 °C. This behavior was attributed to the growth morphology of theWlayers aswell as the jagged Cu/W interface, both a consequence of the lowW adatom mobility during deposition. Therefore, future efforts on the development of Cu/Wmultilayers should concentrate on optimization of theWdeposition parameters via substrate heating and/or ion assisted deposition to increase the W adatom mobility during deposition.