925 resultados para Combinatorial Chemistry
Viime vuosien nopea kehitys on kiihdyttänyt uusien lääkkeiden kehittämisprosessia. Kombinatorinen kemia on tehnyt mahdolliseksi syntetisoida suuria kokoelmia rakenteeltaan toisistaan poikkeavia molekyylejä, nk. kombinatorisia kirjastoja, biologista seulontaa varten. Siinä molekyylien rakenteeseen liittyvä aktiivisuus tutkitaan useilla erilaisilla biologisilla testeillä mahdollisten "osumien" löytämiseksi, joista osasta saatetaan myöhemmin kehittää uusia lääkeaineita. Jotta biologisten tutkimusten tulokset olisivat luotettavia, on syntetisoitujen komponenttien oltava mahdollisimman puhtaita. Tämän vuoksi tarvitaan HTP-puhdistusta korkealaatuisten komponenttien ja luotettavan biologisen tiedon takaamiseksi. Jatkuvasti kasvavat tuotantovaatimukset ovat johtaneet näiden puhdistustekniikoiden automatisointiin ja rinnakkaistamiseen. Preparatiivinen LC/MS soveltuu kombinatoristen kirjastojen nopeaan ja tehokkaaseen puhdistamiseen. Monet tekijät, esimerkiksi erotuskolonnin ominaisuudet sekä virtausgradientti, vaikuttavat preparatiivisen LC/MS puhdistusprosessin tehokkuuteen. Nämä parametrit on optimoitava parhaan tuloksen saamiseksi. Tässä työssä tutkittiin emäksisiä komponentteja erilaisissa virtausolosuhteissa. Menetelmä kombinatoristen kirjastojen puhtaustason määrittämiseksi LC/MS-puhdistuksen jälkeen optimoitiin ja määritettiin puhtaus joillekin komponenteille eri kirjastoista ennen puhdistusta.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A combinatorial protocol (CP) is introduced here to interface it with the multiple linear regression (MLR) for variable selection. The efficiency of CP-MLR is primarily based on the restriction of entry of correlated variables to the model development stage. It has been used for the analysis of Selwood et al data set [16], and the obtained models are compared with those reported from GFA [8] and MUSEUM [9] approaches. For this data set CP-MLR could identify three highly independent models (27, 28 and 31) with Q2 value in the range of 0.632-0.518. Also, these models are divergent and unique. Even though, the present study does not share any models with GFA [8], and MUSEUM [9] results, there are several descriptors common to all these studies, including the present one. Also a simulation is carried out on the same data set to explain the model formation in CP-MLR. The results demonstrate that the proposed method should be able to offer solutions to data sets with 50 to 60 descriptors in reasonable time frame. By carefully selecting the inter-parameter correlation cutoff values in CP-MLR one can identify divergent models and handle data sets larger than the present one without involving excessive computer time.
Many important natural products contain the furan-2(5H)-one structure. The structure of this molecule lends itself to manipulation using combinatorial techniques due to the presence of more than one site for the attachment of different suhstituents. By developing different reaction schemes at the three sites available for attachment on the furan-2(5H)-one scaffold, combinatorial chemistry techniques can be employed to assemble libraries of novel furan 2(5H)-ones. These libraries can then be entered into various biological screening programmes. This approach will enable a vast diversity or compounds to be examined, in the hope or finding new biologically active Iead structures. The work in this thesis has investigated the potential that combinatorial chemistry has in the quest for new biologically active lead structures based on the furan-2(5H)-one structure. Different reactions were investigated with respect to their suitability for inclusion in a library. Once sets of reactions at the various sites had been established, the viability of these reactions in the assembly of combinatorial libraries was investigated. Purification methods were developed, and the purified products entered into suitable biological screening tests. Results from some of these tests were optimised using structure activity relationships, and the resulting products re-screened. The screening tests performed were for anticancer and antimicrobial activity, cholecystokinin (CCK-B) antagonism and anti-inflammatory activity (in the quest for novel cyclo-oxygenase (COX-2) selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). It has been shown that many reactions undergone by the furan-2(5H)-one structure are suitable for the assembly of a combinatorial library. Investigation into the assembly of different libraries has been carried out with initial screening results included. From this work, further investigation into combinatorial library assembly and structure activity relationships of screened reaction products can be undertaken.
Mucobromic and mucochloric acid were used as building blocks for the construction of a chemical combinatorial library of 3,4,5-trisubstituted 2(5H)-furanones. With these 2 butenolide building blocks, and eight alcohols a sublibrary of 16 dihalogenated 5-alkoxy-2(5H)-furanones was prepared. This sublibrary of 5-alkoxylated furanones was reacted with 16 amines generating a full size focussed combinatorial library of 256 individual compounds. This three dimensional combinatorial library of 3-halogen-4-amino-5-alkoxy-2(5H)-furanones was prepared around the benzimidazolyl furanone lead structure by applying a solution phase combinatorial chemistry concept. Typical representatives of the library were purified and fully characterized and one x-ray structures was recorded, additionally. The 3-bromo-4-benzimizazolyl-5-methoxy-2(5H)furanone, Br-A-l, showed an MIC of 8 μg/ml against the multiresistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA). © 2006 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
This work describes the synthesis in Solution of a series of related diketopiperazines with potential biological activities: cyclo(L-Pro-L-Ser), cyclo(L-Phe-L-Ser), cyclo(D-Phe-L-Ser) and the corresponding glycosylated analogs of the latter, cyclo[D-Phe-L-Ser(alpha GlcNAc)] and cyclo[D-Phe-L-Ser(beta GlcNAc)]. The synthetic approach involved coupling reactions of -OH or O-glycosylated serine benzyl esters with NFmoc-protected amino acids (Pro or Phe), followed by one-pot deprotection-cyclization reaction in the presence of 20% piperidine in DMF. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tracking the reaction history is the means of choice to identify bioactive compounds in large combinatorial libraries. The authors describe two approaches to synthesis on silica beads: a) addition of a reporter dye tag during each synthesis step (see Figure), which attaches itself to the bead by colloidal forces, and b) encapsulating arrays of fluorescent dyes into the beads to encode them uniquely, for recognition with a flow cytometer after each reaction step.
Rapid access to genetic information is central to the revolution presently occurring in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly In relation to novel drug target identification and drug development. Genetic variation, gene expression, gene function and gene structure are just some of the important research areas requiring efficient methods of DNA screening. Here, we highlight state-of-the-art techniques and devices for gene screening that promise cheaper and higher-throughput yields than currently achieved with DNA microarrays. We include an overview of existing and proposed bead-based strategies designed to dramatically increase the number of probes that can be interrogated in one assay. We focus, in particular, on the issue of encoding and/or decoding (bar-coding) large bead-based libraries for HTS.
High-throughput screening (HTS) using high-density microplates is the primary method for the discovery of novel lead candidate molecules. However, new strategies that eschew 2D microplate technology, including technologies that enable mass screening of targets against large combinatorial libraries, have the potential to greatly increase throughput and decrease unit cost. This review presents an overview of state-of-the-art microplate-based HTS technology and includes a discussion of emerging miniaturized systems for HTS. We focus on new methods of encoding combinatorial libraries that promise throughputs of as many as 100 000 compounds per second.
Libraries of cyclic peptides are being synthesized using combinatorial chemistry for high throughput screening in the drug discovery process. This paper describes the min_syn_steps.cpp program (available at http://www.imb.uq.edu.au/groups/smythe/tran), which after inputting a list of cyclic peptides to be synthesized, removes cyclic redundant sequences and calculates synthetic strategies which minimize the synthetic steps as well as the reagent requirements. The synthetic steps and reagent requirements could be minimized by finding common subsets within the sequences for block synthesis. Since a brute-force approach to search for optimum synthetic strategies is impractically large, a subset-orientated approach is utilized here to limit the size of the search. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fluoropolymers are known as chemically inert materials with good high temperature resistance, so they are often the materials of choice for harsh chemical environments. These properties arise because the carbon-fluorine bond is the strongest of all bonds between other elements and carbon, and, because of their large size, fluorine atoms can protect the carbon backbone of polymers such as poly(tetrafluoroethylene), PTFE, from chemical attack. However, while the carbon-fluorine bond is much stronger than the carbon hydrogen bond, the G values for radical formation on high energy radiolysis of fluoropolymers are roughly comparable to those of their protonated counterparts. Thus, efficient high energy radiation grafting of fluoropolymers is practical, and this process can be used to modify either the surface or bulk properties of a fluoropolymer. Indeed, radiation grafted fluoropolymers are currently being used as separation membranes for fuel cells, hydrophilic filtration membranes and matrix substrate materials for use in combinatorial chemistry. Herein we present a review of recent studies of the high energy radiation grafting of fluoropolymers and of the analytical methods available to characterize the grafts. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For some applications for fluoropolymers they must be subjected to high-energy radiation, e.g., when they are grafted with styrene using an irradiation method to produce fuel cell membranes or matrix supports for combinatorial chemistry. In some of these applications they may be subjected to mechanical stress or elevated temperature, so it is important to elucidate the effects of the radiolysis on these properties. In the present work the effect of gamma-radiolysis on the glass transition, melting behavior, and thermal stability of PFA has been studied as well as the effect of the radiolysis on the tensile properties of the polymer.
A flow-spectrophotometric method is proposed for the routine determination of tartaric acid in wines. The reaction between tartaric acid and vanadate in acetic media is carried out in flowing conditions and the subsequent colored complex is monitored at 475 nm. The stability of the complex and the corresponding formation constant are presented. The effect of wavelength and pH was evaluated by batch experiments. The selected conditions were transposed to a flowinjection analytical system. Optimization of several flow parameters such as reactor lengths, flow-rate and injection volume was carried out. Using optimized conditions, a linear behavior was observed up to 1000 µg mL-1 tartaric acid, with a molar extinction coefficient of 450 L mg-1 cm-1 and ± 1 % repeatability. Sample throughput was 25 samples per hour. The flow-spectrophotometric method was satisfactorily applied to the quantification of tartaric acid (TA) in wines from different sources. Its accuracy was confirmed by statistical comparison to the conventional Rebelein procedure and to a certified analytical method carried out in a routine laboratory.