948 resultados para Column interns of Plasma


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The osmotic threshold for vasopressin release was studied in normal patients (n = 7) and in patients with the chronic form of Chagas'disease (n = 11). Positive correlation between osmotic threshold and plasma cortisol concentration was obtained for the Controls (y1 = 273,30 + 0,75x i; r = 0,78;P < 0,05), suggesting a modulating effect of cortisol on vasopressin release. The lack of correlation between the two parameters for the chronic chagasic patients was interpreted, on the basis of the general denervation associated with Chagas ' disease, to be the result of neuronal destruction in hypothalamic and/or extrahypothalamic centers related to the secretory control of vasopressin.


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OBJECTIVE - To determine the prevalence of hyperhomocystinemia in patients with acute ischemic syndrome of the unstable angina type. METHODS - We prospectively studied 46 patients (24 females) with unstable angina and 46 control patients (19 males), paired by sex and age, blinded to the laboratory data. Details of diets, smoking habits, medication used, body mass index, and the presence of hypertension and diabetes were recorded, as were plasma lipid and glucose levels, C-reactive protein, and lipoperoxidation in all participants. Patients with renal disease were excluded. Plasma homocysteine was estimated using high-pressure liquid chromatography. RESULTS - Plasma homocysteine levels were significantly higher in the group of patients with unstable angina (12.7±6.7 µmol/L) than in the control group (8.7±4.4 µmol/L) (p<0.05). Among males, homocystinemia was higher in the group with unstable angina than in the control group, but this difference was not statistically significant (14.1±5.9 µmol/L versus 11.9±4.2 µmol/L). Among females, however, a statistically significant difference was observed between the 2 groups: 11.0±7.4 µmol/L versus 6.4±2.9 µmol/L (p<0.05) in the unstable angina and control groups, respectively. Approximately 24% of the patients had unstable angina at homocysteine levels above 15 µmol/L. CONCLUSION - High homocysteine levels seem to be a relevant prevalent factor in the population with unstable angina, particularly among females.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition, Itàlia, des de novembre del 2006 fins a febrer del 2007. La capacitat antioxidant total (TAC) en plasma pot ser un bon biomarcador del estat antioxidant dels humans. Prenent les mostres de dos projectes diferents de recerca s’ha mesurat la TAC mitjançant el FRAP (ferric reductant antioxidant potencial) i el TRAP (total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter ). D’una banda el PREDIMED, és un estudi prospectiu aleatoritzat i controlat, amb una cohort d’ individus sense patología vascular coneguda, però amb un alt risc de patir-la. En aquest es valora la utilitat d’una intervenció dietética del tipus mediterrània en la prevenció primària de la malaltia cardiovascular. L’altre és el de biodisponibilitat en humans dels metabòlits dels polifenols presents en els solubles de cacau, un estudi crònic (28 dies) on es vol mesurar la influència de la llet en l’absorció dels polifenols del cacau, en voluntaris amb elevat risc de sofrir patologia cardiovascular.


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Cell surface proteins of Trypanosoma dionisii, Trypanosoma vespertilionis and Trypanosoma sp. (M238) were radiodinated and their distribution both in the detergent-poor (DPP) and dertergent-enriched phase (DRP) was studied using a phase separation technique in Triton X-114 as well as polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS-PAGE). Significant differences were observed in the proteins present in the DRP when the three species of trypanosoma were compared. Two major bands with 88 and 70 KDa were observed in T. sp. (M238) but were not detectable in T. dionisii and T. vespertilionis. Three polypeptides whith 96, 77 and 60 KDa were identified in the DRP of T. vespertilionis. Three major bands with 84, 72 and 60 KDa were observed in the DRP of T. dionisii. Two polypeptides with 34-36 KDa present in the DPP, were observed in the three Trypanosome species analyzed. Our observations show that T. sp. (M238) has characteristic surface polypeptides not found in T. vespertilionis.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE; To evaluate interactive effects of volemic status and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on the plasma levels of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in assist-controlled mechanical ventilation (MV). DESIGN: Three successive protocols applied in randomized order to each participant. SETTING: Clinical investigation laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-one young, healthy adults. INTERVENTIONS: The three protocols were as follows: (1) MV+PEEP, normovolemia; (2) MV+PEEP, hypervolemia; and (3) spontaneous breathing (SB), hypervolemia. In protocols 1 and 2, a preliminary period of SB lasting 2 h was followed by MV alone (0.5 h), MV+20 cm H2O PEEP (1 h), and a recovery period of SB (1.5 h). Hypervolemia was induced by the continuous i.v. infusion of 3 L of 0.9% NaCl in 5 h (protocols 2 and 3). MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Heart rate, BP, and the plasma levels of immunoreactive ANF and catecholamines were measured serially. During hypervolemia, ANF significantly decreased when PEEP was added to MV (protocol 2: from 31.1 +/- 2.7 to 20.7 +/- 1.5 fmol/mL; p < 0.01). This did not occur in normovolemia (protocol 1: from 20.0 +/- to 16.7 +/- 1.2 fmol/mL; p = NS). The different effects of MV+PEEP in normovolemia and hypervolemia were not related to differences in circulating catecholamine levels. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate for the first time (to our knowledge) that volemic status modulates the response of plasma ANF to PEEP in humans. The role of ANF in the water and salt retention induced by MV with PEEP might be limited to hypervolemic conditions.


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Reduction of the antioxidant capacity of plasma has been linked with the impairment of an effective immune response and so we hypothesized that the carriage rate of Neisseria meningitidis in asymptomatic subjects might correlate with the levels of antioxidants in plasma. To this end we took pharyngeal swabs from 339 children in Marquesado Basic Health Zone, Granada, Spain and in addition determined the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in plasma samples from these subjects. The overall prevalence of N. meningitidis carriage was 5.9% (mean age 7.1 years) with rates of 10.3% in children aged 3 < or =years, 3.9% between 4 and 7 years and 2.4% in older subjects. Plasma TAC for the < or =3-year-olds was 0.13 for carriers and 1.10 for non-carrier controls (P=0.04), 0.13 for carriers aged 4-7 years (controls 0.63) and 0.28 for carriers aged >7 years (controls 0.52). We analysed the association between TAC in plasma (<0.37 - 2 S.D.) and the carrier state of N. meningitidis. In the carrier state, the odds ratio for this association (TAC in plasma <0.25) was 8.44 (95% CI 1.5-48.9). These findings may suggest a reduced immune response in the host favourable to nasopharyngeal persistence of meningococci.


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It is not well established whether cytokine production differs in response to different clinical forms of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). In this work, we performed a cross-sectional study to investigate the plasma levels of cytokines [interferon (IFN)-γ, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IL-12] involved in the pathogenesis of VL in 80 subjects from VL endemic areas, including subjects with active VL, subjects with asymptomatic infection, subjects with cured VL and uninfected controls. The patients were recruited by sampling from a referral hospital and by random selection from a population-based cohort study. The results showed significant differences in the plasma concentration of all cytokines between the groups (p < 0.05). Patients with the active disease had higher plasma levels of IL-10, IL-4, INF-γ and TNF-α relative to the other groups and they produced more IL-12 than asymptomatic and cured subjects. Only the IL-2 concentration was higher in the asymptomatic and cured subjects relative to the patients with active disease (p < 0.05). Our results suggest that these cytokines can be used as markers in epidemiological studies conducted in endemic areas to distinguish between different clinical forms of VL. However, their usefulness should be confirmed in investigations conducted in other endemic areas.


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Abstract Genetic studies have shown an association between schizophrenia and a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the catalytic subunit (GCLC) of the glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL), the key enzyme for glutathione (GSH) synthesis. The present study was aimed at analyzing the influence of a GSH dysregulation of genetic origin on plasma thiols (total cysteine, homocysteine, and cysteine-glycine) and other free amino acid levels as well as fibroblast cultures GSH levels. Plasma thiols levels were also compared between patients and controls. As compared with patients with a low-risk GCLC GAG TNR genotype, patients with a high-risk genotype, having an impaired GSH synthesis, displayed a decrease of fibroblast GSH and plasma total cysteine levels, and an increase of the oxidized form of cysteine (cystine) content. Increased levels of plasma free serine, glutamine, citrulline, and arginine were also observed in the high-risk genotype. Taken together, the high-risk genotypes were associated with a subgroup of schizophrenia characterized by altered plasma thiols and free amino acid levels that reflect a dysregulation of redox control and an increased susceptibility to oxidative stress. This altered pattern potentially contributes to the development of a biomarker profile useful for early diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of novel drugs targeting redox dysregulation in schizophrenia. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 15, 2003-2010.


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Maintenance by the kidney of stable plasma K(+) values is crucial, as plasma K(+) controls muscle and nerve activity. Since renal K(+) excretion is regulated by the circadian clock, we aimed to identify the ion transporters involved in this process. In control mice, the renal mRNA expression of H,K-ATPase type 2 (HKA2) is 25% higher during rest compared to the activity period. Conversely, under dietary K(+) restriction, HKA2 expression is ∼40% higher during the activity period. This reversal suggests that HKA2 contributes to the circadian regulation of K(+) homeostasis. Compared to their wild-type (WT) littermates, HKA2-null mice fed a normal diet have 2-fold higher K(+) renal excretion during rest. Under K(+) restriction, their urinary K(+) loss is 40% higher during the activity period. This inability to excrete K(+) "on time" is reflected in plasma K(+) values, which vary by 12% between activity and rest periods in HKA2-null mice but remain stable in WT mice. Analysis of the circadian expression of HKA2 regulators suggests that Nrf2, but not progesterone, contributes to its rhythmicity. Therefore, HKA2 acts to maintain the circadian rhythm of urinary K(+) excretion and preserve stable plasma K(+) values throughout the day.


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The new ACE inhibitor trandolapril was administered to normal volunteers at daily doses of 0.5, 2, and 8 mg for 10 days. Twenty-one volunteers, aged 21-30 years, were included in the study. To randomly selected groups of seven subjects, each dose was administered in a single-blind fashion. None of the doses induced a consistent fall in blood pressure. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity (ACE) was measured in vitro using three different synthetic substrates (i.e., Hip-Gly-Gly, Z-Phe-His-Leu, or angiotensin I). Although the degree of ACE inhibition assessed with the three methods varied widely, all methods clearly indicated dose-dependent ACE inhibition. These in vitro results were confirmed by measuring ACE inhibition in vivo using the ratio of plasma angiotensin II (ANG II) to blood angiotensin I (ANG I). The dose-dependent ACE inhibition was paralleled by a dose-dependent rise in active renin and blood angiotensin I levels, most evident on day 10. In contrast, plasma ANG II levels on day 10 were not different whether the volunteers received 0.5 or 8 mg trandolapril. Thus, whereas increasing doses of this new ACE inhibitor progressively enhanced the blockade of ACE activity, this was not reflected by additional reductions of plasma ANG II levels. The progressive enhancement of ACE inhibition seemed to be offset by the accentuation of the compensatory rise in renin and ANG I, which was still partially converted to ANG II.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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In 9 drug-resistant patients with partial seizures treated with vigabatrin, gamma-vinyl GABA (VGB), alanine aminotransaminase (ALAT) activity in plasma was significantly reduced. Comparison of in vitro with in vivo measurements led us to conclude that this reduction is mainly an in vivo phenomenon, perhaps due to cross-enzyme inhibition. The assessment of two biological variables linked with ALAT, glucose and alanine levels under fasting conditions, failed to show any significant metabolic alterations. VGB is an effective drug for partial epilepsy. Our observations do not suggest that reduced ALAT activity is of clinical concern.


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A gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method is presented which allows the simultaneous determination of the plasma concentrations of fluvoxamine and of the enantiomers of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine after derivatization with the chiral reagent, (S)-(-)-N-trifluoroacetylprolyl chloride. No interference was observed from endogenous compounds following the extraction of plasma samples from six different human subjects. The standard curves were linear over a working range of 10 to 750 ng/ml for racemic fluoxetine and norfluoxetine and of 50 to 500 ng/ml for fluvoxamine. Recoveries ranged from 50 to 66% for the three compounds. Intra- and inter-day coefficients of variation ranged from 4 to 10% for fluvoxamine and from 4 to 13% for fluoxetine and norfluoxetine. The limits of quantitation of the method were found to be 2 ng/ml for fluvoxamine and 1 ng/ml for the (R)- and (S)-enantiomers of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine, hence allowing its use for single dose pharmacokinetics. Finally, by using a steeper gradient of temperature, much shorter analysis times are obtained if one is interested in the concentrations of fluvoxamine alone.


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Plasma cells represent the end stage of B-cell development and play a key role in providing an efficient antibody response, but they are also involved in numerous pathologies. Here we show that CD93, a receptor expressed during early B-cell development, is reinduced during plasma-cell differentiation. High CD93/CD138 expression was restricted to antibody-secreting cells both in T-dependent and T-independent responses as naive, memory, and germinal-center B cells remained CD93-negative. CD93 was expressed on (pre)plasmablasts/plasma cells, including long-lived plasma cells that showed decreased cell cycle activity, high levels of isotype-switched Ig secretion, and modification of the transcriptional network. T-independent and T-dependent stimuli led to re-expression of CD93 via 2 pathways, either before or after CD138 or Blimp-1 expression. Strikingly, while humoral immune responses initially proceeded normally, CD93-deficient mice were unable to maintain antibody secretion and bone-marrow plasma-cell numbers, demonstrating that CD93 is important for the maintenance of plasma cells in bone marrow niches.


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Sensitive and specific methods based on gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for the determination of levels of citalopram, desmethylcitalopram and didesmethylcitalopram in the plasma of patients treated with citalopram are presented, as well as a GC-MS procedure for the assay of the citalopram propionic acid derivative. After addition of a separate internal standard for each drug, liquid-solvent extraction is used to separate the basic compounds from the acid compounds. The demethylated amines are derivatized with trifluoroacetic anhydride, and the acid metabolite with methyl iodide. GC-MS is performed in the electron impact mode, as mass spectrometry by the (positive-ion) chemical ionization mode (methane and ammonia) appeared to be unsuitable. The limits of quantification were 1 ng/ml for citalopram and desmethylcitalopram and 2 ng/ml for the other metabolites. The correlation coefficients for the calibration curves (range 10-500 ng/ml) were &gt; or = 0.999 for all compounds, whether determined by GC or GC-MS.


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Results of plasma or urinary amino acids are used for suspicion, confirmation or exclusion of diagnosis, monitoring of treatment, prevention and prognosis in inborn errors of amino acid metabolism. The concentrations in plasma or whole blood do not necessarily reflect the relevant metabolite concentrations in organs such as the brain or in cell compartments; this is especially the case in disorders that are not solely expressed in liver and/or in those which also affect nonessential amino acids. Basic biochemical knowledge has added much to the understanding of zonation and compartmentation of expressed proteins and metabolites in organs, cells and cell organelles. In this paper, selected old and new biochemical findings in PKU, urea cycle disorders and nonketotic hyperglycinaemia are reviewed; the aim is to show that integrating the knowledge gained in the last decades on enzymes and transporters related to amino acid metabolism allows a more extensive interpretation of biochemical results obtained for diagnosis and follow-up of patients and may help to pose new questions and to avoid pitfalls. The analysis and interpretation of amino acid measurements in physiological fluids should not be restricted to a few amino acids but should encompass the whole quantitative profile and include other pathophysiological markers. This is important if the patient appears not to respond as expected to treatment and is needed when investigating new therapies. We suggest that amino acid imbalance in the relevant compartments caused by over-zealous or protocol-driven treatment that is not adjusted to the individual patient's needs may prolong catabolism and must be corrected