704 resultados para Colonic Diverticulosis


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This case report shows the clinical development of a patient with systemic paracoccidioidomycosis presenting with lymphatic-intestinalmanifestation. The patient initially had a substantial clinical improvement but had a recrudescence after six months of sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim oral treatment, with the emergence of feverish syndrome, lumbar pain, and intermittent claudication, characterizing a bilateral iliopsoas muscle abscess, necessitating clinicosurgical therapeutics.


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Background: In 1989, we introduced a 1-stage procedure with orthotopic colonic transplants for esophageal stenosis. A pitfall of this procedure is frequent reflux and/or stasis in the transplants from the cologastric anastomosis. Since 1993, we have used a new antireflux wrap (ARW) using an anterior wrap technique similar to the Dor procedure but fixed to the right crus of the diaphragm.Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate ARWs.Method: From 1993 to 2008, the records of 67 patients with an ARW were compared with 27 without ARW (either operated on before 1993 or ARW was not appropriate) after colonic transplant for caustic esophageal stenosis. Both groups otherwise underwent the same surgical procedure. Postoperative esophagograms done on postoperative day 10 were reviewed for the presence of gastrocolonic reflux and stasis in the transplant.Results: The reflux rate on the initial esophagogram was reduced from 48.1% to 7.5% using ARW. The incidence of reflux on later esophagograms was 40.0% with no ARW and 21.4% with ARW. The 25% long-term rate of stasis in the colonic transplant was not increased with ARW.Conclusions: A loose ARW in patients with colonic esophageal replacements reduces gastrocolic reflux without increasing the rate of stasis. In the long term, children adapt better to stasis than to reflux and are thus protected from occult inflammation.


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Rapport de Synthése : Introducfíon : la maladie diverticulaire est devenue un problème majeur de santé communautaire et occupe la cinquième place en termes de coûts des maladies digestives. La diverticulite représente sa complication la plus fréquente chez environ 20-25% des patients avec une maladie diverticulaire. Son taux de récidive après un premier épisode de diverticulite est estimé à 20%. Historiquement, il était accepté que le taux de complications et d'échec du traitement conservateur de la diverticulite soient plus élevés lors de récidive qu'après un épisode initial. Ceci a amené la communauté médicale ä un consensus qui est de proposer une sigmoidectomie élective suite à un 2ème épisode de diverticulite. De nouvelles données et réinterprétations de travaux antérieurs ont remis en question ce consensus. Par ces faits, les dernières recommandations de la société américaine de chirurgie colorectale restent encore évasives dues au manque d'évidence. Le but de cette thèse est de déterminer si la récidive de diverticulite a une présentation clinique et radiologique différente d'un épisode initiale et si le risque d'échec du traitement est réellement plus élevé. Méthode : étude rétrospective .de 271 patients consécutifs admis dans le service. de chirurgie viscérale CHUV pour diverticulite, confirmée par CT-scan, de 2001 à 2004. 202 patients présentaient un épisode initial (groupe I), et 69 une récidive (groupe R). Au total 20 paramètres cliniques et 15 radiologiques ont été analysés et comparés entre les 2 groupes, dont le taux de prise en charge chirurgicale, la présentation clinique initiale, la réponse au traitement, les complications, les paramètres de laboratoires, la présence de liquide libre, d'abcès ou de pneumopéritoine au scanner. Une analyse statistique univariée a été effectuée. Résultats : aucun des paramètres cliniques ou radiologiques n'étaient différents entre les deux groupes. Concernant la chirurgie, 15.8% des patients dans le groupe I ont nécessité une prise en charge chirurgicale à l'admission comparé à 5.8% dans le groupe R (p=0.04). Le taux d'échec du traitement conservateur dans les deux groupes était similaire (10.7% vs 10.0% ; p=0.84). Le taux de mortalité à 30 jours était de 3% dans le groupe I et 0% dans le groupe R (p= 0.34). Conclusion : selon les résultats de cette étude, la récidive de diverticulite n'entraîne pas plus de complications ni d'échec du traitement conservateur. De plus, le taux de prise en charge chirurgicale à l'admission du patient est moins fréquent en cas de récidive. Ces résultats remettent en questions le consensus actuel de prise en charge chirurgicale élective.


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OBJECTIVES: : To evaluate the outcome after Hartmann's procedure (HP) versus primary anastomosis (PA) with diverting ileostomy for perforated left-sided diverticulitis. BACKGROUND: : The surgical management of left-sided colonic perforation with purulent or fecal peritonitis remains controversial. PA with ileostomy seems to be superior to HP; however, results in the literature are affected by a significant selection bias. No randomized clinical trial has yet compared the 2 procedures. METHODS: : Sixty-two patients with acute left-sided colonic perforation (Hinchey III and IV) from 4 centers were randomized to HP (n = 30) and to PA (with diverting ileostomy, n = 32), with a planned stoma reversal operation after 3 months in both groups. Data were analyzed on an intention-to-treat basis. The primary end point was the overall complication rate. The study was discontinued following an interim analysis that found significant differences of relevant secondary end points as well as a decreasing accrual rate (NCT01233713). RESULTS: : Patient demographics were equally distributed in both groups (Hinchey III: 76% vs 75% and Hinchey IV: 24% vs 25%, for HP vs PA, respectively). The overall complication rate for both resection and stoma reversal operations was comparable (80% vs 84%, P = 0.813). Although the outcome after the initial colon resection did not show any significant differences (mortality 13% vs 9% and morbidity 67% vs 75% in HP vs PA), the stoma reversal rate after PA with diverting ileostomy was higher (90% vs 57%, P = 0.005) and serious complications (Grades IIIb-IV: 0% vs 20%, P = 0.046), operating time (73 minutes vs 183 minutes, P < 0.001), hospital stay (6 days vs 9 days, P = 0.016), and lower in-hospital costs (US $16,717 vs US $24,014) were significantly reduced in the PA group. CONCLUSIONS: : This is the first randomized clinical trial favoring PA with diverting ileostomy over HP in patients with perforated diverticulitis.


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In the colon, the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), its receptor (uPAR), and plasminogen activator inhibitors, PAI-1 and PAI-2, are implicated in the transition from mucosa to adenoma and tumour progression. However, expression in the mucosa adjacent, or distant, to an adenoma has not yet been investigated. Three biopsies from mucosae adjacent (20 cm, ipsilateral) and distant (contralateral) to an isolated tubular adenoma were analysed in 14 patients and 8 controls. Laser microdissection isolated stromal and epithelial crypt components, and quantitative RT-PCR analyses of uPA, uPAR, PAI-1 and PAI-2 mRNA levels were performed. Among controls, no significant differences in the markers were noted. With left colon isolated tubular adenoma, uPA, uPAR, and PAI-2 mRNA levels were significantly increased in the adjacent mucosal stroma compared to epithelial crypt levels (p < 0.05). In right colon adenoma, the mRNA levels of these 3 molecular markers were significantly increased only in the adjacent mucosal stromal samples (p < 0.05). Isolated tubular adenoma in the colon increases significantly the mRNA levels of 3 proteolysis-associated molecular markers in the stromal, but not in the epithelial, components of adjacent mucosa. These results suggest the presence of regional and dynamic interactions in apparently non-involved mucosae.


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Rapport de synthèse : Le Magnet Tracking System (MTS) est une technique peu invasive d'investigation de la motilité de l'entier du tube digestif. Elle repose sur le suivi de la progression d'un aimant par des senseurs externes en temps réel et dans les 3 dimensions. Dans cette étude, le MTS a été utilisé pour étudier les caractéristiques de propulsion propres aux différents segments coliques ainsi que pour comparer le transit de l'aimant permanent du MTS à celui de marqueurs radioopaques habituellement utilisés. Dix hommes et 10 femmes ayant un transit gastro-intestinal régulier ont ingéré simultanément un aimant de MTS et une capsule contenant 10 marqueurs radio-opaques, à 20h00. Les enregistrements se sont ensuite déroulés sur 2 matinées successives de 5 heures. L'analyse des données brutes recueillies a permis de réaliser une projection spatio-temporelle de la trajectoire de l'aimant dans le tube digestif ainsi qu'une description précise de l'origine, de la direction, de l'amplitude et de la vitesse des mouvements coliques. Des radiographies d'abdomen ont permis de comparer les positions respectives des marqueurs radio-opaques et de l'aimant du MTS. Durant 90% du temps d'enregistrement, l'aimant était immobile ou présentait des mouvements alternatifs de faible amplitude. Le reste des enregistrements consiste en activité propulsive dont 20% représentent des déplacements rétrogrades et une description très précise de 34 mouvements de masses. L'analyse des déplacements démontre une distribution bimodales des vitesses voisine de 1.5 et 50 cm /min, ce tant en direction orale que caudale. Deux tiers des distances parcourues le sont à vitesse rapide. L'analyse segmentaire confirme une progression horaire absolue supérieure dans le côlon gauche que droit. L'analyse détaillée par segment colique, reposant sur la description des déplacements enregistrés correspond aux rôles reconnus des différents segments, notamment de aire de stockage et de conditionnement du côlon ascendant ou de transit du côlon descendant. La comparaison des 2 sexes démontre un nombre plus important de mouvements, particulièrement de mouvements de masse chez l'homme. Les radiographies montrent une bonne corrélation entre la position de l'aimant et celle des marqueurs radio-opaques. Le MTS permet ainsi une description précise des caractéristiques propulsives des différents segments coliques, notamment par l'analyse détaillée des progressions à vitesses lente et rapide et leurs directions. Des distinctions peuvent également être notées en fonction du sexe. Ces investigations offrent de nouvelles perspectives pour l'étude des troubles de la motilité digestive.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Standardization of surgical technique helps to reproduce excellent clinical outcomes, especially in teaching institutions. We aim to describe in detail our established approach for oncological right colectomy. TECHNIQUE: The right colon is mobilized in a five-step latero-inferior approach starting off with (1) the terminal ileum, visualizing the duodenum and the head of pancreas. (2) The ascending colon is dissected from the retroperitoneum, and takedown of the hepatic flexure is completed coming retrograde from the transverse colon (3). (4) Transection of the remaining retroperitoneal attachments completes exposure of the duodenum and mobilization of the right colon. (5) Ileocolic vessels are dissected out and divided close to their origin, and the mesocolon is divided. We then establish intestinal continuity by use of a side-to-side stapled technique. (1) The arms of a linear cutting stapler are inserted via transverse incisions at the anti-mesenteric sides of the terminal ileum and the transverse colon (tenia) and fired. (2) The enterotomy site is closed by removal of the specimen using a second transverse firing of the linear cutting stapler. An important final step is the (3) reinforcement of the anastomotic ends and the crossing of the staple lines; an omental patch and closure of the mesenteric window are optional. CONCLUSION: The suggested standardized five-step lateral-to-medial dissection of the right colon and the three-step side-to-side stapled technique for ileo-colonic anastomosis are easy to learn and to reproduce. Careful adherence to pivotal technical details will help to obtain an optimal oncological outcome and a consistently low leak rate around 2 %.


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We determined NGF involvement in MMCs and colonic motor alterations in an ovalbumin (OVA)-induced gut dysfunction model in rats. Animals received OVA (6 weeks), with/without simultaneous K252a (TrkA antagonist) treatment. MMCs, rat mast cell protease II (RMCPII) levels and colonic contractility in vitro were assessed. OVA increased MMC density and RMCPII concentration. Spontaneous contractility was similar in both groups and inhibited by K252a. Carbachol responses were increased by OVA in a K252a-independent manner. NO-synthase inhibition increased spontaneous activity in OVA-treated animals in a K252a-dependent manner. These observations support an involvement of NGF in the functional changes observed in this model.


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Direct electrical stimulation of the colon offers a promising approach for the induction of propulsive colonic contractions by using an implantable device. The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility to induce colonic contractions using a commercially available battery-operated stimulator (maximum pulse width of 1 ms and maximum amplitude of 10 V). Three pairs of pacing electrodes were inserted into the cecal seromuscular layer of anesthetized pigs. During a first set of in vivo experiments conducted on six animals, a pacing protocol leading to cecum contractions was determined: stimulation bursts with 1 ms pulse width, 10 V amplitude (7-15 mA), 120 Hz frequency, and 30-s burst duration, repeated every 2-5 min. In a second testing phase, an evaluation of the pacing protocol was performed in four animals (120 stimulation bursts in total). By using the battery-operated stimulator, contractions of the cecum and movement of contents could be induced in 92% of all stimulations. A cecal shortening of about 30% and an average intraluminal pressure increase of 10.0 +/- 6.0 mmHg were observed.


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The schistosomal parasite plays a critical role in the development of malignant lesions in different organs. The pathogenesis of cancer is currently under intense investigation to identify reliable prognostic indices for disease detection. The objective of this paper is to evaluate certain biochemical parameters as diagnostic tools to efficiently differentiate between colonic carcinoma and colonic carcinoma associated with schistosomal infection among Egyptian patients. The parameters under investigation are interleukin 2 (IL-2), tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels, tissue telomerase, pyruvate kinase (PK), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzyme activities. The results revealed a significant elevation in the level of the tumour markers IL-2, TNF-α and CEA as well as the activities of LDH, telomerase and G-6-PD among non-bilharzial and bilharzial colonic cancer groups, with a more potent effect in bilharzial infection-associated colonic cancer. A significant inhibition in PK activity was recorded in the same manner as compared to normal tissues. The efficacy of this biomarker was also evaluated through detecting sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values. In conclusion, schistosomal colonic carcinoma patients displayed more drastic changes in all parameters under investigation. The combination of the selected parameters succeeded in serving as biomarkers to differentiate between the two malignant types.


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We report the case of a 6-month-old infant who presented with a complete duplication of the large intestine, debuting clinically with acute abdomen and severe metabolic disorders. We discuss the pathogenesis and morphology of the lesions, diagnostic difficulties and peculiarities of surgical treatment.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: A fast-track program is a multimodal approach for patients undergoing colonic surgery that combines stringent regimens of perioperative care (fluid restriction, optimized analgesia, forced mobilization, and early oral feeding) to reduce perioperative morbidity, hospital stay, and cost. We investigated the impact of a fast-track protocol on postoperative morbidity in patients after open colonic surgery. METHODS: A randomized trial of patients in 4 teaching hospitals in Switzerland included 156 patients undergoing elective open colonic surgery who were assigned to either a fast-track program or standard care. The primary end point was the 30-day complication rate. Secondary end points were severity of complications, hospital stay, and compliance with the fast-track protocol. RESULTS: The fast-track protocol significantly decreased the number of complications (16 of 76 in the fast-track group vs 37 of 75 in the standard care group; P = .0014), resulting in shorter hospital stays (median, 5 days; range, 2-30 vs 9 days, respectively; range, 6-30; P < .0001). There was a trend toward less severe complications in the fast-track group. A multiple logistic regression analysis revealed fluid administration greater than the restriction limits (odds ratio, 4.198; 95% confidence interval, 1.7-10.366; P = .002) and a nonfunctioning epidural analgesia (odds ratio, 3.365; 95% confidence interval, 1.367-8.283; P = .008) as independent predictors of postoperative complications. CONCLUSIONS: The fast-track program reduces the rate of postoperative complications and length of hospital stay and should be considered as standard care. Fluid restriction and an effective epidural analgesia are the key factors that determine outcome of the fast-track program.


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We report for the first time a case of bacteremia caused by Comamonas kerstersii in a 65-year-old patient with sign of diverticulosis. In addition, we review the isolation of Comamonas sp. and related organisms in our hospital over 25 years.


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BACKGROUND: This review aims to present a consensus for optimal perioperative care in colonic surgery and to provide graded recommendations for items for an evidenced-based enhanced perioperative protocol. METHODS: Studies were selected with particular attention paid to meta-analyses, randomised controlled trials and large prospective cohorts. For each item of the perioperative treatment pathway, available English-language literature was examined, reviewed and graded. A consensus recommendation was reached after critical appraisal of the literature by the group. RESULTS: For most of the protocol items, recommendations are based on good-quality trials or meta-analyses of good-quality trials (quality of evidence and recommendations according to the GRADE system). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the evidence available for each item of the multimodal perioperative care pathway, the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society, International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition (IASMEN) and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) present a comprehensive evidence-based consensus review of perioperative care for colonic surgery.