209 resultados para Colletotrichum acutatum


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Brazilian isolates of Colletotrichum spp. from citrus orchards affected by postbloom fruit drop were examined for colony colour, mycelial growth, benomyl-resistance, pathogenicity, and genetic variability by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. All isolates were obtained from flowers and persistent calyxes from different citrus hosts from São Paulo, Brazil. DNA polymorphisms detected after amplification with random 10-mer primers were used to classify the isolates into two groups. Group I isolates grew rapidly on potato-dextrose agar (PDA) and were sensitive to benomyl, and group II isolates grew slowly on PDA and were benomyl-resistant. Colletotrichum acutatum was analyzed by RAPD and had high genetic similarity with group II isolates of Colletotrichum from citrus. Probably, the group I is C, gloeosporioides and group II is C. acutatum.


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Colletotrichum spp. cause anthracnose in various fruits post-harvest and are a particularly important problem in tropical and subtropical fruits. The disease in fruits of avocado, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit has been reported to be caused by C. gloeosporioides, and in banana by C. musae. In subtropical and temperate crops such apple, grape, peach and kiwi, the disease is caused by C. acutatum. The variation in pathogenic, morphological, cultural and molecular characteristics of Brazilian isolates of Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds and isolates from post-harvest decays of avocado, banana, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit was evaluated. The fruits were inoculated with mycelium of C. acutatum, Colletotrichum spp. and C. musae on a disc of potato dextrose agar. The morphological, cultural and molecular characteristics studied were conidia morphology, colony growth at different temperatures, colony coloration and PCR with primers CaInt2 and ITS4 for C. acutatum and CgInt and ITS4 for C. gloeosporioides. C. acutatum was pathogenic to avocado, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit, but it was not pathogenic to banana. The morphological, cultural and molecular studies indicated that the avocado, papaya, mango and passion fruit isolates were C. gloeosporioides. The natural guava isolate was identified as C. acutatum, which had not been found previously to produce anthracnose symptoms on guava in Brazil.


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The aim of the present study was to analyse the genetic and pathogenic variability of Colletotrichum spp. isolates from various organs and cultivars of mango with anthracnose symptoms, collected from different municipalities of São Paulo State, Brazil. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolates from symptomless citrus leaves and C. acutatum isolates from citrus flowers with post-bloom fruit drop symptoms were included as controls. Sequencing of the ITS region allowed the identification of 183 C. gloeosporioides isolates from mango; only one isolate was identified as C. acutatum. amova analysis of ITS sequences showed larger genetic variability among isolates from the same municipality than among those from different populations. fAFLP markers indicated high levels of genetic variability among the C. gloeosporioides isolates from mango and no correlation between genetic variability and isolate source. Only one C. gloeosporioides mango isolate had the same genotype as the C. gloeosporioides isolates from citrus leaves, as determined by ITS sequencing and fAFLP analysis. Pathogenicity tests revealed that C. gloeosporioides and C. acutatum isolates from either mango or citrus can cause anthracnose symptoms on leaves of mango cvs Palmer and Tommy Atkins and blossom blight symptoms in citrus flowers. These outcomes indicate a lack of host specificity of the Colletotrichum species and suggest the possibility of host migration. © 2012 British Society for Plant Pathology.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Acesso em: 17 nov. 2003.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a ocorrência e a freqüência de fungos em banana 'Prata anã' e elucidar o agente causal das podridões em pós-colheita de frutos provenientes do norte de Minas Gerais. Dois métodos de isolamento foram adotados: diluição em placas, a partir da lavagem de frutos verdes, e direto de frutos maduros. Os fungos Colletotrichum musae, Trichoderma harzianum, Fusarium equisetii, Penicillium sp. Aspergillus parasiticus, Trichothecium roseum, Colletotrichum acutatum, Alternaria sp., Cladosporium musae e Curvularia lunata foram os mais freqüentemente associados aos frutos. A patogenicidade desses fungos foi testada pela substituição de discos da casca de frutos verdes por discos de micélio. Colletotrichum musae apresentou área média lesionada em torno do ponto de inoculação igual a 5,8 cm², enquanto para os demais fungos testados não passou de 1,50 cm². Os resultados mostraram que C. musae é o agente primário das podridões dos frutos examinados com 100 % de incidência e os demais fungos limitaram-se a necrosar os ferimentos em torno do ponto de inoculação. O modo de infecção latente, causada por C. musae, parece favorecer, primeiramente, a colonização interna dos tecidos e, posteriormente, a ação dos fungos oportunistas, que aceleram as podridões nos frutos e na coroa.


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Postbloom fruit drop (PFD) of citrus, caused by Colletotrichum acutatum, infects petals of citrus flowers and produces orange-brown lesions that induce the abscission of young fruitlets and the retention of calyces. Proper timing of fungicide applications is essential for good disease control. Different systems for timing of fungicide applications for control of PFD in a major citrus-growing region in southern São Paulo state in Brazil were evaluated from 1999 to 2002. The following programs were compared to an unsprayed control using counts of diseased flowers, persistent calyces, or fruit: (i) a phenology-based program currently recommended in Brazil with one application at early and another at peak bloom; (ii) the Florida PFD model; (iii) the postbloom fruit drop-fungicide application decision system (PFD-FAD), a new computer-assisted decision method; and (iv) grower's choice. In 1999, no disease developed, sprays applied with the phenology-based program had no effect, and the Florida PFD model saved two sprays compared with the phenology-based program. In 2000, PFD was moderate and the phenology-based and growers' choice treatments had a significantly lower number of persistent calyces and higher fruit numbers than the control, but no differences were found between those treatments and the PFD model. In 2001, PFD was severe with considerable yield loss. The PFD model, the phenology-based program, and the grower's choice reduced flower blight and the number of persistent calyces, and improved fruit yields with two to three applications, but the PFD-FAD achieved comparable yields with only one spray. In 2002, the disease was mild, with no yield loss, and the Florida PFD model and the PFD-FAD saved one spray compared with the other systems. The PFD model and the PFD-FAD were equally effective for timing fungicide applications to control PFD in Brazil. Scouting of trees is simpler with PFD-FAD; therefore, this system is recommended and should eliminate unnecessary sprays and reduce costs for growers.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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The postharvest phase has been considered an environment very suitable for successful application of biological control agents (BCAs). However, the tri-interaction between fungal pathogen, host (fruit) and antagonist is influenced by several parameters such as temperature, oxidative stresses, oxygen composition, water activity, etc. that could be determining for the success of biocontrol. Knowledge of the modes of action of BCAs is essential in order to enhance their viability and increase their potentialities in disease control. The thesis focused on the possibility to explain the modes of action of a biological control agent (BCA): Aureobasidium pullulans, in particular the strains L1 and L8, control effective against fruit postharvest fungal pathogen. In particular in this work were studied the different modes of action of BCA, such as: i) the ability to produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs), identified by SPME- gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and tested by in vitro and in vivo assays against Penicillium spp., Botrytis cinerea, Colletotrichum acutatum; ii) the ability to produce lytic enzymes (exo and endo chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase) tested against Monilinia laxa, causal agent of brown rot of stone fruits. L1 and L8 lytic enzymes were also evaluated through their relative genes by molecular tools; iii) the competition for space and nutrients, such as sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose) and iron; the latter induced the production of siderophores, molecules with high affinity for iron chelation. A molecular investigation was carried out to better understand the gene regulation strictly correlated to the production of these chelating molucules. The competition for space against M. laxa was verified by electron microscopy techniques; iv) a depth bibliographical analysis on BCAs mechanisms of action and their possible combination with physical and chemical treatments was conducted.


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Anthracnose fruit rot (AFR) of strawberry is caused by three Colletotrichum spp. In the Midwest, however, only Colletotrichum acutatum is found. This fungus can attach itself to apparently healthy plants and spread throughout without causing symptoms on the foliage. When fruit begin to ripen and weather conditions are rainy and warm, AFR can suddenly cause great damage to the fruit. To protect against AFR where it has appeared in the past, growers need to spray every 7 to 10 days beginning at the start of bloom until harvest.