996 resultados para Cognitivo-linguistic factors
This cross-sectional study examines the role of L1-L2 differences and structural distance in the processing of gender and number agreement by English-speaking learners of Spanish at three different levels of proficiency. Preliminary results show that differences between the L1 and L2 impact L2 development, as sensitivity to gender agreement violations, as opposed to number agreement violations, emerges only in learners at advanced levels of proficiency. Results also show that the establishment of agreement dependencies is impacted by the structural distance between the agreeing elements for native speakers and for learners at intermediate and advanced levels of proficiency but not for low proficiency. The overall pattern of results suggests that the linguistic factors examined here impact development but do not constrain ultimate attainment; for advanced learners, results suggest that second language processing is qualitatively similar to native processing.
In this work, we analyze the variation and change phenomenon involving the possessive pronouns da gente and nosso(a)(s) in the light of the theoretical referentials of the North-american linguistic functionalism and of the variationist sociolinguistics. At first we present the phenomenon itself, highlighting the fact that few studies have considered it as an object, gap which we will try to fill in with our contribution. In the following chapter, we emphasize concepts and principles of the functionalism and the sociolinguistics that are used as our background for the data analysis. In the third chapter, we present what the normative grammars inform about our object of study, besides synthesizing some works on variation and change involving the personal pronouns nós and a gente. In the following chapter, we analyze the data. We used data from the Discurso & Gramática a língua falada e escrita na cidade do Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA, 1998) corpus. In this chapter we present the results for the groups of social and linguistic factors which we can control. Grounded on these results, we specify the preferential contexts for employing the pronouns da gente and nosso(a)(s) and we observe that the social motivations, the valorization credited to the forms and the identity marks underly the restrictions exercised in their use by social factor groups, besides obtaining signs of ongoing changes in apparent time (from the age factor groups) and possible use specializations of each form, what helped us verify the course of the grammaticalization process of the referred pronouns in the community of Natal. In the sixth chapter, we make some considerations on the teaching of grammar and propose activities which can be carried on in the classroom involving the possessive pronouns da gente and nosso(a)(s) considering the variation and change issue
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O presente estudo, baseado na metodologia da Sociolinguistica Variacionista, tem como objetivo investigar a variação das vogais médias pretônicas /e/ e /o/ no português falado na área urbana da cidade de Belém (PA). A amostra constitui-se de 48 (quarenta e oito) entrevistas coletadas de informantes pertencentes a uma amostra estratificada em que se controlam as variáveis sociais, como faixa etária (15 a 25 anos, 26 a 45 anos e 46 anos em diante), sexo e grau de escolaridade (não-escolarizado, fundamental, médio e superior). Foram selecionadas as ocorrências de vogais pretônicas segundo os moldes silábicos V, VC (exceto travamento em /N/ e /S/), CV, CVC, CCV e CCVC. Na análise final, 1.434 dados foram submetidos ao programa Varbrul: 776 das variantes de /e/ e 658 das variantes de /o/. Para o objetivo do presente trabalho, a análise tomou como base 10 (dez) grupos de fatores lingüísticos e 03 (três) grupos de fatores sociais que possivelmente pudessem explicar a variação das vogais. Os resultados mostraram que no dialeto em questão predomina a manutenção das vogais médias pretônicas (.819), sendo esta favorecida por 06 (seis) grupos de fatores lingüísticos e 02 (dois) grupos de fatores sociais.
O presente trabalho trata do fenômeno da Haplologia na fala espontânea de cidadãos paraenses. O estudo refere-se mais especificamente ao que chamamos de Haplologia entre frases. Avaliam-se os contextos de frases compostas apenas por /d/ - /d/, /t/ - /d/,/t/ - /t/ e /d/ - /t/, exemplificados respectivamente por: la(du) dʒi fora, per(tu) du, a gen(t∫i) t∫inha medu e tu(du) t∫inha. Os fatores avaliados dividem-se em dois grupos: linguísticos e extralinguísticos com o objetivo de mostrar os contextos favoráveis e desfavoráveis à aplicação do fenômeno em estudo. Os grupos de fatores linguísticos são: Relação entre palatalização e haplologia; Qualidade das vogais; Classe de palavra da sílaba elidida; Tonicidade das sílabas confinantes; e Estrutura silábica. No que se refere aos fatores extralinguísticos, analisamos: Sexo, Faixa etária e Escolaridade, seguindo a estratificação proposta no projeto Atlas Linguístico do Pará (ALIPA). Os dados analisados integram o corpus de duas cidades paraenses: Belém, a capital do Estado do Pará, e Itaituba, cidade paraense que fica a 891 km da capital mencionada. A coleta dos dados seguiu a orientação da Sociolinguística Variacionista. Os dados foram submetidos ao Programa de regra variável VARBRUL. Os resultados apontaram a haplologia como regra variável, entretanto, o fenômeno é pouco produtivo entre os informantes das duas cidades. Nos pressupostos da Sociolinguística Variacionista (Labov, 2008) a palatalização, o alteamento da vogal e a desconstrução do grupo consoantal podem ser considerados um processo de encaixamento, enquanto que, do ponto de vista fonético-fonológico, seriam considerados regras alimentadoras da haplologia (BISOL, 1996).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents methodology for an integrated treatment of three variable phenomena in Brazilian portuguese: (i) encoding of first-person plural into the forms nós (we) and a gente (the people), (ii) verbal agreement with the pronoun nós and (iii) verbal agreement with the pronominal form a gente. Based on the theoretical framework provided by Labovian sociolinguistics (LABOV, 1966, 1972), the methodology is applied to a sample of Brazilian portuguese spoken in the countryside of São Paulo State (GONÇALVES, 2007). The results indicate that distinct factors predominate in the choice of the alternative forms of each phenomenon: in the verbal agreement with a gente, linguistic factors are the most prominent; in the verbal agreement with nós, social factors are the most salient; and in the use of nós/a gente both linguistic and social factors prevail.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In dieser Dissertation Die Universalität der Hermeneutik wurde die folgenden zwei Fragen behandelt: Erstens: kann die Psychoanalyse - konkreter gesagt, die Übertragungssituation in dem szenischen Verstehen - eine Ausnahme von der Universalität der Hermeneutik darstellen? Zweitens: ist kritische Reflexion überhaupt moglich?, und konnen die Universalität der Hermeneutik und die kritische Reflexion miteinander in Übereinstimmung gebracht werden? Durch das szenische Verstehen erlautert Habermas den Vorgang, wie die Umgangssprache des Patienten von dem Analytiker analysiert wird. Zumal in der Übertragungssituation ist der Gegenstand des Symptoms des Patienten nichts anderes als der Analytiker selbst, und demzufolge kann der Analytiker selbst dann an dem Symptom seines Patienten teilnehmen. Durch diese Teilnahme kann er die Bedeutung des Symptoms seines Patienten genau erfassen. Aber wenn der Analytiker nicht das Unbewusste, das sein Patient ihm offenbart, umgangssprachlich akzeptiert hätte, oder anders gesagt, wenn das Unbewusste des Patienten sich dem Analytiker nicht als "ein Gesagtes" gezeigt hätte, hätte der Analytiker auf keinem Fall daraus etwas erfassen können. Infolgedessen kann die Psychoanalyse nicht das Gegenbeispiel fur die Universalität der Hermeneutik werden. Damit die kritische Reflexion möglich wäre, müssten vor allem unser Bewusstsein und die Sprache voneinander getrennt werden. Deswegen wurde in dieser Arbeit behauptet, dass sie - obwohl es in der Tat selbstverstandlich unmöglich ist - aber sehr wohl rein begrifflich gesehen voneinander getrennt und unterschieden werden können. In diesem Fall kann das Einflussverhältnis zwischen der Sprache und den außersprachlichen Faktoren in das Einflussverhältnis zwischen der "Arbeit und Herrschaft" und der Sprache und unserem Bewusstsein, unterteilt und differenziert werden: Arbeit und Herrschaft übt auf die Sprache Einfluss aus, und die Sprache übt auf unser Bewusstsein Einfluss aus. Und mit der Tatsache, dass die Praxis des Verstehens verändert wird, kann man beweisen, dass unser Bewusstsein auf die Arbeit und Herrschaft Einfluss ausüben kann. Und das bedeutet, dass unser Bewusstsein, obwohl es nur mittelbar ist, auf jeden Fall auch auf die Sprache Einfluss ausüben kann. Infolgedessen, wenn die Universalität der Hermeneutik gültig ist, kann man auch sagen, dass auf dieselbe Weise, die kritische Reflexion Habermas´ möglich ist. Und diese Einflussverhältnisse sind aber in dauernder Zirkulationsbewegung. Und diese Zirkulationsbewegung an sich ist das Wesen des Menschen, und daraus bildet sich seine Geschichte.
Over the last few years Facebook has become a widespread and continuously expanding medium of communication. Being a new medium of social interaction, Facebook produces its own communication style. My focus of analysis is how Facebook users from the city of Malaga create this style by means of phonic features typical of the Andalusian variety and how the users reflect on the use of these phonic features. This project is based on a theoretical framework which combines variationist sociolinguistics with CMC to study the emergence of a style peculiar of the online social networks. In a corpus of Facebook users from three zones of Malaga, I have analysed the use of non-standard phonic features and then compared them with the same features in a reference corpus collected on three beaches of Malaga. From this comparison it can be deduced that the analysed social and linguistic factors work differently in real and virtual speech. Due to these different uses we can consider the peculiar electronic communication of Facebook as a style constrained by the electronic medium. It is a style which serves the users to create social meaning and to express their linguistic identities.