981 resultados para Cognitive Variables
Tese de Doutoramento Ciências da Educação (Especialidade em Psicologia da Educação)
There is evidence that virtual reality (VR) pain distraction is effective at improving pain-related outcomes. However, more research is needed to investigate VR environments with other pain-related goals. The main aim of this study was to compare the differential effects of two VR environments on a set of pain-related and cognitive variables during a cold pressor experiment. One of these environments aimed to distract attention away from pain (VRD), whereas the other was designed to enhance pain control (VRC). Participants were 77 psychology students, who were randomly assigned to one of the following three conditions during the cold pressor experiment: (a) VRD, (b) VRC, or (c) Non-VR (control condition). Data were collected regarding both pain-related variables (intensity, tolerance, threshold, time perception, and pain sensitivity range) and cognitive variables (self-efficacy and catastrophizing). Results showed that in comparison with the control condition, the VRC intervention significantly increased pain tolerance, the pain sensitivity range, and the degree of time underestimation. It also increased self-efficacy in tolerating pain and led to a reduction in reported helplessness. The VRD intervention significantly increased the pain threshold and pain tolerance in comparison with the control condition, but it did not affect any of the cognitive variables. Overall, the intervention designed to enhance control seems to have a greater effect on the cognitive variables assessed. Although these results need to be replicated in further studies, the findings suggest that the VRC intervention has considerable potential in terms of increasing self-efficacy and modifying the negative thoughts that commonly accompany pain problems.
Our aim was to observe the induction of panic attacks by a hyperventilation challenge test in panic disorder patients (DSM-IV) and their healthy first-degree relatives. We randomly selected 25 panic disorder patients, 31 healthy first-degree relatives of probands with panic disorder and 26 normal volunteers with no family history of panic disorder. All patients had no psychotropic drugs for at least one week. They were induced to hyperventilate (30 breaths/min) for 4 min and anxiety scales were applied before and after the test. A total of 44.0% (N = 11) panic disorder patients, 16.1% (N = 5) of first-degree relatives and 11.5% (N = 3) of control subjects had a panic attack after hyperventilating (chi² = 8.93, d.f. = 2, P = 0.011). In this challenge test the panic disorder patients were more sensitive to hyperventilation than first-degree relatives and normal volunteers. Although the hyperventilation test has a low sensitivity, our data suggest that there is no association between a family history of panic disorder and hyperreactivity to an acute hyperventilation challenge test. Perhaps cognitive variables should be considered to play a specific role in this association since symptoms of a panic attack and acute hyperventilation overlap.
The gene,nil purpose (If this thesis was to examine certain variables considered to be associated with reading readiness in kindergarten children Twenty-four children from a parent-funded parochial school i.n 5t Catharines. Ontaj-io were exanlined in this study, The children.'s reading readiness level, measured by the Test of Ea1'1y Reading Ability (JERA:) and by teacher"s ratings was correlated with various cognitive variables, These variables consisted (If a rough index of intelligence as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Revised CPPVT-Rl Form M, mean len.gth of utterance (MUn, the sum of relative,. subordinate and coordinate clauses, the !wmber of core statements children make when telling stories and a memory test. All but the memory test related to at least one measure of reading readiness, Although the memory test did not correlate significantly with reading readiness, the children appeaj~ed to be sensitive to the stimulus set size in terms of their study time, In addition. interi'uption in the interval between studying the stimuli and the ,reca1i test had a negathre effect on pe.rfornlance and set size had a substantial effect 011 recognition performance, The educational implications of these correlates of reading readiness are discussed as weH as the implications for future research.
L’étude cherche à provoquer la convergence des regards sur des enjeux méthodologiques fondamentaux, soit les enjeux de mesure, de décision et d’impact inhérents à toute démarche de sélection académique. À cet effet, elle explorera la capacité de prédiction de certaines variables non cognitives envers la compétence de professionnalisme observée chez les étudiants du doctorat professionnel de premier cycle en pharmacie. La sélection des candidats au sein des programmes académiques en santé repose en grande partie sur une évaluation de la capacité cognitive des étudiants. Tenant compte du virage compétence pris par la majorité des programmes en santé, la pertinence et la validité des critères traditionnels de sélection sont remises en question. La présente étude propose de valider l’utilisation des échelles de mesure de la personnalité, des valeurs et de l’autodétermination pour guider l’optimalité et l’équité des décisions de sélection. Les enjeux de mesure de ces variables seront abordés principalement par la modélisation dichotomique et polytomique de Rasch. L’application de la méthode des strates permettra, par la suite, de répondre aux enjeux de décision en procédant à une différenciation et un classement des étudiants. Puis, les enjeux d’impact seront, à leur tour, explorés par le modèle de régression par classes latentes. L’étude démontre notamment que le recours à la modélisation a permis une différenciation précise des étudiants. Cependant, la violation de certaines conditions d’application des modèles et la faible différenciation établie entre les étudiants sur la base des critères de professionnalisme, rendent l’évaluation de la capacité de prédiction de la personnalité, des valeurs et de l’autodétermination hasardeuse. À cet effet, les modèles identifiés par les analyses de régression par classes latentes s’avèrent peu concluants. Les classes latentes ainsi identifiées ne présentent pas de distinctions marquées et utiles à la sélection. Bien que les diverses procédures de modélisation proposées présentent des avantages intéressants pour une utilisation en contexte de sélection académique, des recherches additionnelles sur la qualité des critères de professionnalisme et sur la qualité des échelles de mesure des variables non cognitives demeurent nécessaires.
The response to painful stimulation depends not only on peripheral nociceptive input but also on the cognitive and affective context in which pain occurs. One contextual variable that affects the neural and behavioral response to nociceptive stimulation is the degree to which pain is perceived to be controllable. Previous studies indicate that perceived controllability affects pain tolerance, learning and motivation, and the ability to cope with intractable pain, suggesting that it has profound effects on neural pain processing. To date, however, no neuroimaging studies have assessed these effects. We manipulated the subjects' belief that they had control over a nociceptive stimulus, while the stimulus itself was held constant. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we found that pain that was perceived to be controllable resulted in attenuated activation in the three neural areas most consistently linked with pain processing: the anterior cingulate, insular, and secondary somatosensory cortices. This suggests that activation at these sites is modulated by cognitive variables, such as perceived controllability, and that pain imaging studies may therefore overestimate the degree to which these responses are stimulus driven and generalizable across cognitive contexts. [References: 28]
Previous research has suggested that parents’ aspirations for their children’s academic attainment can have a positive influence on children’s actual academic performance. Possible negative effects of parental over-aspiration, however, have found little attention in the psychological literature. Employing a dual-change score model with longitudinal data from a representative sample of German schoolchildren and their parents (N = 3,530; grades 5 to 10), we showed that parental aspiration and children’s mathematical achievement were linked by positive reciprocal relations over time. Importantly, we also found that parental aspiration that exceeded their expectation (i.e., over-aspiration) had negative reciprocal relations with children’s mathematical achievement. These results were fairly robust after controlling for a variety of demographic and cognitive variables such as children’s gender, age, intelligence, school type, and family SES. The results were also replicated with an independent sample of US parents and their children. These findings suggest that unrealistically high parental aspiration can be detrimental for children’s achievement.
Compensatory Health Beliefs (CHB) are a common strategy used to reduce the cognitive discomfort that arises from participating in recognizably unhealthy behaviors. The current research examines relationships between CHB and other cognitive variables. Data was collected in two phases, using survey methodology. Study 1 explored relationships between the use of CHB, impulsiveness, and coping styles. Study 2 expanded the inquiry by exploring relationships to health perception and knowledge. Results revealed that participants who scored high on overall CHB were more likely to: engage in maladaptive coping strategies (r = .47, p < .01) [including avoidant coping styles (r = .38, p < .01) and unhealthy coping styles (r = .47, p < .01)], score higher on measures of impulsivity (r = .43, p < .01), be well-informed about their general health (r =-.21, p < .05), eat fast food more often ( r = p < .05), and consider it safe to smoke more frequently (r = .18, p < .05). Participants with lower CHB scores considered themselves more well-informed about their general health (r = -.21, p < .05), including understanding the minimum recommended amounts of physical activity needed to maintain health (r = -.35, p < .01 ), and knowing the health risks of stress ( r = -.19, p < .05). In addition, maladaptive coping was positively correlated with lack of general health knowledge (r = -.22 p < .01), less understanding of the risks of stress and alcohol (r = .20, p < .05), less knowledge of the recommended daily amounts of physical activity needed for health (r = -.26, p < .01), less frequent exercise (r = -.26, p < .01 ), and generally more unhealthy daily habits (r = -.26, p < .01). These findings contribute to a new area of investigation and may be useful to those who want to motivate behavior change.
This project had a threefold aim and sought to provide answers to several different questions. Kossowska first focused on the relationship between Openness to Experience and ideological variables such as authoritarianism and conservatism. The main questions here were (1) whether there are differences between the Polish and Belgian samples studied with respect to the relationship between political ideology and Openness to Experience, and (2) whether this relationship applies to all facets of Openness to Experience. The study showed significant negative correlations between Openness and right-wing ideology in both adult samples, and that Fantasy and Actions were the most robust correlates of political ideology. A second problem examined concerned the relationship between ideology and cognitive functioning. The important questions here were about the conceptualisation and measurement of cognitive variables such as rigidity, intolerance of ambiguity, or the need for closure, which determine individuals' attitudes to politics. The results confirmed the significance of the need for closure construct in both samples for understanding the process of formulating and holding political beliefs. The last aspect of the study was the differences in political beliefs between the Polish and Belgian samples in relation to the social, political and economic situation in the two countries. The most important question here was the changes in the political mentality of Poles during the period of system transition. Kossowska expected to find differences between Poles and Belgians with respect to the level of conservatism and authoritarianism, but in fact both samples showed comparable levels of right-wing political beliefs.
Single planning interventions have been found to promote short-term dietary change. Repeated planning interventions may foster long-term effects on behavior change. It remains unknown whether there is a critical number of boosters to establish long-term maintenance of behavioral changes. This study aimed at investigating what social-cognitive variables mediate the effects of the interventions on dietary behavior change. Overall, 373 participants (n = 270 women, 72.4%; age M = 52.42, SD = 12.79) were randomly allocated to one of five groups: a control group, a single planning group, and three groups with 3, 6, or 9 weeks' repeated planning interventions. Follow-ups took place 4, 6, and 12 months after baseline. Change in fat consumption was not promoted by any of the interventions. In terms of social-cognitive variables, intentions, self-efficacy and coping planning displayed a time × group interaction, with the 9 weeks' planning group showing the most beneficial effects. Effect sizes, however, were very small. None of the tested planning interventions successfully promoted change in fat consumption across the 12 month period. This, however, could not be explained by problems with adherence to the intervention protocol. Potential explanations for this unexpected result are discussed.
Las rápidas y continuas transformaciones urbanas que experimentan las ciudades actuales han generado importantes cambios en la forma en que se vive, experimenta y percibe la vida en ellas. Estos procesos de transformación, a veces fruto del rápido crecimiento de los entornos urbanos, de su heterogeneidad, de sus dinámicas económicas, de la confrontación de las diferencias sociales de los habitantes o simplemente producto de nuevos usos en los entornos, han propiciado un creciente interés por comprender el efecto que un determinado contexto urbano tiene sobre el individuo y viceversa. O dicho de forma más general, se ha buscado comprender la relación entre el ser humano y el entorno. Así, más recientemente, la atención de muchos estudios se ha posado también en los patrones de uso de los espacios, los cuales van acompañados de una infinidad de cogniciones y valoraciones surgidas en los residentes producto de sus experiencias con el entorno construido. Dentro del desarrollo de estas investigaciones, han surgido una gran variedad de conceptos que han sido identificados por la trascendencia que tienen sobre el vínculo entre el individuo y el contexto, entre los cuales encontramos los conceptos de Identidad, Apropiación de lugar, Sentido de Comunidad y Satisfacción residencial. Este trabajo, tomando como base estos cuatro conceptos, se ha preocupado por comprender la forma en que éstos se relacionan con una serie de variables socio-demográficas, físico-urbanas y cognitivas en la dimensión urbana, con el propósito de valorar el poder de estos constructos —y las variables vinculadas— con los procesos de transformación urbana. La finalidad de la realización de dicho análisis se sustenta en poder identificar como estos factores son tomados en consideración en el urbanismo para así poder reconocer diversas opciones para mediar o incidir sobre estas variables desde las políticas públicas, la planificación urbana o el proyecto urbano. Esto pues, se parte del entendimiento de que la práctica urbanística tiene la opción de interceder sobre una serie de cuestiones que afectan directamente el bienestar y la calidad de vida de las personas, por lo cual su absoluto entendimiento sobre los efectos que fenómenos urbanos como éstos tienen sobre los entornos, es de gran transcendencia para la disciplina. Por tanto, esta investigación ha recopilado y analizado, mediante diferentes herramientas estadísticas, gran cantidad de datos provenientes de una encuesta realizada en un barrio de la ciudad de Madrid, que le han permitido identificar las variables que más peso tienen en los procesos urbanos que desembocan en una mayor Identificación, Apropiación, Sentido de Comunidad y Satisfacción Residencial en el individuo. Esta primera etapa, permitió posteriormente indagar, con ayuda de un panel de expertos urbanistas, sobre las posibilidades de la disciplina para mediar o interceder sobre esos aspectos, lo que nos permitió finalmente alcanzar algunos resultados y conclusiones que permiten valorar las opciones de las diferentes escalas de intervención urbana y los retos de cara al futuro de trabajos sobre esta temática. ABSTRACT The fast and continuous urban transformations that current major cities experience, have generated important changes in the way in which we live, experience and perceive life in them. These transformation processes, sometimes result of rapid growth of urban environments, of their heterogeneity, of their economic dynamics, of the confrontation of social differences amongst its population or just as a product of new ways environments are used, have led to a growing interest in understanding the effect that a given urban context has on the individual and vice versa. In other words, it’s sought to understand the relationship between human beings and the environment. Thus, more recently, the attention of many studies have also focused in the patterns of use of space, which are accompanied by a multitude of cognitions and valuations arising in residents product of their experiences with the built environment. Within the development of those investigations, there have been a great variety of concepts that have been identified due to the importance they have on the relationship between the individual and the context, among which are the concepts of identity, appropriation of place, sense of community and residential satisfaction. This work, based on these four concepts, has been concerned with understanding how they relate to a series of socio-demographic, physical and cognitive variables in an urban dimension, in order to assess the power of these constructs —and related variables— with urban transformation processes. The purpose of that analysis is based on being able to identify how these factors are taken into consideration in planning, in order to recognize different options to mediate or influence on these variables from public policies, urban planning or urban project. This then, is on the understanding that the planning practice has the option to intercede on a number of issues that directly affect the welfare and quality of life of people, so the absolute understanding of the effects of urban phenomena like these have over environments, is of great importance to the discipline. Therefore, this research has collected and analyzed, using different statistical tools, lots of data obtained from a survey performed in a neighborhood of the city of Madrid, which enabled it to identify the variables that have more weight in urban processes that lead in higher identification, appropriation, sense of community and residential satisfaction in the individual. This first step, then allows investigating, with the help of a panel of expert planners, on the possibility of the discipline to mediate or intercede on these aspects, which ultimately enabled us to achieve some results and conclusions that allow evaluating the options of different scales of urban intervention and challenges for the future of work on this subject.
The present study examined the predictive effects of gender, intellectual ability, self-concept, motivation, learning strategies, popularity and parent involvement on academic achievement. Hiearchical regression analysis were performed with six steps in which each variable was included, among a sample of 1398 high school students (mean age = 12.5; standard deviation = .67) of eight education centers from the province of Alicante (Spain). The results revealed significant predictive effects of all of the variables, explaining 59.1% of the total variance.
Individuals seeking compensation following traumatic brain injury (TBI) are often found to report a disproportionately high level of symptoms relative to objective indicators of impairment. Previous studies highlight that level of symptom reporting is also related to self-awareness, causal attribution, and emotional wellbeing. Therefore, the reasons for high symptom reporting in the context of compensation are generally unclear. This study aimed to identify whether self-awareness, causal attribution, and emotional wellbeing are significantly associated with level of symptom reporting after controlling for compensation status. A sample of 54 participants with TBI comprised two groups, namely, claimants (n = 27) and non-claimants (n = 27), who were similar in terms of demographic and neuro-cognitive variables. Participants completed the Symptom Expectancy Checklist, Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale, Awareness Questionnaire and a causal attribution scale. A series of independent t tests and Pearson's correlations identified that a higher level of symptom reporting was associated with the following: seeking compensation, less severe TBI, increased age, greater self-awareness, increased post-injury changes reported by relatives, a higher level of mood symptoms, and a tendency to blame other people. Multivariate analysis identified that after controlling for demographic, injury, and compensation status variables, level of mood symptoms and self-awareness were significantly associated with level of symptom reporting. The findings suggest that mood symptoms and heightened self-awareness are significantly related to high symptom reporting independent of compensation status, thus supporting the need for clinicians to interpret symptom reporting within a biopsychosocial context.
Self-attention research has demonstrated a relationship between dispositional self-focus, anxiety proneness and fear arousal. In addition, the effect of self-focus manipulations on approach-avoidance tasks involving a feared stimulus are strikingly similar to the effects obtained from manipulation of other cognitive factors such as perceived self-efficacy. A number of experiments were designed to explore the relationship between self-focused attention and ffilxiety. Data from the experiments demonstrate that self-attention influences a variety of cognitive variables which have been considered as central factors in anxiety. Concomitants of self-focus are increased awareness of physiological arousal and overestimation of such arousal, the identification of self-discrepancies, cognitive failures and performance deficits and the activation of physical threat concepts in memory. These factors are conceptualised as central in the negative evaluation of physiological arousal and coping resources in anxiety. Clinically anxious individuals typically have high scores in dispositional self-consciousness and body-consciousness. In patients suffering from generalised anxiety or panic disorders maladaptive self-focusing tendencies can be related to specific life stressors which render aspects of the self salient. An analysis of the ideational component of anxiety revealed three subcomponents; negative social ideation (worry about other people's reaction to the self), negative somatic ideation (worry about physical symptoms and health) and obsessional ideation (the experience of uncontrollable and repetitive thoughts) which were differentially associated with measures of dispositional self-focus. The frequency and content of an.xious w-orry is associated with specific self-focusing tendencies. It is proposed that the 'attentional style' of the individual is an important determinant of the nature and intensity of their affective response in a threatening situation. A self-attentional model of anxiety is proposed and the complex interaction between self-focus and other cognitive factors in anxiety such as appraisal of arousal and coping resources and perceived levels of self-efficacy is discussed. The model presents new directions for research and therapeutic intervention in anxiety.
A significant proportion of patients experience chronic post-surgical pain (CPSP) following inguinal hernia surgery. Psychological models are useful in predicting acute pain after surgery, and in predicting the transition from acute to chronic pain in non-surgical contexts. This is a prospective cohort study to investigate psychological (cognitive and emotional) risk factors for CPSP after inguinal hernia surgery. Participants were asked to complete questionnaires before surgery and 1 week and 4 months after surgery. Data collected before surgery and 1 week after surgery were used to predict pain at 4 months. Psychological risk factors assessed included anxiety, depression, fear-avoidance, activity avoidance, catastrophizing, worry about the operation, activity expectations, perceived pain control and optimism. The study included 135 participants; follow-up questionnaires were returned by 119 (88.1%) and 115 (85.2%) participants at 1 week and 4 months after surgery respectively. The incidence of CPSP (pain at 4 months) was 39.5%. After controlling for age, body mass index and surgical variables (e.g. anaesthetic, type of surgery and mesh type used), lower pre-operative optimism was an independent risk factor for CPSP at 4 months; lower pre-operative optimism and lower perceived control over pain at 1 week after surgery predicted higher pain intensity at 4 months. No emotional variables were independently predictive of CPSP. Further research should target these cognitive variables in pre-operative psychological preparation for surgery. © 2011 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters.