993 resultados para Cochlear implantes
Profound hearing loss is a disability that affects personality and when it involves teenagers before language acquisition, these bio-psychosocial conflicts can be exacerbated, requiring careful evaluation and choice of them for cochlear implant. Aim: To evaluate speech perception by adolescents with profound hearing loss, users of cochlear Implants. Study Design: Prospective. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five individuals with severe or profound pre-lingual hearing loss who underwent cochlear implantation during adolescence, between 10 to 17 years and 11 months, who went through speech perception tests before the implant and 2 years after device activation. For comparison and analysis we used the results from tests of four choice, recognition of vowels and recognition of sentences in a closed setting and the open environment. Results: The average percentage of correct answers in the four choice test before the implant was 46.9% and after 24 months of device use, this value went up to 86.1% in the vowels recognition test, the average difference was 45.13% to 83.13% and the sentences recognition test together in closed and open settings was 19.3% to 60.6% and 1.08% to 20.47% respectively. Conclusion: All patients, although with mixed results, achieved statistical improvement in all speech tests that were employed.
This four-experiment series sought to evaluate the potential of children with neurosensory deafness and cochlear implants to exhibit auditory-visual and visual-visual stimulus equivalence relations within a matching-to-sample format. Twelve children who became deaf prior to acquiring language (prelingual) and four who became deaf afterwards (postlingual) were studied. All children learned auditory-visual conditional discriminations and nearly all showed emergent equivalence relations. Naming tests, conducted with a subset of the: children, showed no consistent relationship to the equivalence-test outcomes.. This study makes several contributions: to the literature on stimulus equivalence. First; it demonstrates that both pre- and postlingually deaf children-can: acquire auditory-visual equivalence-relations after cochlear implantation, thus demonstrating symbolic functioning. Second, it directs attention to a population that may be especially interesting for researchers seeking to analyze the relationship. between speaker and listener repertoires. Third, it demonstrates the feasibility of conducting experimental studies of stimulus control processes within the limitations of a hospital, which these children must visit routinely for the maintenance of their cochlear implants.
The electrical stimulation generated by the Cochlear Implant (CI) may improve the neural synchrony and hence contribute to the development of auditory skills in patients with Auditory Neuropathy / Auditory Dyssynchrony (AN/AD). Aim: Prospective cohort cross-sectional study to evaluate the auditory performance and the characteristics of the electrically evoked compound action potential (ECAP) in 18 children with AN/AD and cochlear implants. Material and methods: The auditory perception was evaluated by sound field thresholds and speech perception tests. To evaluate ECAP`s characteristics, the threshold and amplitude of neural response were evaluated at 80Hz and 35Hz. Results: No significant statistical difference was found concerning the development of auditory skills. The ECAP`s characteristics differences at 80 and 35Hz stimulation rate were also not statistically significant. Conclusion: The CI was seen as an efficient resource to develop auditory skills in 94% of the AN/AD patients studied. The auditory perception benefits and the possibility to measure ECAP showed that the electrical stimulation could compensate for the neural dyssynchrony caused by the AN/AD. However, a unique clinical procedure cannot be proposed at this point. Therefore, a careful and complete evaluation of each AN/AD patient before recommending a Cochlear Implant is advised. Clinical Trials: NCT01023932
Thirty-two pouch-young tammar wallabies were used to discover the generators of the auditory brainstem response (ABR) during development by the use of simultaneous ABR and focal brainstem recordings. A click response from the auditory nerve root (ANR) in the wallaby was recorded from postnatal day (PND) 101, when no central auditory station was functional, and coincided with the ABR, a simple positive wave. The response of the cochlear nucleus (CN) was detected from PND 110, when the ABR had developed 1 positive and 1 negative peak. The dominant component of the focal ANR response, the N-1 wave, coincided with the first half of the ABR P wave, and that of the focal CN response, the N-1 wave, coincided with the later two thirds. In older animals, the ANR response coincided with the ABR's N-1, wave, while the CN response coincided with the ABR's P-2, N-2 and P-3 waves, with its contribution to the ABR P-2 dominant. The protracted development of the marsupial auditory system which facilitated these correlations makes the tammar wallaby a particularly suitable model. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Este estudo tem como objectivo a avaliação dos índices de qualidade nos implantes de braquiterapia prostática com sementes l125, em todos os doentes tratados com a técnica transperineal, no Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Dr. Francisco Gentil, EPE, desde Dezembro de 2007 a Abril de 2009.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção de Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências e Engenharia dos Materiais pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
As fraturas ósseas têm sido consideradas como um problema sócio económico mundial afetando sobretudo os jovens e idosos. No caso de pequenas correções de fraturas ou defeitos ósseos é necessário a aplicação de implantes biodegradáveis que atuem de forma temporária durante o período de formação do novo tecido ósseo. Uma das grandes vantagens da sua aplicação é evitar uma segunda intervenção cirúrgica para a sua remoção. Para isso, o Magnésio (Mg) e as suas ligas têm vindo a ser considerados como uma boa opção para este tipo de implantes temporários pois para além de serem biodegradáveis e biocompatíveis possuem propriedades semelhantes ao osso. No entanto, a sua elevada taxa de degradação em ambiente biológico é uma desvantagem para a sua utilização que conduz à perda da sua funcionalidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver revestimentos multifuncionais biocompatíveis, para a superfície do implante biodegradável, que permitam controlar a taxa de degradação do Mg e em simultâneo promovam a adesão e proliferação celular no local afetado. Neste trabalho, foram desenvolvidos três tipos de revestimentos biocompatíveis: Fosfatos, Fosfatos com nanopartículas de hidroxiapatite e fosfatos com nanopartículas de hidroxiapatite e óxido de grafeno aplicados na superfície da liga de Mg AZ31 através do método de eletrodeposição/eletroforese química. Foi realizado um tratamento térmico e avaliada a sua influência na resposta celular e na sua resistência à degradação. As propriedades físico-químicas do revestimento foram obtidas por microscopia electrónica de varrimento e de transmissão, microscopia de Raman, difração de raios-X e microscopia de força atómica. Foram ainda analisadas medições do ângulo de contacto da superfície dos revestimentos e realizados ensaios de degradação em soluções fisiológicas. A resposta celular aos revestimentos foi testada in vitro através da avaliação da adesão e proliferação de células osteoblásticas (Saos-2). Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o tratamento térmico modifica a estrutura do revestimento e promove a adesão celular. A incorporação do óxido grafeno no revestimento de fosfatos e hidroxiapatite permite aumentar a resistência à degradação e promover uma melhor resposta celular.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica
Este trabajo pretende aportar conocimientos sobre el desarrollo de nuevos materiales para implantes ortopédicos en Medicina Veterinaria y Humana, de bajo costo y sin efectos biológicos indeseables. Para esto se pretende verificar los posibles efectos biológicos de los implantes de polipropileno, mediante una evaluación clínica, bioquímica e histopatológica en 12 caninos a los que se les implantará una placa ortopédica, por las técnicas quirúrgicas de rutina. Sobre el material de implante (polipropileno) se efectuará un estudio de homogeneidad química y de los posibles efectos del organismo sobre el mismo, mediante espectroscopía infrarroja por transformada de Fourier y espectroscopía Uv-visible. Objetivos generales Aportar conocimientos para: desarrollar nuevos materiales para implantes ortopédicos, de bajo costo, buena adaptabilidad mecánica y toxicidad mínima. Objetivos específicos 1. Verificar los posibles efectos biológicos de los implantes (placas ortopédicas) de polipropileno en perros, mediante una evaluación clínica, bioquímica e histopatológica de los animales implantados. 2. Determinar la homogeneidad química, la presencia y concentración de antioxidantes y los posibles estados superficiales del material utilizado para la confección de las placas, mediante espectroscopía infrarroja por transformada de Fourier. 3. Determinar el efecto del organismo sobre el polímero mediante espectroscopía UV-visible.
Presentem un estudi prospectiu, a curt termini, de 10 pacients, per avaluar el resultat funcional i simptomàtic del tractament de la condropatia rotuliana mitjançant implants de polímers sintètics biodegradables. Es valora la clínica, qüestionaris (KOOS i SF-36) i RM, abans, als sis i dotze mesos de la cirurgia. Els resultats van ser satisfactoris en 8 dels 10 pacients. Per això pensem que el TruFitTM BGS Plug és una tècnica simple i eficaç per tractar les lesions del cartílag rotulià en pacients joves i amb lesions focals. Tanmateix, la seva eficàcia en comparació amb altres tractaments està encara per determinar.
This study verifies whether cochlear implants helps deaf adults to maintain or develop their professional occupations. Sixty-seven patients received a questionnaire concerning their professional activities before and after implantation. At the time of implantation 34 were professionally active. After the implantation 29 remained active, 4 of them reporting positive developments in their careers. Five patients became inactive. The previously inactive patients remained inactive. There was no difference in auditory performances between professionally active or inactive patients. Cochlear implants enable most implanted adults to maintain and even progress in their professions. However, deafness still represents an obstacle to social integration as inactive patients who searched for a job were rejected after the job interviews.