288 resultados para Coagulase


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Propolis is a natural resinous substance collected by bees from vegetal sources and its therapeutic properties have been investigated. In this work, we evaluated the inhibitory activity of ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEP) from the Southeast and South of Brazil on coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS) growth as well as the EEP in vitro synergism with antimicrobial drugs by using the diffusion method (E-test). The EEP chemical characteristics (dry weight, pH, flavonoid and phenolic compounds) were determined. Seven drugs were tested, and synergism was observed between three drugs and Southeast EEP, six drugs and South EEP, and one drug and ethanol control. Ethanolic extracts of propolis from the South of Brazil presented the greatest flavonoid content and synergism rate, while EEP from the Southeast presented the greatest anti-CNS activity and phenolic compound content. Results showed the correlation among anti-CNS activity, synergism rate and chemical characteristics of propolis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os estafilococos coagulase-negativos (ECN), embora reconhecidos como saprófitas por muito tempo, têm emergido como agentes etiológicos de uma série de infecções, sendo atualmente os principais responsáveis por sepse em UTI neonatal. Tendo em vista estas características, este estudo objetivou a identificação de estafilococos coagulase-negativos isolados de processos infecciosos em recém-nascidos, bem como a determinação da produção de beta-lactamase e sensibilidade às drogas pelas linhagens isoladas. O Staphylococcus epidermidis foi a espécie mais freqüentemente isolada (77,8%). O estudo da produção de beta-lactamase revelou esta característica na maioria das linhagens de ECN isoladas (71,8%). As linhagens de ECN mostraram, ainda, resistência múltipla aos antibióticos utilizados, com 63,2% dos isolados apresentando resistência a cinco ou mais drogas. A elevada transmissibilidade de plasmídios entre estas linhagens e o uso abusivo de drogas antimicrobianas têm-se constituído em importantes fatores na seleção de amostras multirresistentes e na transferência de genes de resistência.


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) species identification is still difficult for most clinical laboratories. The scheme proposed by Kloos and Schleifer and modified by Bannerman is the reference method used for the identification of staphylococcal species and subspecies; however, this method is relatively laborious for routine use since it requires the utilization of a large number of biochemical tests. The objective of the present study was to compare four methods, i.e., the reference method, the API Staph system (bioMérieux) and two methods modified from the reference method in our laboratory (simplified method and disk method), in the identification of 100 CNS strains. Compared to the reference method, the simplified method and disk method correctly identified 100 and 99% of the CNS species, respectively, while this rate was 84% for the API Staph system. Inaccurate identification by the API Staph method was observed for Staphylococcus epidermidis (2.2%), S. hominis (25%), S. haemolyticus (37.5%), and S. warneri (47.1%). The simplified method using the simple identification scheme proposed in the present study was found to be efficient for all strains tested, with 100% sensitivity and specificity and proved to be available alternative for the identification of staphylococci, offering, higher reliability and lower cost than the currently available commercial systems. This method would be very useful in clinical microbiology laboratory, especially in places with limited resources.


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) have been identified as the etiological agent in various infections and are currently the microorganisms most frequently isolated in nosocomial infections. However, little is known about the virulence factors produced by CNS that contribute to the pathogenesis of infections caused by these microorganisms. The study of CNS isolated from infectious processes of newborns hospitalized in the Neonatal Unit of the Hospital of the Botucatu Medical School, Unesp, indicated Staphylococcus epidermidis as the most frequently isolated species (77.8%), which was also associated with clinically significant situations. The analysis of virulence factors revealed the production of slime in 20 (17.1%) of all CNS samples isolated and the synthesis of a broad spectrum of enzymes and toxins, including hemolysins (19.6%), lipase (17.1%), lecithinase (3.4%), DNAse (15.4%), thermonuclease (7.7%), and enterotoxin A, B or C (37.6%). Taking into consideration that the etiological importance of CNS has often been neglected, the present investigation confirmed that these microorganisms should not be ignored or classified as mere contaminants.


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Objetivo: avaliar a significância clínica de estafilococos coagulase-negativa (ECN) isolados de processos infecciosos em recém-nascidos da unidade neonatal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu. Método: as linhagens de ECN isoladas foram identificadas e classificadas em significativas e contaminantes, com base em uma série de dados clínicos e laboratoriais obtidos dos prontuários dos pacientes internados na unidade neonatal. Foram pesquisados os dados referentes a fatores perinatais de risco para infecção, evolução clínica, alterações do hemograma e/ou positividade de proteína C-reativa e antibioticoterapia. Resultados: das 117 linhagens de ECN isoladas, 60 (51,3%) foram classificadas como significativas, e 57 (48,7%) como contaminantes. Das 54 crianças com infecção por ECN, 43 (79,6%) eram prematuras, e 27 (50,0%) tiveram peso ao nascimento Conclusões: a maioria dos recém-nascidos com infecção por ECN apresentou fatores predisponentes importantes para a instalação do processo infeccioso, incluindo o peso de nascimento < 1.500g, a não remoção de corpo estranho e a antibioticoterapia prévia. A identificação de espécies de ECN constitui um marcador útil de infecção, visto que o S. epidermidis foi o agente etiológico mais freqüentemente associado aos processos infecciosos.


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Um total de 109 cepas de Staphylococci coagulase-negativa foi isolado de leite de vacas com mastite clínica e subclínica, em 35 fazendas, situadas em nove estados brasileiros, no período de fevereiro a maio de 2005. Os isolados foram investigados em relação a susceptibilidade in vitro a diversos agentes antimicrobianos. A resistência à penicilina foi a observação mais freqüente (93,5%), seguida por sulfonamida (88,9%), novobiocina (88,6%) e ampicilina (85,3%). Todas as cepas examinadas mostraram resistência a pelo menos uma das drogas antimicrobianas testadas. Cepas apresentando resistência múltipla foram extremamente comuns, com 10,0% dos microrganismos isolados apresentando resistência a todas as drogas antimicrobianas. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as cepas de Staphylococci coagulase-negativas, isoladas no Brasil, apresentaram um alto grau de resistência a antimicrobianos. Estes resultados são, provavelmente, uma conseqüência da pressão devida ao uso intensivo de drogas antimicrobianas.


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The presence of Staphylococcus aureus in the nasal cavities and pericatheter skin of peritoneal dialysis patients put them at high risk of developing peritonitis. However, it is not clear whether the presence of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) in the nasal passages and skin of patients is related to subsequent occurrence of peritoneal infection. The aim of the present study was to verify the relationship between endogenous sources of S. aureus and CNS and occurrence of peritonitis in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Thirty-two patients on peritoneal hemodialysis were observed for 18 months. Staphylococcus species present in their nasal passage, pericatheter skin and peritoneal effluent were identified and compared based on drug susceptibility tests and dendrograms, which were drawn to better visualize the similarity among strains from extraperitoneal sites as well as their involvement in the causes of infection. Out of 288 Staphylococcus strains isolated, 155 (53.8%) were detected in the nasal cavity, 122 (42.4%) on the skin, and 11 (3.8%) in the peritoneal effluent of patients who developed peritonitis during the study. The most frequent Staphylococcus species were CNS (78.1%), compared with S. aureus (21.9%). Among CNS, S. epidermidis was predominant (64.4%), followed by S. warneri (15.1%), S. haemolyticus (10.7%), and other species (9.8%). Seven (64%) out of 11 cases of peritonitis analyzed presented similar strains. The same strain was isolated from different sites in two (66%) out of three S. aureus infection cases. In the six cases of S. epidermidis peritonitis, the species that caused infection was also found in the normal flora. From these, two cases (33%) presented highly similar strains and in three cases (50%), it was difficult to group strains as to similarity. Patients colonized with multidrug-resistant S. epidermidis strains were more predisposed to infection. Results demonstrated that an endogenous source of S. epidermidis could cause peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients, similarly to what has been observed with S. aureus.


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The detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins is decisive for the confirmation of an outbreak and for the determination of the enterotoxigenicity of strains. Since the recognition of their antigenicity, a large number of serological methods for the detection of enterotoxins in food and culture media have been proposed. Since immunological methods require detectable amounts of toxin, molecular biology techniques represent important tools in the microbiology laboratory. In the present study, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to identify genes responsible for the production of enterotoxins and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1) in S. aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) isolated from patients and the results were compared with those obtained by the reverse passive latex agglutination (RPLA) assay. PCR detection of toxin genes revealed a higher percentage of toxigenic S. aureus strains (46.7%) than the RPLA method (38.3%). Analysis of the toxigenic profile of CNS strains showed that 26.7% of the isolates produced some type of toxin, and one or more toxin-specific genes were detected in 40% of the isolates. These results suggests the need for further studies in order to better characterize the pathogenic potential of CNS and indicate that attention should be paid to the toxigenic capacity of this group of microorganisms.


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Slime production is an important virulence factor of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp., allowing them to attach to smooth surfaces of biomaterials, and it has been associated with infections of implanted medical devices. In the present study the production of slime capsules in 27 strains of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus was investigated by culture in Congo Red agar (77.7% positivity), spectrophotometric or microplate method (81.4% positivity) and scanning electron microscopy (88.9% positivity). The resistance of coagulase-negative strains of Staphylococcus to various antimicrobial agents was also determined by agar disk diffusion. The proportion of strains resistant to penicillin G, oxacillin, erythromycin, clindamycin and gentamicin among the slime-producing staphylococci was 88.9%, 70.4%, 81.5%, 66.7% and 59.2%, respectively; all of the coagulase-negative staphylococci were susceptible to vancomycin. The strains isolated from central venous catheters were identified by a conventional method and the API Staph system. The 27 coagulase-negative Staphylococcus strains were identified as: S. saprophyticus (3.7%), S. xylosus (7.4%), S. haemolyticus (14.8%), S. epidermidis (37.0%), S. warneri (14.8%), S. lugdunensis (7.4%), S. hominis (7.4%), S. schleiferi (3.7%) and S. chromogenes (3.7%). It can be concluded that in the most of the coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species there was an association between slime production, the nosocomial origin of the strains and reduced sensitivity to the antibiotics, suggesting a pathogenic potential in the hospital environment.