40 resultados para Clonazepam


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Rapport de Synthèse : Un sevrage lent comme méthode élective pour l'interruption de la méthadone est coûteux en termes de temps, le plus souvent associé à un taux élevé d'abandon. Bien que les méthodes ultrarapides de désintoxication des opiacés aient gagné en popularité récemment, elles sont chères et posent les problèmes spécifiques liés aux patients traités par la méthadone. Méthodologie: ont été inclus dans l'étude dix patients en traitement de substitution avec de la méthadone. La dernière dose de méthadone a été administrée le matin même du jour de l'admission, en préalable à l'hospitalisation. Les médicaments suivants ont été administrés le jour suivant l'admission: ondansetron 36mg, ranitidine 40mg, loperamide 8m., clonazepam 4m., promazine 1OOmg, metoclopramide 70mg, naltrexone 5Omg. L'échelle objective de sevrage des opiacés (Objective Opiate Withdrawal Scale) a été appliquée au deuxième, troisième et quatrième jour d'hospitalisation, deux fois par jour, à 8h00 et 18h00. Un suivi a été réalisé sous la forme d'entretiens téléphoniques pendant une semaine, respectivement six mois après la date de sortie de l'hôpital, faisant suite à la désintoxication. Un autre entretient téléphonique a été réalisé dans les six mois suivant le "post-sevrage", avec pour objectif d'investiguer la continuité du traitément, une éventuelle rechute dans l'abus de drogues et une possible réintroduction de la méthadone. Résultats: nous avons pu déterminer quatre groupes de symptômes, sur la base d'une observation de trois jours d'évolution: 1) Les signes typiques du syndrome de sevrage de retrait des opiacés, symptôme de froid et chaud, pilo-érection, anxiété caractérisée par une intensité initiale élevée et une disparition relativement continue. 2) Hyperactivité neurovégétative caractérisée par une intensité initiale élevée et une rapide disparition. 3) Phénomènes neurovégétatifs dont l'intensité s'est maintenue durant toute la période d'observation. 4) Contractions musculaires, insomnies et anorexie, manque d'appétit, réapparaissant chez certains patients au 2ème et au début du 3ème jour. Conclusions: une procédure courte de désintoxication utilisant une dose unique de naltrexone s'avère être une méthode alternative valable pour un sevrage de la méthadone. Cette méthode semble accélérer et écourter la symptomatologie associée au sevrage. Le cours des symptômes peut être interprété comme biphasique. Une première phase de retrait est éminemment caractérisée par tous les symptômes typiques eux-mêmes et probablement induits par la naltrexone. La seconde phase, pour un plus petit nombre de patients, peut être interprétée comme en corrélation avec une concentration de méthadone en diminution significative ultérieurement.


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Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a frequent chronic condition. It causes discomfort in the lower limbs with an urge to move the legs and sometimes paresthesias. It's frequently associated with sleep and mood disorders causing a significant impact on quality of life. There are four clinical criteria to diagnose it. Treatment includes management of reversible factors and if needed symptomatic treatment. Depending on symptoms severity, non-drug measures can be tried. First-line medication treatment should be dopaminergic agonists. Second-line treatments include, anticonvulsivants (gabapentine), benzodiazepine (clonazepam) or opioids based on predominant symptoms. Difficult cases should be referred to a specialist.


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The prescription information (summary of product characteristics, SPC) is compiled by the pharmaceutical industry as required by the national regulatory authorities. They vary in their content about the properties of drugs and about the usefulness of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in the blood of patients. Based on a previous study carried out in Germany, the degree of agreement of French SPC for 59 psychotropic drugs with the existing medico-scientific evidence in the area of TDM was examined using a recently developed instrument. A summary score of SPC content (SPCC) related to TDM (SPCC(TDM)) has been calculated and compared with the level of recommendation of TDM of the AGNP-TDM expert group consensus guidelines for TDM in psychiatry [AGNP: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie (Association for neuropsychopharmacology and pharmacopsychiatry)]. Among the antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquillizers/hypnotic agents and mood stabilizers, the highest SPCC(TDM) scores in the French SPC were reached for imipramine (16), haloperidol (6), clonazepam (8) and lithium (23), respectively. Results were similar to those obtained from the analysis of German SPC, and considerable disagreement was found between the information on TDM in SPC and existing medico-scientific evidence, albeit less in the case of mood stabilizers. Taking into account the recommendations of the AGNP-TDM expert group guidelines, there is a deficit in the French SPC concerning TDM-relevant information. An amelioration of this situation could help to improve the clinical practice of TDM of psychotropic drugs, as the SPC is a widely used tool.


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Diabetic patients have a 20% higher risk of depression than the general population. Treatment with antidepressant drugs can directly interfere with blood glucose levels or may interact with hypoglycemic agents. The treatment of depression in diabetic patients must take into account variations of glycemic levels at different times and a comparison of the available antidepressant agents is important. In the present study we evaluated the interference of antidepressants with blood glucose levels of diabetic and non-diabetic rats. In a first experiment, male adult Wistar rats were fasted for 12 h. Imipramine (5 mg/kg), moclobemide (30 mg/kg), clonazepam (0.25 mg/kg), fluoxetine (20 mg/kg) sertraline (30 mg/kg) or vehicle was administered. After 30 min, fasting glycemia was measured. An oral glucose overload of 1 ml of a 50% glucose solution was given to rats and blood glucose was determined after 30, 60 and 90 min. Imipramine and clonazepam did not change fasting or overload glycemia. Fluoxetine and moclobemide increased blood glucose at different times after the glucose overload. Sertraline neutralized the increase of glycemia induced by oral glucose overload. In the second experiment, non-diabetic and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were fasted, and the same procedures were followed for estimation of glucose tolerance 30 min after glucose overload. Again, sertraline neutralized the increase in glycemia after glucose overload both in diabetic and non-diabetic rats. These data raise the question of whether sertraline is the best choice for prolonged use for diabetic individuals, because of its antihyperglycemic effects. Clonazepam would be useful in cases with potential risk of hypoglycemia.


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Pacientes diabéticos apresentam maior risco de depressão e o tratamento com antidepressivos melhora o controle glicêmico. O envolvimento do GABA na etiologia da depressão tem sido estudado e, coincidentemente, esse neurotransmissor está diminuído no pâncreas de ratos diabéticos induzidos por estreptozotocina . Assim sendo, o objetivo foi estudar o efeito de antidepressivos sobre a glicemia e a insulinemia de ratos diabéticos por estreptozotocina, bem como as alterações centrais de glicose, pelo emprego de um agente GABAérgico. Avaliou-se também a concentração do GABA no teste do nado forçado. Ratos Wistar, não diabéticos e diabéticos por estreptozotocina, foram tratados com imipramina, moclobemina, fluoxetina, sertralina e clonazepam. Após mensurada a glicemia de jejum se administrou sobrecarga de glicose, com coletas de sangue a cada 30 min. Dentre os antidepressivos testados, fluoxetina e moclobemida aumentaram a glicemia pós-prandial, enquanto sertralina reduziu tanto a glicemia de jejum quanto a pós-prandial. A coleta de sangue de animais não diabéticos aos 60 min revelou que a redução da glicemia pela sertralina foi acompanhada de aumento significativo dos níveis de insulina após a sobrecarga de glicose. As alterações de glicose central pelo emprego de clonazepam, um agente GABAérgico com propriedades antidepressivas, bem como as alterações na concentração do GABA no estriado de ratos submetidos ao teste da natação forçada eram avaliados in vivo por técnica de microdiálise. Previamente ao dia de experimentação era realizada cirurgia estereotáxica para implantação de cânula-guia no núcleo estriado dos ratos. As alterações in vivo da glicose eram observadas em todos os animais na caixa de livre movimentação, ao passo que os níveis extracelulares de GABA eram determinados no estriado de ratos durante e após o teste do nado forçado. Clonazepam não alterou a glicemia de jejum ou pós-prandial de ratos diabéticos e não diabéticos, porém aumentou a concentração de glicose extracelular no estriado desses animais. Quando submetidos ao teste da natação forçada, os ratos diabéticos apresentaram maior tempo de imobilidade e retardo no incremento da concentração do GABA no estriado. Os resultados mostram que nesse modelo animal de diabete há interferência de agentes GABAérgicos sobre a glicose estriatal, bem como deficiência do sistema GABAérgico, sugerindo o envolvimento desse sistema com as alterações de humor que acompanham o diabete.


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The immunological status of five children with West syndrome consequent to previous cerebral lesions was investigated. Three children had West syndrome and two were in transition from West to Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. All of them showed cellular immunological deficiencies in the following tests: sensitization to DNCB, intracutaneous reaction to PHA, inhibition of leukocyte migration, blastic transformation of lymphocytes, T and B lymphocytes in peripheral blood and levels of serum immunoglobulins. These immunological deficiencies, of different degrees of severity, were associated with frequent infections in these children. A possible association between the immunological deficiencies and autoimmunity is discussed.


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A critical revision of literature as regards to the drug stability in the presence of surfactants were realized. The functional groups envolved in the drug decomposition were used to the development of the discussion. The analysis indicated that the detergent effect can be used to control the rates and mechanisms of drug decomposition and to obtain specific information about the drug reactivity in the environment of pharmacological action.


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This article contains the conclusions of the November 17-18, 2006 meeting of the Brazilian Study Group of Restless Legs Syndrome (GBE-SPI) about diagnosis and management of restless legs syndrome (RLS). RLS is characterized by abnormal sensations mostly but not exclusively in the legs which worsen in the evening and are improved by motion of the affected body part. Its diagnosis is solely based on clinical findings. Therapeutic agents with efficacy supported by Class I studies are dopamine agonists, levodopa and gabapentine. Class II studies support the use of slow release valproic acid, clonazepan and oxycodone. The GBE-SPI recommendations for management of SPI are sleep hygiene, withdrawal of medications capable of worsening the condition, treatment of comorbidities and pharmacological agents. The first choice agents are dopaminergic drugs, second choice are gabapentine or oxycodone, and the third choice are clonazepan or slow release valproic acid.


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During the structural designing of new drugs, it is possible predict the influence of specific chemical groups on pharmacological activity. Among these, the nitro group has potential antiparasitic activity, being present in many antimicrobial drugs, such as metronidazole, nitrofurazone, furazolidone, oxamniquine and chloramphenicol. Also, the introduction of the nitro group into a molecule can modify the physicochemical and electronic properties of the substance. Besides antimicrobial drugs, this group is also found in other drug classes, such as antiulcer, anti-inflamatory and anxiolytic. However, the use of the nitro group in drug design has encountered restrictions, due to the associated toxicity. This article is a review of the toxicity of nitrofuran compounds, as well the possible mechanisms involved and the strategy of latentiation by molecular modification to decrease their toxicity.


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The intension of this paper was to review and discuss some of the current quantitative analytical procedures which are used for quality control of pharmaceutical products. The selected papers were organized according to the analytical technique employed. Several techniques like ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, titrimetry, electroanalytical techniques, chromatographic methods (thin-layer chromatography, gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography), capillary electrophoresis and vibrational spectroscopies are the main techniques that have been used for the quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical compounds. In conclusion, although simple techniques such as UV/VIS spectrophotometry and TLC are still extensively employed, HPLC is the most popular instrumental technique used for the analysis of pharmaceuticals. Besides, a review of recent works in the area of pharmaceutical analysis showed a trend in the application of techniques increasingly rapid such as ultra performance liquid chromatography and the use of sensitive and specific detectors as mass spectrometers.


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The increased use of orofacial fillers in cosmetic procedures has led to new diagnostic challenges for dentists and oral pathologists. Here, we describe a case with multiple oral foreign body granulomas, which were formed after a polymethylmetacrylate injection for cosmetic purposes. © 2011 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.


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A ansiedade é uma desordem complexa e com grande relevância clínica, cujo estudo com modelos animais é importante para pesquisar sobre seus mecanismos e drogas para o seu tratamento. O zebrafish figura como um potencial modelo animal para pesquisas farmacológicas da ansiedade. Um modelo de ansiedade é a preferência claro-escuro, que já foi validado comportamentalmente em zebrafish, contudo necessita de uma validação farmacológica. Objetiva-se descrever a sensibilidade da preferência claro-escuro em zebrafish adultos para as drogas mais utilizadas na clínica da ansiedade, foram administradas pela imersão do animal na solução: Benzodiazepínicos (Clonazepam); Agonistas parciais 5-HT1A (Buspirona); Antidepressivo tricíclico (Imipramina); Antidepressivo ISRS (Fluoxetina e Paroxetina); Antipsicóticos (Haloperidol e Risperidona); Psicostimulante (Dietilpropiona); Beta bloqueadores (Propranolol) e Depressores do SNC (Etanol). Os parâmetros analisados foram o tempo despendido pelo animal no ambiente escuro, o tempo da primeira latência e número de alternâncias. O clonazepam administrado por 300s aumentou o tempo no escuro na menor concentração e reduziu a atividade locomotora, a administração durante 600s da concentração intermediária diminuiu o tempo no escuro e da primeira latência, assim como aumentou a atividade locomotora, indicando efeito ansiolítico. A buspirona aumentou o tempo de permanência no escuro provavelmente devido a redução da atividade motora. A imipramina e a fluoxetina aumentaram o tempo no escuro e da primeira latência e diminuíram o número de alternâncias, indicando ação ansiogênica. A paroxetina não alterou o tempo no escuro, entretanto aumentou o tempo da primeira latência e diminuiu a atividade locomotora. O haloperidol diminuiu a ansiedade na menor concentração, curiosamente aumentou a atividade motora na maior concentração, ao contrário da risperidona que diminuiu a atividade na maior concentração. A dietilpropriona não modificou o tempo no escuro, mas aumentou o tempo da primeira latência e diminuiu a atividade motora apenas na menor concentração. O propranolol reduziu somente o tempo no escuro. O etanol foi efetivo na redução da ansiedade com a concentração intermediária e diminuiu a atividade locomotora em uma concentração menor Os dados corroboram com relatos da literatura em Danio rerio tanto neste modelo em administração intraperitoneal como em outros modelos por administração hídrica e em roedores, quando foi possível a comparação.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is characterized by a burning sensation of the oral mucosa in the absence of mucosal abnormality Various local, systemic and psychological factors are associated with BMS, but its aetiology is not fully understood. Recently, significant inroads have been made, producing a better understanding of this complex condition. The aim of the current paper is to explore the condition of BMS in an educational context with the specific outcome of increasing awareness of the condition.


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In the field of postmortem toxicology, principles from pharmacology and toxicology are combined in order to determine if exogenous substances contributed to ones death. In order to make this determination postmortem and (whenever available) antemortem blood samples may be analyzed. This project focused on evaluating the relationship between postmortem and antemortem blood drug levels, in order to better define an interpretive framework for postmortem toxicology. To do this, it was imperative to evaluate the differences in antemortem and postmortem drug concentrations, determine the role microbial activity and evaluate drug stability. Microbial studies determined that the bacteria Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa could use the carbon structures of drugs as a source of food. This would suggest prior to sample collection, microbial activity could potentially affect drug levels. This process however would stop before toxicologic evaluation, as at autopsy blood samples are stored in tubes containing the antimicrobial agent sodium fluoride. Analysis of preserved blood determined that under the current storage conditions sodium fluoride effectively inhibited microbial growth. Nonetheless, in many instances inconsistent drug concentrations were identified. When comparing antemortem to postmortem results, diphenhydramine, morphine, codeine and methadone, all showed significantly increased postmortem drug levels. In many instances, increased postmortem concentrations correlated with extended postmortem intervals. Other drugs, such as alprazolam, were likely to have concentration discrepancies when short antemortem to death intervals were coupled with extended postmortem intervals. While still others, such as midazolam followed the expected pattern of metabolism and elimination, which often resulted in decreased postmortem concentrations. The importance of drug stability was displayed when reviewing the clonazepam/ 7-aminoclonazepam data, as the parent drug commonly converted to its metabolite even when stored in the presence of a preservative. In instances of decreasing postmortem drug concentrations the effect of refrigerated storage could not be ruled out. A stability experiment, which contained codeine, produced data that indicated concentrations could continue to decline under the current storage conditions. The cumulative data gathered for this experiment was used to identify concentration trends, which subsequently aided in the development of interpretive considerations for the specific analytes examined in the study.