999 resultados para Climatic trends


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The southernmost European natural and planted pine forests are among the most vulnerable areas to warming-induced drought decline. Both drought stress and management factors (e.g., stand origin or reduced thinning) may induce decline by reducing the water available to trees but their relative importances have not been properly assessed. The role of stand origin - densely planted vs. naturally regenerated stands - as a decline driver can be assessed by comparing the growth and vigor responses to drought of similar natural vs. planted stands. Here, we compare these responses in natural and planted Black pine (Pinus nigra) stands located in southern Spain. We analyze how environmental factors - climatic (temperature and precipitation anomalies) and site conditions - and biotic factors - stand structure (age, tree size, density) and defoliation by the pine processionary moth - drive radial growth and crown condition at stand and tree levels. We also assess the climatic trends in the study area over the last 60 years. We use dendrochronology, linear mixed-effects models of basal area increment and structural equation models to determine how natural and planted stands respond to drought and current competition intensity. We observed that a temperature rise and a decrease in precipitation during the growing period led to increasing drought stress during the late 20th century. Trees from planted stands experienced stronger growth reductions and displayed more severe crown defoliation after severe droughts than those from natural stands. High stand density negatively drove growth and enhanced crown dieback, particularly in planted stands. Also pine processionary moth defoliation was more severe in the growth of natural than in planted stands but affected tree crown condition similarly in both stand types. In response to drought, sharp growth reduction and widespread defoliation of planted Mediterranean pine stands indicate that they are more vulnerable and less resilient to drought stress than natural stands. To mitigate forest decline of planted stands in xeric areas such as the Mediterranean Basin, less dense and more diverse stands should be created through selective thinning or by selecting species or provenances that are more drought tolerant. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A relatively extended Oligocene pelagic sequence with good to medium recovery, drilled during DSDP Leg 77 in the Gulf of Mexico, yielded rich and well diversified planktonic foraminiferal faunas. Planktonic foraminifera recorded in Hole 538A span the interval from Zone P19 through P22. Evolutionary lineages were observed among the globoquadrinids, the globigerinitids, and the "Globigerina" ciperoensis and Globigerinoides primordius groups. Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages shows that faunas fluctuate in abundance and species diversity throughout the sequence. A few of these fluctuations that could be related to selective dissolution are mainly confined to the early-mid Oligocene. A climatic curve was constructed using as warmer indicators, Turborotalia pseudoampliapertura, Globoquadrina tripartita, Dentoglobigerina globularis, Dentoglobigerina baroemoenensis,. "Globigerina" ciperoensis and Globigerinoides groups, and Cassigerinella chipolensis; and as coller indicators, Catapsydrax spp., Globorotaloides spp., Subbotina angiporoides group, Globigerina s. str., and the tenuitellides. Three major intervals are identifiable in the climatic curve: Interval 1 (lower) up to Zone P20 predominantly cooler: Interval 2 (intermediate) up to the upper part of Zone P21a with warm and cool fluctuations: and lnterval 3 (upper), warmer, with a large positive peak, due to abundant "G." angulisuturalis, at the beginning of Zone P21b with recooling midway in Zone P22. In Intervals 1 and 2 planktonic foraminiferal faunas are dominated by temperate forms. Interpretation of planktonic foraminiferal data suggests that cooler water conditions characterize the early-mid Oligocene: during the mid Oligocene (most of Zone P21a) water masses exhibit peculiar characteristics transitional to the warmer waters prevailing during the late Oligocene. Warmer conditions were not definitely settled in Zone P22, however, as indicated by the cooler episode following the warmest peak. These climatic trends are inconsistent with those inferred from oxygen isotopes except at small scale. In fact, oxygen isotope values for Oligocene Atlantic Ocean are too heavy (thus too cool) in comparison with the high abundance and diversity of warm taxa, expecially in Zone P22. When values are lighter (warmer), as in Zone P19 abundance and diversity of warm indices are too low. To explain such a cool isotope values in presence of highly diversified and abundant warm planktonic foraminifera, we suggest (1) that the oxygen isotope ratio used for estimating Oligocene paleotemperatures might be 1? heavier than Eocene values and further increased for the late Oligocene. This hypothesis implies the presence of a relatively extended ice cap in Antarctica in the early and mid Oligocene, and probably an increase in ice volume during the late Oligocenc: (2) heavier isotope values might be related to an increase in salinity, or (3) by a combination of both ice cap and increase in salinity.


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The late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental history of the southern Windmill Islands, East Antarctica, has been reconstructed using diatom assemblages from two long, well-dated sediment cores taken in two marine bays. The diatom assemblage of the lowest sediment layers suggests a warm climate with mostly open water conditions during the late Pleistocene. During the following glacial, the Windmill Islands were covered by grounded ice preventing any in situ bioproductivity. Following deglaciation, a sapropel with a well-preserved diatom assemblage was deposited from ~10?500 cal yr BP. Between ~10?500 and ~4000 cal yr BP, total organic carbon (Corg) and total diatom valve concentrations as well as the diatom species composition suggest relatively cool summer temperatures. Hydrological conditions in coastal bays were characterised by combined winter sea-ice and open water conditions. This extensive period of glacial retreat was followed by the Holocene optimum (~4000 to ~1000 cal yr BP), which occurred later in the southern Windmill Islands than in most other Antarctic coastal regions. Diatom assemblages in this period suggest ice-free conditions and meltwater-stratified waters in the marine bays during summer, which is also reflected in high proportions of freshwater diatoms in the sediments. The diatom assemblage in the upper sediments of both cores indicates Neoglacial cooling from ~1000 cal yr BP, which again led to seasonally persistent sea-ice on the bays. The Holocene optimum and cooling trends in the Windmill Islands did not occur contemporaneously with other Antarctic coastal regions, showing that the here presented record reflects partly local environmental conditions rather than global climatic trends.


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The late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental history of the southern Windmill Islands, East Antarctica, has been reconstructed using diatom assemblages from two long, well-dated sediment cores taken in two marine bays. The diatom assemblage of the lowest sediment layers suggests a warm climate with mostly open water conditions during the late Pleistocene. During the following glacial, the Windmill Islands were covered by grounded ice preventing any in situ bioproductivity. Following deglaciation, a sapropel with a well-preserved diatom assemblage was deposited from ~10500 cal yr BP. Between ~10500 and ~4000 cal yr BP, total organic carbon (Corg) and total diatom valve concentrations as well as the diatom species composition suggest relatively cool summer temperatures. Hydrological conditions in coastal bays were characterised by combined winter sea-ice and open water conditions. This extensive period of glacial retreat was followed by the Holocene optimum (~4000 to ~1000 cal yr BP), which occurred later in the southern Windmill Islands than in most other Antarctic coastal regions. Diatom assemblages in this period suggest ice-free conditions and meltwater-stratified waters in the marine bays during summer, which is also reflected in high proportions of freshwater diatoms in the sediments. The diatom assemblage in the upper sediments of both cores indicates Neoglacial cooling from ~1000 cal yr BP, which again led to seasonally persistent sea-ice on the bays. The Holocene optimum and cooling trends in the Windmill Islands did not occur contemporaneously with other Antarctic coastal regions, showing that the here presented record reflects partly local environmental conditions rather than global climatic trends.


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The suite of environments and anthropogenic modifications of sub-Antarctic islands provide key opportunities to improve our understanding of the potential consequences of climate change and biological species invasions on terrestrial ecosystems. The profound impact of human introduced invasive species on indigenous biota, and the facilitation of establishment as a result of changing thermal conditions, has been well documented on the French sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands (South Indian Ocean). The present study provides an overview of the vulnerability of sub-Antarctic terrestrial communities with respect to two interacting factors, namely climate change and alien insects. We present datasets assimilated by our teams on the Kerguelen Islands since 1974, coupled with a review of the literature, to evaluate the mechanism and impact of biological invasions in this region. First, we consider recent climatic trends of the Antarctic region, and its potential influence on the establishment, distribution and abundance of alien insects, using as examples one fly and one beetle species. Second, we consider to what extent limited gene pools may restrict alien species' colonisations. Finally, we consider the vulnerability of native communities to aliens using the examples of one beetle, one fly, and five aphid species taking into consideration their additional impact as plant virus vectors. We conclude that the evidence assimilated from the sub-Antarctic islands can be applied to more complex temperate continental systems as well as further developing international guidelines to minimise the impact of alien species.


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A high-resolution history of paleoceanographic changes in the subpolar waters of the southern margin of the Subtropical Convergence Zone during the last 130 kyr, is present in foraminiferal assemblages of DSDP Site 594. The foraminifera indicate that sea-surface temperatures during the Last Interglacial Climax were warmer than today, and that between substage 5d through to the end of isotope stage 2, temperatures were mostly cooler than Holocene temperatures. The paleotemperatures suggest that (1) the Subtropical Convergence was located over the site during substage 5e, later moving further north, then moving southwards to near the site during the Holocene, and (2) the Polar Front was positioned over the Site during glacial stages 6, 4, 2 and possibly parts of stage 3. Several major events are indicated by the nannofloral assemblages during these large changes in sea-surface temperature and associated reorganization of ocean circulation. First, the time-progressive trends between E. huxleyi and medium to large Gephyrocupsa are unique to this site, with E. huxleyi dominating over medium Gephyrocupsa during stages 5c-a, middle part of stage 4 and after the middle point of stage 3. This unusual trend may (at least partly) be caused by the shift of the Polar Front across the site. Second, upwelling flora (E. huxleyi and small placoliths) increase in abundance during stages 1, 3 and 5, suggesting that upwelling or disturbance of water stratification took place during the interglacials. Thirdly, there are no significant differences between the distribution patterns of the various morphotypes of medium to large Gephyrocupsu, and the combined value of all medium Gephyrocupsu increases in abundance during glacials (stages 2 and 4 and the end of stage 6), similar to the abundance trends in benthic foraminifera. Finally, subordinate nannofossil taxa also show distinctive climatic trends during the last glacial cycle: (1) Syrucosphaera spp. are present in increased abundance during warmer extremes in climate (substages 5e, 5a, and stage 1); (2) Coccolithus pelagicus and Culcidiscus leptoporus dominate the subordinate nannofossil taxa, and their relative proportions seem to provide a useful paleoceanographic index, with C. pelagicus dominating when the Polar Front Zone is over the site (stages 6, 4 and 2), whilst C. leptoporus is relatively more abundant when the STC is positioned over the site (stages 1 and 5e). Increased abundance of C. pelagicus also can indicate intensified coastal upwelling.


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A major deterioration in global climate occurred through the Eocene-Oligocene time interval, characterized by long-term cooling in both terrestrial and marine environments. During this long-term cooling trend, however, recent studies have documented several short-lived warming and cooling phases. In order to further investigate high-latitude climate during these events, we developed a high-resolution calcareous nannofossil record from ODP Site 748 Hole B for the interval spanning the late middle Eocene to the late Oligocene (~42 to 26 Ma). The primary goals of this study were to construct a detailed biostratigraphic record and to use nannofossil assemblage variations to interpret short-term changes in surface-water temperature and nutrient conditions. The principal nannofossil assemblage variations are identified using a temperate-warm-water taxa index (Twwt), from which three warming and five cooling events are identified within the middle Eocene to the earliest Oligocene interval. Among these climatic trends, the cooling event at ~39 Ma (Cooling Event B) is recorded here for the first time. Variations in fine-fraction d18O values at Site 748 are associated with changes in the Twwt index, supporting the idea that significant short-term variability in surface-water conditions occurred in the Kerguelen Plateau area during the middle and late Eocene. Furthermore, ODP Site 748 calcareous nannofossil paleoecology confirms the utility of these microfossils for biostratigraphic, paleoclimatic, and paleoceanographic reconstructions at Southern Ocean sites during the Paleogene.


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The secular record of annual mean temperatures of Bremen shows that inhomogeneities - especially caused by station transfers - lead to serious problems concerning the interpretation of climatic trends or fluctuations. Especially two transfers of the meteorological observing station in Bremen within our century - 1935/36 and 1978 - caused significant inhomogeneities, well documented by parallel measurements for several years. Obviously the stagnation of the temperature level of the original data set is a result of these transfers. The homogenized record version reveals a significant warming trend of about 1 Kelvin within the last century.


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The impact of climate change and its relation with evapotranspiration was evaluated in the Duero River Basin (Spain). The study shows possible future situations 50 yr from now from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo). The maximum temperature (Tmax), minimum temperature (Tmin), dew point (Td), wind speed (U) and net radiation (Rn) trends during the 1980–2009 period were obtained and extrapolated with the FAO-56 Penman-Montheith equation to estimate ETo. Changes in stomatal resistance in response to increases in CO2 were also considered. Four scenarios were done, taking the concentration of CO2 and the period analyzed (annual or monthly) into consideration. The scenarios studied showed the changes in ETo as a consequence of the annual and monthly trends in the variables Tmax, Tmin, Td, U and Rn with current and future CO2 concentrations (372 ppm and 550 ppm). The future ETo showed increases between 118 mm (11 %) and 55 mm (5 %) with respect to the current situation of the river basin at 1042 mm. The months most affected by climate change are May, June, July, August and September, which also coincide with the maximum water needs of the basin’s crops


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Background Little evidence is available about the association between temperature and cerebrovascular mortality in China. This study aims to examine the effects of ambient temperature on cerebrovascular mortality in different climatic zones in China. Method We obtained daily data on weather conditions, air pollution and cerebrovascular deaths from five cities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Wuhan, and Guangzhou) in China during 2004-2008. We examined city-specific associations between ambient temperature and the cerebrovascular mortality, while adjusting for season, long-term trends, day of the week, relative humidity and air pollution. We examined cold effects using a 1°C decrease in temperature below a city-specific threshold, and hot effects using a 1°C increase in temperature above a city-specific threshold. We used a meta-analysis to summarize the cold and hot effects across the five cities. Results Beijing and Tianjin (with low mean temperature) had lower thresholds than Shanghai, Wuhan and Guangzhou (with high mean temperature). In Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan and Guangzhou cold effects were delayed, while in Shanghai there was no or short induction. Hot effects were acute in all five cities. The cold effects lasted longer than hot effects. The hot effects were followed by mortality displacement. The pooled relative risk associated with a 1°C decrease in temperature below thresholds (cold effect) was 1.037 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.020, 1.053). The pooled relative risk associated with a 1°C increase in temperature above thresholds (hot effect) was 1.014 (95% CI: 0.979, 1.050). Conclusion Cold temperatures are significantly associated with cerebrovascular mortality in China, while hot effect is not significant. People in colder climate cities were sensitive to hot temperatures, while people in warmer climate cities were vulnerable to cold temperature.


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The Mediterranean Sea is located in a crossroad of mid-latitude and subtropical climatic modes that enhance contrasting environmental conditions over both latitudinal and longitudinal ranges. Here, we show that the large-scale environmental forcing is reflected in the basin scale trends of the adult population of the calanoid copepod Centropages typicus. The species is distributed over the whole Mediterranean basin, and maximal abundances were found in the north-western basin associated to oceanic fronts, and in the Adriatic Sea associated to shallow and semi enclosed waters. The peak of main abundances of C. typicus correlates with the latitudinal temperature gradient and the highest seasonal abundances occurred in spring within the 14–18°C temperature window. Such thermal cline may define the latitudinal geographic region where C. typicus seasonally dominates the >200 μm-sized spring copepod community in the Mediterranean Sea. The approach used here is generally applicable to investigate the large-scale spatial patterns of other planktonic organisms and to identify favourable environmental windows for population development.


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ABSTRACT High resolution records of mid-late Holocene hydro-climatic change are presented from Mer Bleue Bog, eastern Ontario. Past climatic changes in this region have previously been inferred from lake sediments, but rain-fed peatlands can offer additional insights into the spatial and temporal pattern of moisture availability. In this study, reconstructed water table depths are based on a testate amoeba-derived transfer function developed for the region and changes in bog surface wetness are compared with plant macrofossil and peat humification data.

RÉSUMÉ Nous présentons les enregistrements hautes résolutions des variations hydrologique durant la second moitié de l’Holocène pour les tourbières Mer Bleue á l’est de l'Ontario. Précédemment, les changements climatiques de cette région ont été dérivés à partir de prélèvement de sédiments de lac. Mais ils s’avèrent que les tourbières ombrotrophes offrir un éclairage supplémentaire sur les schémas de répartition spatiale et temporelle de la disponibilité de l'humidité. Dans cette étude, des profondeurs reconstruites de nappe phréatique sont basées sur un modèle de function de transfert d’amibes (Arcellinida) et des changements de l’humidité de surface de la tourbière sont comparés avec les macrofossils et au humification de tourbe dans une analyse multi-proxy.