999 resultados para Clark, Emily, 1893-1953
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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Clark university, 1893.
Peer reviewed
The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.
Correspondence, diaries, acount books, pamphlets, and other personal and professional materials pertaining to Jacob da Silva Solis and his descendents.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Air transportation of Australian casualties in World War II was initially carried out in air ambulances with an accompanying male medical orderly. By late 1943 with the war effort concentrated in the Pacific, Allied military authorities realised that air transport was needed to move the increasing numbers of casualties over longer distances. The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) became responsible for air evacuation of Australian casualties and established a formal medical air evacuation system with trained flight teams early in 1944. Specialised Medical Air Evacuation Transport Units (MAETUs) were established whose sole responsibility was undertaking air evacuations of Australian casualties from the forward operational areas back to definitive medical care. Flight teams consisting of a RAAF nursing sister (registered nurse) and a medical orderly carried out the escort duties. These personnel had been specially trained in Australia for their role. Post-WWII, the RAAF Nursing Service was demobilised with a limited number of nurses being retained for the Interim Air Force. Subsequently, those nurses were offered commissions in the Permanent Air Force. Some of the nurses who remained were air evacuation trained and carried out air evacuations both in Australia and as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan. With the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, Australia became responsible for the air evacuation of British Commonwealth casualties from Korea to Japan. With a re-organisation of the Australian forces as part of the British Commonwealth forces, RAAF nurses were posted to undertake air evacuation from Korea and back to Australia from Iwakuni, Japan. By 1952, a specialised casualty staging section was established in Seoul and staffed by RAAF nurses from Iwakuni on a rotation basis. The development of the Australian air evacuation system and the role of the flight nurses are not well documented for the period 1943-1953. The aims of this research are three fold and include documenting the origins and development of the air evacuation system from 1943-1953; analysing and documenting the RAAF nurse’s role and exploring whether any influences or lessons remain valid today. A traditional historical methodology of narrative and then analysis was used to inform the flight nurse’s role within the totality of the social system. Evidence was based on primary data sources mainly held in Defence files, the Australian War Memorial or the National Archives of Australia. Interviews with 12 ex-RAAF nurses from both WWII and the Korean War were conducted to provide information where there were gaps in the primary data and to enable exploration of the flight nurses’ role and their contributions in war of the air evacuation of casualties. Finally, this thesis highlights two lessons that remain valid today. The first is that interoperability of air evacuation systems with other nations is a force multiplier when resources are scarce or limited. Second, the pre-flight assessment of patients was essential and ensured that there were no deaths in-flight.
“History’s Children” stems from Anna Clark’s 2004 postdoctoral research into the ways in which Australian students connect with the past, and aims at bringing some classroom perspectives into the public debates about Australian history education. Although the title makes reference to the “History Wars”, there is little evidence of contestation, engagement, passion or intellectual excitement in Clark’s conclusions about what happens in history classrooms. Rather, Clark’s small focus groups with 182 high school students in 34 high schools around Australia indicate that “it got a bit dismal hearing student after student being so dismissive of Australian history” (p. 143). Apart from some enthusiasm for the study of Australians at war, a sort of resigned boredom seems to characterise what students have to say about learning Australian history, despite their acknowledgement that it is important to “know about” it.
This thesis investigates whether receiving an important award in academia raises recipients’ subsequent research productivity and status compared to a synthetic control group of non-recipient scholars with similar previous research performance. It examines the case of being awarded the John Bates Clark Medal and becoming a Fellow of the Econometric Society finding evidence of positive incentive and status effects that raise both productivity and citation levels.
This catalogue essay was written to accompany Clark Beaumont's 2014 exhibition at Kings Artist Run in Melbourne, 'Feeling It Out'. It contextualises Clark Beaumont's work within a history of women's participation and achievement in modern and contemporary art, and suggests that this body of work may work through issues of anxiety, ambivalence and doubt about the art world.
This study addresses two interrelated questions: Can postmodern ‘theory’ illuminate an understanding of Michael Clark’s work? and, a sub-question, In which ways, if at all, does Clark’s work demonstrate a postmodern sensibility? Chapter one, the introduction to this study, provides a ‘portrait’ of postmodernism, that is, it addresses the question What is postmodernism? Chapter two is a biography of Michael Clark. The seminal sections to this study, however, are chapters three and four. Here the author blends a discussion of a) subject matter, treatment and meanings in Clark’s choreography, b) journalistic criticisms of those features of his work, and c) postmodern theory. The outcome of these chapters is to demonstrate that Clark’s works do indeed require re-interpretation and re-evaluation, and to illustrate how these factors might be achieved.
Pro gradu -tutkielmassani paneudun yhden suomalaisen populaarimusiikin toimijan elämään, uraan, tuotantoon sekä hänen käsityksiinsä musiikista ja musiikintekemisestä. Tutkimukseni on suomalaisen populaarimusiikin historian perustutkimusta Sakari Kukon henkilöhistorian kautta. Tutkimuskysymyksiäni ovat: 1. Kuinka Sakari Kukosta tuli muusikko ja musiikintekijä? 2. Minkälainen on ja on ollut hänen tapansa toimia? Vastaan edellisiin kysymyksiin, mutta sijoitan vastaukset myös ajallisesti suomalaiseen musiikki- ja yhteiskuntakontekstiin. Ongelmanasettelu tähtää siihen, että selvitän sekä Kukon omat sisäiset motiivit ja päämäärät muusikkona ja musiikintekijänä että hänen ympäristönsä tarjoamat virikkeet ja vaikutteet. Ongelman ratkaisemiseksi kartoitan hänen elämänvaiheensa lapsuudesta tähän päivään, ympäristöt, joissa hän on kulloinkin toiminut sekä ne yhteiskunnalliset tilanteet, joihin hänen ja hänen ympäristönsä toiminta on sijoittunut. Tutkimus sijoittuu vuosien 1953 ja 2003 väliselle ajalle. Kuvailen Kukon tuotantoa levy levyltä edeten kronologisesti vuosikymmenittäin. Lisäksi kokoan tuotannon yhteen ja etsin hänen säveltämästään, sovittamastaan ja esittämästään musiikista muutamia erityisen vahvoja elementtejä. Tuloksena esittelen kahdeksan kategoriaa, joista jokainen on yhdistettävissä hänen elämänvaiheisiinsa ja asetettavissa vuorovaikutukseen lähiympäristön kanssa. Tutkielmassani käytän apuna mikrohistoriallista tutkimusotetta, joka sopii mainiosti työni toteuttamiseen. Tutkimusaineisto on hyvin laaja ja monipuolinen, ja olen poiminut tietoja muun muassa lehtiartikkeleista, arkistoista, levyjen kansista, festivaaliesitteistä ja kirjallisuudesta; kaikista ei löydy edes mainintaa päivästä, vuodesta tai kirjoittajasta. Tärkein aineistoni on kuitenkin muistinvarainen tieto eli Kukon haastattelumateriaali. Mikrohistorialliseen tutkimusotteeseen nojaten olen päässyt Kukon henkilöhistorian kautta käsiksi hieman yleisemmänkin tason asioihin ja ilmiöihin. Olen selvittänyt muun muassa Kajaani Big Bandin vaiheita 1950-luvulta 1970-luvulle sekä suomalaisen pop/jazz -koulutuksen kehitystä erilaisista musiikkileireistä Sibelius-Akatemian oppiaineeksi samalla, kun olen selvittänyt Kukon kehitystä muusikoksi. Lisäksi olen esitellyt esimerkiksi studiomuusikkoutta 1970-luvun Suomessa sekä senegalilaisen musiikkielämän piirteitä 1970- ja 1980-lukujen taitteessa. Mikrohistorioitsija Carlo Ginzburgin johtolanka-ajatusta mukaillen olen koonnut pienistä tiedon palasista, johtolangoista kokonaiskertomuksen. Avainsanat: Sakari Kukko, Piirpauke, suomalainen populaarimusiikki, jazz, mikrohistoria, henkilöhistoria