998 resultados para Cladistic Analysis
Many of the controversies around the concept of homology rest on the subjectivity inherent to primary homology propositions. Dynamic homology partially solves this problem, but there has been up to now scant application of it outside of the molecular domain. This is probably because morphological and behavioural characters are rich in properties, connections and qualities, so that there is less space for conflicting character delimitations. Here we present a new method for the direct optimization of behavioural data, a method that relies on the richness of this database to delimit the characters, and on dynamic procedures to establish character state identity. We use between-species congruence in the data matrix and topological stability to choose the best cladogram. We test the methodology using sequences of predatory behaviour in a group of spiders that evolved the highly modified predatory technique of spitting glue onto prey. The cladogram recovered is fully compatible with previous analyses in the literature, and thus the method seems consistent. Besides the advantage of enhanced objectivity in character proposition, the new procedure allows the use of complex, context-dependent behavioural characters in an evolutionary framework, an important step towards the practical integration of the evolutionary and ecological perspectives on diversity. (C) The Willi Hennig Society 2010.
Lauromacromia melanica sp. nov. from Conceicao da Barra municipality, Espirito Santo State, Brazil, is described and illustrated based on two males (both in MNRJ n degrees 135). The new species is similar to L. picinguaba differing from it mainly by the absence of pale spots on S3-6 and by the ellipsoid shape of metepisternal pale stripe. A key for males of all species of the genus is provided. A cladistic analysis encompassing 43 external morphological male characters carried out in two distinct procedures, the first with all characters unordered and the second with two or three state characters ordered. The unordered analysis generated only one most-parsimonious tree (66 steps of length, CI = 0.69, RI = 0.62). The hypothesis of monophyly of Lauromacromia is supported and includes three groups, one formed by the Atlantic Forest species (L. melanica sp. nov. + L. picinguaba), and another by the Cerrado species (L. flaviae + (L. bedei + L. luismoojeni)), and L. dubitalis, positioned in polytomy with these two groups. The ordered analysis also generated only one most-parsimonious tree (68 steps of length, CI = 0.70, RI = 0.67), which maintained the monophyly of Lauromacromia but L. dubitalis positioned basally as sister-group to the Atlantic Forest + Cerrado species groups. The geographic distribution of Lauromacromia is updated with a new record of L. luismoojeni based on one adult male (Brazil: Mato Grosso do Sul State) and probable first Brazilian records for L. dubitalis (Amazonas and Para States) based on two larvae. A vicariance hypothesis is proposed to explain spatial evolution of Lauromacromia, and based on current biogeographical classifications we consider Gomphomacromia and Rialla apart from Neotropical biota. Some aspects of biology and ecology of Lauromacromia are also discussed.
Sodreaninae is reviewed and all ten species are combined under its type genus, Sodreana Mello-Leitao, 1922, according to a cladistic analysis of morphological characters, which revealed a pectinate pattern of clades. The subfamily is endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest from Santa Catarina state to Rio de Janeiro state. Sodreana is herein considered a senior synonym of Stygnobates Mello-Leitao, 1927, Zortalia Mello-Leitao, 1936, Gertia B. Soares & H. Soares, 1946 and Annampheres H. Soares, 1979. The following new combinations are proposed: Sodreana barbiellinii (Mello-Leitao, 1927), Sodreana hatschbachi (B. Soares & H. Soares, 1946), Sodreana inscripta (Mello-Leitao, 1939), Sodreana leprevosti (B. Soares & H. Soares, 1947b), Sodreana bicalcarata (Mello-Leitao, 1936). Sodreana granulata (Mello-Leitao, 1937) is revalidated from the synonymy of Sodreana sodreana Mello-Leitao, 1922. Three new species are described: Sodreana glaucoi from Ilhabela and Boraceia, Sao Paulo state; S. curupira from Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgaos, Rio de Janeiro state, and S. caipora from Ubatuba, Sao Paulo state. Sodreaninae species are restricted to forested areas and most occur in the southern part of the coastal Atlantic rainforest, one species occurs in interior Atlantic rainforest. The biogeographical analysis (Brooks Parsimony Analysis) resulted in a single and fully resolved most parsimonious tree with three main: components: northern (Bahia and Serra do Espinhaco), southern (Santa Catarina, Parana, Serra do Mar of Sao Paulo), and central (Espirito Santo, Serra da Bocaina, southern state of Rio de Janeiro, Serra dos Orgaos, Serra da Mantiqueira, Serra do Mar of Sao Paulo).
Xenomorellia Malloch, a subgenus of Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, is revised to include two new species, Morellia (Xenomorellia) inca Nihei and Carvalho sp. nov. from South America, and M. (X.) maia Carvalho and Nihei sp. nov. from Costa Rica and Mexico. Diagnoses for M. (X.) holti (Malloch) and M. (X.) montanhesa (Albuquerque) are provided, as well as an identification key to the four species of the subgenus. A cladistic analysis was performed to test the monophyly of Xenomorellia and to recover the phylogenetic relationships among its species. Tree searches resulted in one single most-parsimonious cladogram, wherein the monophyly of Xenomorellia is supported, as well as a sister-group relationship with the Neotropical subgenus Trichomorellia Stein. Xenomorellia was divided into two clades: one with Caribbean-Andean species (maia + inca), and another with species from southeastern South America (holti + montanhesa).
Results of a cladistic analysis of the suborder Conulariina Miller and Gurley, 1896, a major extinct (Vendian-Triassic) group of scyphozoan cnidarians, are presented. The analysis sought to test whether the three conulariid subfamilies (Conulariinae Walcott, 1886, Paraconulariinae Sinclair, 1952 and Ctenoconulariinae Sinclair, 1952) recognized in the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology ( TIP) are monophyletic. A total of 17 morphological characters were scored for 16 ingroup taxa, namely the genera Archaeoconularia, Baccaconularia, Climacoconus, Conularia, Conulariella, Conularina, Ctenoconularia, Eoconularia, Glyptoconularia, Metaconularia, Notoconularia, Paraconularia, Pseudoconularia, Reticulaconularia, Teresconularia and Vendoconularia. The extant medusozoan taxa Cubozoa, Stauromedusae, Coronatae and Semaeostomeae served as outgroups. Unweighted analysisof the data matrix yielded 1057 trees, and successive weighting analysis resulted in one of the 1057 original trees. The ingroup is monophyletic with two autapomorphies: (1) the quadrate geometry of the oral region; and (2) the presence of a mineralized (phosphatic) periderm. Within the ingroup, the clade (Vendoconularia, Teresconularia, Conularina, Eoconularia) is supported by the sinusoidal longitudinal geometry of the transverse ridges, and the much larger clade (Baccaconularia, Glyptoconularia, Metaconularia, Pseudoconularia, Conularia, Ctenoconularia, Archaeoconularia, Notoconularia, Climacoconus, Paraconularia, Reticulaconularia) is supported by the presence of external tubercles, which, however, were lost in the clade (Notoconularia, Climacoconus, Paraconularia, Reticulaconularia). As proposed by Van Iten et al. (2000), the clade (Notoconularia, Climacoconus, Paraconularia, Reticulaconularia) is supported by the termination and alternation of the transverse ribs in the corner sulcus. The previously recognized subfamilies Conulariinae, Paraconulariinae and Ctenoconulariinae were not recovered from this analysis. The diagnostic features of Conulariinae (continuation of the transverse ornament across the corner sulcus and lack of carinae) and Ctenoconulariinae ( presence of carinae) are symplesiomorphic or homoplastic, and Paraconulariinae is polyphyletic. The families Conulariellidae Kiderlen, 1937 and Conulariopsidae Sugiyama, 1942, also recognized in the TIP, are monogeneric, and since they provide no additional phylogenetic information, should be abandoned.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Behavioural traits have been used extensively in recent years as an important character source for making phylogenetic inferences. The phylogenetic positions of the members of the Apini subtribe are increasingly being debated, and new characters must be examined. We analysed the presence and absence of certain behavioural patterns, as well as the sequences of some of these patterns, to generate 79 characters. Eleven species comprised the ingroup, and Xylocopini comprised the outgroup. Parsimony analysis showed that the most parsimonious tree was (Euglossina(Bombina(Apina+Meliponina))). This topology is consistent with most studies that use morphological data and the few that use behavioural data, which suggests that advanced eusociality arose only once in a common ancestor of the clade Apina plus Meliponina; however, this hypothesis is inconsistent with our molecular data. Thus we considered behavioural, molecular, and morphological data and recovered the same topology, in which eusociality has a single origin in corbiculate bees.
Five new species are described herein for the Neotropical genus Psilochlorops, up to now known only from the type-species, P. clavitibia Duda-P. brunneus sp. n., P. elongatum sp. n., P. flavisoma sp. n., P. nigrifemur sp. n. and P. paganelliae sp. n. All new species are described in detail and illustrated. A key to the species of the genus is provided. The diagnosis of Psilochlorops, after the addition of these species, is emended. A cladistic analysis of the genus indicates that Psilochlorops is monophyletic and show the affinities between the species.
Any functionally important mutation is embedded in an evolutionary matrix of other mutations. Cladistic analysis, based on this, is a method of investigating gene effects using a haplotype phylogeny to define a set of tests which localize causal mutations to branches of the phylogeny. Previous implementations of cladistic analysis have not addressed the issue of analyzing data from related individuals, though in human studies, family data are usually needed to obtain unambiguous haplotypes. In this study, a method of cladistic analysis is described in which haplotype effects are parameterized in a linear model which accounts for familial correlations. The method was used to study the effect of apolipoprotein (Apo) B gene variation on total-, LDL-, and HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, and Apo B levels in 121 French families. Five polymorphisms defined Apo B haplotypes: the signal peptide Insertion/deletion, Bsp 1286I, XbaI, MspI, and EcoRI. Eleven haplotypes were found, and a haplotype phylogeny was constructed and used to define a set of tests of haplotype effects on lipid and apo B levels.^ This new method of cladistic analysis, the parametric method, found significant effects for single haplotypes for all variables. For HDL-cholesterol, 3 clusters of evolutionarily-related haplotypes affecting levels were found. Haplotype effects accounted for about 10% of the genetic variance of triglyceride and HDL-cholesterol levels. The results of the parametric method were compared to those of a method of cladistic analysis based on permutational testing. The permutational method detected fewer haplotype effects, even when modified to account for correlations within families. Simulation studies exploring these differences found evidence of systematic errors in the permutational method due to the process by which haplotype groups were selected for testing.^ The applicability of cladistic analysis to human data was shown. The parametric method is suggested as an improvement over the permutational method. This study has identified candidate haplotypes for sequence comparisons in order to locate the functional mutations in the Apo B gene which may influence plasma lipid levels. ^
The current classification of the Monocotylidae (Monogenea) is based on a phylogeny generated from morphological characters. The present study tests the morphological phylogenetic hypothesis using molecular methods. Sequences from domains C2 and D1 and the partial domains C1 and D2 from the 28S rDNA gene for 26 species of monocotylids from six of the seven subfamilies were used. Trees were generated using maximum parsimony, neighbour joining and maximum likelihood algorithms. The maximum parsimony tree, with branches showing less than 70% bootstrap support collapsed, had a topology identical to that obtained using the maximum likelihood analysis. The neighbour joining tree, with branches showing less than 70% support collapsed. differed only in its placement of Heterocotyle capricornensis as the sister group to the Decacotylinae clade. The molecular tree largely supports the subfamilies established using morphological characters. Differences are primarily how the subfamilies are related to each other. The monophyly of the Calicotylinae and Merizocotylinae and their sister group relationship is supported by high bootstrap values in all three methods, but relationships within the Merizocotylinae are unclear. Merizocotyle is paraphyletic and our data suggest that Mycteronastes and Thaumatocotyle, which were synonymized with Merizocotyle after the morphological cladistic analysis, should perhaps be resurrected as valid genera. The monophyly of the Monocotylinae and Decacotylinae is also supported by high bootstrap values. The Decacotylinae, which was considered previously to be the sister group to the Calicotylinae plus Merizocotylinae, is grouped in an unresolved polychotomy with the Monocotylinae and members of the Heterocotylinae. According to our molecular data, the Heterocotylinae is paraphyletic. Molecular data support a sister group relationship between Troglocephalus rhinobatidis and Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis to the exclusion of the other species of Neoheterocotyle and recognition of Troglocephalus renders Neoheterocotyle,le paraphyletic. We propose Troglocephalus incertae sedis. An updated classification and full species list of the Monocotylidae is provided. (C) 2001 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A morphological cladistic analysis of the Neotropical swarm-founding genus Angiopolybia Araujo is presented. A single cladogram resulted from the analysis, with the following ingroup topology: (A. pallens + A. zischkai) + (A. paraensis + A. obidensis). The monophyly of the genus is supported by four synapomorphies. A new identification key is presented for the genus. Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.
The file here provided, is the list of all characters that have been used in cladistic analysis on ammonoids published so far. It constitutes the base of a study which investigates practices in characters establishment. Find here after the abstract of the article that is associated to this file. Cladistics appears as one of the most useful method to reconstruct phylogeny of fossil taxa. However, ammonoids workers tend to sulk this method. The capital step of cladistic analysis is the recognition of homology hypothesis as clue to reconstruct monophyletic clades based on the sharing of derived traits. Previous authors have suggested that coding schemes are usually direct transcription of original taxa description. However, establishing a list of characters (i.e. a matrix taxa /characters) is a very different work compared to a compilation of diagnoses. How morphology is coded in ammonoids? How coding schemes are influenced by traditional descriptions / characters? Here, we review all cladistic analyses of ammonoids published in the literature to compare characters and the way authors have dealt with the treatment of continuous characters, polymorphism and ontogeny. Several barriers are usually invoked to justify that cladistics cannot be applied to reconstruct ammonoids phylogenies. We show that an appropriate use of improvements both on ammonoids' knowledge and cladistics methodology may overcome limitations usually invoked to perform cladistic analysis on ammonoids.