980 resultados para Cid, approximately 1043-1099
Full-duplex and half-duplex two-hop networks are considered. Explicit coding schemes which are approximately universal over a class of fading distributions are identified, for the case when the network has either one or two relays.
In this paper, we develop a low-complexity message passing algorithm for joint support and signal recovery of approximately sparse signals. The problem of recovery of strictly sparse signals from noisy measurements can be viewed as a problem of recovery of approximately sparse signals from noiseless measurements, making the approach applicable to strictly sparse signal recovery from noisy measurements. The support recovery embedded in the approach makes it suitable for recovery of signals with same sparsity profiles, as in the problem of multiple measurement vectors (MMV). Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm, termed as JSSR-MP (joint support and signal recovery via message passing) algorithm, achieves performance comparable to that of sparse Bayesian learning (M-SBL) algorithm in the literature, at one order less complexity compared to the M-SBL algorithm.
Nearly pollution-free solutions of the Helmholtz equation for k-values corresponding to visible light are demonstrated and verified through experimentally measured forward scattered intensity from an optical fiber. Numerically accurate solutions are, in particular, obtained through a novel reformulation of the H-1 optimal Petrov-Galerkin weak form of the Helmholtz equation. Specifically, within a globally smooth polynomial reproducing framework, the compact and smooth test functions are so designed that their normal derivatives are zero everywhere on the local boundaries of their compact supports. This circumvents the need for a priori knowledge of the true solution on the support boundary and relieves the weak form of any jump boundary terms. For numerical demonstration of the above formulation, we used a multimode optical fiber in an index matching liquid as the object. The scattered intensity and its normal derivative are computed from the scattered field obtained by solving the Helmholtz equation, using the new formulation and the conventional finite element method. By comparing the results with the experimentally measured scattered intensity, the stability of the solution through the new formulation is demonstrated and its closeness to the experimental measurements verified.
It is well known that the impulse response of a wide-band wireless channel is approximately sparse, in the sense that it has a small number of significant components relative to the channel delay spread. In this paper, we consider the estimation of the unknown channel coefficients and its support in OFDM systems using a sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) framework for exact inference. In a quasi-static, block-fading scenario, we employ the SBL algorithm for channel estimation and propose a joint SBL (J-SBL) and a low-complexity recursive J-SBL algorithm for joint channel estimation and data detection. In a time-varying scenario, we use a first-order autoregressive model for the wireless channel and propose a novel, recursive, low-complexity Kalman filtering-based SBL (KSBL) algorithm for channel estimation. We generalize the KSBL algorithm to obtain the recursive joint KSBL algorithm that performs joint channel estimation and data detection. Our algorithms can efficiently recover a group of approximately sparse vectors even when the measurement matrix is partially unknown due to the presence of unknown data symbols. Moreover, the algorithms can fully exploit the correlation structure in the multiple measurements. Monte Carlo simulations illustrate the efficacy of the proposed techniques in terms of the mean-square error and bit error rate performance.
Thermoelectric (TE) conversion of waste heat into useful electricity demands optimized thermal and electrical transport in the leg material over a wide temperature range. In order to gain a reasonably high figure of merit (ZT) as well as high thermal electric conversion efficiency, various conditions of the starting material were studied: industrially produced skutterudite powders of p-type DDy(Fe1-xCox)(4)Sb-12 (DD: didymium) and n-type (Mm, Sm)(y)Co4Sb12 (Mm: mischmetal) were used. After a rather fast reaction-melting technique, the bulk was crushed and sieved with various strainers in order to obtain particles below the respective mesh sizes, followed by ball-milling under three different conditions. The dependence of the TE properties (after hot pressing) on the micro/nanosized particles, grains and crystallites was investigated. Optimized conditions resulted in an increase of ZT for bulk material to current record-high values: from ZT similar to 1.1 to ZT similar to 1.3 at 775 K for p-type and from ZT similar to 1.0 to ZT similar to 1.6 at 800 K for n-type, resulting in respective efficiencies (300-850 K) of eta > 13% and eta similar to 16%. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Persistent infection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) can lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, which are currently diagnosed by invasive liver biopsy. Approximately 15-20% of cases of chronic liver diseases in India are caused by HCV infection. In North India, genotype 3 is predominant, whereas genotype 1 is predominant in southern parts of India. The aim of this study was to identify differentially regulated serum proteins in HCV-infected Indian patients (genotypes 1 and 3) using a two-dimensional electrophoresis approach. We identified eight differentially expressed proteins by MS. Expression levels of one of the highly upregulated proteins, retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), was validated by ELISA and Western blotting in two independent cohorts. We also confirmed our observation in the JFH1 infectious cell culture system. Interestingly, the HCV core protein enhanced RBP4 levels and partial knockdown of RBP4 had a positive impact on HCV replication, suggesting a possible role for this cellular protein in regulating HCV infection. Analysis of RBP4-interacting partners using a bioinformatic approach revealed novel insights into the possible involvement of RBP4 in HCV-induced pathogenesis. Taken together, this study provided information on the proteome profile of the HCV-infected Indian population, and revealed a link between HCV infection, RBP4 and insulin resistance.
Não obstante ao aumento do número de equipes de Saúde da Família no território brasileiro há disparidade na implantação da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) em municípios de grande porte. Outras dificuldades enfrentadas referem-se aos recursos humanos em saúde (RHS). Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetivou analisar o cenário atual da gestão do trabalho na ESF nos municípios do Rio de Janeiro e Duque de Caxias. Metodologia: Estudo exploratório, de investigação narrativa, bibliográfica e documental, de abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados se deu em duas fases: pesquisa de material bibliográfico nas bases: LILACS, PAHO e WHOLIS, e de editais de processos seletivos e concursos públicos dos anos 2000, com vistas à contratação de profissionais de saúde para a ESF e; entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores da ESF. O período de coleta perdurou entre agosto de 2010 e dezembro de 2011. Os documentos foram analisados à luz da estatística descritiva e as entrevistas submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Escassez de literatura sobre a ESF nos municípios de Duque de Caxias e Rio de Janeiro. As contratações no Rio de Janeiro obedeceram a dois momentos: prefeitura e Organizações Sociais (OS) como contratantes. Em Duque de Caxias a contratação foi exclusividade da Prefeitura. No Rio de Janeiro os salários dos profissionais variaram entre R$ 728,59 (Agentes Comunitários de Saúde - ACS) e R$ 7.773,69 (médicos), contrastando com a isonomia salarial adotada em Duque de Caxias, com vencimentos ao redor de R$ 700,00 para os ACS, R$ 800,00 para nível técnico e; aproximadamente R$ 5.000,00 aos profissionais de nível superior. Os gestores sugerem que a maior rotatividade entre os médicos é motivada por carga horária excessiva; más condições de trabalho e, localização da unidade em áreas de risco social. As estratégias para atração e fixação profissional incluem: processos seletivos; garantia dos direitos trabalhistas e; abonos salariais, no caso do Rio de Janeiro e; flexibilização de carga horária, melhorias em infraestrutura e estratégias de qualificação, em Duque de Caxias. Entrevistas revelaram as maiores dificuldades na gestão da ESF: alta rotatividade, formação médica destoante com o SUS e, infraestrutura precária. Acrescenta-se o baixo salário para médicos em Duque de Caxias e, vínculos e salários distintos entre profissionais que exercem mesma função no Rio de Janeiro. Conclusões: A expansão da ESF nos grandes centros urbanos encontra obstáculos relacionados à gestão do trabalho que fragilizam sua consolidação. O Rio de Janeiro mostra-se mais atraente para os profissionais da ESF. O único diferencial de Duque de Caxias, sobretudo para odontólogos e enfermeiros, refere-se à contratação direta pela Prefeitura com vinculação estatutária, ainda que, eventual aumento salarial esteja atrelado ao de todos os servidores municipais. No Rio de Janeiro, a contratação sob regime da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho revela-se uma proteção, posto que diante da possibilidade de perda de profissionais as OS elevam seus salários. Dentre as recomendações para fixação profissional incluem-se: incentivos salariais para atuação em regiões vulneráveis, melhorias em infraestrutura e, acoplação entre Instituições de Ensino Superior e rede de saúde.
Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, retrospectiva de fonte secundária,que adota uma abordagem quantitativa descritiva-exploratória. A partir da constatação de altos índices de absenteísmo nas unidades hospitalares, despertou-se o interesse em estudar os custos diretos das doenças ocupacionais que levam aos afastamentos e seu impacto econômico para o orçamento de recursos humanos de um hospital universitário do Rio de Janeiro. Neste contexto, definiu-se como objeto de estudo, o impacto econômico do absenteísmo por doença na equipe de enfermagem e, como objetivos: identificar as causas prevalentes de afastamentos no hospital universitário, de acordo com Classificação Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados a Saúde (CID-10); estimar os custos diretos mínimos das doenças que afastaram o trabalhador de enfermagem; estimar o custo real aproximado do absenteísmo relacionado a 1 (um) dia de trabalho prestado pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem, com projeção de 1 (um) mês e 1(um) ano numa visão operacional do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Foi utilizada uma amostra estratificada de prontuários dos profissionais de saúde da equipe de enfermagem (enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem), a partir do seguinte critério de inclusão: profissionais de enfermagem concursados com afastamento no ano de 2010 e com diagnóstico médico determinante do afastamento, definido claramente. Para a coleta das informações foi feita a apreciação dos documentos arquivados no Serviço de Saúde do Trabalhador do hospital estudado e contou com a apreciação de especialistas médicos relativos aos grupos de diagnósticos estudados, orientados por roteiros criados pela pesquisadora. Os dados foram analisados e armazenados no programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 15 e no editor Microsoft excel 2003. Dentre os resultados obtidos tiveram destaque para as seguintes causas de afastamento, respectivamente, às doenças do sistema osteomuscular, os fatores que influenciam o estado de saúde e o contato com serviços de saúde, os transtornos mentais e comportamentais, as lesões, envenenamento e outras consequencias de causas externas e, as doenças do sistema circulatório, que representam um custo estimado aproximado de R$ 2,6 milhões. Pôde-se constatar que o impacto econômico do absenteísmo decorrentes dos agravos à saúde para o orçamento de recursos humanos do hospital universitário foi de aproximadamente 2,7%. O custo real aproximado do absenteísmo de enfermagem por dia, foi avaliado em R$ 92,50, tendo projeção mensal de R$ 2.775,00 e anual de R$ 33.300,00. Recomenda-se avaliar o absenteísmo dos profissionais regularmente para identificar as causas reais do absenteísmo por doença, a fim de definir metas para os programas de intervenção à saúde dos trabalhadores e promover uma Gestão participativa que favoreça uma análise do processo de trabalho no que concerne o atendimento das necessidades de saúde e operacionais da força de trabalho, determinantes do absenteísmo.
The penpoint gunnel (Apodichthys flavidus) is a member of the perciform family Pholidae. Pholids, commonly referred to as gunnels, are eel-like fishes that inhabit the rocky intertidal and subtidal regions of the northern oceans and are often associated with macroalgae, such as Fucus spp. or kelp (Watson, 1996). Gunnels are ecologically important forage fishes that form part of the diet of birds and commercially important groundfish species (Hobson and Sealy, 1985; NMFS1; Golet et al., 2000). The diet of A. flavidus and other pholids comprises primarily harpactacoid copepods, gammarid amphipods, isopods, and other crustaceans (Cross, 1981). Apodichthys flavidus ranges along the west coast of North America from southern California to the Gulf of Alaska (Mecklenburg et al., 2002). Adult A. flavidus are distinguished from other pholids by their total vertebral counts, the presence of a thick and grooved first anal spine, a preanal length that is approximately 60% standard length (SL), and a dark green to light olive coloration (Yatsu, 1981). It is one of the largest pholids (up to 46 cm) and is important in the live fish trade for both home and public aquaria (Froese and Pauly2).
In vitro a-glucosidase inhibition assays and ultrafiltration liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection coupled to electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ultrafiltration LC-DAD-ESI-MSn) were combined to screen a-glucosidase inhibitors from hawthorn leaf flavonoids extract (HLFE). As a result, four compounds were identified as alpha-glucosidase inhibitors in the HLFE, and their structures were confirmed to be quercetin-3-O-rha-(1-4)-glc-rha and C-glycosylflavones (vitexin-2 ''-O-glucoside, vitexin-2 ''-O-rhamnoside and vitexin) by high-resolution sustained off resonance irradiation collision-induced dissociation (SORI-CID) data obtained by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR MS).
High-resolution Sustained off resonance irradiation (SORI) CID was employed to distinguish four pairs of isomeric diglycosyl flavonoids in the negative mode using the electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FTICR MS). All of these isomers can be distinguished via MS/MS data. For these diglycosyl flavones and flavanones, the deprotonated alpha 1-->6 linkage diglycosyl flavonoids produce fewer fragments than the alpha 1-->2 linkage type compounds and the Retro-Diels-Alder (RDA) reaction in MS/MS only takes place when the aglycone is a flavanone and glycosylated with an alpha 1-->2 intersaccharide linkage disaccharide. The deprotonation sites after collisional activation are discussed according to the high mass accuracy and high-resolution data of tandem spectrometry. Some of these high-resolution SORI CID product ions from alpha 1-->2 linkage diglycosyl flavonoids involve multibond cleavages; the possible mechanism is discussed based on the computer modeling using Gaussian 03 program package at the B3LYP/6-31G level of theory. Unambiguous elementary composition data provides fragmentation information that has not been reported previously.
本文对电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱分析 (ICP AES)中电荷注入检测器 (CID)得到的二维光谱的频率特性作了研究。测量光谱经过傅里叶变换得到其光谱的频域分布。结果表明 ,测量光谱在频域中的信号可被分为两部分 :即低频信号和高频信号。前者代表有用的分析信号而后者代表背景和噪声。然而 ,不能采用简单滤除高频信号的方法来去除噪声 ,因为这样虽然高频信号没有明显改变但会使背景变形。
The structures of CH5O+ from two different reactions which are protonation of CH3OH from the above two pathways possess the same structures, CH3OH2+. The value of kinetic energy release for the metastable decomposition CH2OH3+-> CH2OH+ + H-2 determined from the experiment is in good agreement with that from theoretical calculations. The transition state of above reaction were disscussed.
Recent work in sensor databases has focused extensively on distributed query problems, notably distributed computation of aggregates. Existing methods for computing aggregates broadcast queries to all sensors and use in-network aggregation of responses to minimize messaging costs. In this work, we focus on uniform random sampling across nodes, which can serve both as an alternative building block for aggregation and as an integral component of many other useful randomized algorithms. Prior to our work, the best existing proposals for uniform random sampling of sensors involve contacting all nodes in the network. We propose a practical method which is only approximately uniform, but contacts a number of sensors proportional to the diameter of the network instead of its size. The approximation achieved is tunably close to exact uniform sampling, and only relies on well-known existing primitives, namely geographic routing, distributed computation of Voronoi regions and von Neumann's rejection method. Ultimately, our sampling algorithm has the same worst-case asymptotic cost as routing a point-to-point message, and thus it is asymptotically optimal among request/reply-based sampling methods. We provide experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of our algorithm on both synthetic and real sensor topologies.
A fern from the French Pyrenees-×Cystocarpium roskamianum-is a recently formed intergeneric hybrid between parental lineages that diverged from each other approximately 60 million years ago (mya; 95% highest posterior density: 40.2-76.2 mya). This is an extraordinarily deep hybridization event, roughly akin to an elephant hybridizing with a manatee or a human with a lemur. In the context of other reported deep hybrids, this finding suggests that populations of ferns, and other plants with abiotically mediated fertilization, may evolve reproductive incompatibilities more slowly, perhaps because they lack many of the premating isolation mechanisms that characterize most other groups of organisms. This conclusion implies that major features of Earth's biodiversity-such as the relatively small number of species of ferns compared to those of angiosperms-may be, in part, an indirect by-product of this slower "speciation clock" rather than a direct consequence of adaptive innovations by the more diverse lineages.